Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Lol you never had a point, you were trying to score points and you landed on your face.

Haha sure, Politico is "leftist". Next time I'll get a Breitbart link since you probably think that's centrist.

Also, this tells me that socialists are good at figuring out markets and making money, which is also my experience. It's the conservatives that end up drawing social security disability after getting fired from their part-time gig at the pottery barn in South Dakota or some *******.

Yeah I made three points and you either missed or ducked all three.

That's funny. The socialist don't manage any markets. They are slave to the money press and the bankers Without the printing press and the rich corporatists bankers playing both sides there would have never been a Marxist government anywhere of value. The Marxist fucked up Venezuela during an international oil shortage/ up price market.

Name a successful free standing socialist, communist or Marxist government?
I would add all the red states sucking away my federal tax contributions (being a new yorker and all), but they don't exactly have successful free-standing economies, so they really don't count.
There's no correlation between the well-being of the US & Trump ... Presidents who meet in private with our adversaries, who share highly classified material with our adversaries, who meet in private with no other US member present .... those are the ones trying to bring down America. Interesting how many of Trump's own administration are backing away from him, now, since he mentioned bringing in the military on the marches. You haven't a leg to stand on, my fellow forum member ... you're in a big state of denial because you have NO WHERE ELSE TO GO.
As I said several times over the past year, as much HURT that Trump has brought to the citizens of this great country, Trump's biggest FUCK UP is yet to come ... this man is NOT DONE trying to sabotage this country. And you stand ... "cheering him on". What idiots!

Really, if there is no correlation, then why do you bemoan Trump so much? Why do fear him so much if his well being has nothing to do with that of the US?

Meeting with the adversaries, Do you mean like Obama and his hot mic moment where he stated after the election he could serve Valdimir better?

The hurt is only perceived by you and leftist whose world views got wrecked with reality in 2016. The hurt most real Americans feel are at the hands of tyrannical Dem Governors and I am sure the people will be reminded of that. Never forget you have stated and you stand with a party/ ideology who have clearly and repeatedly stated they want to destroyed America.

Funny how you and the Dems keep up with the same ole fears and the same ole bullshit that never fixes it. The Dems have been selling the same ******* for 80 years with 5 super majorities coupled with the White House, and yet never fixed the issues. Do you think the crap will sell after Obama's "no jobs learn to code new normal" was destroyed by Trump?

It will be fun to watch ******* littler girl sniffing Joe Biden and dem govs try to explain 99.9996% survival rate, the left wing media lies and the destruction of millions of jobs and 1000s of business at the hands of Dems. I wish I could see your face when you realize what he has done. Well you may never realize it.
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Not exactly Onion-caliber comedy there
You're right....better hurry up and donate to Pervy Joe...those sexual assault allegations won't cover themselves up!

Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, South Korea?

They are not socialist. They have socialized industries and certain parts of the economy have heavy regulations, but not socialist.

"As explained by Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen in 2015, countries like his Denmark “[are] far from [socialist planned economies].”

“Denmark is a market economy,” he added. And as demonstrated by Mises in Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow, there’s “no western, capitalistic country in which the conditions of the masses have not improved in an unprecedented way.”"

""We did have a period in the 1970s and 1980s when we had something that resembled socialism: a big government that taxed and spent heavily. And that's the period in Swedish history when our economy was going south."

Per capita GDP fell. Sweden's growth fell behind other countries. Inflation increased.

Even socialistic Swedes complained about the high taxes."
I would add all the red states sucking away my federal tax contributions (being a new yorker and all), but they don't exactly have successful free-standing economies, so they really don't count.

That's funny. How much federal aid had to come to New York in the last 6 months. How many "emergency hospitals were paid for by the Federal Government in New York that saw less than 100 people total?

Which two states are both in debt so bad they have to have the fed use inflation and Mandrake Mechanism to keep them afloat. Oh that's right New York and California. Which two states are so in debt they are already bankrupt. That's right California and New York. Which two states, by some estimates account for as much as 35% of the $145 trillion in unfunded pentation liabilities, oh that's right New York and California.

And the rest of the states are chasing behind the left wing states, just not as fast.
They are not socialist. They have socialized industries and certain parts of the economy have heavy regulations, but not socialist.

Ha, you just played yourself. You called Bernie Sanders a "socialist", but he advocates for policies which are very mainstream / centrist for Scandinavian countries (universal health care, free college, etc).

