Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Nope, you're deflecting again....your claim was:

That particular bill is right here:
Now show us where in the text of that particular bill where it has "all kinds of goodies"....if you can't you're admitting your claim is BS

read above......trying to be a scam artist like your heros
more for the scam artist/con man

Why did Newts Gingrich "Contract with America" fail ...
Feb 17, 2010 · It should have been called contract on America. It was all about limited government and deregulation. And that has lead to a financial disaster and failing levies and bridges. It is why so many...

once a conn man always a con man.....right HH

After Failed ‘Contract With America,’ Gingrich Rallies The ...
After Failed ‘Contract With America,’ Gingrich Rallies The Right Behind New Contract With Energy Industry ... armed once again with a flashy slogan that purports to help America while actually ...
read above......trying to be a scam artist like your heros
Yet more deflection, using copy & paste from such esteemed legal scholarly journals as The Rolling Stone.....still can't show us those "goodies" in the bill I've given you a direct link to...gee and I was so expecting in-depth analytical review from you....
Ed - I don’t ever recall taking a stand on mail in voting - truly. Don’t really know enough about it to comment though I have heard some people think it’s a good way to cheat - I don’t really know.

I think I make myself VERY clear in here - and will take responsibility for anything I post - which apparently you will not.

Where is point 3 ????
You are the least 'clear' person here. Most of your posts are you bitching and insulting, never, ever any substance. Never.
You are the least 'clear' person here. Most of your posts are you bitching and insulting, never, ever any substance. Never.

Your opinion and you’re soooooytainly entitled to it. I politely disagree.

Bur in arse syndrome clearly evident :oops:
Well Ed - a lot of Democrats are buzzing about defunding the police now - sorry if I lumped you in with those crazies - truly - I dinna think you were crazy like some of your party appears to be.
Adversaries delight in America’s convulsions, while U.S. diplomats despair
The unrest on American streets is complicating life for those representing the country abroad, current and former officials say.

Well Ed - a lot of Democrats are buzzing about defunding the police now - sorry if I lumped you in with those crazies - truly - I dinna think you were crazy like some of your party appears to be.
A lot?
24 Governors
45 in the US Senate
233 in the House of Representative
1000's of Mayors, council members and County commissioners.

How many have you heard mention defunding the police? Can you name more than a few?
Or the other hand, I can point out many different types of policy reforms. Which most of us support.
Yet more deflection, using copy & paste from such esteemed legal scholarly journals as The Rolling Stone.....still can't show us those "goodies" in the bill I've given you a direct link to...gee and I was so expecting in-depth analytical review from you....

it's your story....back it up with something...I have already shown you are full of *******...least you could do is show you are not completely full
Adversaries delight in America’s convulsions, while U.S. diplomats despair
The unrest on American streets is complicating life for those representing the country abroad, current and former officials say.

well he is a national embarrassment….look at Trudeau......and long delay trying to think of something positive about trump.....but look on the bright side he is not prescribing any medicine and trying to ******* people that way...……..instead.he wants to use our military to ******* them now....he can ******* more in less time.....and maybe he thinks it will help his re-election chances....since most on the right are home in their bunkers
Well Ed - a lot of Democrats are buzzing about defunding the police now - sorry if I lumped you in with those crazies - truly - I dinna think you were crazy like some of your party appears to be.

and just who in THAT party would you be referring to?

it is just your lack of understanding and knowledge of the subject that makes people appear crazy to you.....you just don't get it
Ah the ole strawman argument again....he never said ALL dems want to defund the police. Certainly is convenient to argue when you put the words in the other person's mouth isn't it?
actually if you had any type of reading comprehension you would see that is exactly what he has implied, again this is what he said. " No the Dems new plan is WAY superior - defund the police - that’ll end racism. Like I said elsewhere - just when you really believe Dems can’t get more ridiculous than they already are - they surprise ya and prove that they can be more ridiculous than you can even possibly imagine!!!! "

He did not say some, nor did he say 50%, 60% or 70% he exactly said "Dems" plan, so without a qualifier there it can be honestly and logically taking as he means all. You see i have when in school i paid particular attention to reading comprehension, maybe you should have done the same thing.
I wouldn't cut budgets, I'd put in place a police watchdog with teeth and ruthlessly cull those officers with dodgy records and behaviour. Sounds like there needs to be greater accountability for police officers. It's a responsible job and from what I hear you have real problems with police corruption over there.
their budgets need to be cut, in some cities their budgets take more the 50% of a cities revenue, way out of perportion and money that could be used for schools, after school programs, mental healthcare, homeless issues and ******* addiction centers, instead we continually pour more money into police and what do we get, people who believe they are above the law. I was in the military and personally i think the UCMJ is way more superior than the civil criminal codes. I as a military person if i witness one of my fellow soldiers or sailors doing something illegal and i dont report it i am just as guilty and the person who did, why is this the not the same with civilian police?
I didn't say unemployment wasn't still high. That whooosh you heard was the point flying over your head that we've had a dramatic U-turn in the direction the experts and analyst thought the unemployment rate was going. We were at 14.7% unemployment and the prediction was the new number yesterday would put us at 19.7%. Instead unemployment dropped to 13.8%.

but yet you want to tout the drop in unemployment numbers. the problem i have with Trump supporters is when its bad its all Obama, but when its good its all Trump. Fist understand this, Trump had a very small impact in the low unemployment numbers before his screw up in handling the Covid-19 and even then he blamed Obama. Trump is exactly what others knew him to be a conman and frankly i dont know how his supporters cant see it.
it's your story....back it up with something...I have already shown you are full of *******...least you could do is show you are not completely full
No, YOU claimed:
that particular bill was loaded with all kinds of goodies for the right
The text of the bill is here:
Now show us specifically where those "goodies for the right" are in THAT bill or admit you're full of BS....as everyone engaging more than 2 neurons can already see
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