Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yes- the Dems do it on larger scale- Acorn- And are trying it now in a time of crisis.

totally, registering people to vote is voter fraud. This is classic republican thinking here.

Yes- the Dems are the party of illegal criminal aliens and want to destroy America
No- it wasn't republicans, in this case, it was one guy and the voter fraud laws would have stopped this.
At least you're unbiased, lol. No it was a republican in NC who was found committing voter fraud. But go ahead, keep ignoring that and regurgitate what you read on Breitbart instead.

Ah leftist ideas so good they have to be mandatory and enforced by fear and violence to gain compliance.
Ah, republican ideas so good they have to commit voter suppression and outright voter fraud to get elected
More GOP's sucking up to their Devine Idiot ....
I see you're staying with that strawman. Proof they voted twice? Not implication or conjecture, but proof.

So, you just admitted their is voter fraud, again. After arguing there wasn't any, multiple times.

So there goes your Dem argument against voter fraud/ id laws, again. So to be clear you just defeated your own arguments, again.
Voter ID, does nothing to stop the rampant Republican voter fraud.
Mail in ballots would help because, the state would check it's voter's database, after a request is made, and send that person a ballot, one ballot per voter. You loose it, you show up election day and vote.

Voter ID disproportionately negatively affect minority voters on an issue. That solution, is far worse than the tiny problem. An updated statewide database maintained throughout the year would be very helpful (since voters die by the tens of thousands everyday), and a voting reciept from the machines too. There should also be voting places separated by density as opposed to geography.

Hey man, I get it. Republicans have sent a generation shitting on urban areas. Now that most Americans live in urban areas, and most big cities are ran by Democrats, Republicans cannot rely on democracy, they absolutely must find a way to stop, slow down, and remove people from voting.
CNN - the most BIASED name in news !!!!!

Pro tip: calling a news outlet "biased" instead of engaging with the actual substance of a story being reported is another type of ad-hominem attack. I know, I'm teaching you all sorts of new stuff today to help get you up to speed on critical thinking skills.
Voter ID, does nothing to stop the rampant Republican voter fraud.
Mail in ballots would help because, the state would check it's voter's database, after a request is made, and send that person a ballot, one ballot per voter. You loose it, you show up election day and vote.

Voter ID disproportionately negatively affect minority voters on an issue. That solution, is far worse than the tiny problem. An updated statewide database maintained throughout the year would be very helpful (since voters die by the tens of thousands everyday), and a voting reciept from the machines too. There should also be voting places separated by density as opposed to geography.

Hey man, I get it. Republicans have sent a generation shitting on urban areas. Now that most Americans live in urban areas, and most big cities are ran by Democrats, Republicans cannot rely on democracy, they absolutely must find a way to stop, slow down, and remove people from voting.

Mail in Ballots would help Democrats. If you thought for one second it would help Trump you would oppose it. And they won't purge the rolls. The Dems have/will fight any and I mean any attempt to update or purge non active voters. What is it they say oh yeah, it is Racist. Nevada is a prime example.

Voter ID stops the vast most of fraud. Period.. The only reason to oppose ID for voting is because you support voter fraud. Period You can't participate in this country with out a form of ID. That was the very argument you Dems made to get illegals ids. Ooops.

And No they don't "disproportionately negatively" impact minority voters. There is not a valid study that backs that claim.

You might find this interesting. Make sure you watch the second half.

And remember the start is white liberals in Berkley. This is who you stand with.
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LOL you actually think anyone is gonna watch your "gotcha" porn clips of college students.

If you think we should have voter ID laws, then we should have a national ID card with a national unique identifying number for everyone. Except, we can't because the federal government doesn't have that power under the constitution. The constitution also does not say you need ID in order to vote, it just says you can vote.

Shocking, I know. The democrats want to follow the constitution, and the republicans want to ignore it so they can engage in voter suppression.
Pro tip: calling a news outlet "biased" instead of engaging with the actual substance of a story being reported is another type of ad-hominem attack. I know, I'm teaching you all sorts of new stuff today to help get you up to speed on critical thinking skills.

I noticed you didn't challenge with "facts" or even with counter the accurate assessment that CNN is one of the most leftwing biased "news" networks in the US. Just a condescending smug dismissal.
LOL you actually think anyone is gonna watch your "gotcha" porn clips of college students.

If you think we should have voter ID laws, then we should have a national ID card with a national unique identifying number for everyone. Except, we can't because the federal government doesn't have that power under the constitution. The constitution also does not say you need ID in order to vote, it just says you can vote.

Shocking, I know. The democrats want to follow the constitution, and the republicans want to ignore it so they can engage in voter suppression.

Of course not. Watching actual liberals contrasted with actual Black People on the street might make you think for a second. And once you start thinking you can't be a Dem or a liberal anymore. So your identity will crash and you will be lost.

Now who has a non sequitur. A state id or a passport works just fine. And just FYI out side of New Mexico we already have a basic national ID. Called Real ID. Thanks to Bush and the Dems.

The Constitution also says you don't need an id to buy a gun. Or ID to use your property, or to work, or have access to your funds or interact with the police. Yet you still do.

But the one that destroys you the most here is buying a gun. A right that is actually protected for all in the Constitution. Without Infringement.
Of course not. Watching actual liberals contrasted with actual Black People on the street might make you think for a second. And once you start thinking you can't be a Dem or a liberal anymore. So your identity will crash and you will be lost.

Now who has a non sequitur. A state id or a passport works just fine. And just FYI out side of New Mexico we already have a basic national ID. Called Real ID. Thanks to Bush and the Dems.

The Constitution also says you don't need an id to buy a gun. Or ID to use your property, or to work, or have access to your funds or interact with the police. Yet you still do.

But the one that destroys you the most here is buying a gun. A right that is actually protected for all in the Constitution. Without Infringement.
Who are you arguing with.
Kind of a sad display here. No one said any of this and you set it up and then argue it down. It's comical and tragic.

This is every subject with you. You start someplace, we answer or respond, you then pivot it to somewhere else. You create answers for non questions or statement, and then you respond to them. Crazy bananas!
I noticed you didn't challenge with "facts" or even with counter the accurate assessment that CNN is one of the most leftwing biased "news" networks in the US. Just a condescending smug dismissal.
You expect us to accept anything from FOX NEWS? The station that created the terms 'alternative facts' and 'fake news' and 'liberal biased media'?
Fox News has succeeded — in misinforming millions of ...
www.washingtonpost.com › opinions › 2020/04/01 › fox...

Study: Fox News Viewers Most Misinformed - The Daily Beast
www.thedailybeast.com › study-fox-news-viewers-most...

Who are you arguing with.
Kind of a sad display here. No one said any of this and you set it up and then argue it down. It's comical and tragic.

This is every subject with you. You start someplace, we answer or respond, you then pivot it to somewhere else. You create answers for non questions or statement, and then you respond to them. Crazy bananas!

This is what you argued more than once.
You expect us to accept anything from FOX NEWS? The station that created the terms 'alternative facts' and 'fake news' and 'liberal biased media'?
Fox News has succeeded — in misinforming millions of ...
www.washingtonpost.com › opinions › 2020/04/01 › fox...

Study: Fox News Viewers Most Misinformed - The Daily Beast
www.thedailybeast.com › study-fox-news-viewers-most...

Ed, really? What a joke.
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