The fact that you call it socialism when trying to drag Sanders, but refuse to call successful economies which implement those policies socialist makes it totally obvious that you're full of *******, lol.
That's funny. How much federal aid had to come to New York in the last 6 months. How many "emergency hospitals were paid for by the Federal Government in New York that saw less than 100 people total?

Not a lot TBH, they sent a boat but that was pretty much it.

Lol that you want to tell me how great banking is and how important the economy is, but then you try to drag NY and CA, the centers of banking, entertainment, arts, and technology. You know, everything good that America is capable of making. But sure, tell me how awesome it is as the assistant manager of Lowes in rural georgia or whatever bumfuck town you live in.

edit -- you're also full of ******* on how states get funded. The Fed doesn't print money and hand it to states to settle their debts.
Bashing Romney, McEnany reveals how worried the White House is about the protests

Mitt Romney (R-Utah) has been in politics long enough to understand that his appearance at a Black Lives Matter protest in Washington on Sunday served as a rebuke of President Trump. Romney has mastered the art of getting under Trump’s skin by passively highlighting Trump’s weaknesses, and the protest certainly achieved that goal.

On Monday morning, Trump tweeted a video snippet of Romney at the march, disparaging the senator and 2012 Republican nominee with a sardonic “what a guy.”

“Hard to believe, with this kind of political talent, his numbers would ‘tank’ so badly in Utah!” Trump wroteapparently not knowing that Romney is, in fact, quite popular in his state.


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WHO warns coronavirus pandemic is 'worsening,' encourages protesting safely. New daily cases of coronavirus hit a record high on Sunday.

Virus Updates: WHO Warns Virus Worsening Globally ...
Jun 08, 2020 · The head of the World Health Organization warned that the coronavirus pandemic is worsening globally, even as the situation in Europe is improving. At a …


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You're right....better hurry up and donate to Pervy Joe...those sexual assault allegations won't cover themselves up!

he doesn't have the money trump does to buy his way out...is that what you are saying...….but the joe doesn't have a bunch of allegations like trump does.....and we won't even go into trump's perversions
Ha, you just played yourself. You called Bernie Sanders a "socialist", but he advocates for policies which are very mainstream / centrist for Scandinavian countries (universal health care, free college, etc).

The fact that you call it socialism when trying to drag Sanders, but refuse to call successful economies which implement those policies socialist makes it totally obvious that you're full of *******, lol.

No, Bernie calls himself a Democrat Socialist. And he advocates for central planning. He says bread lines are a good thing. So I take him at his own words. And you should pay attention.
Many Democrats in Congress call themselves socialist and agree with him. And I take them at their words.

And the countries you list say they are not socialist and are moving away from those policies. And that You, Bernie and the Socialist Dems wrong, as usual.

So explain to us where you get successful economies from when talking about Scandinavian countries? Just because they implemented your list of socialist policies does not make them successful. Take away US aid and Central Bank actions and those countries go away.
No, Bernie calls himself a Democrat Socialist. And he advocates for central planning. He says bread lines are a good thing. So I take him at his own words. And you should pay attention.

Hmm so Bernie calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Cool, cool. Let's just see which party is in government in Sweden:

Oh. Well. I see.
Not a lot TBH, they sent a boat but that was pretty much it.

Lol that you want to tell me how great banking is and how important the economy is, but then you try to drag NY and CA, the centers of banking, entertainment, arts, and technology. You know, everything good that America is capable of making. But sure, tell me how awesome it is as the assistant manager of Lowes in rural georgia or whatever bumfuck town you live in.

edit -- you're also full of ******* on how states get funded. The Fed doesn't print money and hand it to states to settle their debts.

Wow you're clueless. I wasn't bestowing the virtues of Banking. I was faulting it.

I was faulting it for propping up failed bankrupt statist governments that can't stand on their own. Without banking Socialism, Communism or any type of Marxism could never start let alone survive a month or too; a painful year at the most.

The Fed "prints money" and buys the states and other countries debt, mostly through regional banks with a few key strokes. And when the states or foreign countries can't pay interest any more the Fed and bankers issue new restructured debt with higher rates and more fees. Collecting interest and fees are how banks make money. The money they lend is your deposits or the Fed worthless last printing. Keeping you, states, towns and countries in debt is how they make money.

Look up the purchasing power of the dollar from 1913 to 2013 if you want to whine about the assistant manager. After 2013 the fed stopped reporting on the status of "US Money Supply"
I think you crossed some wires between your Ron Paul "end the fed" lunatic theories and your "governments are socialist when I say they are and not socialist when I say they aren't" double-think.
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