Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Japan smart....do not bite the hand that feeds you.....right now.....unlike trump who went ahead and started a cold war....when China spending money on the virus......killer spending money on re-election

trump could have just STFU but he didn't...he could have waited until we had things under control here....then slowly started pulling out med companies....but what does killer care....he just runs his mouth....that's why he has all those supporters

Japan declines to join U.S., others in condemning China ...
Jun 07, 2020 · Tokyo separately issued a statement May 28, the day China’s parliament approved the national security legislation, saying the nation was “seriously concerned” about the …

Japan rejects offer to join U.S., others in condemning ...
Jun 07, 2020 · WASHINGTON – Japan has opted out of joining the United States, Britain and others in issuing a statement to condemn China for moving to impose …
More of that Mmmmm *******...………...where is P.utin when you need him?

Biden hits a milestone Hillary Clinton never did: 50% majority support

Most times when we look at polling we talk about margins. For example, former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a 7 point margin in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out on Sunday. What that can miss, however, is that Biden's close to 50% (49%), while Trump isn't anywhere close (42%) in the poll.

Indeed, if you look at the average of live interview polls released since last Sunday, Biden manages to eclipse 50% (51%). That is, he has a majority for now. This is a key milestone that shouldn't be undersold.

Just being a petty little fucker....like a lot of republicans...….you do it their way or else....kind of like avatar complaints......but Merkel refused to have a meet with trump....and now look what happens.....guess he wants to give Germany to Russia like he did syria

Trump's Order to Pull Troops From Germany Alarms European Allies

U.S. allies in Europe expressed dismay over President Trump’s plan to slash the number of American troops in Germany by more than a quarter, saying it undermined NATO and boosted adversaries such as Russia.

Mr. Trump’s order, reported by The Wall Street Journal on Friday, surprised allies, who hadn’t been officially informed, according to European diplomats. The proposed cut to 25,000 from 34,500 would reverse recent increases in U.S. troops in Europe designed to deter Russia, which invaded Ukraine in 2014 and has bolstered armed forces on its western flank

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Germany would take note of the decision, if confirmed. “We value the cooperation with U.S. armed forces, which has grow over decades,” he told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “They are in the interests of both our countries.”

Look, they just kicked Jacob Frey out of a rally because he refused to abolish the police department. NYT even called it a walk of shame for Frey. But Frey is one of the nice, moderate, decent democrats. He's Jewish. He's been working on policies to improving housing access for minorities and reduce housing segregation in the city.

What are the protestors expecting him to do? Do they really want him to fire all police and close down the PD? How would that make MN a better place to live?

I believe the MN city council was proposing to reform the police dept. from the ground up using community-focused police techniques.

The "abolishing" the dept. is necessary I believe so they can ditch the corrupt police union.

Unions are often great, but police unions are responsible for a lot of the problems we have with current departments.

edit: also the NYT is pretty right-centrist leaning (supported the iraq invasion etc), so I'm not surprised they were against the serious reforms
Contemplate all of these words of wisdom for awhile. By the way if someone breaks into your home or business, where I come from they support the second amendment, the rioters were criminals, justice belongs to those citizens being robbed assaulted and even killed have the right to defend themselves and their property.

A lot of states have a "duty to retreat". Insured property isn't as important as peoples lives unless you live in FL or TX.

I am stunned at the total failure of the Mayor, Governor, or any State Senator, or Congress representative, from NY say anything about these deplorable acts of violence and rioting.The silence of the Socialist Democratic Party is appalling.

You... didn't know about the curfews and heavy police presence in NYC? Not surprised you don't keep informed since you mostly post word salad about how you're still mad Obama was president once.
another vote of confidence for the president.....go trump!

% of Americans think the country is “out of control”. That finding – from a new NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll – is simultaneously terrifying, tragic and comedic, which is another way of saying it’s a reflection of reality in 2020.
Out Of Control’: 80% Of Americans Say Country Is Off The ...


