Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Fear of ID for voting says all that needs to be said. Why should anyone be afraid to show valid ID to vote. People fighting that - seems to me - have a REASON to fight that.

just more of your crazy support for Fuckface Von Clownstick!?

you being from Ma. and don't even know anything about the Boston tea party

maybe no taxation without representation?

you don't want to let them vote...then they shouldn't have to pay taxes...….what America was based on and the right wants to do away with....bunch of fucking dictator wanna be's
HEY Dems - a query - do ya like what the anarchists are doing in Seattle ?

And - the impotence of the Dem mayor and governor ???

Ya REALLY want our country to go that way???

Do ya now - REALLY ???

hard to agree with anyone when they know so little about the subject at hand.....that hand should be used to slap the silly ******* out of them
Over 329 million people in this country and just because an ignorant cop and his cohorts ******* a black man our world erupts. Anyone that gets murdered deserves justice, George Floyd's family and friends are now receiving the justice called for, the cop Derek Chauvin is in jail along with is cohorts. They will be tried, convicted and hopefully sentenced to what they deserve. Our country is going more crazy by the moments. If Liberals think that the results all of this violence and finger pointing is going to accomplish anything positive, they are rudely mistaken. I found out that 21 Walmart stores in communities that were Rioted and Looted are not going to rebuild, a necessary business decision. I feel for those who will be effected. Violence in America is not only the police against black people, A police detective knocked on my door the other day there was a white on white domestic ******* less than a half mile from my home on Saturday, apparently the murderer was seen cutting across the property past my home. Thinks happen here like that very seldom as the whole state has below 25 each year average. Many changes Government institutes take away freedoms.
just more of your crazy support for Fuckface Von Clownstick!?

you being from Ma. and don't even know anything about the Boston tea party

maybe no taxation without representation?

you don't want to let them vote...then they shouldn't have to pay taxes...….what America was based on and the right wants to do away with....bunch of fucking dictator wanna be's

HEY nimrod - who said ANYTHING about NOT letting anyone vote ????

The question IS - why should any VALID voter be against showing an ID.

Dems have a lock on being DENSE it seems.
We have to defund Paw Patrol Now! Feline Lives Matter. Show your support....take a stifle!

Seems to me the Dems have a lot of fears

The fear of having to show an ID to vote

The fear to do anything when anarchists take over the territory they supposedly were elected to protect

The fear of free speech - hell they wanna take down a positive cartoon like Paw Patrol they’re so fearful - must SUCK to be them ;}
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Seems to me the Dems have a lot of fears

The fear of having to show an ID to vote

The fear to do anything when anarchists take over the territory they supposedly were elected to protect

The fear of free speech - hell they wanna take down a positive cartoon like Paw Patrol their so fearful - must SUCK to be them ;}

dems are killjoys. They want to take the fun out of everything.

They are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable. And if you're not, they want men with guns from the government to come make you miserable with violence. Or take you away so they don't have to deal with you being happy.
just more of your crazy support for Fuckface Von Clownstick!?

you being from Ma. and don't even know anything about the Boston tea party

maybe no taxation without representation?

you don't want to let them vote...then they shouldn't have to pay taxes...….what America was based on and the right wants to do away with....bunch of fucking dictator wanna be's

Subhub you are right. We should go back to the original voter rules. And the rights as the Founders wrote them in the Constitution and how they explained them in the Federalist Papers. The only thing we need to cut is the slave southern count compromise.

I didn't know you were a Timocrat. I thought you were a ******* for brains Democrat. Oh wait you are, you just have no fucking idea what you are talking about, as usual.
THERE's a crack in Trump's Foundation and getting bigger and wider every time he opens his ugly mouth ...
Why are Dems so scared of ID Laws to the point they are making up that Black/ Minority People in mass don't have IDs?
That's NOT the point, cpl. The point is, the Republicans attached a ******* load of other voting changes to affect voting ...
• No Party-line voting​
• Cutting hours, locations, number of booths operating​
• No same day registrations & voting​
• No on-campus registrations​
• Cutting the number of early voting days "in half"​
There are other changes they made, but I don't have access to my sources.
The WHOLE purpose, however, was to CREATE LONG LINES at the poling locations to discourage voting. Now my question is to YOU ... what do ANY of those dot-point changes I've listed have ANYTHING to do with voter fraud, because, everytime the Republicans are asked about it, they avoid answering the questions point-blank, and instead go straight to voter fraud.
The answer is very simple, getting the Republicans to admit to it is another thing ... its to DECREASE VOTER TURNOUT, because Republicans enhance their chances of WINNING when the voices of the majority are SILENCED!
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HEY nimrod - who said ANYTHING about NOT letting anyone vote ????

The question IS - why should any VALID voter be against showing an ID.

