Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No you didn't. Stop bullshitting yourself Two. You have proven time and time again that you clearly know jack ******* about most things on here.

Oh other than posting other peoples opinion and dressing it up as fact.

Ditto - Again I will challenge you to link to a post were I presented someones opinion as fact - I'll wait.
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So now your saying you didn't say it... Either you really are a dumb ass or an full time idiot!

Says the blow hard who copies pastes from all over the place including wiki his mis-information and BS .. As I said two your a bullshitter and have Zero credibility.

And around and around we go - where she stops, nobody knows - I call that a circle jerk.

Won't (or in your case can't) respond to the question. What I do is no different than what you and sub do, you copy and paste your left wing BS and call it fact.

************* TRIGGER WARNING *******************

In my "opinion" this speech is correct. (Is that better? Does that help you seperate it a bit?)

From a person looking in from the UK. You can see clearly that Trump is trying to dictate and change your country. I might be wrong but to be president you have to lead, be a leader a statesman. Not dictate and control, not to create division and hate. Thats whats happening you only have to read these forum posts you can clearly see this is whats happening. Because he's president Muller probably wont be able to touch him even if the evidence comes back that he has and was in league with the Russians. But when he finally does leave. He's going to jail and more than likely his ******* and ******* in law will join him. When the office of the president has no reason to protect him and the Republicans turn away.
Wake up America the mans a crook, a womanising creep. And the tan oil he puts on his face, whats all that about he looks terrible. Is he trying to be a blackman an upalumper or just an orange haha. Doesn't anyone close to him have the balls to tell him how terrible he looks. Wouldn't it be karma if his missus met a big black guy from the secret service. And sent him some pics of her new found freedom :sex:
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From a person looking in from the UK. You can see clearly that Trump is trying to dictate and change your country. I might be wrong but to be president you have to lead, be a leader a statesman. Not dictate and control, not to create division and hate. Thats whats happening you only have to read these forum posts you can clearly see this is whats happening. Because he's president Muller probably wont be able to touch him even if the evidence comes back that he has and was in league with the Russians. But when he finally does leave. He's going to jail and more than likely his ******* and ******* in law will join him. When the office of the president has no reason to protect him and the Republicans turn away.
Wake up America the mans a crook, a womanising creep. And the tan oil he puts on his face, whats all that about he looks terrible. Is he trying to be a blackman an upalumper or just an orange haha. Doesn't anyone close to him have the balls to tell him how terrible he looks. Wouldn't it be karma if his missus met a big black guy from the secret service. And sent him some pics of her new found freedom :sex:

Your closing two sentences are rather enlightening!
WH mood right now based upon reports ......

and in the Oval Office
Oh man, you've hit a soft spot of memories for me with these captions "The Thing", 1st remake. This was Big Time SciFi in the theatres in the '80s as you well know. I was in the 5th or 6th grade I think. It was one of the scariest movies of its time when I saw it and had nightmares for a week afterwards. I still know where the vhs is ... I now have it and the sequel on dvd. We like to watch them back to back in our theatre room. Man, oh man. Deja Vue!
Oh man, you've hit a soft spot of memories for me with these captions "The Thing", 1st remake. This was Big Time SciFi in the theatres in the '80s as you well know. I was in the 5th or 6th grade I think. It was one of the scariest movies of its time when I saw it and had nightmares for a week afterwards. I still know where the vhs is ... I now have it and the sequel on dvd. We like to watch them back to back in our theatre room. Man, oh man. Deja Vue!
View attachment 2082661
The guy's head sprouting legs....
funny and would not surprise me in the least......this guy is probably cheering for impeachment!

******* go to click back on article and lost it

anyway because of a few key words some are convinced Pence wrote the article in the Times
Lodestar: Mike Pence suggested as Trump official behind anonymous op-ed, as White House hunts culprit
Jon Sharman,The Independent

The search is on to uncover the anonymous senior official behind the New York Times op-ed claiming they are part of an internal “resistance” movement to Donald Trump’s “misguided” rule.
Online sleuths believe the use of a particular word – “lodestar” – in the explosive article points to the Republican’s seemingly loyal vice president, Mike Pence, though he has forcefully denied authoring it.
The unnamed author, who the Times said was a senior member of the Trump administration, cites the late senator John McCain as an example to follow in the “chaotic era” Mr Trump has ushered in; a “lodestar for restoring honour to public life and our national dialogue”.
“Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognise what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t,” they add.

A lodestar is either, literally, a star used as a reference point by navigators, or a metaphorical guide or inspiration.

The term has been used a number of times by Mr Pence in past speeches, leading to speculation the former Indiana governor and congressman was behind the op-ed Mr Trump has condemned as “gutless”.
Late-night television host Jimmy Kimmel presented a supercut video of Mr Pence using the word in media interviews and speeches over a number of years.
But penning an op-ed so embarrassing to Mr Trump would be a serious change of tack for the vice president, who has defended his running mate through thick and thin over the past few years.
Mr Pence’s office issued a fierce denial on Thursday morning, with his communications director Jarrod Agen tweeting: “The Vice President puts his name on his Op-Eds. The @nytimes should be ashamed and so should the person who wrote the false, illogical, and gutless op-ed. Our office is above such amateur acts.”
Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, has also denied authoring the piece and called it “sad”.
Others online suggested the use of “lodestar” may have been an attempt at misdirection, drawing attention to Mr Pence while obscuring the article’s true source.

Earlier this year, in a story examining how leaks emerged from the White House, Axios quoted one Trump administration official as saying: “To cover my tracks, I usually pay attention to other staffers’ idioms and use that in my background quotes. That throws the scent off me.”

Mr Trump has called for the source of the article to be handed over to the government for “national security” reasons, and has ordered aides to track them down.
In a tweet, the Times used the pronoun “he” to refer to the writer, leading to speculation a woman was not behind the op-ed.
The newspaper later said the Twitter post referring to “he” had been “drafted by someone who is not aware of the author’s identity, including the gender, so the use of ‘he’ was an error”.
Other names floated by commentators speculating on the author’s identity included the president’s *******, Ivanka Trump, her husband, Jared Kushner, and – mainly in jest – the leader’s wife, Melania Trump.
************* TRIGGER WARNING *******************

In my "opinion" this speech is correct. (Is that better? Does that help you seperate it a bit?)

Its possibly the very first time you have actually stated something that is honest... Way to go. Now for the other 99% of your posts!
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