Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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you know Mac a while back when the right had us out numbered and kept pushing the trump/right wing *******
and now more "lefties" coming on and things falling apart for their party....they have nothing to say
.....Well, I can appreciate their situation. I had a similar feeling regarding Bill Clinton in the late '90s. I blame Newt Gingrich, however, for the polarization of politics today. I still, however, can't quite understand why congressional Republicans aren't as upset with Trump as everyone else. Some still denying the Russian fiasco as fake news, and still pulling up old Hillary crap 'cause that's ALL they have. They unraveled when they spent 7 years demagoguing & obstructing the ACA, then getting the trifecta chance to show the nation THAT BETTER HEALTH PLAN and then not producing jack *******. It was all a rouse to gain back power and ******* their 'trickle down tax cut' down the throats of the tax payers as a middle class tax cut. They have NOTHING to offer the working poor or middleclass. They'd be better served to take Trump out NOW, use the mid-term to get their ******* together for the 2020 general elections ... but, nooooooo! We need two 'functioning parties' to maintain the checks & balances.
.....I just hope the mid-terms produce a devastating defeat for the Republicans to make them reassess their party's direction. If they hold their own in the mid-terms this country is 'dead'. And, I surely hope the Democrats don't waste the opportunity by stocking the shelves to the far-left ... that's just as bad.
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I blame Newt Gingrich, however, for the polarization of politics today.

He did and still does turn politics into a war among the people!

I still, however, can't quite understand why congressional Republicans aren't as upset with Trump as everyone else.

The law and order party turning on the fbi and cia kind of hard to believe...all in support of what? Trump?

still pulling up old Hillary crap 'cause that's ALL they have.
trump keeps pushing that trying to divert things away from him....I really think if he could he would see her in jail!

They unraveled when they spent 7 years demagoguing & obstructing the ACA, then getting the trifecta chance to show the nation THAT BETTER HEALTH PLAN and then not producing jack *******.
I see now that is a campaign issue and it's NOT doing away with it...people want it fixed....but trump and company not buying it

They'd be better served to take Trump out NOW, use the mid-term to get their ******* together for the 2020 general elections .

yes you would think they would see that...but some are still running as trump supporters...I suppose in some areas that is fine...have to see how that works out

I just hope the mid-terms produce a devastating defeat for the Republicans to make them reassess their party's direction. If they hold their own in the mid-terms this country is 'dead'. And, I surely hope the Democrats don't waste the opportunity by stocking the shelves to the far-left ... that's just as bad.

got to agree....should the right win....we are in deep *******...and yes hopefully the left doesn't swing to far left and lose votes over it
need to just shut up and run on an anti-trump campaign
Donald Trump’s “Great” Reaction To Meghan McCain’s Memorial Rebuke
Dominic Patten,Deadline


Though he was never actually mentioned by name the entire time, the distinctly uninvited Donald Trump was roasted by speaker after speaker today at John McCain’s memorial at Washington D.C.’s National Cathedral and yet the President uncharacteristically refrained from hitting back – until now.
Having spent much of the day golfing, while the likes of George W. Bush and Barack Obama deftly pilloried him, the former Celebrity Apprentice host finally took to social media this afternoon with an apparent swipe at an unnamed Meghan McCain:

Donald J. Trump


5:53 PM - Sep 1, 2018

While perhaps Trump will deny that the tweet had anything to do with the memorial that Sen. McCain made abundantly clear he was not welcome at, the digital equivalent of yelling, all-caps, came after the younger McCain spoke for herself, her family and many who admired her ******* this morning in the cathedral.
Her voice cracking and tears clear for all to see, The View co-host offered a moving eulogy to her ******* on Saturday and earned poignant applause from the former POTUS and others in the political and cultural elite at Trump’s expense.
“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,” the now deceased Arizona Senator’s ******* said before truly launching in.
“The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great,” the former Fox News Channel co-host added to a very very warm and loud reception from the bipartisan crowd.
The omissions in Trump’s reaction today in many ways mirrors his immediate retort to the news of the death of his longtime critic Sen. McCain on August 25 from brain cancer. While offering “sympathy” and “respect” to the 2008 Presidential candidate’s family, the current President didn’t make a single remark that day about McCain’s long military and political service.
Suffering sustained backlash over the next few days in his latest of many snubs of the self-described “maverick” Senator, Trump’s White House finally put out a statement praising McCain on August 27, though it made a point to note “our differences on policy and politics.” Flags on the Executive Mansion and other federal buildings were put back to half-staff for McCain until tomorrow’s private funeral at the Naval Academy with an Oval Office proclamation.
Originally supposed to go to Camp David for the weekend, Trump made a clear decision to stay in D.C. today even though most of the nation’s capitol’s most prominent citizens clearly wanted nothing to do with him – which probably didn’t feel so great to the easily slighted 45th POTUS.
As for Meghan McCain, she did not respond back to Trump’s seeming response to her – but she did put this up online today:
Cindy McCain


Today we lost our hero, our friend, our mentor, our *******, our grandfather and our husband. Together we mourn and together we go on.
1:24 PM - Sep 1, 2018
what a fucking jerk!

Trump threatens to exclude Canada from new NAFTA deal
AFP 10 hours ago
As a Canadian, it bothers me to think that I have two relatives buried in Arlington, both having had made the ultimate sacrifice WEARING U.S. UNIFORMS! Then I have to face the fact the current U.S. President surreptitiously avoided the draft, not just once, or twice, not even just three times, but five times, each time using phoney medical excuses provided by a phoney doctor! What a coward! His avoidance of military service should have had been considered "treasonous!"
Yes, its far from news at all. Its an opinion article from a left wing blogger. Even the Washington Post admits as much, saying "Greg Sargent writes The Plum Line blog, a reported opinion blog with a liberal slant"


By the way, there is a little key on your keyboard that lets you turn off the capital lock for your posts....you should like that key....its on the left
then getting the trifecta chance to show the nation THAT BETTER HEALTH PLAN and then not producing jack *******.
The republicans of course have a plan, as you well know but choose to ignore. H.R. 1628 has passed the House. It got stuck in the Senate because the republicans don't have the filibuster proof majority that the democrats had when they rammed Obummercare up our asses against the will of nearly 60% of the people. You remember filibusters right???? That's those things you used to incessantly whine about when democrats had control of the senate.....seems like you strangely don't mention them much of late. Wonder why :confused:

Since the republicans barely have a majority, they can't stop democrat filibusters. They tried to progress H.R. 1628 through the reconciliation process, but that limits what can be in the bill. Even with reconciliation, they have to essentially all vote in lock step to get anything passed over democrat opposition. There were a few republican senator holdouts that wouldn't commit to voting yes, so the bill has been sitting while the Senate moved on to items it could pass. I suppose the republican leaders in the senate could have tried to buy off the holdout republicans the way the democrats did to get the last votes they needed for obummercrap. The democrats managed to get their magic 60th vote through the "Cornhusker Kickback", essentially buying democrat senator Ben Nelson's vote by throwing in special carve-out that gave Nebraska an exemption for the cost of medicaid expansion....dumping that ~$100 million or so on you and I as Federal tax payers.



A good example of why congress gets nothing done can be seen right in the congressional record for the Senate debate on H.R. 1628. The Senate is trying to debate and come up with a suitable bill to reform health care and what does the leader of the democrats do? Schumer gets up and starts talking about.....Russia, Russia, Russia:

"Mr. President, I have one other point, on Russia sanctions. It is apropos. I didn't know, when we read all of this stuff, that my good friend from Arizona would be here. Even as we debate other items on the floor, we should not delay this legislation on the Russia sanctions any longer."

Then I have to face the fact the current U.S. President surreptitiously avoided the draft, not just once, or twice, not even just three times, but five times, each time using phoney medical excuses provided by a phoney doctor! What a coward! His avoidance of military service should have had been considered "treasonous!"
No, Trump's selective service record is publicly available. His first four deferments were for education. Only his final deferment after graduating was related to medical reasons.


