Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hey all of you Republicans worried about voter fraud!
I'm not saying all Republicans are racists, because they are not, however, racists seem to find a home in the Republican Party.
Derek Chauvin Accused of Fraudulently Voting in ... - Newsweek
www.newsweek.com › ... › Minnesota › Voter Fraud

A search of Chauvin’s voter status in Florida shows he registered to vote Republican in Orange County at his Windermere-area address in January 2016. His registration is active. Election records show he voted in the 2016 and 2018 general elections.

How does a public employee make enough for two homes? Republicans would be loosing their ******* if this guy was a DMV employee or Department of Human Services staffer.
you want to pay them more right out of the box, they already make more as a starting salary than many other professionals, including health insurance, its clear paying them more wont solve the problem.

You’re hardly the first to think that less funding is better for the police.

But if you defund the police, what’s going to happen? Good people will quit. Good people can always find better jobs elsewhere.

You’d be left with the worst scum who can’t find jobs anywhere.

You need carrots and sticks.

Carrot = more pay. Stick = pay clawed back whenever someone in a police department is found liable for wrongful death.

So the police can have their blue wall of silence, but whenever they help or fail to stop police *******, and their department is sued and found liable, they’ll all lose substantial portions of their pay for the past few years.
The problem, as with all local forms of government, that's a direct tax liability for the tax payers, in particular the property owners.
How about this? Each cop is licensed like other professionals, with that license, they have to carry liability insurance. So many infractions, not accusations, you loose your license or ability to insure yourself, thus your license to practice and you're done.
Cities also need an independent civilian review board with some teeth, to investigates claims of abuse. Having other cops do it, or the prosecutor's office do it (since they need the cooperation of cops to convict criminals), is just counterproductive. I honestly don't think diversity is the answer, as we see, once they put the uniform on, they're blue. In Minnesota the four cops were white, black and Asian.

Just triying to inject some thoughts without it being Democrat/Republican or 'fuck Trump'. That'll be in my next post.

I like your licensing idea. It’s doable in America since it fits our free market system very well. Make the police pay for their own liability insurance. If you have lots of ******* complaints your premium shoots up. If you have thirty years of solid rep, your premium is rock low.

I have totally, never understood the logic of making taxpayers pay for the police’s misdeeds

A disproportionate number of police ******* cases occur in black majority neighborhoods. Best example was Ferguson, where the police were mostly white and mostly hired from outside the neighborhood.

So if some white Trump-voting police commit homicide in a black county with a democratic mayor, doesn’t it mean that black democrats have to foot the bill for actions committed by non-black, non-democrat racists? Isnt’ that a double whammy, since the mostly lower income black residents already have to pay the salaries of the police?
I like your licensing idea. It’s doable in America since it fits our free market system very well. Make the police pay for their own liability insurance. If you have lots of ******* complaints your premium shoots up. If you have thirty years of solid rep, your premium is rock low.

I have totally, never understood the logic of making taxpayers pay for the police’s misdeeds

A disproportionate number of police ******* cases occur in black majority neighborhoods. Best example was Ferguson, where the police were mostly white and mostly hired from outside the neighborhood.

So if some white Trump-voting police commit homicide in a black county with a democratic mayor, doesn’t it mean that black democrats have to foot the bill for actions committed by non-black, non-democrat racists? Isnt’ that a double whammy, since the mostly lower income black residents already have to pay the salaries of the police?
Those big cities are the areas where a lot of police injustice rise to level being news (living in small rural towns in my mid-20s showed me that this is not exclusive to big cities.), probably because those areas have the majority of America's populations, white, black, asian, latin, Indian, MENA.
Not only do the taxpayers cover for the settlements and suits, a lot of cities are going broke covering the pensions for lots of cops (and other public employees) who were terrible at their job but get to retire in their 50s with a hefty pension and great healthcare. These incidents make it hard for people to swallow that.
I like your licensing idea. It’s doable in America since it fits our free market system very well. Make the police pay for their own liability insurance. If you have lots of ******* complaints your premium shoots up. If you have thirty years of solid rep, your premium is rock low.
Or just sack and charge them if they break the law.
Personally I like the idea of going back to beat cops....same cops same small area...more for bigger areas....let the community moniter how they like or dislike and let the cop know the people in his area....try and make it a little more personal like it was so many years ago...let them walk...ride bikes or whatever in their little area
Contemplate all of these words of wisdom for awhile. By the way if someone breaks into your home or business, where I come from they support the second amendment, the rioters were criminals, justice belongs to those citizens being robbed assaulted and even killed have the right to defend themselves and their property.