Dems have a lock on being DENSE it seems.

Because that would not stop any voting fraud.

Maybe you're a tiny baby who has never voted, but in the US you have to do this thing called "registering" to vote. That's so that they know who voted, where you claimed to live at the time, etc. Registration is done without an ID.

Now, when you go in to vote, you tell them who you are, and they check against who is registered. This is the point at which you want to see an ID. What kind of voting fraud does this stop? Well, basically none, because to effectively fool the system you have to pretend to be someone else who is registered, and you have to make sure to get there before them. This has happened like 5 times in the history of elections in this country.

"Well those 5 votes are what I care about!" you say, "why are you so against stopping that minuscule amount of fraud?!?".

Well I'll tell you. Impersonating another voter never really happens, but what does happen (and the real point of these laws), is that there are people who don't have IDs. Specifically older minority voters. https://journalistsresource.org/studies/politics/elections/voter-photo-id-law-research/

That's why republicans support them -- they want fewer minorities and fewer really poor people voting.
Subhub you are right. We should go back to the original voter rules. And the rights as the Founders wrote them in the Constitution and how they explained them in the Federalist Papers. The only thing we need to cut is the slave southern count compromise.

I didn't know you were a Timocrat. I thought you were a ******* for brains Democrat. Oh wait you are, you just have no fucking idea what you are talking about, as usual.

Wait, you don't want women to vote?

JFC, I'm glad y'all are so bad at the internet that you haven't found the Proud Boys or Free Republic forums yet. Some nice photo-fascists we have in here.
Over 329 million people in this country and just because an ignorant cop and his cohorts ******* a black man our world erupts. Anyone that gets murdered deserves justice, George Floyd's family and friends are now receiving the justice called for, the cop Derek Chauvin is in jail along with is cohorts. They will be tried, convicted and hopefully sentenced to what they deserve.
1. They were only charged after the serious protests started
2. This is by no means isolated, cops are out of control all over the country. It's a huge annoying problem

Our country is going more crazy by the moments. If Liberals think that the results all of this violence and finger pointing is going to accomplish anything positive, they are rudely mistaken.

It already has. Cities are starting to de-fund police departments and reinvest that money into community initiatives. So much of what cops do is what other services would do better if they had the funding -- domestic disputes, dealing with the homeless, social work, ******* overdoses, etc.

Not to mention cops barely help out on actual crimes. I've had to call the police twice in my life, once after a break-in robbery and once because of a mugging. (one in SC, one in NYC). Both times the police showed up much later (hours later in the case of the break-in), took some notes, and never got back in touch. Crimes are basically never solved, and never, ever stopped by police.

In fact if someone is trying to ******* you in front of a cop, they will run their ass away and the supreme court says that's fine they have no duty to protect you. https://nypost.com/2013/01/27/city-says-cops-had-no-duty-to-protect-subway-hero-who-subdued-killer/
Because that would not stop any voting fraud.

Maybe you're a tiny baby who has never voted, but in the US you have to do this thing called "registering" to vote. That's so that they know who voted, where you claimed to live at the time, etc. Registration is done without an ID.

Now, when you go in to vote, you tell them who you are, and they check against who is registered. This is the point at which you want to see an ID. What kind of voting fraud does this stop? Well, basically none, because to effectively fool the system you have to pretend to be someone else who is registered, and you have to make sure to get there before them. This has happened like 5 times in the history of elections in this country.

"Well those 5 votes are what I care about!" you say, "why are you so against stopping that minuscule amount of fraud?!?".

Well I'll tell you. Impersonating another voter never really happens, but what does happen (and the real point of these laws), is that there are people who don't have IDs. Specifically older minority voters. https://journalistsresource.org/studies/politics/elections/voter-photo-id-law-research/

That's why republicans support them -- they want fewer minorities and fewer really poor people voting.

Yup dense
1. They were only charged after the serious protests started
2. This is by no means isolated, cops are out of control all over the country. It's a huge annoying problem

It already has. Cities are starting to de-fund police departments and reinvest that money into community initiatives. So much of what cops do is what other services would do better if they had the funding -- domestic disputes, dealing with the homeless, social work, ******* overdoses, etc.

Not to mention cops barely help out on actual crimes. I've had to call the police twice in my life, once after a break-in robbery and once because of a mugging. (one in SC, one in NYC). Both times the police showed up much later (hours later in the case of the break-in), took some notes, and never got back in touch. Crimes are basically never solved, and never, ever stopped by police.

In fact if someone is trying to ******* you in front of a cop, they will run their ass away and the supreme court says that's fine they have no duty to protect you. https://nypost.com/2013/01/27/city-says-cops-had-no-duty-to-protect-subway-hero-who-subdued-killer/

Yup DENSE times 2.
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