Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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  1. involving or guilty of the crime of betraying one's country.
    "a treasonous act against the State" ·
    "he was accused of a treasonous conspiracy to topple the government" · "they're branding dissenters as unpatriotic and treasonous"
    • involving or guilty of the betrayal of someone or something.
      "he never paid for his treasonous act against Valerie" ·

I'll say it again in response to TwoBiFour, "Trump's actions he took to avoid the draft was treasonous!"
If 2x4 had been capable of utilizing a dictionary he would have had learned exactly why I came to that conclusion!
Thank you, subhub174014, for taking the time to provided him with a dictionary's definition of the word "treasonous".
Well, you tell me

Looks like a lot more blue on that chart than red.

ok since 95 that is about the time things started going down hill...….well they really started under Reagan....but like trump he was a con man...sold us on the "one world"...who knew he was selling out the country!
under Clinton things got back to...???? decent...and that's when the right just couldn't stand it and started their *******

and yes if you want to go further back...when the Dems had things...lets look at the economy then.....no problems!

AND you never once said anything about voting that way until now....running from and answer?
I never said I voted for Trump or anyone else until now, but I certainly did post items in support of Gary Johnson such as:

The libertarian party website says he's currently only on the ballot in 36 states, although they have the process underway for the remaining states.


He really doesn't have to win to make things damn interesting in Nov. If he managed to win just a few electors, he could deny both Hillary and Trump the magic 270 needed to win the electoral college. Highly unlikely, but that would make for some fun times watching it play out.
and just how is a draft dodger being treasonous?....you might want to look the word up
I'll say it again in response to TwoBiFour, "Trump's actions he took to avoid the draft was treasonous!"
Drillher says draft dodging is treasonous
Subwoofer says draft dodging isn't treasonous

You two please debate on here so we can all see you iron this out. This should make for a highly enlightening discussion! :rolleyes:
I'm sure trump and company will gives us the facts on a need to know basis

Rudy Giuliani On White House Blocking Release Of Full Mueller Report: ‘I’m Sure We Will’
Dominique Mosbergen,HuffPost

Rudy Giuliani says the White House would likely attempt to block a full public release of Robert Mueller’s anticipated final report about the Russia investigation ― bolstering long-held fears that the special counsel’s ultimate findings may never see the light of day.
Giuliani’s startling admission was tucked inside an expansive New Yorker profile of the former New York City mayor and Trump attorney, published online Monday.
Giuliani, who like the president has repeatedly described the Russia probe as a “witch hunt,” told journalist Jeffrey Toobin that Trump’s original legal team had struck a deal with Mueller about his expected final report that would allow the White House to “object to the public disclosure of information that might be covered by executive privilege.”
“I asked Giuliani if he thought the White House would raise objections,” wrote Toobin in the profile.
“I’m sure we will,” Giuliani responded, noting that it would be the president who “would make the final call.”

Giuliani, whom Trump hired in April amid a change in the president’s legal representation in the special counsel probe, said that his team was preparing a lengthy report which they planned to release at the same time as Mueller’s to “refute its expected findings.”

As Vox explained in an earlier article, Mueller is only required by law to deliver a final report to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who will ultimately decide whether to release any or all of Mueller’s findings to Congress or the public.

Victoria Nourse, a Georgetown law professor, told Vox that Trump could also “order” Rosenstein not to release it.

“But,” she added, “that’s a bit like firing Mueller, as many Republicans have warned — it just ups the case for impeachment because the president appears to be hiding something.”

Whatever the White House’s reaction ends up being to Mueller’s ultimate findings, the assessment is expected to trigger contentious political bickering as Rosenstein is pressured from different sides to release ― or suppress ― the information.
“It’ll be a moment that polarizes the country, exposing just how divided the country is about this investigation and who’s on the other side,” former House speaker Newt Gingrich told The Washington Post in June.
Drillher says draft dodging is treasonous
Subwoofer says draft dodging isn't treasonous

You two please debate on here so we can all see you iron this out. This should make for a highly enlightening discussion! :rolleyes:

you again are comparing two different issues......and in that small unused brain you have just quite can't handle it so you want to make it an issue
do that with 2bi...he likes making issues he can't defend also
funny how all these trumpies jumping around and shouting change is coming and all this bull *******....but now that it looks like it may be jail time and things are not so rosey...except for 2bi....can not find anyone that voted for trump...why is that?
you again are comparing two different issues
Nope, same issue. , Both Biden and Trump had bullshit medical deferments. Biden had "asthma as a young" but was healthy enough to be a star football player. He could damn sure have carried a rifle in Vietnam, just like Trump could have. They both used nearly identical paths to dodge the draft. You claim that isn't treasonous (which is correct by the way...much like a stopped clock, even you can occasionally be right). Drillher has doubled down on it being treasonous. You two really need to hash this out for us.

