Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Lebron James hit the nail on the head yesterday...…...bet that will not go over well at all in a bunch of states

people are pushing to take your complaints to the polls.....but pretty evident especially after the Ga fiasco yesterday...…..that some states are just not willing to open the polls to everyone
another funny one....don't know how many of you are NASCAR fans....but I used to be....and have went to a few live races and used to watch it on tv a lot...…….anyway you can not go nor watch a race without seeing 50 to 100 rebel flags....on their motor homes in the pits...all over

someone has proposed removing them from NASCAR...……………………………..Mmmmmm nothing from NASCAR...not a word!

but then no real surprise there....NASCAR has 3 classes of races....and millions of followers...especially in the south

and in all of that you could probably count the number of minorities on one hand
I'm starting to wonder if cpl2010co wasn't "brain dead" at birth.

... and there is Election Fraud; a much more serious violation of tampering with voting. We've experienced BOTH in North Carolina, and there is no comparison ... they find "maybe" a dozen or so voters who are voting outside their assigned voting district, usually because they have moved OR because of the newly gerrymandered voting districts.
Election fraud ... whole different *******, cpl2010. Had one voting district here where the person went through and pulled out the Democrat votes, and another where the peson went around to homes who requested absentee ballots, collected as many as he could find (absentee ballot forms are public record here), tossing out the Democrat forms and filling in the blank forms. They still don't know how many, but when he was caught he had hundreds of absentee ballot forms. He's in our state prison right now, and HE even had a criminal record of voter tampering on his record. He was directly hired by a member of the GOP in NC.
Election fraud has taken place in our last two elections 2016 & 2018.

You say you think I am brain dead, quote me saying there is voter fraud, try to use labeling to appear like you changed the subject and then prove there is voter/election fraud.

Good job.

Funny how your blind hatred and desire to "get those evil republicans," make them look like racist or evil, and "destroy America to punish those people who voted for Trump" makes you look the fool. Envy and hate is all you have. Got to hurt successful people you are envious of. Sad
You're not at all ashamed that republicans have been caught and convicted of election fraud?

No. Not ashamed at all. Not a Republican. Pissed that both parties do it, yes. Pissed that Dems are trying to destroy America and flood us with criminal aliens. Hell yes.

Aren't you ashamed that Democrats have been caught and convicted far more? And on a larger scale? Aren't you ashamed that Dems have made it clear they want to grant voting right to non citizens? Aren't you ashamed that Dems want to steal from Tax Payers to buy votes from criminal Illegal aliens?
killer still at large and has things going his way.....estimating 200 thousand deaths by the end of August....some states have more in hospital now than they did at heart of pandemic

of course you get all these protestors out there....spray them with gas or spray to where they have to cough....their eyes run and ******* sure helps to spread anything that might be in the crowd
No. Not ashamed at all. Not a Republican. Pissed that both parties do it, yes. Pissed that Dems are trying to destroy America and flood us with criminal aliens. Hell yes.

Aren't you ashamed that Democrats have been caught and convicted far more? And on a larger scale? Aren't you ashamed that Dems have made it clear they want to grant voting right to non citizens? Aren't you ashamed that Dems want to steal from Tax Payers to buy votes from criminal Illegal aliens?
Flynn Guilty as ******* and should be tried for treason!....somehow we have to stop the corruption in the republican party

Justice Department showed 'gross abuse of prosecutorial ...
Jun 10, 2020 · Retired federal judge John Gleeson said DOJ "had abdicated" its responsibility by attempting to provide special treatment to a presidential ally. ... The Justice Department showed a "gross abuse ...

