Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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rue.... but on here we at least try to post facts....or if it is an opinion...most don't try to push it off as facts!

Refer to ONE post where I try to push my Opinion as fact - just one. Again - your assumption. If its my opinion then ignore it.

and who created that system?...might want to start with a republican by the name of Reagan...and a party based on greed!

Yeah because the republican party has had a strong strangle hold on the US since Regan, the Democrats have been COMPLETELY powerless LOL - give me a break, now who is blind? Even if we went back and forth between policies, at least we should have stayed mostly the same - but that's not the case. LOL, Your democrats are snakes in the grass.
On Labor Day, Trump hits back at largest union leader
By Michelle Price,Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Labor Day hit back at Richard Trumka, president of the United States' largest federation of labor unions, after Trumka said on Sunday that the president's policies had hurt American workers.
Trumka, who is head of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), said on Fox News Sunday of Trump's policies: "Unfortunately, to date, the things that he's done to hurt workers outpace what he's done to help workers."
The AFL-CIO president cited changes to the tax code that encourage companies to outsource jobs, the administration's failure to produce an infrastructure program, and its overturning of regulations, including some protecting health and safety.
On Monday, which is the national Labor Day holiday, Trump tweeted that Trumka had represented his union "poorly."
"Some of the things he said were so against [sic] the working men and women of our country, and the success of the U.S. itself, that it is easy to see why unions are doing so poorly," Trump added.
In follow-up tweets, the president hailed economic growth, adding: "The Worker in America is doing better than ever before!"
On Sunday, Trumka had also questioned Trump's Saturday tweet that there was no need to keep Canada in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The president warned Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether.
"It's pretty hard to see how that would work without having Canada in the deal," Trumka said on Sunday, noting that the economies of Mexico, the United States and Canada were heavily integrated.
Trumka is a highly influential figure on trade issues and his support will likely be necessary for the passage of any legislation on trade promoted by the administration.
Refer to ONE post where I try to push my Opinion as fact - just one. Again - your assumption. If its my opinion then ignore it.

you push a lot with no facts...so it has to be opinion...and there you go with that assumption again

Yeah because the republican party has had a strong strangle hold on the US since Regan, the Democrats have been COMPLETELY powerless LOL
I think if you go back and check...the right has been pretty much in control and the 2 years the Dems did have it they worked on ACA

Your democrats are snakes in the grass.
there you go with more opinions...and not even a logical one at that.....and that puts us right where we are as a country....you want greed..i want what's best for the country!

and that statement right there just shows...….you really have no redeeming qualities....you are just a died in the wool trumpie….talk all you want but won't change the facts..or your statements
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Biden was the Vice President. Are you suggesting it was OK for the Democrat VP to be treasonous per Drillher's definition? Why weren't you and Drillher on here calling Biden out for his treasonous behavior when he was one heartbeat away from the presidency?

Biden is also contemplating a run for the presidency in 2020. Will you and Drillher both commit to not voting for him if he wins the democrat nomination since he is treasonous per Drillher's criteria.

Yet another deflection tactic. Topic was draft dodging being treasonous and Drillher's hypocrisy for not calling out Biden for the same thing he called out Trump for. Unless you're suggesting Cruz was draft dodger at the ripe old age of 5 when Vietnam ended.

trying to stir the pot a little there?
really don't think Biden will EVER get the nomination...likeable guy and tries to do what's best...but just not a number one
In that case, you aren't really risking anything. So will you commit to not voting for Biden due to his "treasonous" draft dodging?
let me ask you......did you NOT vote for trump with military record?...his comments about groping women?...his mimicking of the handicapped?....his race comments...his biz failures?...his possible Russian ties?...his issues with his charitable fund?....his philandering?.....his treatment of beauty contestants, some even under 16?...and so much more...all known BEFORE the election and it didn't stop you from voting for trump ...if push comes to shove I will vote for joe...but don't think he will beat out Kerry if he jumps in!

and just how is a draft dodger being treasonous?....you might want to look the word up......TRUMP does fit under that...big difference....and knowing all that before hand...you still voted for him and support him.....what does that say about your morale character?
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  1. involving or guilty of the crime of betraying one's country.
    "a treasonous act against the State" ·
    "he was accused of a treasonous conspiracy to topple the government" · "they're branding dissenters as unpatriotic and treasonous"
    • involving or guilty of the betrayal of someone or something.
      "he never paid for his treasonous act against Valerie" ·
and more draining the swamp?....think trump got that confused with restocking the swamp!

Trump blasts Session over two GOP Indictments

President Donald Trump on Monday blasted his Attorney General Jeff Sessions and lamented the indictments of two lawmakers who were his earliest supporters in Congress during the 2016 election, suggesting they should not have been charged because they are Republicans.

"Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department," Trump tweeted. "Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff..."

A decision by the Justice Department to hold off on prosecuting two Republican congressmen up for re-election in order to help them win would have been highly unethical and a blatantly politically motivated violation of the department's nonpartisan mission. The comment on Monday was the latest indication that Trump, who ran on a pledge to "drain the swamp," believes his political allies should be immune from prosecution, regardless of the evidence stacked against them.
The Justice Department declined to comment on the President's tweets.

after you talk to a few on this board I can understand trump's position......hell there are a few here that think the same way!
let me ask you......did you NOT vote for trump with military record?
No, I voted libertarian. You just assumed I voted for trump. You know what happens when you assume...you make an ass out of you and Mac.
and just how is a draft dodger being treasonous?
Thank you for eventually stumbling into my point.....please ask Drillher that question. He's the one that claimed it was treasonous. I've merely been pointing out the hypocrisy of calling trump treasonous while not saying the same about Biden.

what does that say about your morale character?
Not sure how to answer that as I'm not sure what a morale character is.....is that an actor in a play whose purpose is to lift the spirits????
No, I voted libertarian. You just assumed I voted for trump. You know what happens when you assume...you make an ass out of you and Mac

funny...now you are copying Donald 2bi's comments.....AND you never once said anything about voting that way until now....running from and answer?

I've merely been pointing out the hypocrisy of calling trump treasonous while not saying the same about Biden.
Trump is treasonous...consorting with the enemy and all that...giving them classified info after he was pres even...knowingly worked with them prior to the election...on and on...big difference

Not sure how to answer that as I'm not sure what a morale character is.

look in the mirror look close...don't see it do you?!

is that an actor in a play whose purpose is to lift the spirits????

not something you have been known to do
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