Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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2bi....just for you I'm going to turn over a new leaf....nothing but kind words....as demonstrated below

sorry just couldn't think of any
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another former ally turning to the enemy for help because of our lack of leadership!

China says it is helping Afghanistan with defense, counterterrorism
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's defense ministry said on Thursday that it was supporting Afghanistan's defense and counterterrorism efforts, a day after Beijing denied a plan to build a base in Afghanistan and to send Chinese forces to the war-torn country.
China's foreign ministry on Wednesday dismissed a report by the South China Morning Post that cited sources with ties to the military as saying it was funding construction of a camp in Afghanistan's narrow Wakhan Corridor linking the two countries, and could send hundreds of troops there.
The Hong Kong newspaper later updated its report to quote Afghanistan's embassy in Beijing as saying China was helping the country set up a "mountain brigade" to boost counterterrorism efforts, but that there would be "no Chinese military personnel of any kind on Afghan soil at any time".
Chinese defense ministry spokesman Wu Qian, asked about the mountain brigade at a regular monthly news briefing, said China and Afghanistan had "normal military and security cooperation".
"China and the international community are all supporting Afghanistan to strengthen its defense and counterterrorism building efforts," Wu told reporters.
This is funny as hell.. But the sad thing is, Trump never meant a single thing he said. He just lied and all the voters fell for his lies.. 4,700 lies as of this month.

On a more serious note. Trump has been diagnosed with a new condition this month. liabetes. It was found to a hereditary family condition and is contagious to anyone who works or votes for Trump.

and on Daphne's humorous note....more good news

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment
GARY LANGER,Good Morning America

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment originally appeared on abcnews.go.com
Disapproval of Donald Trump is at a new high, support for the Mueller investigation is broad and half of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the president.
Sixty percent in the national survey disapprove of Trump’s performance in office, numerically the highest of his presidency, albeit by a single point; that includes 53 percent who disapprove strongly, more than half for the first time. Thirty-six percent approve, matching his low.

The results come a week after Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was convicted of fraud, and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight felonies, including illegal campaign finance actions that he said Trump directed.


Trump’s average approval rating since taking office is the lowest for any president in modern polling since the 1940s. One factor: Contrary to his “drain the swamp” rhetoric, 45 percent say corruption in Washington has increased under Trump, while just 13 percent say it’s declined.

Suspicions of the president relating to the Mueller investigation are substantial. Sixty-one percent say that if assertions by Cohen are true, Trump broke the law. Fifty-three percent also think Trump obstructed special counsel Robert Mueller’s work.


The national survey, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that half the public supports Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against Trump, 49-46 percent; support rises to 57 percent among women. And support for the investigation running its course is broader: Americans overall back Mueller’s probe by 63-29 percent. Fifty-two percent support it strongly, a high level of strong sentiment.

Mueller prosecuted Manafort and referred the Cohen case to federal prosecutors in New York. Support for Mueller’s investigation peaks at 85 percent among Democrats, but also takes in 67 percent of independents and even a third of Republicans (32 percent). Forty-one percent of conservatives back Mueller, rising to more than seven in 10 moderates and liberals.
In Trump’s dispute with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for allowing the investigation to proceed, the public sides with Sessions, 62-23 percent. Sixty-four percent also oppose the idea of Trump firing Sessions; just 19 percent support it.
Further, while Trump has railed against the Manafort prosecution, Americans call it justified by an overwhelming 67-17 percent, including nearly half of Republicans. The public opposes Trump pardoning Manafort by essentially the same margin, 66-18 percent, with 53 percent strongly opposed. Even among Republicans, 45 percent oppose a Manafort pardon; 36 percent support it.
The damage to Trump on these ethics concerns overwhelms his better rating for handling the economy, an essentially even split, 45-47 percent. That demonstrates that a good economy only makes it possible for a president to be popular – it’s no guarantee.
Approval, Groups
The president’s approval rating is highly partisan, but with relative challenges for Trump across the board. His job rating matches his low among Republicans (78 percent approve) and Democrats (6 percent) alike. It’s 35 percent among independents.


