Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Not needed in the least ... Trump does a good job of "beating Trump" all the time. He hasn't fulfilled one campaign promise, just keeps lying and the Trump drones just keep believing. I'm a moderate, myself, so I could just as easily vote for a moderate Republican, but I haven't seen one in years. I think Kasich was the last. They say they're extinct now. I think they're trying to clone one, but, hear they're having problems with getting the elephant to hold still for a dna sample. LOL!
At any rate, a vote for the ORANGE MAN is a vote to continue what you've seen the past 3 years, a deterioration of our country, and these riots you see becoming even more common. You better look way more deeply into who you're supporting. You know his background ... regardless of what he says, a leopard doesn't change his strips regardless of what he tells you. He's been diagnosed a habitual liar with chronic narcissism. Bad Combo!

I've been loving the past three years, if only a bunch of people with trump derangement syndrome would just shut the fuck up. But me personally I'm happy as a clam. Work is fantastic. Economy is great. Not sure what isn't to like.
I don't think he realizes that every single democrat prior to the 2016 election was against illegal immigrants and wanted some type of safer borders. This recent illegal immigrant welcoming party is only a recent phenomenon that came about because it's another way to beat trump.

I was waiting for a second sentence....the one that was rationale...….but guess there isn't one
Just hang in there blkdlaur I refuse to pay any attention to these liberal fools and their complete false wisdom, educated idiots. It is being said to Trump has no right to send in the national guard against American Citizens, Well I have news for the thugs and young criminals beating innocent citizens and destroying personal property, it is time to fight back and if it takes the military to squelch these idiots, so be it.

spoken like a true trump loyalist....and a racists
I've been loving the past three years, if only a bunch of people with trump derangement syndrome would just shut the fuck up. But me personally I'm happy as a clam. Work is fantastic. Economy is great. Not sure what isn't to like.

well first you don't like listening to anti trumpers…..why did you come to this thread?......happy as a clam.....you do know that clams live at the bottom!
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funny Zuckenberg backed off and let trump post his fanatical *******.....where no one else can and now the employees have a little revolt

Facebook employees stage 'virtual walkout' over Trump post ...
Jun 01, 2020 · Hundreds of Facebook employees on Monday staged a "virtual walkout" in protest of the company's policies regarding recent posts by President Donald Trump. Employees took to …

Facebook employees hold virtual walkout over Mark ...
Jun 01, 2020 · Facebook employees are staging a rebellion over Mark Zuckerberg’s refusal to act against Donald Trump, expressing their dissatisfaction with their boss on social media in …
could make it very interesting......

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255) (until 2016, found at 10 US Code, Chapter 15, §§ 331–335, renumbered to 10 USC, Chapter 13, §§ 251–255) that governs the ability of the President of the United States to deploy military troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection, and rebellion.

The general purpose is to limit presidential power, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. Coupled with the Posse Comitatus Act, presidential powers for federal military law enforcement on U.S. soil and unincorporated territories are limited and delayed

There is some belief that the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act dictates the government cannot use active military as an active police ******* within U.S. borders, but its power in this circumstance is disputed. Dan Lamothe, who covers the military for the Washington Post, says "the president can use active-duty forces on American soil, especially in Washington," and that "the Posse Comitatus Act does not prevent it."

The Insurrection Act, specifically, contains several sections, but the first two are the most relevant. The first involves federal "aid" for state governments. It states at the request of a governor (or a state legislature if the governor is unavailable), the president can send "land or naval forces of the U.S." ... "to suppress [an] insurrection" or rebellion.

The next section states the president may deploy a militia comprised mainly of the national guard (but also other military soldiers) in the events of "unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States."

and the key here...…...have to be asked by state government!

Posse Comitatus Act and the US Military on the Border


The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits the use of U.S. military forces to perform the tasks of civilian law enforcement such as arrest, apprehension, interrogation, and detention unless explicitly authorized by Congress.

Under Article I of the Constitution, Congress may use the “militia” when necessary “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” It also guarantees that the states will be protected against invasion or attempts to overthrow their “republican form of government,” and, when requested by the state legislature, against “domestic violence.” These constitutional provisions are reflected in the Insurrection Act of 1807 both before and after the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act. The Insurrection Act governs the president's ability to deploy troops within the U.S. to put down lawlessness, insurrection, and rebellion.

The Posse Comitatus Act limits the Guard troops to acting only in support of the U.S. Border Patrol, and state and local law enforcement officers.