Joe Biden, former VP of the US under Obummer had essentially the same deferment history with several education deferments followed by a medical after graduating because....he had asthma as a young.

Wonder why the left wasn't calling Biden treasonous????

Justice Department lawyer was told Russia had ‘Trump over a barrel’ — report

Trump-Russia dossier author also said to tell Bruce Ohr that campaign aide Carter Page met with more-senior Russian officials than he'd acknowledged

By Eric Tucker and CHAD DAY 1 September 2018,

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) and US President Donald Trump talk as they attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit in the central Vietnamese city of Danang on November 11, 2017. (AFP/Sputnik/Mikhail Klimentyev)

WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.
The lawyer, Bruce Ohr, also says he learned that a Trump campaign aide had met with higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged, the people said.

The previously unreported details of the July 30, 2016, breakfast with Christopher Steele, which Ohr described to lawmakers this week in a private interview, reveal an exchange of potentially explosive information about Trump between two men the president has relentlessly sought to discredit.

They add to the public understanding of those pivotal summer months as the FBI and intelligence community scrambled to untangle possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. And they reflect the concern of Steele, a longtime FBI informant whose Democratic-funded research into Trump ties to Russia was compiled into a dossier, that the Republican presidential candidate was possibly compromised and his urgent efforts to convey that anxiety to contacts at the FBI and Justice Department.

The people who discussed Ohr’s interview were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the closed session and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.


In this photo from August 28, 2018, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr arrives for a closed hearing of the
House Judiciary and House Oversight committees on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez

Among the things Ohr said he learned from Steele during the breakfast was that an unnamed former Russian intelligence official had communicated that Russian intelligence believed “they had Trump over a barrel,” according to people familiar with the meeting.

It was not clear from Ohr’s interview whether Steele was directly told that or had picked that up through his contacts, but the broader sentiment is echoed in Steele’s dossier.

Steele and Ohr, at the time of the election a senior official in the deputy attorney general’s office, had first met a decade earlier and bonded over a shared interest in international organized crime. They met several times during the presidential campaign, a relationship that has exposed both men and federal law enforcement more generally to partisan criticism, including from Trump.

Republicans contend the FBI relied excessively on the dossier during its investigation and to obtain a secret wiretap application on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. They also say Ohr went outside his job description and chain of command by meeting with Steele, including after his termination as a FBI source, and then relaying information to the FBI.

Trump this month proposed stripping Ohr, who until this year had been largely anonymous during his decades-long Justice Department career, of his security clearance and has asked “how the hell” he remains employed. He has called the Russia investigation a “witch hunt” and denied any collusion between his campaign and Moscow.

The president and some of his supporters in Congress have also accused the FBI of launching the entire Russia counterintelligence investigation based on the dossier. But memos authored by Republicans and Democrats and declassified this year show the probe was triggered by information the US government earlier received about the Russian contacts of then-Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos.

The FBI’s investigation was already under way by the time it received Steele’s dossier. The investigation’s lead agent, Peter Strzok, told lawmakers last month that “it was not Mr. Ohr who provided the initial documents that I became aware of in mid-September.”
Ohr described his relationship with Steele during a House interview Tuesday.


This photo from March 7, 2017, shows Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who set up Orbis
Business Intelligence and compiled a dossier on Donald Trump, in London. (Victoria Jones/PA via AP)

One of the meetings he recounted was a Washington breakfast attended by Steele, a Steele associate and Ohr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, who worked for Fusion GPS, the political research firm that hired Steele, attended at least part of it.
Beside the “over a barrel” remark, Ohr also told Congress that Steele told him that Page, a Trump campaign aide who traveled to Moscow that same month and whose ties to Russia attracted FBI scrutiny, had met with more-senior Russian officials than he had acknowledged.

The breakfast took place amid ongoing FBI concerns about Russian election interference and possible communication with Trump associates.
By that point, Russian hackers had penetrated Democratic email accounts, including that of the Clinton campaign chairman, and Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign associate, was said to have revealed that Russians had “dirt” on Democrat Hillary Clinton in the form of emails, court papers say.
That revelation prompted the FBI to open the counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016, one day after the breakfast but based on entirely different information.