He’s at new lows among college-educated Americans (albeit just by a point; 29 percent approve), moderates (24 percent) and blacks (3 percent, with a nearly unanimous 93 percent disapproving).
The single biggest shift is among college-educated white women – just 23 percent now approve of Trump, down 17 points from the peak in April 2017, with disapproval up 20 points, from 55 percent then to 75 percent now. Still, even among non-college white men, a core Trump group, his approval is down 15 points, from 70 percent just this spring to 55 percent today.

Other Group Results
Trump’s approval rating is 12 points lower among women than men, and that gender gap is reflected elsewhere. As noted, 57 percent of women favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings; that drops to 40 percent of men.
Seventy percent of liberals support impeachment proceedings, declining to 51 percent of moderates and 30 percent of conservatives. Impeachment support is highest, a vast 80 percent, among blacks; 37 percent of whites agree.
Some of these gaps narrow on whether or not the charges against Manafort were justified. Two-thirds of men and women alike say they were, as do two-thirds of whites – including 64 percent of white men without college degrees. Even among Republicans, conservatives and those who approve of Trump’s work in office, more see the charges as justified than as unjustified, by 48-28, 49-30 and 47-29 percent, respectively. (The rest express no opinion.)
As noted, 45 percent of Republicans oppose Trump pardoning Manafort, with 36 percent support. It’s similar among conservatives, 46-34 percent. Trump approvers split about evenly on a Manafort pardon, with 39 percent opposed, 37 percent in favor.
Opposition to a pardon goes higher in other groups – 68 percent among men and 64 percent among women, for example (no real difference between them), 64 percent among whites and Hispanics alike, and 82 percent among blacks.

Sixty-one percent, as noted, say that if Cohen’s claim that he acted at Trump’s direction is true, Trump committed a crime. That view is lowest among Republicans, 28 percent. But there’s concern for Trump in other core groups: A substantial minority of conservatives, 41 percent, say he broke the law if Cohen’s telling the truth. So do 44 percent of evangelical white Protestants, 52 percent of whites and 52 percent of non-college white men, all groups whose support Trump needs.
This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Aug. 26-29, 2018, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,003 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.6 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt Associates of Rockville, Md. See details on the survey’s methodology here.

and on Daphne's humorous note....more good news

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment
GARY LANGER,Good Morning America

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment originally appeared on abcnews.go.com
Disapproval of Donald Trump is at a new high, support for the Mueller investigation is broad and half of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the president.
Sixty percent in the national survey disapprove of Trump’s performance in office, numerically the highest of his presidency, albeit by a single point; that includes 53 percent who disapprove strongly, more than half for the first time. Thirty-six percent approve, matching his low.

The results come a week after Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was convicted of fraud, and his former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to eight felonies, including illegal campaign finance actions that he said Trump directed.


Trump’s average approval rating since taking office is the lowest for any president in modern polling since the 1940s. One factor: Contrary to his “drain the swamp” rhetoric, 45 percent say corruption in Washington has increased under Trump, while just 13 percent say it’s declined.

Suspicions of the president relating to the Mueller investigation are substantial. Sixty-one percent say that if assertions by Cohen are true, Trump broke the law. Fifty-three percent also think Trump obstructed special counsel Robert Mueller’s work.


The national survey, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that half the public supports Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against Trump, 49-46 percent; support rises to 57 percent among women. And support for the investigation running its course is broader: Americans overall back Mueller’s probe by 63-29 percent. Fifty-two percent support it strongly, a high level of strong sentiment.