I am stunned at the total failure of the Mayor, Governor, or any State Senator, or Congress representative, from NY say anything about these deplorable acts of violence and rioting.The silence of the Socialist Democratic Party is appalling. Meanwhile, the Corrupt, and phony and worse man ever elected President, The Obama (the bobble head) speaks of Trump failing, He and his collection of thieves, liars, and the largest group of Ignorant morons ever assembled by an Admiration did nothing but cheer on Racial strife and class warfare, destroy American health care, destroy jobs, Lower the Education system in Public schools, make a mockery of the Criminal Justice system, Corrupt the FBI, CIA, IRS, Blow up the Middle East, clear the way in Libya, by removing Gaddafi and helping Isis take hold. He left office leaving the world ablaze, the Economy floundering, China ******* America. and North Korea shooting and developing long range missiles. It sickens me to even see the weasel rear his ugly head, He contributes Nothing to any Conversation. He is so devoid of any thought, He is and was part of the problem, and He will NEVER be part of the Solution to me he is America's Biggest Embarrassment. I know many black men who are far more Intelligent, and honest than the Fool Obama. He should hold up in his house, and stay there with his useless crack whore his wife. They are both worthless and disgusting.
I am just sick of all the Media and Democrat Liars spilling there nonsense hourly None of them condemn the violence, or have a single word of a solution as a group there all worthless.

yes we know you are stunned it shows when you post
we know....we already have heard from your god.....
send in the military and shoot as many as possible
Being unapologetically dumbassified as you, is some kind of illness.
EVERY level of DEMOCRAT has CONDEMNED the VIOLENCE and LOOTING. Every single level and Obama. So WTF are you lying about?
All of that other foreign policy issues you listed is too far above your head.
As far as racial strife goes, white guys like you get mad when someone talks about it. You want to go about your life not having to THINK about what other Americans have to deal with. It's so ugly that you attack the person for pointing it out.
Now imagine if you had to live your life as one of those minorities?
Now ask yourself, who the fuck are you to feel you earned more citizenship than other Americans?
Here's your list. Now show me the list of Republicans that are coming out against racial injustice. You won't. Because they, like you, belong to that group in my question above.

Pull your head out of your ass. Stop being a non-thinking toadie.
he pleads ignorance on every post
money that could be used for schools, after school programs, mental healthcare, homeless issues and ******* addiction centers, instead we continually pour more money into police and what do we get, people who believe they are above the law. I was in the military and personally i think the UCMJ is way more superior than the civil criminal codes. I as a military person if i witness one of my fellow soldiers or sailors doing something illegal and i dont report it i am just as guilty and the person who did, why is this the not the same with civilian police?
Not much I disagree with there.

I have a question for you though. In the UK we have a problem with a large number of young black men who join gangs at 12 or 13 and the ******* and knives start (not many guns here). We have whole geographical areas where police fear to address issues arising from these gangs, because of the backlash that comes in the form of civil disturbance and unrest. People protest against stop and search powers, but the truth is that nearly 70% (REPEAT, 70%) of knife crime offenders are BAME.
In the UK, the population most targeted by stop and search is the white population in Liverpool. After that it is the BAME population of London.

It is widely believed that, if fathers were present, the problem would not exist as it is NOW.