Ohr told lawmakers he could not vouch for the accuracy of Steele’s information but has said he considered him a reliable FBI informant who delivered credible and actionable intelligence, including about corruption at FIFA, soccer’s global governing body.
In the interview, Ohr acknowledged that he had not told superiors in his office, including Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, about his meetings with Steele because he considered the information inflammatory raw source material.

He also provided new details about the department’s move to reassign him once his Steele ties were brought to light.
Ohr said he met in late 2017 with two senior Justice Department officials, Scott Schools and James Crowell, who told him they were unhappy he had not proactively disclosed his meetings with Steele. They said he was being stripped of his associate deputy attorney post as part of an internal reorganization that would have occurred anyway, people familiar with Ohr’s account say.

He met again soon after with one of the officials, who told him Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein didn’t believe he could remain in his current position as director of a law enforcement grant-distribution initiative known as the Organized Crime ******* Enforcement Task Forces program because the position entailed White House meetings and interactions.

A Justice Department spokeswoman declined comment.
John McCain understood why I refused to leave prison

The late US senator translated his firsthand knowledge of the horrors of captivity and dictatorship into a lifelong pursuit of justice

John McCain waiting for the rest of the group to leave the bus at airport after being released as a POW, 1973. (US Navy / PD via Wikipedia)

Aug 26, 2018, 6:29 PM

Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors only.

A few months after the 2008 elections, I happened to be in Washington and sought out my old friend senator John McCain. I hoped to express my support in the face of his defeat in those elections, and my confidence that his legacy wouldn’t be defined by it. I was taken to a small chamber in the Senate to await McCain, who was embroiled in a legislative battle on the floor and didn’t want to leave the building.

The man who walked into the chamber to meet me was glad to receive my condolences and assurances, but he didn’t need them. His defeat was no longer on his mind. He was afire, instead, with his passion for his most recent battle, the crusade to outlaw *******. “I don’t need to explain to you why we must stop this,” he said, dismissing the criticism his position drew from his own political camp. “We understand.”
The “we” senator McCain spoke of, and the affinity he alluded to, was formed in our very first meeting, when I visited the US shortly after my release from the Soviet gulag in 1986. “I understand why you refused to be released on the USSR’s terms two years ago,” he told me then, referring to a deal I rejected, to the shock and consternation of many western supporters.

Many couldn’t understand why I refused to request an early release from prison for health reasons. After all, the Soviet authorities had secretly promised their American counterparts that they would grant such a request. McCain, who experienced the horrors of captivity and dictatorship first hand, understood what they couldn’t.

He knew how such a request would have been presented by the Soviet authorities, how they would have used it to claim that I, their critic, accepted their authority to control my fate. He knew how it would have been used to break the spirit of other dissidents.
McCain understood my reasons because he himself had made the same choice. When the North Vietnamese government offered to release him ahead of other POWs, he declined, despite the atrocious conditions in which he was held. Some values, he knew, stood above survival and comfort.

McCain’s first-hand knowledge of these realities and truths shone through his endeavours throughout his long and illustrious political career. He never stopped supporting dissidents who suffered under dictatorial regimes, and he never forgot that some things should take precedence over realpolitik considerations and party lines.

It was this deep conviction that motivated him to speak against a realpolitik approach to the situation in the Soviet Union, in Syria and in Iran. And it was this conviction, too, that compelled him to fight against ******* in Guantanamo Bay regardless of his own party’s criticism. He knew that justice itself, as well as the United States moral integrity, was on the line.

The man who came to meet me in that small chamber in the American Senate didn’t need my encouragement and support. He didn’t need me to tell him that his principles, and not his defeat in the elections, would define his legacy in years to come. He was already afire with those very principles, and with his deep commitment to his country’s moral integrity and dignity.

The American people lost a man of rare integrity this week, and I lost a very dear comrade in arms. May his legacy live on.