Mueller prosecuted Manafort and referred the Cohen case to federal prosecutors in New York. Support for Mueller’s investigation peaks at 85 percent among Democrats, but also takes in 67 percent of independents and even a third of Republicans (32 percent). Forty-one percent of conservatives back Mueller, rising to more than seven in 10 moderates and liberals.
In Trump’s dispute with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for allowing the investigation to proceed, the public sides with Sessions, 62-23 percent. Sixty-four percent also oppose the idea of Trump firing Sessions; just 19 percent support it.
Further, while Trump has railed against the Manafort prosecution, Americans call it justified by an overwhelming 67-17 percent, including nearly half of Republicans. The public opposes Trump pardoning Manafort by essentially the same margin, 66-18 percent, with 53 percent strongly opposed. Even among Republicans, 45 percent oppose a Manafort pardon; 36 percent support it.
The damage to Trump on these ethics concerns overwhelms his better rating for handling the economy, an essentially even split, 45-47 percent. That demonstrates that a good economy only makes it possible for a president to be popular – it’s no guarantee.
Approval, Groups
The president’s approval rating is highly partisan, but with relative challenges for Trump across the board. His job rating matches his low among Republicans (78 percent approve) and Democrats (6 percent) alike. It’s 35 percent among independents.


He’s at new lows among college-educated Americans (albeit just by a point; 29 percent approve), moderates (24 percent) and blacks (3 percent, with a nearly unanimous 93 percent disapproving).
The single biggest shift is among college-educated white women – just 23 percent now approve of Trump, down 17 points from the peak in April 2017, with disapproval up 20 points, from 55 percent then to 75 percent now. Still, even among non-college white men, a core Trump group, his approval is down 15 points, from 70 percent just this spring to 55 percent today.

Other Group Results
Trump’s approval rating is 12 points lower among women than men, and that gender gap is reflected elsewhere. As noted, 57 percent of women favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings; that drops to 40 percent of men.
Seventy percent of liberals support impeachment proceedings, declining to 51 percent of moderates and 30 percent of conservatives. Impeachment support is highest, a vast 80 percent, among blacks; 37 percent of whites agree.
Some of these gaps narrow on whether or not the charges against Manafort were justified. Two-thirds of men and women alike say they were, as do two-thirds of whites – including 64 percent of white men without college degrees. Even among Republicans, conservatives and those who approve of Trump’s work in office, more see the charges as justified than as unjustified, by 48-28, 49-30 and 47-29 percent, respectively. (The rest express no opinion.)
As noted, 45 percent of Republicans oppose Trump pardoning Manafort, with 36 percent support. It’s similar among conservatives, 46-34 percent. Trump approvers split about evenly on a Manafort pardon, with 39 percent opposed, 37 percent in favor.
Opposition to a pardon goes higher in other groups – 68 percent among men and 64 percent among women, for example (no real difference between them), 64 percent among whites and Hispanics alike, and 82 percent among blacks.

Sixty-one percent, as noted, say that if Cohen’s claim that he acted at Trump’s direction is true, Trump committed a crime. That view is lowest among Republicans, 28 percent. But there’s concern for Trump in other core groups: A substantial minority of conservatives, 41 percent, say he broke the law if Cohen’s telling the truth. So do 44 percent of evangelical white Protestants, 52 percent of whites and 52 percent of non-college white men, all groups whose support Trump needs.
This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Aug. 26-29, 2018, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,003 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.6 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt Associates of Rockville, Md. See details on the survey’s methodology here.

I thought what was interesting were the results of the pardon Manafort question. For nearly every response there is this core 35 percent or so who side with the President no matter the question, but he loses nearly half his base on the issue of a pardon. Is it possible he could in fact go too far with his mendacity for his core supporters? Not sure that is true, but there's something going on with that 18 percent number and it could suggest a crack in his core support if they unearth something truly awful about the man.
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I think a wonderful Christmas present for much of the country would be seeing congress showing Trump the door with impeachment papers. Thing is, its reached the point with Trump where I imagine he'll get off with an insanity plea once Mueller's investigation is complete. I really would like to see him spend some time in jail ... state or federal, wouldn't matter to me.
Meanwhile, the president has not advised his legal teams or political advisers to begin preparing action plans in the event of his impeachment, "leaving allies to fret that the president does not appreciate the magnitude of what could be in store next year."

he is still convinced he is doing a good job and it won't happen......maybe he should check a few charts on his approval?
I thought what was interesting were the results of the pardon Manafort question. For nearly every response there is this core 35 percent or so who side with the President no matter the question, but he loses nearly half his base on the issue of a pardon. Is it possible he could in fact go too far with his mendacity for his core supporters? Not sure that is true, but there's something going on with that 18 percent number and it could suggest a crack in his core support if they unearth something truly awful about the man.

looks like maybe his core supporters are starting to question a few things....finally
I think a wonderful Christmas present for much of the country would be seeing congress showing Trump the door with impeachment papers. Thing is, its reached the point with Trump where I imagine he'll get off with an insanity plea once Mueller's investigation is complete. I really would like to see him spend some time in jail ... state or federal, wouldn't matter to me.

