Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The gaping hole in Trump’s economic boom

Corporate profits are at new highs, and the stock market keeps hitting new records, as well. There’s just one problem: Ordinary people aren’t seeing the same gains in their own paychecks. Not even close, in fact.
This chart, comparing growth in corporate profits (red line) with household personal income (blue line), says it all:


The GOP tax cuts Trump signed last year have pushed corporate profits to record levels, which Trump and his economists say will ultimately trickle down to ordinary workers as higher pay. But that could take years, as White House economist Kevin Hassett and others acknowledge. Republicans, meanwhile, have to persuade voters that large corporate tax cuts are good for ordinary workers, which seems to be a tough sell as the midterm elections approach.
A problem going back to 2000
Stagnant income has been a persistent problem since at least 2000, and there’s no evidence yet that Trump has come up with a better solution than any of his predecessors. Corporate profits and disposable personal income grew at roughly the same rate from the end of World War II through the early 1990s. Corporate profits surged during the mid-90s but fell back during the dot-com bust. After that, however, the growth in corporate profits took off while personal income flatlined.
A few factors probably explain the giant gap between corporate and personal earnings. Digital technology has allowed companies to automate and streamline, lowering labor costs and boosting profitability. And workers who lack digital skills are finding it harder and harder to land good-paying jobs that help improve their living standards.
Globalization has also allowed big companies to move work wherever it can be done cheapest. That enhances corporate profits, while harming those whose livelihoods are affected. Some workers evolve by developing new skills and moving to where there are better jobs. But some don’t, and government programs meant to help workers hurt when jobs move overseas are generally considered insufficient and ineffective.
Data compiled by Sentier Research shows that median household income, adjusted for inflation, plunged during and after the Great Recession, which began in 2007. The recession ended in 2009, but incomes didn’t bottom out until 2011. There was a meaningful jump in incomes from 2014 to 2016, followed by a stall, and then another growth spurt starting in 2017. So there’s been income growth under both President Obama and President Trump. Here’s the chart, with the red line representing household income and the gray line showing the unemployment rate:


Even with recent growth, however, the latest Sentier data shows household income in July was just 3.1% higher than it was in 2000, when factoring in inflation. That’s meager income growth, and it explains why many families feel they’re falling behind, even with unemployment at a very low 3.9%. Since 2000, growth in corporate profits has outpaced growth in household income by roughly 2.5 to 1.
The latest Labor Department numbers show wages and salaries growing at 2.8% per year. By one measure, that’s the biggest growth in income since 2008. But inflation is 2.9% per year. So the purchasing power of the average household is actually declining.
Trump didn’t create this problem. But his tax cuts, which provide more benefit to businesses and wealthy earners than to middle-income workers, seem almost certain to widen income inequality, rather than reduce it. That’s why the tax cuts remain unpopular, and why Republicans don’t seem to be earning points on the economy the way they feel they should. Businesses are happy. But a lot of ordinary workers wonder when the cheer will spread to them.
But Trump, two and his chuckle friends keep saying that the economy is doing great. They can't have lied about it have they:rolleyes:?...

The economy is doing great - but the economy has nothing to do with how much jobs pay. How much jobs pay is a result of corporations, not government. Income lagging inflation is nothing new, it's always behind. But it makes a good straw-man argument for the left and you both ******* it up.
I guess when you follow and do what you are told all your life it's hard to understand how the real world works. Surly you can come up with something better than that.
The economy is doing great - but the economy has nothing to do with how much jobs pay. How much jobs pay is a result of corporations, not government. Income lagging inflation is nothing new, it's always behind.
Republican "trickle down" has been declaring this for years ... over 35 to be exact and it hasn't come true YET. Corporations aren 't investing in their employees, they're buying back stock with their newly granted wealth from Trump and ReThuglicans. And the deficit has zoomed back up ... it was going DOWN with Obama even after GW & ReThuglicans came within an inch of putting the country into its second Great Depression.
The ECONOMY is NOT doing great ... they've just managed to toss another "$trillion log" on the fire. What happened to that promise by Trump that he was going to pay OFF the national debt? Hell, he's liable to double the national debt if he was to win a second term. Just wait until they allow inflation to come back ... just wait! If you weren't so damn OLD I'd be suggesting you start learning Russian ... but Trump thinks he's gonna leave the ******* pit for everyone else to clean up when he's gone.

......."Trump says this is FOOD?" ............."Trump, would NEVER lie to us!"
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If you weren't so damn OLD I'd be suggesting you start learning Russian ...

Still wearing that tin hat I see. lol So tell me are you learning to speak Russian?

Do you really believe that the corrupt and super rich are going to let the Democrats do anything about it? lol. You know the definition of insanity. ;)
Vote them all out I say.

