Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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had Biden made a run for the white house I'm sure it would have come up...but he didn't!.
Biden ran twice for the presidency, 1988 and 2008, which you would know if you read the link I gave you.

the right likes to divert!
or even lie.... like they did with Kerry the last time he ran...he was in Viet Nam...and got a few medals.....but during the campaign the right literally paid 3 people to lie about him......after Bush won....they admitted they had been well paid to lie...but bush in the white house.....and speaking of bush......what about his desertion during his time in the reserve? hushed up and covered up!...right got away with that one!

Divert is what you just did after that statement, but that is about as common with you as strawman arguments are with Mac.
Biden ran twice for the presidency, 1988 and 2008, which you would know if you read the link I gave you.

Divert is what you just did after that statement, but that is about as common with you as strawman arguments are with Mac.

running and being your parties nominee is two different things

hell Cruz ran also and look at all the shady ******* he is involved in...barely touched on any of it...had he made it to the parties candidate.....a hell of a lot more would have come out!
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It’s Not Just Robert Mueller. President Donald Trump Faces Six Separate Investigations And Lawsuits.
Paul Blumenthal,HuffPost

There’s hardly been a day this summer in which President Donald Trump didn’t turn to Twitter to vent his frustration with what the president calls the “RIGGED WITCH HUNT” ― the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But as the president’s animosity for the special counsel ramps up, the Mueller probe is hardly the only investigation the president has to worry about.
There are currently five separate investigations into Trump and his associates from four different investigative bodies. An additional lawsuit brought by two state attorneys general challenges whether Trump is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. There are further reports about probes into the financial dealings of the president’s eldest *******, Ivanka Trump, and his second eldest *******, Eric Trump.
Here’s your guide to the latest probes, indictments, cooperating witnesses and potential targets:

Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert Mueller Probes Russian Conspiracy
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller ― the second-longest-serving FBI director in history ― in May 2017 as special counsel to take control of the investigation into whether Trump, his campaign, his business and his other associates conspired to work with Russian hackers to influence the 2016 election. Mueller is reportedly also probing whether Trump obstructed justice.

The Russia Connection
The FBI had been investigating possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign since July 2016. In 2016, Russian hackers allegedly broke into the Democratic Party’s servers and gained access to the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. They stole emails and documents and provided them to WikiLeaks, which then strategically leaked the documents at times inopportune for the Clinton campaign and opportune for the Trump campaign. Trump publicly called on Russian hackers to steal more documents to help his campaign on July 27, 2016. A few hours later, hackers made their first, ultimately unsuccessful attempt to break into Clinton’s private email server.
It was and remains an open question to what extent Trump and his campaign knew about this effort, to what extent they sought to obtain this information and whether there was any direct involvement in the release of the hacked emails and documents.
There are also questions surrounding a June 9 meeting in Trump Tower between Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnistkaya, Donald Trump, Jr. ― the president’s eldest ******* ― then-campaign chair Paul Manafort and the president’s *******-in-law, Jared Kushner, to receive what they were told would be “some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia” as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Roger Stone, Trump’s former political consigliere and an ex-lobbyist who worked with Manafort, is also in Mueller’s sights. Stone was known to have been in contact with both Wikileaks’ Julian Assange and Guccifer 2.0, the false online persona of the Russian hackers who infiltrated the Democratic Party, during the 2016 campaign. He was also openly involved in a disinformation campaign through a super PAC that spent money to publicize a false narrative that Democrats would steal the election. The special counsel’s office has already questioned or sought testimony from numerous Stone associates including Sam Nunberg, Ted Malloch, Kristen Davis and John Kakanis. Mueller is also attempting to obtain the testimony of Stone aide Andrew Miller, but Miller is refusing to comply and is challenging the constitutionality of the entire Mueller investigation. Randy Credico, a perennial political candidate and comedian who reportedly acted as a go-between for Stone and Assange, is scheduled to testify on Sept. 7.
Mueller is also investigating the potential role Erik Prince, the infamous private military contractor, played in establishing a back channel to the Russian government for the incoming Trump administration. Prince reportedly met with Kirill Dmitriev, the head of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, in the Seychelles after Trump’s election. The meeting was facilitated by the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates and George Nader, the crown prince’s adviser. Prince claims the Seychelles meeting with Dmitriev was a chance encounter. Nader is cooperating with Mueller.
The special counsel’s team has also sought information on the Trump campaign’s digital efforts, including from the now-defunct British data company Cambridge Analytica, and the possible donation of funds to Trump’s campaign and inauguration from Russian or other foreign donors.

