Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Naturally Trump wants this guy fired...….he investigates international crime.....Duh!

Who Is Bruce Ohr, And Why Does Trump Keep Tweeting About Him?
Sara Boboltz,HuffPost 6 hours ago

Followers of President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter feed know him as a frequent critic of the U.S. Justice Department. Although his favorite targets remain special counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, lately the president has pushed another, rather unknown name into his crosshairs: Bruce Ohr.

Who is Bruce Ohr?
Ohr has been with the Department of Justice (or “Justice” Department, as per the president) for nearly three decades. He started as a prosecutor in New York before transferring to Washington, D.C., where he was eventually named associate deputy attorney general.

Donald J. Trump


How the hell is Bruce Ohr still employed at the Justice Department? Disgraceful! Witch Hunt!

His focus is international organized crime ― particularly Russian organized crime. Colleagues and family members told The New York Times he has an upstanding reputation as “a scrupulous government official.” CNN reported that Ohr was viewed as “a consummate government servant.”
In certain posts, Trump called him a “creep” and a “disgrace.”
Ohr was demoted in December 2017. In a statement provided to Fox News at the time, a Justice Department official suggested he was doing too much ― “wear[ing] two hats” ― and the new role will allow him to focus back on organized crime.

Is that all?
Not quite. Ohr knows Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored the Trump dossier, because Steele once worked for the FBI as a “confidential human source” over an unspecified time. (The agency kept the receipts.) Ohr communicated with him as a Justice Department official.
When Steele shared information with mom Jones magazine shortly before the 2016 election, reportedly out of frustration, the FBI stopped using him as a source. But Ohr continued to talk to him and pass his information along to the FBI, even though he wasn’t officially involved with any investigation pertaining to Trump.

The so-called Nunes memo ― a much-hyped document authored by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) ― claims Steele told Ohr he really, really did not want Trump elected president.
Additionally, Ohr is married to Nellie Ohr, who formerly worked for Fusion GPS, the company that used funding from Democrats to compile a dossier containing several appalling claims about Trump. He didn’t initially tell Justice Department leadership about the scope of his wife’s work or his continued interactions with Steele.

Why does this matter?
Thanks to his wife and to Steele, Ohr is loosely connected to the Russia investigation. For that he has found himself at the center of a theorized anti-Trump conspiracy. (Phrases such as “RIGGED!,” “WITCH HUNT!” and “Fake Dossier” tend to materialize in the president’s complaints about him on Twitter.)
On Tuesday, Republicans in the House brought him in for a closed-door interview about his contacts with Steele. He was also questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee in December 2017.


To the right, Ohr’s behavior taints the Russia investigation into possible coordination between that nation and Trump’s campaign. But the idea misses one big point: The Russia investigation didn’t start because of the Trump dossier. It was prompted by the actions of George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser.
What could Trump do to him?
The president could revoke Ohr’s security clearance, as he has threatened to do in recent weeks. That would make it pretty hard for Ohr to do his job.
To fire Ohr, Trump would have to lean on Sessions, an ostensible Trump supporter in the doghouse for recusing himself from overseeing the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Why is this all coming up now?
Conservative media have seized on the Ohr story, implying that the Russia investigation was born out of partisan prejudice. The president’s channel of choice, Fox News, is particularly preoccupied with it lately, and Trump has on multiple occasions cited the news outlet’s coverage in his tweets.
I support what works - got a better plan, Or would you rather just bitch?

yeah...I support the one that doesn't intentionally fuck America!
and I'm not the one bitching...I just post the facts...you seem to be the irritated...just for you..I think Preparation H makes a mouth wash!
you keep talking out your ass and can not understand why no one is buying what you are selling...need more Kool-Aid?
I support what works
Sounds fair ... what would that be? What's "fair" for everyone.
Right now we need to hit the reset button in Washington, not sure who is going to do that or how it can be done. Starting with term & age limits, transparency of all donations, removal of all lobbyists, a balanced budget amendment ... those would make a dent for sure. I believe a well organized party running on these principles could reshape politics, but it wouldn't happen overnight.
Sounds fair ... what would that be? What's "fair" for everyone.
Right now we need to hit the reset button in Washington, not sure who is going to do that or how it can be done. Starting with term & age limits, transparency of all donations, removal of all lobbyists, a balanced budget amendment ... those would make a dent for sure. I believe a well organized party running on these principles could reshape politics, but it wouldn't happen overnight.