I really doubt you will find ANY Gov willing to use troops against it's own people.....right now they are leery of using the guard....they prefer some kind of peaceful way of working it out.....but with our racist n thief....he wouldn't care if a few had to be killed....after all look at his virus record......or Syria....etc...killing people means nothing to him....but then he is on his way out anyway
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where is the condemnation for the ayrian nation...no mention mmmmmmm...but they are trump supporters!

I have no idea if it is Antifa or not and neither does anyone else apparently...….but the right likes a scapegoat for everything....so I buy nothing of what they are selling!

Matt Gaetz Tweet Gets Twitter Warning Label for Glorifying ...

9 hours ago · Twitter Places Warning on Congressman’s Tweet for Glorifying Violence The post, from Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, had likened protesters to …
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The Memo: Trump lags in polls as crises press

President Trump took to Twitter on Monday morning to complain about a "heavily biased Democrat Poll" - the latest sign he is feeling the pressure as his fortunes sag five months before November's election.

The poll from ABC News and The Washington Post showed Trump losing to likely Democratic challenger Joe Biden by 10 percentage points. The poll is not a notable outlier among recent surveys, nor is there any objective evidence that it is biased.

The results point to the electoral perils Trump faces as unrest about racial injustice explodes across the nation while voters grapple with the coronavirus crisis and its economic impact.

People braced for another night of confrontation on Monday, with Washington, New York and Los Angeles among the cities imposing curfews.

For Trump, one danger is that he is seen as unable to get the country under control.

Many experts are sure this spells trouble, and maybe electoral doom, for Trump.

Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University and one of the few prominent observers to predict Trump's 2016 victory, said the president is "really in much worse shape than he was five months ago."

Referring to the cumulative effects of COVID-19, economic disruption and social unrest, Lichtman added that, for Trump, "there will be an electoral price to be paid for what is going on in the country."
the protestors are the ones trying to control/stop this now.....from.???????people intent to destroy

In some protests, local officials say white instigators are causing mayhem

What did I tell you?” a voice cried out as the camera recording mayhem in downtown Pittsburgh settled on a white man, clad in all black, smashing the windows of a police vehicle.

“It is not black people,” the onlooker called to the crowd before addressing the vandal directly: “What are you doing?”

What he was doing, authorities later alleged, was inciting riots on Saturday as the city — like dozens of others across America — was swept up in sustained unrest over the death of a black man in police custody. Demonstrations have spread from Minneapolis, where a white police officer pinned his knee on the neck of George Floyd, to scores of cities, some of which have been looted and set ablaze.

Police identified Brian Jordan Bartels, 20, of Allison Park, Pa., as having “kicked off” the escalation in Pittsburgh, one of several examples of peaceful assemblies against police violence creating opportunities for pandemonium. While at heart the gatherings have been an appeal for racial justice, they also have attracted a diverse array of people with other grievances and agendas who have co-opted the moment, accelerating what has been a national unraveling as the country reels from a pandemic that has put more than 40 million people out of work.

In most American cities, people of all races appear to be participating in the violence, vandalism and looting, particularly in Minneapolis, where a crowd burned the police department’s 3rd Precinct building last week and vandals were seen smashing windows and stealing items from stores. Multiracial coalitions also have marched peacefully. But in some cities, local officials have noted that black protesters have struggled to maintain peaceful protests in the face of young white men joining the fray, seemingly determined to commit mayhem.

In footage that spread widely online, a man identified as Bartels, who faces charges of vandalism and rioting, wore a bandanna emblazoned with the symbol of the ******* Liberation Front, a leaderless international resistance movement that pushes for ******* rights. In the footage, he raised his middle fingers to black protesters who begged him to stop
. At Bartels’s home in a Pittsburgh suburb, officers found spray paint and firearms, according to an arrest warrant reviewed by The Washington Post.

Attempts to reach Bartels, who turned himself in to police on Monday evening, were unsuccessful.

As authorities intensified their efforts to quell the uprisings — deploying tear gas and rubber bullets in aggressive spasms in many cities — police officers were joined by some elected officials and protest organizers in accusing white activists and extremists of exacerbating the chaos by blocking roadways, destroying police property and lobbing bricks into businesses.

“We came together as Pittsburghers and supported a First Amendment right to gather and say more must be done,” Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (D) told reporters over the weekend. “And then it was hijacked.”

Some local officials were even more blunt. After reviewing footage of the weekend’s events, Jenny Durkan, the mayor of Seattle, said she feared the black community would shoulder the blame for havoc others caused.

“It is striking how many of the people who were doing the looting and stealing and the fires over the weekend were young white males,” Durkan (D) said in an interview.