Obstruction Of Justice
The obstruction of justice investigation is reportedly zeroing in on Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. Trump told NBC’s Lester Holt he was thinking about the FBI investigation into the ties between his campaign and Russia when he fired Comey.
Mueller is also looking into Trump’s role in drafting a misleading statement for his ******* Donald Trump, Jr. that aimed to cover-up the true purpose of the June 9 meeting at Trump Tower.

The Balance So Far
Mueller has reached guilty plea deals with ex-Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates and obtained a guilty conviction for Manafort on eight counts. (Mueller handed off investigations into the other foreign lobbyists who worked with Manafort ― Tony Podesta, Vin Weber and Greg Craig ― to prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.) So far, none of these pleas or convictions prove that the Trump campaign conspired with a foreign government to influence the presidential election.
Mueller has also indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for running an extensive propaganda campaign on social media sites and another 12 Russian military intelligence officers for their role in hacking the DNC and John Podesta’s email. Richard Pinedo, an American businessman, pleaded guilty to selling bank numbers to the Russian social media trolls. Additionally, the special counsel indicted Konstantin Kilimnik, a Manafort associate, for allegedly obstructing justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s case. Another Manafort associate, Alex van der Zwaan, pleaded guilty to lying under oath in relation to Manafort’s case.

U.S. Attorney for the SDNY Geoffrey Berman Probes Michael Cohen For Tax Evasion, Fraud, Campaign Finance Violations
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen on Aug. 21 pleaded guilty to six charges of tax evasion and bank fraud and two charges of violating campaign finance laws. The campaign finance charges implicate Trump in potential felony violations of the law.
In court, Cohen stated that Trump directed him to pay off two alleged Trump mistresses, former Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, because their allegations endangered his presidential campaign and that these payments constituted illegal in-kind campaign contributions.
Cohen also detailed his collaboration with longtime Trump friend and American Medida Inc. chief executive David Pecker. Pecker connected with Cohen to strike a deal that would give the Trump campaign a heads up if his reporters encountered information that could be damaging to Trump and his presidential bid, Cohen claimed. And it was Pecker who alerted Cohen to McDougal’s allegation that she had an affair with Trump from 2006-07, according to court documents. Cohen encouraged Pecker to purchase McDougal’s story and never publish. McDougal received $150,000 from American Media, Inc., the parent corporation of National Enquirer, in August 2016.
Pecker became aware that Daniels was looking to sell her story about her affair with Trump in October 2016 and alerted Cohen. Cohen then paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to buy the rights to Daniels’ story and to prevent its publication. He was reimbursed by a mix of funds from the Trump Organization and Trump himself. Cohen’s plea stated that Trump was aware of and personally directed this effort to protect and help his own presidential campaign.
In order to verify Cohen’s version of events, prosecutors have provided immunity to a number of people alluded to in the plea agreement who could have faced criminal exposure: Pecker, National Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard and Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg.
Weisselberg is one of Trump’s closest financial advisers and was named to run The Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust ― which owns the Trump Organization and all other business entities connected to Trump ― with Trump’s two eldest sons when Trump assumed the presidency. Pecker is believed to have purchased numerous unflattering stories about Trump over the years to prevent their disclosure.
It is not presently clear whether the immunity deals for Pecker and Weisselberg extend beyond simply affirming the facts of the felony crimes that Cohen admitted to in court. Even if they solely back up those facts, their testimony would provide a further basis to believe that Trump was involved in those felony campaign finance violations.
Cohen’s plea deal also contains allegations that he was in contact with members of Trump’s presidential campaign about the payments. The identity of these campaign staffers is not yet publicly known.