And we both know the deficit wasn't going down under Obama, that's a laugh. Was that before or after Obama added 10 trillion? They have all increased it, nothing out of the ordinary but a mole hill to be made into a mountain. I bet you think your saving money when you buy something on sale don't you. :bounce:

Corporations aren 't investing in their employees,
Never said they were, in fact stated several times that is the bigger problem, even offer solutions to encourage corporations to do more for their employees - But that's all ignored.
So tell me are you learning to speak Russian?
Interesting you ask ... my ******* is starting her sophomore year in HS ... she has the option of Spanish, French, Latin, or ..... wait for it ... RUSSIAN! She has to have 2 years of a foreign language, I'm pretty sure she'll take Spanish, but Russian might not be a bad idea.
A New Book on the White House Reveals That Trump’s Employees Think He’s an “Idiot”
Luke Darby,GQ

For better or worse, there's now an entire industry of books about Donald Trump. Some of them are salacious; some are thoughtful; some, like James Comey's, are barely about Trump but get bought anyway.
One thing that's missing, though, is a book by a seasoned reporter who's known for being above melodrama, and famed Watergate reporter Bob Woodward may have delivered that with his new book, Fear. The Washington Post, where Woodward has long worked and now serves as an editor, has put out a sort of preview, teasing plenty of dramatic elements.
There are lots of shocking details in Woodward's account, which he developed through deep background reporting with anonymous sources, diaries, and memos. Take, for example, the story that Trump only condemned the murderous white nationalist rally in Charlottesville after his advisers basically ****** him to, and promptly afterward he said, "That was the biggest fucking mistake I’ve made,” adding that it was the “worst speech I’ve ever given."
Equally distressing is the accusation that Trump's aides are constantly trying to distract or undermine him in an effort to keep the world from falling apart. One of the most egregious details is Woodward's claim that aides have regularly taken documents off of Trump's desk so he wouldn't see or sign them. This is exactly what former economic adviser Gary Cohn did with the draft of a letter that Trump demanded that announced U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA. Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly thinks Trump's an "idiot." And his relationship with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is, at best, strained.
Mattis has even allegedly refused direct orders from the president. After Syrian president Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against civilians in April 2017, Trump reportedly told Mattis over the phone, “Let’s fucking ******* him! Let’s go in. Let’s ******* the fucking lot of them." Mattis told the president that he would but, after hanging up, told a senior aide, “We’re not going to do any of that. We’re going to be much more measured," and then came up with a plan that Trump ultimately went with. And, per the Post:

At a National Security Council meeting on Jan. 19, Trump disregarded the significance of the massive U.S. military presence on the Korean Peninsula, including a special intelligence operation that allows the United States to detect a North Korean missile launch in seven seconds vs. 15 minutes from Alaska, according to Woodward. Trump questioned why the government was spending resources in the region at all.​
“We’re doing this in order to prevent World War III,” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told him.​
After Trump left the meeting, Woodward recounts, “Mattis was particularly exasperated and alarmed, telling close associates that the president acted like—and had the understanding of—‘a fifth- or sixth-grader.’ ”​
It's cold comfort that, despite all the fires Trump has tried to start domestically and internationally, things would be even worse if unelected advisers weren't constantly undermining and distracting the president with shiny objects. And considering how bad Trump is at hiring people, we're likely truly, deeply screwed.
The economy is doing great - but the economy has nothing to do with how much jobs pay. How much jobs pay is a result of corporations, not government. Income lagging inflation is nothing new, it's always behind. But it makes a good straw-man argument for the left and you both ******* it up.
I guess when you follow and do what you are told all your life it's hard to understand how the real world works. Surly you can come up with something better than that.

of course it is....your biz is doing three fold and your employees still struggle on the same pay …...typical

here is a book for you to read

[QUOTE="But it makes a good straw-man argument for the left and you both ******* it up.
I guess when you follow and do what you are told all your life it's hard to understand how the real world works. Surly you can come up with something better than that.[/QUOTE]

LOL.This coming from a man who doesn't even understand what three fold increase in his so called business means...Then again. Swallowing Trumps lies and BS seems to be what two and the chuckles are best at.

Sorry two your credibility is shot as are your attempts at ever disproving you have your head buried to the neck in Trumps anal cavity.
Oh? Your so smart then you tell me what it means...Take your best shot.

Aww. Two... Butthurt some?

You took multiple posts disclaiming everything from profits to wages concerning your so called business after saying it had gone up three fold.

Its no wonder you need my help to understand anything:p
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Aww. Two... Butthurt some?

You took multiple posts disclaiming everything from profits to wages concerning your so called business after saying it had gone up three fold.

Its no wonder you need my help to understand anything:p

Yeah that's what I thought your response would be. Just more hot air.
Any person who states that the economy has nothing to do with wages meerly proves they know nothing about it.

Again - reading comprehension. I said the economy has nothing to do with how much a corporation pays you. It really is a wonder how you two function in life.

Again, put your smarts where your mouth is and answer my question - or you can just blow me harder if you like. I'm sure there is a WiKi somewhere you can simply cut and paste from - but be sure to read it first. ;)
Yeah that's what I thought your response would be.

No you didn't. Stop bullshitting yourself Two. You have proven time and time again that you clearly know jack ******* about most things on here.

Oh other than posting other peoples opinion and dressing it up as fact.
but the economy has nothing to do with how much jobs pay.

So now your saying you didn't say it... Either you really are a dumb ass or an full time idiot!

I'm sure there is a WiKi somewhere you can simply cut and paste from - but be sure to read it first. ;)

Says the blow hard who copies pastes from all over the place including wiki his mis-information and BS .. As I said two your a bullshitter and have Zero credibility.
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