But from Baltimore to Sacramento, black protesters also were filmed protecting storefronts and placing their bodies before police barricades to preserve principles of nonviolence, and to prevent backlash disproportionately aimed at them. Videos emerged, too, of them confronting white demonstrators who had usurped the mantra of “black lives matter,” which gave birth to a movement for racial justice and police accountability, in seemingly random acts of defacement.

“Don’t spray stuff on here when they’re going to blame black people for this,” a black woman admonished two vandals outside of a Starbucks in Los Angeles.

In East Liberty, a gentrifying neighborhood of Pittsburgh, a young black protester delivered a case of bottled water to a phalanx of police officers standing guard at a demonstration on Sunday outside of a Target store.

“With all this stuff going on, I just wanted to spread the positivity,” said Alexander Cash, 23, who lost his job at a nearby Residence Inn because of the novel coronavirus pandemic. “It doesn’t matter if it’s one or 45 cops standing there. I can walk up to them and still be peaceful.”

That sort of caution was being undermined by intentionally destabilizing acts, warned Tim Stevens, a longtime civil rights activist in Pittsburgh.

“People who do not have the social justice commitment at heart, people who really don’t care about George Floyd — they care only about an opportunity to cause disruption — how many of those people were in Pittsburgh over the weekend?” he asked. “How many were out across America?”

Similar questions have become acute from Austin, where a racial justice group on Sunday canceled a planned assembly for fear of violent escalation by unaffiliated activists
, to Fargo, N.D., where police questioned four men carrying assault rifles to a protest site in a bid to protect businesses. In Denver, police officers commandeered firearms from anti-government gun enthusiasts who self-identify as “Boogaloo boys,” part of a far-right militia movement.

“These are people who are agent provocateurs,” Chas Moore, the executive director of the Austin Justice Coalition, said of the extremists joining the protests. He canceled his group’s demonstration, originally planned for Sunday, after the chaos of Saturday night. “These are extremists and anarchists, not right or left. They want complete annihilation of the system, and they’re at the forefront of the fires and the breaking of vehicles.”

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Senate Republicans keep mostly quiet on Trump's comments on George Floyd protests

Shortly after several truckloads of D.C. National Guard troops arrived near Lafayette Park, where large groups of protesters had fought with police for the past three nights, President Donald Trump addressed the nation in the Rose Garden, calling for a military show of ******* against those who are violently protesting the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

"As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property," Trump said Monday. "We will end it now."

Just as the president concluded his commentary in the Rose Garden on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted a video clip of his earlier floor speech.

"I have fought for civil rights and the First Amendment. I completely support Americans' rights to peaceably protest and be heard," McConnell tweeted. "Our nation cannot deafen itself to the anger, pain, or frustration of black Americans. Our nation needs to hear this."
Trump Has No Room for Error in 2020 With Base Shrinking ...
Oct 24, 2019 · The new report concludes that those patterns will largely continue through 2020, complicating the electoral puzzle facing Trump, but also leaving Democrats on a slim ledge.

The coronavirus is causing Trump's supporters to abandon ...
May 02, 2020 · The majority of Trump's voters are still with him, according to polls. But Trump can't afford to lose that many of them — he won thanks to 80,000 people in …

Why Trump will lose in 2020

With unemployment at a 50-year low and the stock market near record highs, President Trump should be a shoo-in for reelection. He’s not.

In fact, Trump could very plausibly lose in November. Perhaps by a wide margin. Here are 4 reasons why:

The economy isn’t strong enough. There probably won’t be a recession by Election Day in November, but there will still be plenty of discontent. Income inequality has worsened under Trump, with the wealthy benefiting much more from a booming stock market than working- and middle-class Americans. Evidence continues to mount that Trump’s signature achievement, the 2017 tax-cut law, benefited businesses and the wealthy more than ordinary workers. Trump and other backers of the law insisted a boom in business spending would follow the tax cuts, but Moody’s Analytics found recently that just 20% of the corporate tax savings went to investment. The other 80% went to stock buybacks and dividend hikes that mainly benefit the shareholder class.

Economic growth under Trump peaked at 2.9% in 2018. It has slowed since then and will probably end 2019 around 2%, with even slower growth likely next year. That should be good enough to keep the unemployment rate low, but not necessarily enough for Trump to win. Trump’s net approval rating is -10.3, according to a Fivethirtyeight composite, which means his disapproval rating is about 10 points higher than his approval rating. Research by Alan Abramowitz of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics shows that an incumbent with a -10 net approval rating needs economic growth of between 2% and 3% to win reelection. Trump probably won’t get that in 2020. There’s one other factor blocking the normal tailwind a president gets from a decent economy: Trump is the first president in 150 years running for reelection after being impeached.