New York Attorney General Investigates Trump Foundation, Trump Campaign and Cohen For Campaign Finance Laws, Fraud
On June 14, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a criminal lawsuit against the Donald J. Trump Foundation alleging the charitable nonprofit engaged in a pattern of illegal activity including self-dealing to personally benefit Trump and illegal coordination with Trump’s presidential campaign. The suit comes after a two-year investigation into the operations of the foundation. The lawsuit seeks to dissolve the foundation, ban Trump from serving on any nonprofit boards for 10 years and his three children who served on the foundation’s board, Don, Jr., Ivanka and Eric, from serving on nonprofit boards for one year each, and restitution of $2.8 million and additional penalties.
“As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality,” Underwood said in a statement when the suit was filed.
Trump’s one-time campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, directed payments from the foundation to benefit Trump’s campaign in the Iowa caucus in 2016, according to the lawsuit. Trump used the foundation to purchase a self-portrait to hang at one of his golf courses. He also used the foundation’s money to settle legal claims made against his properties.
Underwood’s office is undertaking this investigation in coordination with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. The department on Wednesday subpoenaed Cohen to turn over documents and testify about the foundation’s finances.

NYAG Underwood and New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Investigates Michael Cohen For Tax Fraud
In addition to her investigation into the Trump Foundation, Underwood sought a criminal referral from the Department of Taxation and Finance to pursue a criminal investigation into Cohen for breaking state tax laws. This presents another opportunity for prosecutors to pry into Trump’s finances through his former personal fixer and lawyer.

Maryland Attorney General And District of Columbia Attorney General Sue Trump For Emoluments Clause Violation
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine sued Trump and his company alleging that his ownership of a hotel in D.C. puts the president in direct violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. This clause forbids government officials, including the president, from receiving payments, gifts or benefits from foreign governments and national and state government entities. It was enacted to specifically insulate the federal government from corruption by foreign governments and from any individual U.S. state government.
Trump could be in violation of the clause as his Trump International Hotel in D.C. occupies the Old Post Office building, a structure owned by the federal government and leased to Trump’s business. In addition, the hotel has receivedpaymentsfromforeigngovernments seeking to influence the president’s policies.
While technically not a criminal investigation, the lawsuit will result in the disclosure of important documents showing how foreign governments are using Trump’s properties to gain influence in his administration. It could ultimately result in forsing the president to divest from his business or the federal government to cancel its lease with the Trump Organization to operate the D.C. hotel, lest they are in violation of the Constitution.
A federal judge ruled on July 25 that the Emoluments Clause applies to the Office of the President and that the payments and benefits Trump receives through his hotel from foreign and domestic governments could very well be a violation of the clause ― and therefore the Constitution. Frosh and Racine were able to demand the Trump Organization hand over documents related to foreign government payments to the company in the wake of the decision.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Potential Investigation Into Trump Organization For Fraud
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is considering pursuing criminal charges against the Trump Organization and two company officials for the reimbursement to Cohen, according to The New York Times.
This appears to be an opening salvo by New York state prosecutors into investigating the many potential criminal violations of the president’s business.
There have been many allegations of money laundering through his company over the years. Reporters have raised questions about the large number of wealthy foreigners, particularly from Russia and former Soviet states, who have purchased real estate in his properties. (U.S. real estate is a favorite money laundering location for the global rich as it is easy to invest in anonymously.)
No one knows where Trump got the money to fund the purchase of his Scottish golf course. The Trump Organization may have laundered money from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in its failed bid to build a Trump Tower in Baku, Azerbaijan, Adam Davidson reported in The New Yorker. The Azerbaijan deal was dropped along with separate deals in Georgia and Brazil during the time after Trump was elected but before he took office. The president’s partners in Brazil had fallen under investigation for corruption while the deals in Azerbaijan and Georgia would not withstand any extended media scrutiny.

The worst may be yet to come for Trump. Zephyr Teachout, a candidate for the Democratic nomination to be the next New York attorney general, has made a promise to fully investigate Trump’s business the central thrust of her candidacy. “Donald Trump’s businesses are here,” Teachout told The Atlantic in August. “What the New York attorney general can do, and as attorney general I’ll make a priority, is investigating those businesses. That power extends to, in the case of extreme illegality, dissolving businesses.”
Democrats also have compiled a massive list of subpoenas targeting the Trump administration and the Trump Organization they hope to file if they win control of the House of Representatives in November.
The number of investigations and lawsuits targeting the president could easily ― and quickly ― metastasize to more than six.