Appointed outside judge in Flynn case blasts Justice ...
6 hours ago · Appointed outside judge in Flynn case blasts Justice Department for 'gross abuse' of power The judge also argues Flynn committed perjury by reneging on his guilty plea. ... Gleeson

Judge Gleeson: ‘there is clear evidence of a gross abuse ...
6 hours ago · Former U.S. District Judge John Gleeson, appointed by U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan as an amicus curiae to present arguments in opposition to the government’s motion to dismiss the guilty plea of Michael Flynn, after Attorney General William “Coverup” Barr’s “Injustice” Department conspired with defense counsel to subvert justice in dismissing the guilty plea, in his ...
Self righteous Dems really believe they are the most intelligent and morally superior of us - it’s too bad for them it’s obvious that they’re NOT and ARE fulla horseshite!!!!
I've met a lot of Dems in my travels and have yet to meet a single one of them who would meet your definition of a Dem! Are you sure you're not looking into a mirror?
P.S. I know one guy, a GOP'r, a suicide blonde (ie., dyed by his own hand) knows more than all the Generals, all the scientists, all the best doctors, et al, has told over 20,000 lies in less than four (4) years, and is "DEFINATELY FULL OF HORSESHIT" .... "POSITIVELY IS SELF RIGHTEOUS" .... maybe that's who has you confused for a Dem!
No. Not ashamed at all. Not a Republican. Pissed that both parties do it, yes. Pissed that Dems are trying to destroy America and flood us with criminal aliens. Hell yes.

Aren't you ashamed that Democrats have been caught and convicted far more? And on a larger scale? Aren't you ashamed that Dems have made it clear they want to grant voting right to non citizens? Aren't you ashamed that Dems want to steal from Tax Payers to buy votes from criminal Illegal aliens?

good example here of

Reverse Victim and Offender

Yes, it is the republicans who are the victims, which is why were recently caught and convicted for election fraud. The dems must be bad, at least as bad, no actually worse because of.... reason? Let's just make some up.
good example here of

Reverse Victim and Offender

Yes, it is the republicans who are the victims, which is why were recently caught and convicted for election fraud. The dems must be bad, at least as bad, no actually worse because of.... reason? Let's just make some up.

I guess you forgot about Acorn and the 13 states where they committed mass election/ voter fraud that only benefited the Dems. And Chicago, IL, NM, and Louisiana where audits consistently find dead people voting democrat for multiple decades after death.

It will be fun to watch you good little marxists try to strawman away from the Dem vote counts when the Census numbers are so close to the actual vote. First time in a long time these counts are so close.

And I guess you missed the part where I said, THEY BOTH DO IT. And they both do it.

So that would be you who:
Reverse Victim and Offender
I guess you forgot about Acorn and the 13 states where they committed mass election/ voter fraud that only benefited the Dems. And Chicago, IL, NM, and Louisiana where audits consistently find dead people voting democrat for multiple decades after death.
It will be fun to watch you good little marxists try to strawman away from the Dem vote counts when the Census numbers are so close to the actual vote. First time in a long time these counts are so close.
And I guess you missed the part where I said, THEY BOTH DO IT. And they both do it.
So that would be you who:
Reverse Victim and Offender
None of that is true.
Don't come back with an 'oh yeah, then why...' Come back with proof.

One thing the Republicans have done for years is push the Chicago is letting dead people vote. Well, that comes from one of two places, voting rolls with dead people's name on it - because people die every day and voter rolls are not updated on the Monday before election. And, people cast a ballot and die before January, or especially the elderly at some senior homes, will absentee vote early and die before the election- thus dead people voting. It happened to Obama's own grandmother in Hawaii. She voted absentee and died the day before the election. Do their votes still count? Yes.
Donald Musowienie never going to let that book out....especially this close to election...….and the right will back trump because they don't want their darling to look bad.....although most of the country sees him for what he is already

White House balks, again, at Bolton plan to publish memoir
10 hours ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House has told former national security adviser John Bolton that the manuscript of his forthcoming memoir still contains classified material and could present a national security threat.

John Bolton Aims To Publish Tell-All White House Memoir In ...
John Bolton Aims To Publish Tell-All White House Memoir In June: Report The former national security adviser is reportedly forging ahead whether he gets an all-clear from the White House

Bolton plans to publish White House memoir in late June ...
Former national security adviser John Bolton John Bolton Bolton plans to publish White House memoir in late June: report Have the courage to recognize Taiwan …
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None of that is true.
Don't come back with an 'oh yeah, then why...' Come back with proof.