and the logical fallacies will begin in 3....2....1....
Nope, same issue. , Both Biden and Trump had bullshit medical deferments. Biden had "asthma as a young" but was healthy enough to be a star football player. He could damn sure have carried a rifle in Vietnam, just like Trump could have. They both used nearly identical paths to dodge the draft. You claim that isn't treasonous (which is correct by the way...much like a stopped clock, even you can occasionally be right). Drillher has doubled down on it being treasonous. You two really need to hash this out for us.

and the logical fallacies will begin in 3....2....1....

wrong there oh thunder mouth...…...Biden had asthma
trump had bone spurs that did not stop him from any sports type activities....except the draft....and just how strange is it that after being made eligible for the draft he gets the highest draft number possible?
don't suppose someone got a little money do you?
now lets get back to bush's desertion and still being president...and just what money can do.....
Biden had asthma
Yes, I said that. I also pointed out that it didn't stop him from being a star football player either, just as Trump's medical issues didn't stop him. But you know that. You just want to argue.
.and just how strange is it that after being made eligible for the draft he gets the highest draft number possible? don't suppose someone got a little money do you?
typical deflection tactic....regardless, you have your facts "twisted" as you like to say. He wasn't eligible when he received his draft number. He had already received his medical deferment nearly a year before the draft number was picked. Not to mention the fact that he didn't get "the highest draft number possible". His number was 356. That means that about 2.4% of the population had the same or a higher draft number. You can ask Mac for help on how to calculate that. It would be a good rudimentary math problem for you two to try practicing on.
now lets get back to bush's desertion and still being president...and just what money can do.....
more deflection tactics. So common with you when you get caught spewing BS
You just want to argue.

who is the one that wants to argue......your entire existence on here has been nothing but an argument

typical deflection tactic....regardless, you have your facts "twisted" as you like to say.

is one any different than the other?...….only by party using your standards

He wasn't eligible when he received his draft number
according to what I read yesterday...and pretty sure I posted that...but you aren't interested in anything except the argument

His number was 356.
yes it was ...and just how did someone just entering the draft get that high a number?

the bottom line......had Biden been involved in just a portion of the corruption your man is..it might have been a problem...and what compounds your asshole's issue......he wants a parade...for what? to celebrate his deferments? or just to add that much more to the deficit?
fact is....he is a pompous ass that deserves all the criticism he gets....and the nimrods that support him just refuse to understand how a snake oil salesman can dupe them so much.....stupid is as stupid does!

just to top it off....you are following your lord and masters ways...he wants the charges dropped against two republican crooks only because they are republicans!
you want to tarnish Biden...….just because he is a Democrat!
and yet defend the republican crook and do not even want to bring up bush...your attempt at an argument is very shallow!
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I, for one, won't say a word! I promise! Lol
Drillher says draft dodging is treasonous
Subwoofer says draft dodging isn't treasonous

You two please debate on here so we can all see you iron this out. This should make for a highly enlightening discussion! :rolleyes:

Hoping Hubby, you and your friend's lack of comprehension of my statement is almost laughable, if not pathetic!
Let me try to give you an example of what "treasonous" means this way, since you both seem incapable of understanding a dictionary's definition of the word!

In a time of "war" if a service man/woman were to leave their post without authorization, or not show up for duty, they would unquestionably be charged with desertion! Desertion is treasonous! Likewise it can be said if a draftee were to avoid, or attempt to avoid, a legitimate draft into the military of their country in a time of war through falsifying a medical condition, they are unquestionably committing a "treasonous act!"

During the 1st. and 2nd. World Wars, it is well documented, that is if you've ever read any amount of history, that the military's on both side of the fighting not only charged individuals in these situations but, unfortunately, execution was not uncommon! You might also come to realize that a treasonous act does not necessarily always rise to an act of High Treason, just like every ******* is not a first degree *******!

I emphatically stand firm in my opinion that Trump committed a treasonous act by his utilization of a phoney medical report to avoid the draft! Using education to avoid the draft, as someone noted in an earlier post I read on this subject, is NOT A REASON FOR MR. TRUMP TO AVOID THE DRAFT, IT'S AN EXCUSE! I don't buy excuses!
according to what I read yesterday...and pretty sure I posted that...but you aren't interested in anything except the argument
His draft records are readily available. I even posted a link straight to them if you'd bothered to read:
Trump's medical deferment was issued 10/15/68. The draft lottery didn't happen until 12/1/69, over a year later. So as I stated, he wasn't eligible when his draft number was issued.

yes it was ...and just how did someone just entering the draft get that high a number?
Because his birthday was June 14th. You do realize they assigned draft numbers by a random drawing of birthdays don't you? You do realize he "entered the draft" as you say along with everyone born between 1944 and 1950 don't you?

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