Don't you know by now the only thing the left understands is RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!, You gotta parrot what the left media tells you to believe ;)

would expect no less from you or the right......first the right does everything they can to rig an election...and is pretty open about it with the gerrymandering...closing voting places in certain districts...anything to stifle the vote....so whatever help they can get from Russia should just be over looked by the rest of the country and just accepted as more of the parties usual voting rigging!

second brings up the issue of Treason....something this country has always frowned upon......but now the right seems to want to accept it as just part of politics
would expect no less from you or the right......first the right does everything they can to rig an election...and is pretty open about it with the gerrymandering...closing voting places in certain districts...anything to stifle the vote....so whatever help they can get from Russia should just be over looked by the rest of the country and just accepted as more of the parties usual voting rigging!

second brings up the issue of Treason....something this country has always frowned upon......but now the right seems to want to accept it as just part of politics

When the right want to deny, deflect or ignore the facts in situations wherein they're caught with their pants down (or skirts up as appropriate) their immediate reaction is to go colour blind, albeit totally blind! They then go on the offensive and review things through their rose coloured glasses and "FACTS BE DAMNED!"
Don't you know by now the only thing the left understands is RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!, You gotta parrot what the left media tells you to believe ;)

Thank you for the compliments!


Isn't that what all this fuss is about? Shouldn't every erstwhile blue blooded American be concerned by the actions of Russia's involvement in their elections, potential or otherwise, especially so since your President is still insisting it might have had been done by some 400 pound guy sitting on his bed or, worse still, China, but "NEVER RUSSIA!" And his denial is in total contradiction to all the evidence provided to him via various American Law and Security Agencies! Talk about blind?!

Yes, just like a Parrot we do believe what we read when the evidence is undeniable, and ALL of what we see, "when we see it!" Then again, you guys believe in your President to the extent that when he said, and I quote:
"Just remember what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!" Unquote.

Thus, if those that see this President for what he is are parrots and spreading the FACTS CONCERNING HIM, his dedicated supporters who must now believe and follow his aforementioned dictate must be, NO ARE, LEMMINGS!

P.S. Just remember this: "the cliff you lemmings will go over and meet your demise is not all that far off!"
Thank you for the compliments!


Isn't that what all this fuss is about? Shouldn't every erstwhile blue blooded American be concerned by the actions of Russia's involvement in their elections, potential or otherwise, especially so since your President is still insisting it might have had been done by some 400 pound guy sitting on his bed or, worse still, China, but "NEVER RUSSIA!" And his denial is in total contradiction to all the evidence provided to him via various American Law and Security Agencies! Talk about blind?!

Yes, just like a Parrot we do believe what we read when the evidence is undeniable, and ALL of what we see, "when we see it!" Then again, you guys believe in your President to the extent that when he said, and I quote:
"Just remember what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!" Unquote.

Thus, if those that see this President for what he is are parrots and spreading the FACTS CONCERNING HIM, his dedicated supporters who must now believe and follow his aforementioned dictate must be, NO ARE, LEMMINGS!

P.S. Just remember this: "the cliff you lemmings will go over and meet your demise is not all that far off!"

Whether or not I Believe there is evidence of collusion is something I have NEVER stated in all these pages. That has been everyone's assumption here. What I don't believe is that this is the end of the world as you all preach. Ask yourself a simple question - Why is it taking so long? All of you have been so positive that Trump and Russia are in bed together for the past 2 years, then why has there been no arrest, no impeachment? If the evidence is so over whelming and so damning, then whats the hold up? The fact that it has taken this long and there still is no trial is a clear indication that there is no "smoking gun". All of you however seem to know something the government does not, so why don't you contact them and present your evidence so we can get this ball rolling. You are all so sure of yourself because you are blinded by hate. Proof or no proof - what I do believe is our government is using this Russia thing as a tool to distract the American people and keep everyone divided (and there is plenty of proof of that right here on this thread). It's a distraction to keep the people away from the real problems of this country. Nothing is going to change until the people unite and hold our government accountable. You are right about one thing - we need to "Wake Up" and realize the fact that our government as a whole is broken.
Thank you for the compliments!