About the Author

Natan Sharansky is a politician, human rights activist and author who, as a refusenik in the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s, spent nine years in Soviet prisons. He served as Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency from June 2009 until August 2018.
No, Trump's selective service record is publicly available. His first four deferments were for education. Only his final deferment after graduating was related to medical reasons.


Joe Biden, former VP of the US under Obummer had essentially the same deferment history with several education deferments followed by a medical after graduating because....he had asthma as a young.

Wonder why the left wasn't calling Biden treasonous????

asthma is not made up!
private bone spurs still went on to play sports!
well if you can call bowling a sport
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hopefully his ass will be impeached soon anyway
wonder if those bone spurs will require the need for a wheel chair....and a straight jacket...or just the straight jacket!

the only thing he has done in the way of making America great again....is trashing the republican party...but of course it was on a slide anyway...why else would they be going out of their way to stifle the vote?

and on another good note.....I see where John Kerry is thinking about running again!
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No, Trump's selective service record is publicly available. His first four deferments were for education. Only his final deferment after graduating was related to medical reasons.


Joe Biden, former VP of the US under Obummer had essentially the same deferment history with several education deferments followed by a medical after graduating because....he had asthma as a young.

Wonder why the left wasn't calling Biden treasonous????


Yeah! Probably from Trump University!
Reading comprehension....try it sometime. This was a reply to Drillher's post where he stated: "His avoidance of military service should have had been considered "treasonous!"

Don't you know by now the only thing the left understands is RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!, You gotta parrot what the left media tells you to believe ;)
asthma is not made up!
I didn't say it was. But I've learned to expect such poor attempts as strawman arguments from you and Mac.

Biden's medical deferment was for asthma as a young. But yet he was healthy enough to be a star player on his high school football team:

Biden attended the Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware,[17] where he was a standout halfback/wide receiver on the high school football team; he helped lead a perennially losing team to an undefeated season in his senior year.[14][18] He played on the baseball team as well.


Biden also has claimed to have played college football....which has been documented to be mostly bullshit. He can't even keep his own lies straight, having said previously in his own memoir: Biden’s own memoir, “Promises To Keep: On Life And Politics,” he wrote that he gave up playing football before the season even started."


If Biden's asthma didn't prevent him for being a star football player, leading his team to an undefeated season, sure seems like he would have been healthy enough to carry a rifle in Vietnam. Trump could have as well. They both had pretty lame medical deferments. But when liberals call Trump treasonous for his deferment and gave Biden a pass, thats utter hypocrisy.
I didn't say it was. But I've learned to expect such poor attempts as strawman arguments from you and Mac.

Biden's medical deferment was for asthma as a young. But yet he was healthy enough to be a star player on his high school football team:

Biden attended the Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware,[17] where he was a standout halfback/wide receiver on the high school football team; he helped lead a perennially losing team to an undefeated season in his senior year.[14][18] He played on the baseball team as well.


Biden also has claimed to have played college football....which has been documented to be mostly bullshit. He can't even keep his own lies straight, having said previously in his own memoir: Biden’s own memoir, “Promises To Keep: On Life And Politics,” he wrote that he gave up playing football before the season even started."


If Biden's asthma didn't prevent him for being a star football player, leading his team to an undefeated season, sure seems like he would have been healthy enough to carry a rifle in Vietnam. Trump could have as well. They both had pretty lame medical deferments. But when liberals call Trump treasonous for his deferment and gave Biden a pass, thats utter hypocrisy.

had Biden made a run for the white house I'm sure it would have come up...but he didn't!...has nothing to do with right or left....always...always ...the pres is under the microscope....and as usual....the right likes to divert!
or even lie.... like they did with Kerry the last time he ran...he was in Viet Nam...and got a few medals.....but during the campaign the right literally paid 3 people to lie about him......after Bush won....they admitted they had been well paid to lie...but bush in the white house.....and speaking of bush......what about his desertion during his time in the reserve? hushed up and covered up!...right got away with that one!

the right lies ...deceives and does what it takes to get their man in and trash the other......but when it comes back...oh ******* the left is picking on our man
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