It's also possible recession fears could return later in 2020, just as they materialized in the summer of 2019. And some traders expect stocks to flatline or drop in 2020, perhaps even entering a correction that ends an 11-year rally. Even small fluctuations in confidence could be enough to sink Trump.

Bloomberg’s money. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg probably won’t win the Democratic presidential nomination. But he could still end up being the most influential Democrat in the campaign. Bloomberg has pledged to spend whatever it takes to beat Trump in 2020, and the multibillionaire has virtually unlimited funds to do it. Money isn’t everything in politics, but Bloomberg has been adept at spending money on targeted ads and organizational activities that have helped to elect more Democrats in Virginia and push Democratic causes such as gun control. Whether he’s the Democratic nominee or not, Bloomberg’s spending on behalf of the party will probably produce a financial advantage, maybe a decisive one.

Trump’s health care blind spot. Even in a decent economy, health care is a chronic problem for some people who don’t have insurance and others who do but still can’t afford the out-of-pocket expenses. Trump has no plan on health care, other than continuing to try to dismantle Obamacare, otherwise known as the 2010 Affordable Care Act. The Trump administration remains party to a controversial lawsuit attempting to ******* the entire law, which may succeed, canceling insurance for about 20 million people and restoring the old, heinous insurance company practice of denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. That’s about 60 million Americans.

Every Democratic candidate, by contrast, has a serious health care plan. Medicare for all, the Bernie Sanders plan for eliminating private insurance and forsing everyone into a government plan, is undoubtedly too radical for some voters. But Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and even Elizabeth Warren have plans for an optional government coverage for those who want it. That seems like an idea whose time has arrived, and Trump’s only riposte is to riff about “socialized medicine” and promise a health care plan of his own that plainly doesn’t exist.

Trump base shrinking
Trump’s base does appear to be shrinking, but the people who are sticking with Trump are true diehards. The idea of a shrinking Trump base is not new. In May, Nate Silver pointed out that the group of people who “strongly approve” of Trump was down.

John Dean: Trump's Incredible Shrinking Base
Trump's support is shrinking across the board, with all identifiable groups. While 24 percent may be as about low as Trump can go, and where his base will support him forever, it should be...

Donald Trump’s Base Is Shrinking

A widely held tenet of the current conventional wisdom is that while President Trump might not be popular overall, he has a high floor on his support. Trump’s sizable and enthusiastic base — perhaps 35 to 40 percent of the country — won’t abandon him any time soon, the theory goes, and they don’t necessarily care about some of the controversies that the “mainstream media” treats as game-changing developments.

It’s an entirely reasonable theory. We live in a highly partisan epoch, and voters are usually loyal to politicians from their party. Trump endured a lot of turbulence in the general election but stuck it out to win the Electoral College. The media doesn’t always guess right about which stories will resonate with voters.

But the theory isn’t supported by the evidence. To the contrary, Trump’s base seems to be eroding. There’s been a considerable decline in the number of Americans who strongly approve of Trump, from a peak of around 30 percent in February to just 21 or 22 percent of the electorate now. (The decline in Trump’s strong approval ratings is larger than the overall decline in his approval ratings, in fact.) Far from having unconditional love from his base, Trump has already lost almost a third of his strong support. And voters who strongly disapprove of Trump outnumber those who strongly approve of him by about a 2-to-1 ratio, which could presage an “enthusiasm gap” that works against Trump at the midterms. The data suggests, in particular, that the GOP’s initial attempt (and failure) in March to pass its unpopular health care bill may have cost Trump with his core supporters.

These estimates come from the collection of polls we use for FiveThirtyEight’s approval ratings tracker. Many approval-rating polls give respondents four options: strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove and strongly disapprove. Ordinarily, we only estimate Trump’s overall approval and disapproval. But we went back and collected this more detailed data for all polls for which it was available, and then we reran our approval ratings program to output numbers for all four approval categories instead of the usual two.1 Here are Trump’s strongly approve and somewhat approve ratings from shortly after the start of his term2 through this Tuesday:

As Trump Governs For His Base, The ... - Rantt Media
Jul 19, 2018 · As Trump Governs For His Base, The Republican Party Is Shrinking Tossing his base almost nothing but red meat and constant divisive rhetoric isn't just driving wedges between Republicans, it's making them leave the party.