Isn't that what all this fuss is about? Shouldn't every erstwhile blue blooded American be concerned by the actions of Russia's involvement in their elections, potential or otherwise, especially so since your President is still insisting it might have had been done by some 400 pound guy sitting on his bed or, worse still, China, but "NEVER RUSSIA!" And his denial is in total contradiction to all the evidence provided to him via various American Law and Security Agencies! Talk about blind?!

Yes, just like a Parrot we do believe what we read when the evidence is undeniable, and ALL of what we see, "when we see it!" Then again, you guys believe in your President to the extent that when he said, and I quote:
"Just remember what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!" Unquote.

Thus, if those that see this President for what he is are parrots and spreading the FACTS CONCERNING HIM, his dedicated supporters who must now believe and follow his aforementioned dictate must be, NO ARE, LEMMINGS!

P.S. Just remember this: "the cliff you lemmings will go over and meet your demise is not all that far off!"

well now you have Donald 2bi Right wing ...with more of HIS propaganda vids...proclaiming the left does all this media control

but being typical of the right...and won't even pay any attention to nor listen to ( because people are picking on their man).is that intelligence said over a year ago they know of over 300 Russian "bots" pushing false information...trouble is the right listened to all that and got a solid mind fucking and want to turn it on the left......they still listen to the Russians...and it's a fact they are still pushing the false info...so like daddy trump...every thing that's wrong is the left...….we hate Russian interference...to the right..so what?....we feel collusion and treason....to the right...nothing wrong with being friendly with another country

trying to reason with a trump supporter is futile....they have been completely mind fucked all one way and refuse to see or listen to anything that doesn't go along with Russia's teachings!
well now you have Donald 2bi Right wing ...with more of HIS propaganda vids...proclaiming the left does all this media control

It's all he can do. Remember this is a guy who claimed his business had improved three fold. Then spent repeated posts claiming it didn't mean more profits for him or his company. (Best bit i laughed at, was after his denials, he dared to tell everyone to get a Business 101 course done). Then he wouldn't say whether his employee's would see any of that. So in all he puts himself on par with Trump and friends business practices for screwing their employee's over for lining their own pockets.

As for his usual posting of other people opinions and trying to pass them off as an anti Democrat. It's all he has left. Nothing else he posts is believable. Nothing he posts has much in the way of fact. But here's the best bit. Once Trump is removed and the rich tax cuts is revoked by the Dem controlled senate. What is he going to do then? I'll tell you.

Blame the Dem's for everything . Because as usual the republican run the US into the ground and its the Dem's who have to spend four to eight years getting things back under control. Also you will never get to change his mind sub.

And here's why..

He thinks he is always right, that he is more intelligent than the rest in the conversation, firmly believes that people are too stupid to see past the barrage of lies, BS and falsehoods. That only he has any grasp on the political climate in the US right now. He has attached his flag to a man who is ever increasingly being shown up to be a liar and untrustworthy. ( Yet he keeps trying to deny it against the evidence of his actions)', He dare not back down as he believes it will make him look weak. Yet fails to see just how weak his position is already by his dubious actions and comments. everything he does is about him. Just him. Its never about the whole or everyone else. Just how much he can get out of it all.
Also you will never get to change his mind sub.

gave up on him a long time ago...

he lost all his credibility on his vids and really doubt anyone will watch anything he posts in the vid category

as for his comments...he has such a hate for the left....everything that is wrong with America is the left....that there is nothing he can say that will make any sense

and anyone who has paid any attention to him...which I'm sure most don't by now...but he keeps saying how he is not for the right...and yet defends everything they do

so it all boils down to vids that the gov has warned us about and no one here will watch
statements...which he does not post any facts with...wants others to prove him wrong
and his support for the trump administration when he says he does not support
does not leave much else to answer from him does it?