One thing the Republicans have done for years is push the Chicago is letting dead people vote. Well, that comes from one of two places, voting rolls with dead people's name on it - because people die every day and voter rolls are not updated on the Monday before election. And, people cast a ballot and die before January, or especially the elderly at some senior homes, will absentee vote early and die before the election- thus dead people voting. It happened to Obama's own grandmother in Hawaii. She voted absentee and died the day before the election. Do their votes still count? Yes.


You already lost this argument, more than once. Nothing said in that post is false. There are plenty of post with links and plenty of your responses where you avoid, project and use this strawman tactic over and over and over and over.

To be clear you, and the other leftist here, admitted several times there is election/voter fraud.

So skipping your "orange man bad, all republicans racist, dems never bad and never racist by low expectations" cognitive dissonance and strawmen in that vein..

Again what laws, regs, or actions will stop this election/voter fraud? What actions do you have that are better than ID Laws? Why are Dems so scared of ID Laws to the point they are making up that Black/ Minority People in mass don't have IDs?

The last is racist if Republicans had said it, by the way.
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You already lost this argument, more than once. Nothing said in that post is false. There are plenty of post with links and plenty of your responses where you avoid, project and use this strawman tactic over and over and over and over.
Begging the question

To be clear you, and the other leftist here, admitted several times there is election/voter fraud.

False equivalence

We said that there was evidence of republican politicians committing election fraud, because they've been caught recently. Not that democrats committed fraud, or that individual voters committed fraud. Republican. Politicians.

So skipping your "orange man bad, all republicans racist, dems never bad and never racist by low expectations" cognitive dissonance and strawmen in that vein..
This is actually a straw man. I never said "all republicans racist, dems never bad and never racist by low expectations". If you can find that quote from someone else please post it.

Again what laws, regs, or actions will stop this election/voter fraud? ID Laws?
ID laws are voter suppression (and how would that work with mail-in ballots?). Paper trail with physical ballots and widespread mail-in ballots are really all you need.
Begging the question

False equivalence

We said that there was evidence of republican politicians committing election fraud, because they've been caught recently. Not that democrats committed fraud, or that individual voters committed fraud. Republican. Politicians.

This is actually a straw man. I never said "all republicans racist, dems never bad and never racist by low expectations". If you can find that quote from someone else please post it.

ID laws are voter suppression (and how would that work with mail-in ballots?). Paper trail with physical ballots and widespread mail-in ballots are really all you need.

1) Post was to Ed's post. Not you. Hence "Ed" at the start
2) You just admitted again there is voter fraud, again!
3a) Not false equivalency because you choose to pretend like dems haven't been caught committing election/voter fraud more than once.
3b) Again you skip the cases of Dem election/ voter fraud to show your hate for republicans and display your cognitive dissonance

Bottomline, once again, both parties engage in fraud to preserve power. From candidate filtering/ ballot listing rules to registration fraud, and vote stuffing and harvesting. And once again you just proved voter/ election fraud exists.

ID laws do not suppress voters. Period. You can't live and operate in this country without ID.

You can't get credit
Partake in your chosen vice
And, directly correlated, exercise your "can't be infringed" right to owning firearms without ID.

Mail in ballots are wrought with fraud. At the minimum for mail in to be looked at as possibly being valid
You would have to
1) Purge the rolls before every election of dead voters and inactive voters (not vote in last 2 election)
2) Require IDs at registration with proof of address- You have to do this to get a license so to vote too.
3) Require Audits of voter rolls- Random checks to mail in or drop off ballot
4) Postage pre paid to make ballot harvesting more difficult
5) Require proof of citizenship at registration- at the DMV or Clerk's office- which ever method is used.
6) Do as much advertising about the laws around voting/ avoiding fraud as they did to get minorities to fill out the Census.

And here, from NPR who even when trying to preserve dem talking points in this article have to admit:

"Election experts say Trump is partially correct, that there is slightly more fraud in mail-voting than in-person voting. But they caution that both can be done safely and securely"


"Where there is fraud in the system, it really seems to be in mail balloting," said Lonna Atkeson, a political science professor at the University of New Mexico."

And then we have Nevada this year. Proof mail in ballots are wrought with fraud and opportunity of fraud. Ripe for vote fraud and ballot harvesting with ballots stacking up in trash cans around apartment complexes and other examples.
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