Trump's base appears to be shrinking, as his ... - Newsweek
President Donald Trump arrives for a rally in Huntington, West Virginia, on August 3. Trump says his base is as strong as ever, but recent polling data say the exact opposite.
Interestingly, and for the first time in my 52 years, I'm watching a debate on the TV on whether we, as a country (UK), should condemn Trump and publicly distance ourselves from a previously staunch ally, the USA.

One side is saying that they have had enough of Trump and his idiotic statements and actions over e.g. Pulling out of the Paris climate charge accord, withdrawing funding from the WHO etc etc etc and that it has got to the point where the US is damaging us by by association. For example, we're pretty pissed off with China for the changes it is making in HK, a former British territory and a place with strong ties to the UK. And when Pompeo makes statements condemning China for its behaviour there, China points back at the situation on American streets, Trump’s bizarre and isolationist actions and perceived American aggression over covid and tells him to shut his mouth basically. So, our own diplomatic efforts are being undermined by the US, in their eyes.

The argument to stand by America is based on a strong desire to sign a trade deal. That's it. The argument to stand by a previously staunch ally is that we need to sell stuff to them.

The other half is saying, 'no, we don't want this association anymore and there is a big world out there that can buy our stuff'. Many are saying that ties with China are more lucrative and at least you can predict them.

I simply can't believe it is coming to this and many on this forum have no idea how America is viewed by the wider world and indeed don't care - the attitude that America can exist in splendid isolation is widespread I feel.
Interestingly, and for the first time in my 52 years, I'm watching a debate on the TV on whether we, as a country (UK), should condemn Trump and publicly distance ourselves from a previously staunch ally, the USA.

One side is saying that they have had enough of Trump and his idiotic statements and actions over e.g. Pulling out of the Paris climate charge accord, withdrawing funding from the WHO etc etc etc and that it has got to the point where the US is damaging us by by association. For example, we're pretty pissed off with China for the changes it is making in HK, a former British territory and a place with strong ties to the UK. And when Pompeo makes statements condemning China for its behaviour there, China points back at the situation on American streets, Trump’s bizarre and isolationist actions and perceived American aggression over covid and tells him to shut his mouth basically. So, our own diplomatic efforts are being undermined by the US, in their eyes.

The argument to stand by America is based on a strong desire to sign a trade deal. That's it. The argument to stand by a previously staunch ally is that we need to sell stuff to them.

The other half is saying, 'no, we don't want this association anymore and there is a big world out there that can buy our stuff'. Many are saying that ties with China are more lucrative and at least you can predict them.

I simply can't believe it is coming to this and many on this forum have no idea how America is viewed by the wider world and indeed don't care - the attitude that America can exist in splendid isolation is widespread I feel.

but there are those that do not believe nor care what is going on...…..we are currently in self destruct mode under this man.....and most can not see it

I think the right knows they are in trouble on this......very few speak up for him any more...some even against him.....think they realize things on the way out.....this is 2 times in 2 weeks McConnell has spoke out against trump......he still has a few die hards……..see them on here....but even that is shrinking.....surprised the right hasn't just let another name float out there......but think they are bullied by his twitter mouth
but there are those that do not believe nor care what is going on...…..we are currently in self destruct mode under this man.....and most can not see it

I think the right knows they are in trouble on this......very few speak up for him any more...some even against him.....think they realize things on the way out.....this is 2 times in 2 weeks McConnell has spoke out against trump......he still has a few die hards……..see them on here....but even that is shrinking.....surprised the right hasn't just let another name float out there......but think they are bullied by his twitter mouth
Anyone has got to be better. The US has to be a fair and open society and a beacon of freedom and free enterprise in order to have effective global leadership. The rest of the free world needs a strong and fair America to rally behind.

There is no obvious global leadership now.
Anyone has got to be better. The US has to be a fair and open society and a beacon of freedom and free enterprise in order to have effective global leadership. The rest of the free world needs a strong and fair America to rally behind.

There is no obvious global leadership now.

the right has pretty much destroyed any of that with their greed and attempts at complete control...….they do everything and anything they can to keep in office and stop those that would vote against them

our forefathers warned us against this a long time ago.....said freedoms would collapse once money took over...….and it is slowly eroding.....and with the help of those that are greedy and those that are just to stupid to know better and can not see what is going on
Anyone has got to be better. The US has to be a fair and open society and a beacon of freedom and free enterprise in order to have effective global leadership. The rest of the free world needs a strong and fair America to rally behind.

There is no obvious global leadership now.

it seems we are surrendering it all to China.....they are taking over WTO....doing more on trying to clean the planet up...…..a lot of things we lead the world on and tried to set the standards on....but with this man we have no standards....he has shown us that on several occasions
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