where as HH makes no bones about being for the right and will go out of his way to try and discredit what most post....but he also loses sight of the facts more than once
nongolfer just wants to argue and cry and be an ass when proven wrong
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Its not just the left - the right has their fair share of lies and opinions, but everyone was talking about the same ******* we are today 20 years ago, and mark my words, if the status-quo don't change, we will be talking about the same ******* 20 years from now. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer, the middle class dwindles no mater WHO is in office. No one finds that odd?
Jonathan SwanAug 26

Scoop: Republicans secretly study their coming hell

Illustration: Lazaro Gamio/Axios
Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that's circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.
Why this matters: Publicly, House Republicans are putting on a brave face about the midterms. But privately, they are scrambling to prepare for the worst. This document, which catalogs requests Democrats have already made, is part of that effort.

It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts:
  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir P.utin
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey's firing
  • Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances
The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee.
  • The spreadsheet includes requests for administration officials to be grilled by committee staff, requests for hearings to obtain sworn testimony, efforts to seize communications about controversial policies and personnel decisions, and subpoena threats.
  • These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation.
The bottom line: Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie. Lawyers close to the White House tell me the Trump administration is nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them, and they consider it among the greatest threats to his presidency.
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Zachary BasuSep 1

U.S. companies blast Trump China tariff costs

Shipping containers in China. Photo: VCG via Getty Images
Hundreds of American businesses have testified in hearings hosted by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, hoping to shed light on the damaging effect tariffs on Chinese goods will have on the average American consumer.

The big picture: From "cradles to coffins," the 25% tariffs proposed by the Trump administration on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods will raise prices on a wide range of everyday items. And, many industry representatives argued, they will do little to curb China's unfair trade practices.

The backdrop: The hearings were similar to those hosted by the USTR when it was considering tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, which Trump ultimately chose to implement. But this latest round would affect a far greater cross section of consumer goods.
  • 23% of the U.S. imports that would be subject to this round of tariffs are consumer goods, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
  • Among the hardest-hit would be furniture ($11 billion), chair seats ($10 billion), computers ($8 billion), lamps and lighting parts ($7 billion), and cooking appliances ($3.8 billion).
What they're saying: The six days of hearings consisted mainly of representatives from a range of industries attempting to explain the logic-defying nature of the proposed tariffs, while committee members questioned them on their ability to source products from countries besides China, per World Trade Online.
  • American Chemistry Council: "Supply chains are not plug-and-play — they cannot easily be reconfigured to meet the whims of U.S. trade policy. forsing companies to reconfigure their supply chains would threaten the viability of their businesses."
  • American Bridal Prom Industry Association: “China's dominance as an apparel maker means it will be virtually impossible to avoid importing Chinese made goods entirely...If a 25 percent or greater tariff were to be imposed in the future, the supplier, importer and direct consumer would likely share the higher cost, as retailers would try to pass along most or all the price increase.”
  • Graco Children's Products Inc: "We're very concerned that imposing these tariffs will ******* many families to make very difficult trade-offs between over-extending their budget or ensuring the safety of their children."
  • Quality Bicycle Products Inc.: "If you want to see the latest in bicycle technology, you can go to the Smithsonian Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and see a 1903 Wright Brothers bicycle that is in essence what is being produced in China today. The same technology. There aren’t any semiconductor chips in a bicycle imported from China.”
The bottom line: Per the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Trump administration has attempted to assure Americans that it will resolve trade frictions with China without excessive collateral damage, but it lacks a coherent strategy for those assurances to be of any real comfort.
Its not just the left - the right has their fair share of lies and opinions,

true.... but on here we at least try to post facts....or if it is an opinion...most don't try to push it off as facts!

but everyone was talking about the same ******* we are today 20 years ago

again true...but 20 years ago we could work out our differences...without just trying to push one version...and make that the only one that people are supposed to believe

mark my words, if the status-quo don't change, we will be talking about the same ******* 20 years from now.

well with people with your same mindset...that is probably true...and what again you are trying to be the truthsayer...when you say one thing and yet support another...kind of creates a credibility problem don't you think?

The poor get poorer, the rich get richer, the middle class dwindles no mater WHO is in office.

and who created that system?...might want to start with a republican by the name of Reagan...and a party based on greed!