I partially agree with you MacNfries. I think him being shown the door would NOT be just a wonderful Christmas present for the country .... it would be "The Ultimate Christmas Gift for the entire world!"
Sorry to be so disagreeable!
he is still convinced he is doing a good job and it won't happen......maybe he should check a few charts on his approval?

subhub174014, he, and that twit of a lawyer he has as a mouth piece, are merely thickening their files in a vain hope he'll get off by pleading insanity, which of course is self-evident.
wouldn't a lot of us....but to big a fish to fry!...besides be to embarrassing to the right should that happen

I'm an avid fly fisherman and I assure you, especially with the way evidence is piling up, NO FISH IS TO BIG TO FRY!
When a fish is to big to fry you merely cut it in pieces and fry one piece at a time!
The order in which I'd fry'em, the *******, the second *******, the *******, the *******-in-outlaw, then the trophy catch!
The world would rejoice! (With the possible exception of one)
subhub174014, he, and that twit of a lawyer he has as a mouth piece, are merely thickening their files in a vain hope he'll get off by pleading insanity, which of course is self-evident.

his famous mouth piece says he is working on a rebuttal for Mueller now...….what do you want to bet it is just something to be released to the public slamming Mueller again...and just a witch hunt!

******* now they are looking into a lot of Russian money given to the campaign...trump knowing about the tower meeting before hand and with Cohans statements and now all of a sudden Manafort willingto deal ……..to much on him...going down.....but still don't think he will go to jail...if nothing else he can draw this out in court for????????
I do agree with one reporter that said it would probably be the secret service that has to forcibly remove him from the white house
he fires Sessions....Sessions might get mad and sing like a canary!

Trump, Sessions approved of Putin meeting proposal: former campaign adviser
Reuters 14 hours ago

President Donald Trump and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions both supported a proposal during the 2016 campaign that Trump meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, lawyers for a former campaign adviser said in a court filing late on Friday.

The account of the former adviser, George Papadopoulos, appeared to contradict the testimony of Sessions to Congress in November 2017 that he had "pushed back" against the proposal by Papadopoulos at a March 31, 2016, campaign meeting.

Trump has said he does not remember much of what happened at the "very unimportant" campaign meeting memorialized in a photo that Trump posted on Instagram of roughly a dozen men sitting around a table, including Trump, Sessions and Papadopoulos.

"While some in the room rebuffed George's offer, Mr. Trump nodded with approval and deferred to Mr. Sessions who appeared to like the idea and stated that the campaign should look into it," Papadopoulos' lawyers wrote in the court filing, which argued for leniency ahead of a sentencing hearing next week.

Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty in October to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts, has been cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

Friday's court filing confirmed reporting by Reuters in March about the apparent difference between Sessions' testimony and how others recounted his reaction to the proposal at the March 2016 meeting.

"Attorney General Sessions has publicly testified under oath about his recollection of this meeting, and he stands by his testimony," Washington lawyer Charles Cooper, who represents Sessions, said in an email to Reuters.
Outside lawyers for Trump did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Yep....we have a "commie" in the white house

AP sources: Former spy said Russia had 'Trump over a barrel'

WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump "over a barrel," according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.
The lawyer, Bruce Ohr, also says he learned that a Trump campaign aide had met with higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged, the people said.
The previously unreported details of the July 30, 2016, breakfast with Christopher Steele, which Ohr described to lawmakers this week in a private interview, reveal an exchange of potentially explosive information about Trump between two men the president has relentlessly sought to discredit.
They add to the public understanding of those pivotal summer months as the FBI and intelligence community scrambled to untangle possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. And they reflect the concern of Steele, a longtime FBI informant whose Democratic-funded research into Trump ties to Russia was compiled into a dossier, that the Republican presidential candidate was possibly compromised and his urgent efforts to convey that anxiety to contacts at the FBI and Justice Department.
The people who discussed Ohr's interview were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the closed session and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Among the things Ohr said he learned from Steele during the breakfast was that an unnamed former Russian intelligence official had communicated that Russian intelligence believed "they had Trump over a barrel," according to people familiar with the meeting.
It was not clear from Ohr's interview whether Steele was directly told that or had picked that up through his contacts, but the broader sentiment is echoed in Steele's dossier.
Steele and Ohr, at the time of the election a senior official in the deputy attorney general's office, had first met a decade earlier and bonded over a shared interest in international organized crime. They met several times during the presidential campaign, a relationship that has exposed both men and federal law enforcement more generally to partisan criticism, including from Trump.
Republicans contend the FBI relied excessively on the dossier during its investigation and to obtain a secret wiretap application on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. They also say Ohr went outside his job description and chain of command by meeting with Steele, including after his termination as a FBI source, and then relaying information to the FBI.
Trump this month proposed stripping Ohr, who until this year had been largely anonymous during his decades-long Justice Department career, of his security clearance and has asked "how the hell" he remains employed. He has called the Russia investigation a "witch hunt" and denied any collusion between his campaign and Moscow.
The president and some of his supporters in Congress have also accused the FBI of launching the entire Russia counterintelligence investigation based on the dossier. But memos authored by Republicans and Democrats and declassified this year show the probe was triggered by information the U.S. government earlier received about the Russian contacts of then-Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos.
The FBI's investigation was already under way by the time it received Steele's dossier. The investigation's lead agent, Peter Strzok, told lawmakers last month that "it was not Mr. Ohr who provided the initial documents that I became aware of in mid-September."
Ohr described his relationship with Steele during a House interview Tuesday.
One of the meetings he recounted was a Washington breakfast attended by Steele, a Steele associate and Ohr. Ohr's wife, Nellie, who worked for Fusion GPS, the political research firm that hired Steele, attended at least part of it.
Beside the "over a barrel" remark, Ohr also told Congress that Steele told him that Page, a Trump campaign aide who traveled to Moscow that same month and whose ties to Russia attracted FBI scrutiny, had met with more-senior Russian officials than he had acknowledged.
The breakfast took place amid ongoing FBI concerns about Russian election interference and possible communication with Trump associates.
By that point, Russian hackers had penetrated Democratic email accounts, including that of the Clinton campaign chairman, and Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign associate, was said to have learned that Russians had "dirt" on Democrat Hillary Clinton in the form of emails, court papers say.
That revelation prompted the FBI to open the counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016, one day after the breakfast but based on entirely different information.
Ohr told lawmakers he could not vouch for the accuracy of Steele's information but has said he considered him a reliable FBI informant who delivered credible and actionable intelligence, including about corruption at FIFA, soccer's global governing body.
In the interview, Ohr acknowledged that he had not told superiors in his office, including Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, about his meetings with Steele because he considered the information inflammatory raw source material.
He also provided new details about the department's move to reassign him once his Steele ties were brought to light.
Ohr said he met in late 2017 with two senior Justice Department officials, Scott Schools and James Crowell, who told him they were unhappy he had not proactively disclosed his meetings with Steele. They said he was being stripped of his associate deputy attorney post as part of an internal reorganization that would have occurred anyway, people familiar with Ohr's account say.
He met again soon after with one of the officials, who told him Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein didn't believe he could remain in his current position as director of a law enforcement grant-distribution initiative known as the Organized Crime ******* Enforcement Task Forces program because the position entailed White House meetings and interactions.
you know Mac a while back when the right had us out numbered and kept pushing the trump/right wing *******
and now more "lefties" coming on and things falling apart for their party....they have nothing to say
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