Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hmm so Bernie calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Cool, cool. Let's just see which party is in government in Sweden:

Oh. Well. I see.

From your source- quoted:

"Decline since 2006"

"In the 2006 Swedish general election, the SAP received the smallest share of votes (34.99%) ever in a Swedish general election with universal suffrage, resulting in the loss of office to the opposition, the centre-right coalition Alliance for Sweden.[19] Among the support that the SAP lost was the vote of pensioners (down 10% from 2002) and blue-collar trade unionists (down 5%). The combined SAP and Left Party vote of citizens with non-Nordic foreign backgrounds sank from 73% in 2002 to 48% in 2006. Stockholm County typically votes for the centre-right parties and only 23% of Stockholm City residents voted for the SAP in 2006.[20]

From 2006 to 2014, the SAP lost two consecutive terms to the centre-right Alliance due to the centrist liberal attitudes of then-Prime Minister Frederik Reinfeldt attracting some of the SAP voters. In 2010, 2014 and 2018, the vote share of SAP dramatically declined, with some of these votes being lost to the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats.[21][22][23]

In the 2018 Swedish general election, the Social Democrats' vote share fell to 28.3 percent, its lowest level of support since 1908."

And they had a 34% stake in a collation at their peak. Hardly a socialists country
From your source- quoted:

"Decline since 2006"

And they had a 34% stake in a collation at their peak. Hardly a socialists country

You apparently don't know how parliamentary systems work. There are more than 2 parties, and you generally form a coalition and the stronger party takes the PM role.

Guess which party the Swedish PM belongs to...

How many pretzel knots are you going to try to twist your brain into so that you can simultaneously think the democratic socialist-led sweden is "not socialism" but a democrats socialist Vermon senator who wants exactly the same policies is "socialism"?
I think you crossed some wires between your Ron Paul "end the fed" lunatic theories and your "governments are socialist when I say they are and not socialist when I say they aren't" double-think.

So if you are so up on the topic. Tell us how banks work? Tell us how the banking system works. Or was this you realizing you have no idea what you are talking about so you labeled and insulted me in an attempt to shame me for 'think speak' so you can save face.

Again, I am quoting them. I am quoting the leaders and the news of the countries. I am also quoting Bernie. Not my opinion their words and assertions.
You apparently don't know how parliamentary systems work. There are more than 2 parties, and you generally form a coalition and the stronger party takes the PM role.

Guess which party the Swedish PM belongs to...

How many pretzel knots are you going to try to twist your brain into so that you can simultaneously think the democratic socialist-led sweden is "not socialism" but a democrats socialist Vermon senator who wants exactly the same policies is "socialism"?

Your source. You posted it. And it said it. They with the green party had a 34% stake and since 2006 have fallen out of control and lost support from the people "resulting in the loss of office to the opposition, the centre-right coalition Alliance for Sweden.["

So now you are trying to use cherry picked data trying to "score points."

Your assertion was wrong. Those countries in their own words and economic profiles are not socialist. Your assertion has been disproven by the very people you are trying to use as an example. So explain why their leaders came out and declared Bernie was wrong they are a free market economy. Explain why they are scraping their socialized medical.

And don't ask, the sources were posted and quoted to you yesterday.
Wait, you said there was no voter fraud. How could this be true?

Don't you mean all the racist, like the grand dragons, Byrd, flock to the democrats.

Good question you should ask all the Dems in Congress? And many of the Republicans also. You should ask Bernie how a National Socialists, oops Democrat Socialist, who never had a job, can have three multi-million dollar homes. Must be from all the funds Bernie's wife stole from the college she bankrupted, right?
Nice attempt to switch.
This racist cop that owned a home in suburban St Paul, and another in Florida, was a registered Republican.
Not just a registered racist Republican but a voting racist Republican.
Not just a voting Republican, but as usual, a committed voting fraud loving, racist Republican.

Seems like when we see the actually few cases of voting fraud, it's Republicans.
They are so unpopular with the public, they have to cheat and pass draconian unnecessary measures to be competitive.
And you come and try to do what you do- change the subject. Bernie Sanders didn't ******* a man.
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, South Korea?
Don't waste your time with this little man. He jumps from point to point. i think he is a recovering alcoholic. 100% committed, logical and factually challenged Trump cultist.
You'll answer the question and then he'll change the subject until you're arguing semantics. It's a toxic rabbit hole that he only impresses the other five Trump cultist on here.
Nice attempt to switch.
This racist cop that owned a home in suburban St Paul, and another in Florida, was a registered Republican.
Not just a registered racist Republican but a voting racist Republican.
Not just a voting Republican, but as usual, a committed voting fraud loving, racist Republican.

Seems like when we see the actually few cases of voting fraud, it's Republicans.
They are so unpopular with the public, they have to cheat and pass draconian unnecessary measures to be competitive.
And you come and try to do what you do- change the subject. Bernie Sanders didn't ******* a man.


This is the same voter fraud argument you already lost.

Yes- there is voter fraud.
No- it is not a few and far between.
Yes- You have admitted it and posted multiple examples.
Yes- You blew up your argument about voter fraud again
Yes- the Dems do it on larger scale- Acorn- And are trying it now in a time of crisis.
Yes- the Dems are the party of illegal criminal aliens and want to destroy America
No- it wasn't republicans, in this case, it was one guy and the voter fraud laws would have stopped this.

Ah leftist ideas so good they have to be mandatory and enforced by fear and violence to gain compliance.
Don't waste your time with this little man. He jumps from point to point. i think he is a recovering alcoholic. 100% committed, logical and factually challenged Trump cultist.
You'll answer the question and then he'll change the subject until you're arguing semantics. It's a toxic rabbit hole that he only impresses the other five Trump cultist on here.

Ah I see you are still butt hurt from all the arguments you have lost.
Yes, we know. I just showed you the latest racist Republican successfully committing voter fraud. Unless we count the President and his Press Secretary voting from her parents home.

I see you're staying with that strawman. Proof they voted twice? Not implication or conjecture, but proof.

So, you just admitted their is voter fraud, again. After arguing there wasn't any, multiple times.

So there goes your Dem argument against voter fraud/ id laws, again. So to be clear you just defeated your own arguments, again.
Your source. You posted it. And it said it. They with the green party had a 34% stake and since 2006 have fallen out of control and lost support from the people "resulting in the loss of office to the opposition, the centre-right coalition Alliance for Sweden.["

So now you are trying to use cherry picked data trying to "score points."

Your assertion was wrong. Those countries in their own words and economic profiles are not socialist. Your assertion has been disproven by the very people you are trying to use as an example. So explain why their leaders came out and declared Bernie was wrong they are a free market economy. Explain why they are scraping their socialized medical.

And don't ask, the sources were posted and quoted to you yesterday.

Lol come on man you accuse me of cherry-picking, when the opposition party was only in control for a few years (until the financial crisis), and Democratic Socialists are currently in control of the Swedish government?

You're shifting the goalposts waaaaayy off the deep-end here. By that logic Bernie can't be a socialist, because he's lost elections before.
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