No one finds that odd?
a lot easier to create new laws than change the ones already in
besides the right has no problem creating laws that screw the majority of the country...their supporters will stick by them...and they will go out of their way to prevent others from voting against their polices or even voting

where as the left tries to do what is good for the country..Obama being a good example...and most on the left support that...but then there is the independants...if they don't see immediate change in their pocketbooks...….the next election they go back to voting for the right....when the right fucks them they go back to the left
they do far more harm than good!
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Jonathan SwanAug 26

Scoop: Republicans secretly study their coming hell

Illustration: Lazaro Gamio/Axios
Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that's circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.
Why this matters: Publicly, House Republicans are putting on a brave face about the midterms. But privately, they are scrambling to prepare for the worst. This document, which catalogs requests Democrats have already made, is part of that effort.

It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts:
  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Poroshenko
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey's firing
  • Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances
The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee.
  • The spreadsheet includes requests for administration officials to be grilled by committee staff, requests for hearings to obtain sworn testimony, efforts to seize communications about controversial policies and personnel decisions, and subpoena threats.
  • These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation.
The bottom line: Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie. Lawyers close to the White House tell me the Trump administration is nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them, and they consider it among the greatest threats to his presidency.

I'm hoping that after he is in...and that is probably a given......but we can impeach the for the first time a supreme court justice based on not having all the facts out to the public before the nomination
running and being your parties nominee is two different things
Biden was the Vice President. Are you suggesting it was OK for the Democrat VP to be treasonous per Drillher's definition? Why weren't you and Drillher on here calling Biden out for his treasonous behavior when he was one heartbeat away from the presidency?

Biden is also contemplating a run for the presidency in 2020. Will you and Drillher both commit to not voting for him if he wins the democrat nomination since he is treasonous per Drillher's criteria.

hell Cruz ran also and look at all the shady ******* he is involved in...barely touched on any of it...had he made it to the parties candidate.....a hell of a lot more would have come out!
Yet another deflection tactic. Topic was draft dodging being treasonous and Drillher's hypocrisy for not calling out Biden for the same thing he called out Trump for. Unless you're suggesting Cruz was draft dodger at the ripe old age of 5 when Vietnam ended.
I'm hoping that after he is in...and that is probably a given......but we can impeach the for the first time a supreme court justice based on not having all the facts out to the public before the nomination

The freight train sized wreck that is approaching the republican party is telling in more ways than one. People like Trey Gowdy and his GOP rabid followers spent over $82 million tax payer dollars on four Clinton related scandals pushed by the Republicans lawmakers leading up to a much anticipated report from Star the Independent Council. A further 18 million dollars on attacking HC herself. The net result? Nothing, zilch, zero. They told everyone that the investigations would be over when their over. Yet Trey Gowdy, the very same hypocrite who recently stated that the Mueller investigation should be over and to stop going after Trump still says H.C is guilty.

It used to be that most republicans wanted the Mueller investigation done with. But now as time goes on they are beginning to see the investigation into Trump and his closest allies that needs to be played out fully. Unlike the Benghazi series of investigations Mueller's efforts have netted so far five guilty pleas, Seven flippers and over two million documents. And this is just the start. A further seven investigations are now under way including the Trump business as a whole. Trumps mouth has brought all this to his own door. Add in the fact that Mueller now has inroads into the Russian 'collusion' series of meetings and players, don't be surprised if suddenly if close members of his family are suddenly issued with warrants or even arrest.

Trump is fast approaching the point of no return. The number of Americans who believe that Russia got involved in the 2016 Elections is rising. The numbers who believe Trump is guilty is also rising. All that said. If and when the Democrats gain the senate you are going to find a lot of reversals concerning Trumps policies. That's not a perhaps, a maybe. That's a full blown fact. Gone will be the rich give-away tax, gone will be the dreadful health bill, gone will be the tariff wars and gone will be every single Trump appointee in any position of power. And that includes the Supreme court.

And the fun fact in all of this is that Mueller has the upper hand, the evidence and the time to not only get an impeachment going, but also to prosecute Trump and his family once he lives office.

And the only person I feel sorry for in all of this is Trumps youngest *******.
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