Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Mail in Ballots would help Democrats. If you thought for one second it would help Trump you would oppose it. And they won't purge the rolls. The Dems have/will fight any and I mean any attempt to update or purge non active voters. What is it they say oh yeah, it is Racist. Nevada is a prime example.

Voter ID stops the vast most of fraud. Period.. The only reason to oppose ID for voting is because you support voter fraud. Period You can't participate in this country with out a form of ID. That was the very argument you Dems made to get illegals ids. Ooops.

And No they don't "disproportionately negatively" impact minority voters. There is not a valid study that backs that claim.

You might find this interesting. Make sure you watch the second half.

And remember the start is white liberals in Berkley. This is who you stand with.
Now that was funny, that is why the liberal attitude at all cost is ignorant and very unproductive for America.
What can you expect from a liberal but ad hominem attacks ???

Now that was funny, that is why the liberal attitude at all cost is ignorant and very unproductive for America.
When I used to watch that old Batman series, I used to wonder why Robin didn't have to go to school, and why the smart bad guys like the Joker, and the Penguin always had henchmen who were dumb as rocks and always in over their head with the cape crusaders. You're a henchmen. They don't keep you around because you're effective, you're kept around for us to pick off, while they move to another topic to regroup. A sacrificial lamb, because you bring nothing to the table.
Stop being a henchman, be a full villian on your own. Stand up and say someone.

Yep, this is more of why Trump is giving up on Fox and going all-in on fake news cesspit OANN
I'm starting to wonder if cpl2010co wasn't "brain dead" at birth.
Yes- there is voter fraud.
... and there is Election Fraud; a much more serious violation of tampering with voting. We've experienced BOTH in North Carolina, and there is no comparison ... they find "maybe" a dozen or so voters who are voting outside their assigned voting district, usually because they have moved OR because of the newly gerrymandered voting districts.
Election fraud ... whole different *******, cpl2010. Had one voting district here where the person went through and pulled out the Democrat votes, and another where the peson went around to homes who requested absentee ballots, collected as many as he could find (absentee ballot forms are public record here), tossing out the Democrat forms and filling in the blank forms. They still don't know how many, but when he was caught he had hundreds of absentee ballot forms. He's in our state prison right now, and HE even had a criminal record of voter tampering on his record. He was directly hired by a member of the GOP in NC.
Election fraud has taken place in our last two elections 2016 & 2018.
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Weren’t you ever taught if you can’t say something nice then STFU ???

O never mind - you’re a rabid Dem - you’d be mute then 😝

this is a political thread...….you want nice....look for the cooking thread....you might be better suited

ever been told ...…...better to just let people think you are stupid rather than open your mouth and prove it
oh never mind....you are a trumptard…..defender of stupid comments and people with like minds

have a nice day......on second thought G*F***Y*******
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Why don't we not insult each other and call each other names? Just an idea. I've never successfully convinced anyone of a position after I insulted them.

That's also not a dig at either "side", it seem common for all 6 people in here to constantly insult each other.
Why don't we not insult each other and call each other names? Just an idea. I've never successfully convinced anyone of a position after I insulted them.

That's also not a dig at either "side", it seem common for all 6 people in here to constantly insult each other.

after you have been on here for a year or so and you get to know the other side...…..your distaste will increase with each and every post....some of it jokingly some of it for real

and if you think you are going to change anyone's mind on here about anything you are mistaken...….people here already have their minds made up and just pretty much war one side digs the other......any thinking that you might have to change someone's mind here on their political persuasion is just phantasy on your part

once in a great while we all might agree on something.....but that comes along on a rare occasion

BTW heard the comment about not insulting...just describing?
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not bad enough we pay millions of dollars for Attilla the None to go golfing at his own resort.....now this....50,000 dollars over budget to shoot a wild and rare sheep!.....the ******* getting into our pockets also

Donald Trump Jr.'s Hunting Trip To ******* Endangered Sheep ...
10 hours ago · The trip Donald Trump Jr. made to Mongolian to hunt endangered argali sheep last August cost taxpayers nearly $60,000 more than the government previously disclosed, according to documents obtained ...

Donald Trump Jr's secretive Mongolia hunting trip cost ...
Jun 09, 2020 · Donald Trump Jr, the president's oldest *******, visited the country last year on a hunting vacation organised by a company owned by a member of the Mongolian president's political party. It …

Trump Jr.'s Mongolia hunting trip cost $75K in Secret ...
4 hours ago · Donald Trump Jr.’s hunting trip to Mongolia last August cost more than $75,000 in taxpayer dollars for Secret Service protection, according to …
Trump’s 29th Trip To Mar-a-Lago Brings Golf Tab To 334 ...
Feb 17, 2020 · President Donald Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago on Friday evening for the 29th golf-related trip of his presidency to his for-profit Palm Beach, Florida, resort, raising his total taxpayer golf tab to $133.8 million. That figure translates to 334 years of the presidential salary that Trump and his supporters frequently boast he is not taking.

Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago cost $4 million apiece: GAO ...
Feb 05, 2019 · Federal agencies spend more than $4.4 million for each trip President Trump takes to his Florida golf resort, according to a new government audit …
not good

DC National Guard confirms positive coronavirus cases ...
9 hours ago · Some members of the Washington, D.C., National Guard deployed to respond to protests in D.C. have tested positive for coronavirus, a spokeswoman …

DC National Guard troops test positive for coronavirus ...
12 hours ago · DC National Guard troops have tested positive for coronavirus after being deployed to the George Floyd protests. A spokeswoman confirmed to McClatchy on Tuesday that numerous service members have ...
wtf?...………………….not friggn good

Lindsey Graham wins GOP US Senate primary in South ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham won Tuesday’s Republican primary as he seeks his fourth term in the U.S. Senate. Nearly an hour after polls closed, The Associated Press called the race for...
He spent 13 million, against his republican primary opponents who spent 33 thousand and 350 dollars. A muliti-term incumbant. Maybe he needed people to forget about his flip flops.
His Democratic opponent has about $20,000,000 waiting for him to match him ad for ad. I'm wondering if he suddenly ran to Trump after calling him all kinds of names because he was not the Republicans favorite there? I doubt if he looses, but he won't be able to send any of that money to North Carolina where Democrats are poised to take that seat back.
He spent 13 million, against his republican primary opponents who spent 33 thousand and 350 dollars. A muliti-term incumbant. Maybe he needed people to forget about his flip flops.
His Democratic opponent has about $20,000,000 waiting for him to match him ad for ad. I'm wondering if he suddenly ran to Trump after calling him all kinds of names because he was not the Republicans favorite there? I doubt if he looses, but he won't be able to send any of that money to North Carolina where Democrats are poised to take that seat back.

last time he was part of a group on the Russian payroll wonder if that will be the case this time
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