Poll Finds 80% of Americans Feel Country Is Spiraling Out ...
10 hours ago · Poll Finds 80% of Americans Feel Country Is Spiraling Out of Control Americans by a 2-to-1 margin are more troubled by the actions of police in …

Poll: 80 percent of Americans think the country is out of ...
Jun 07, 2020 · Eight out of 10 voters, an overwhelming majority, say things are out of control in the country, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll …
go trump

GOP senators offer rare rebuke of Trump on church visit
Jun 03, 2020 · WASHINGTON (AP) — A handful of GOP senators spoke out Tuesday against President Donald Trump, criticizing his visit to a church after police removed peaceful demonstrators from a park near the White House. The remarks came even as most Republicans continued to avoid any disapproval of the president.

‘Awful news for Republican Senate candidates’: Odds of GOP ...
Jun 06, 2020 · ‘Awful news for Republican Senate candidates’: Odds of GOP holding Senate collapsing over support for Trump Trump campaign trying to spin president’s poll numbers as good news: report
The Democratic Party has been pushing for the United States to stay at home unless your job is necessary, and they have been crying about the country opening up to soon because of the coronavirus. Yes Democrats on here that would be you and you know who you are. The very next week you Democrats are supporting the protesting by thousands of people all bunched together ignoring that they suppose to be avoiding close contact with others. A white cop kills a black man and your so called peaceful demonstrations turn to rioting, looting, property damage, injury and death. The democratic party now supports all of this saying peoples lives are worth more than property. Make up your minds, you want people to stay home and avoid the virus or do you want people in the streets spreading the pandemic getting sick and many will die?
All the protests I've been to have been super careful about social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer etc.

They've also all been very peaceful.

And we didn't even have to bring AR-15s to a state capital building!
I believe the MN city council was proposing to reform the police dept. from the ground up using community-focused police techniques.

The "abolishing" the dept. is necessary I believe so they can ditch the corrupt police union.

Unions are often great, but police unions are responsible for a lot of the problems we have with current departments.

edit: also the NYT is pretty right-centrist leaning (supported the iraq invasion etc), so I'm not surprised they were against the serious reforms

Well, when you put it like this, it does make sense. Police Unions have been blocking reform. If you get rid of the entire department, you get rid of the union. Then you can rebuild a new police department without the 1960s-mentality old codgers.

But NYT is right-centrist? Ha! From whose viewpoint?

I'm optimistic for MN. It's not that kind of place where social order will disintegrate overnight if you radically reform the police.
All the protests I've been to have been super careful about social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer etc.

They've also all been very peaceful.

And we didn't even have to bring AR-15s to a state capital building!
I appreciate your opinion but keeping 6ft away from each other all through a protest would be very difficult.
A lot of states have a "duty to retreat". Insured property isn't as important as peoples lives unless you live in FL or TX.

You... didn't know about the curfews and heavy police presence in NYC? Not surprised you don't keep informed since you mostly post word salad about how you're still mad Obama was president once.
I posted a friends thoughts and words, someone much more educated than I am, someone that lives in a world much better informed than most of America. I added the first paragraph myself.
The Democratic Party has been pushing for the United States to stay at home unless your job is necessary, and they have been crying about the country opening up to soon because of the coronavirus. Yes Democrats on here that would be you and you know who you are. The very next week you Democrats are supporting the protesting by thousands of people all bunched together ignoring that they suppose to be avoiding close contact with others. A white cop kills a black man and your so called peaceful demonstrations turn to rioting, looting, property damage, injury and death. The democratic party now supports all of this saying peoples lives are worth more than property. Make up your minds, you want people to stay home and avoid the virus or do you want people in the streets spreading the pandemic getting sick and many will die?

You must be on Trump's "most faithful dumbest list" to make such ill founded assertions!!
Under your scenario I suspect you're also a believer in Trump's more outrageous comments, like: "Drop an Atomic Bomb in the eye of a hurricane to disrupt the storm!" or "******* bleach to cure Coronavirus!", which apparently some Trumpian morons have done! (As well as bath in it).
and what would you expect from a racist and thief!

Trump mocks Romney for marching with protesters to White ...
1 hour ago · Romney was the only GOP senator to break party ranks and vote in favor of finding Trump guilty of abuse of power in the Senate’s impeachment trial.

Donald Trump mocks Mitt Romney over his Black Lives Matter ...
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1 hour ago · Romney's numbers are better in Utah are better than Trump's are nationally. A total of 56% of Utah voters either "strongly" or "somewhat" approve Romney's performance, according to a UtahPolicy ...
  • Author: David Jackson
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