Is it the same in the US?

Do you agree with this? What can be done?
Personally I like the idea of going back to beat cops....same cops same small area...more for bigger areas....let the community moniter how they like or dislike and let the cop know the people in his area....try and make it a little more personal like it was so many years ago...let them walk...ride bikes or whatever in their little area
Community policing. Policing by consent.
Not much I disagree with there.

I have a question for you though. In the UK we have a problem with a large number of young black men who join gangs at 12 or 13 and the ******* and knives start (not many guns here). We have whole geographical areas where police fear to address issues arising from these gangs, because of the backlash that comes in the form of civil disturbance and unrest. People protest against stop and search powers, but the truth is that nearly 70% (REPEAT, 70%) of knife crime offenders are BAME.
In the UK, the population most targeted by stop and search is the white population in Liverpool. After that it is the BAME population of London.

It is widely believed that, if fathers were present, the problem would not exist as it is NOW.

Is it the same in the US?

Do you agree with this? What can be done?

HAHA, whatever solution I can propose won't be a popular one. I would be accused of being a fascist, a racist, etc.

Look, they just kicked Jacob Frey out of a rally because he refused to abolish the police department. NYT even called it a walk of shame for Frey. But Frey is one of the nice, moderate, decent democrats. He's Jewish. He's been working on policies to improving housing access for minorities and reduce housing segregation in the city.

What are the protestors expecting him to do? Do they really want him to fire all police and close down the PD? How would that make MN a better place to live?

You're going to end up with even more racial segregation, as white people retreat into gated communities and hire their own police departments. Black areas are just going to get even worse. Nobody will invest in these communities where they sympathize more with looters and arsonists than business owners. Then in the end more black people are going to have to commute to white areas where the local police ******* permanently views them as potentially troublesome outsiders.
HAHA, whatever solution I can propose won't be a popular one. I would be accused of being a fascist, a racist, etc.

Look, they just kicked Jacob Frey out of a rally because he refused to abolish the police department. NYT even called it a walk of shame for Frey. But Frey is one of the nice, moderate, decent democrats. He's Jewish. He's been working on policies to improving housing access for minorities and reduce housing segregation in the city.

What are the protestors expecting him to do? Do they really want him to fire all police and close down the PD? How would that make MN a better place to live?

You're going to end up with even more racial segregation, as white people retreat into gated communities and hire their own police departments. Black areas are just going to get even worse. Nobody will invest in these communities where they sympathize more with looters and arsonists than business owners. Then in the end more black people are going to have to commute to white areas where the local police ******* permanently views them as potentially troublesome outsiders.
Hope you're wrong
your whole posting is full of lies, when a majority of people say something is burning, you smell smoke do you just ignore the smell and the majority of people, no you dont. You believe what your senses are telling, then you start to believe what the majority of people saying. the problem with you is this. Like most people you dont like being called out when you make a mistake, the steps that people take like you are in this order.

First you denny
second you become defensive
third stoop to what aboutism (which usually are small potatoes which are filled with lies, but you still use them.
and last the insults starts to fly.
Not one person has said all white people are the root of all evil, not one, but that little phrase allows you to end all debate, its like if you dont get your way, like a baby taking your ball and going home.

all politicians lie, its just the degree of their lies which should be concerning. Obama never used the intelligence agency to spy on Trump to help Hillary had he had we would have known about the Russian effort long before we found out. In fact he went to both party leaders asked them to make a statement, only one refused guess which leader that was?

My whole posting is based on both right and left news source.

Once 'everyone' thought the earth was the center of the universe.
Once 'everyone' thought the earth was flat
Once 'everyone' thought that we couldn't fly.

There is ample evidence and Obama aids are now running for cover so the truth is out. You should read sources other than the leftwing propaganda you get form the big Dem owned corporate media.
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things that make you go mmmmmmm HH finally admitting he was wrong.....and this!

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