Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I’m glad the two of you represent your ilk - hypocrites on parade.

Not so....sometimes you just have to take a minute to point out the stupidity in the world...…..normally your comments don't say anything...just a slight itch....but today....2 comments..... in a row I would have guessed came for hottobe

the two of you been taking some remedial speaking classes and not doing well?
Allow me to re-write the important quote here from the article:
"King did not include any evidence to support the alleged links between police ******* and Democrat-run cities."
Since this is about racial bias and ******* while policing- it's probably going to occur where people of different races live. That's mostly in the cities. 84% of Americans live in urban areas.

you will never convince these retarded republicans....they already have in their head how it is and that is it!....facts don't matter

wonder what trumps plan with the military was....hugs and kisses for all the protestors

funny how they have their own view of facts
Your “facts” don’t matter because they’re from YOUR media.

Same media that for years told us there was “COLLUSION” - hell they did such a good job of lying you STILL believe it. Your media has ZERO credibility and by connection neither do you.
trump would not want you to know or believe this....he wants people think it was the virus when actually things started falling apart several weeks before

The U.S. entered a recession in February, according to the ...
Jun 08, 2020 · The National Bureau of Economic Research, which determines recessions, said the U.S. peaked in February. That brought to an end a 128-month …

U.S. Economy Plunged Into Recession in February - The New ...
Jun 08, 2020 · WASHINGTON — The United States economy officially entered a recession in February 2020, the committee that calls downturns announced on Monday, bringing the longest expansion on record to an end ...

US recession began in February in the face of coronavirus

The U.S. economy entered a recession in February as the coronavirus struck the nation, a group of economists declared Monday, ending the longest expansion on record.

The economists said that employment, income and spending peaked in February and then fell sharply afterward as the viral outbreak shut down businesses across the country, marking the start of the downturn after nearly 11 full years of economic growth.

A committee within the National Bureau of Economic Research, a trade group, determines when recessions begin and end. It broadly defines a recession as “a decline in economic activity that lasts more than a few months.”

For that reason, the NBER typically waits longer before making a determination that the economy is in a downturn. In the previous recession, the committee did not declare that the economy was in recession until December 2008, a year after it had actually begun. But in this case, the NBER said the collapse in employment and incomes was so steep that it could much more quickly make a determination.

Your “facts” don’t matter because they’re from YOUR media.

Same media that for years told us there was “COLLUSION” - hell they did such a good job of lying you STILL believe it. Your media has ZERO credibility and by connection neither do you.

they were all more than factual...…..

you just can't get a wooden puppet to understand he is just a puppet
masks aren’t that effective in stoping the spread of contagion - certainly not 100%
And here you go, making another one of your "factless" points just like your leader in the WH.
The masks are so the "wearer" does not infect others when they cough or sneeze, Einstein. The masks do little good in protecting the wearer because the other orifices (eyes & nose) and in your case, that hugh hole in your head. Not wearing a mask proves you have no respect for those around you, which is not surprising for Trumptards.
Why not read the thread? Or just do some googling? It's not my job to spoon-feed you.

Oh I know the WaPo fake ass story from 2018. I was wondering if you had any real proof. You don't. Just spitting up leftwing made up stories from 2 years ago.

You do know all, except Ballsy Ford, once facing lawsuits and criminal time all admitted they were lying. But Ford did walk away with a big pay off from the Ranking Dems.
Your “facts” don’t matter because they’re from YOUR media.

Same media that for years told us there was “COLLUSION” - hell they did such a good job of lying you STILL believe it. Your media has ZERO credibility and by connection neither do you.

thanks for reminding me.....trumptards do not have a brain in the world....see facts below

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US. A new poll revealed that depth of bigoted stupidity of Republican voters who are supporting Donald Trump.
Oh I know the WaPo fake ass story from 2018. I was wondering if you had any real proof. You don't. Just spitting up leftwing made up stories from 2 years ago.

You do know all, except Ballsy Ford, once facing lawsuits and criminal time all admitted they were lying. But Ford did walk away with a big pay off from the Ranking Dems.

you are stuffed with more ******* that the Christmas goose.....and have never shown any facts in any of you mindless rants

it is why most avoid you like the plague ….you just found a new one....won't be long before you show yourself to be a retarded twit again!
you are stuffed with more ******* that the Christmas goose.....and have never shown any facts in any of you mindless rants
That's because they have NO facts that are positive of the current occupier of the WH. There really are NONE. Even his recent jobs report is turning out to be a fraud.
I just can't wait until Wednesday, January 20 ... it wouldn't surprise me if the ORANGE man didn't even show up.
Oh I know the WaPo fake ass story from 2018. I was wondering if you had any real proof. You don't. Just spitting up leftwing made up stories from 2 years ago.

You do know all, except Ballsy Ford, once facing lawsuits and criminal time all admitted they were lying. But Ford did walk away with a big pay off from the Ranking Dems.

So you didn't even read the tweet. It's not about Ford or the sexual abuse allegations against Kavanaugh, it's about how he mysteriously paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and bought a 1.2 million dollar house in a single year on a government salary.
Hey all of you Republicans worried about voter fraud!
I'm not saying all Republicans are racists, because they are not, however, racists seem to find a home in the Republican Party.
Derek Chauvin Accused of Fraudulently Voting in ... - Newsweek
www.newsweek.com › ... › Minnesota › Voter Fraud

A search of Chauvin’s voter status in Florida shows he registered to vote Republican in Orange County at his Windermere-area address in January 2016. His registration is active. Election records show he voted in the 2016 and 2018 general elections.

How does a public employee make enough for two homes? Republicans would be loosing their ******* if this guy was a DMV employee or Department of Human Services staffer.

Wait, you said there was no voter fraud. How could this be true?

Don't you mean all the racist, like the grand dragons, Byrd, flock to the democrats.

Good question you should ask all the Dems in Congress? And many of the Republicans also. You should ask Bernie how a National Socialists, oops Democrat Socialist, who never had a job, can have three multi-million dollar homes. Must be from all the funds Bernie's wife stole from the college she bankrupted, right?
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