Mac, I have agreed to those things countless times. we have discussed this time and time again and I have already gave you my ideas on taxing mega corps. A big start on how to do it would be by voting career politicians out, but too many continue to vote status quo. I for one will no longer vote for anyone that has sat in office more than 4 years. As for a presidential position, I'll always vote Independent or Libertarian. As I recall the last Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, you ridiculed because of some phrase he didn't know about, something to do with Syria if I recall - looking back do you really think that would have been worse than what we have now? We let them get comfortable and we get what we have today.
birds of a feather huh 2bi?

Trump cancels pay raise federal workers were due in January
Darlene Superville, Associated Press,Associated Press

President Donald Trump informed Congress on Thursday that he is canceling pay raises due in January for most civilian federal employees, citing budget constraints. But the workers still could see a slightly smaller boost in their pay under a proposal lawmakers are considering.
Trump said he was axing a 2.1 percent across-the-board raise for most workers as well as locality pay increases averaging 25.7 percent and costing $25 billion.
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," said Trump. The president last year signed a package of tax cuts that is forecast to expand the deficit by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
Trump cited the "significant" cost of employing federal workers as justification for denying the pay increases, and called for federal worker pay to be based on performance and structured toward recruiting, retaining and rewarding "high-performing Federal employees and those with critical skill sets."


although hell he could probably cancel one golf outing and cover it

how in the hell can this guy have so many dislike him....and still be popular amongst the right?
they will have to see the light come midterms and start changing things just a little so some of these stupid voters will for get about the ******* trump has pulled and vote for the right again
Sounds fair ... what would that be? What's "fair" for everyone.
Right now we need to hit the reset button in Washington, not sure who is going to do that or how it can be done. Starting with term & age limits, transparency of all donations, removal of all lobbyists, a balanced budget amendment ... those would make a dent for sure. I believe a well organized party running on these principles could reshape politics, but it wouldn't happen overnight.

that party might be hard to find there Mac...…..hell maybe the American indian? give it all back to them and let them figure it out?

but then you have to remember Mac.....2bi goes on these spurts where he talks like he might be interested in the country...and then the next 30 posts is about how things are fine with him
To some as ignorant as you - I could see why you would think that.

flattery will get you no where with me!

Mmmm and it's always the left that does the name calling?

damn...I just never realized how bitter and vindictive and petty you can be

don't hesitate to let me know if I'm getting on your nerves>
these trumpies ..one by one following their leaders wishes....and going to jail...how much longer do we have to wait for the ring master to go to jail?

Here Are the Real World Consequences of Trump's Crusade Against the Media
Charles P. Pierce,Esquire

I worked at the Boston Globe for nine years, longer than I've ever worked anywhere. I have a lot of friends who still work there. I also have a family member who works there. So, naturally, I was interested to read about this maniac who was busted out in California for threatening the lives of my friends and of a member of my family. From CNN:
Robert D. Chain of Encino, California has been charged with one count of making threatening communications in interstate commerce, the US Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts said in a press release Thursday. Chain, 68, is due to appear in federal court in Los Angeles Thursday afternoon. The US Attorney's Office said Chain will be transferred to Boston "at a later date."​
Of particular interest to me was the nature of the apparent threats. Encino Man has a high-priced writer, I'm thinking.

Chain is accused of making several threatening phone calls to the Globe beginning almost immediately after the paper announced on August 10 that it was calling on newspapers across the country to publish editorials the following week standing up to Trump for referring to the press as "fake news" and "enemies of the people." According to court documents, on August 16, the day the editorial campaign was published in newspapers around the country, Chain made a call to the Globe's newsroom in which he said, "You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to ******* every f***ing one of you. Hey, why don't you call the F, why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy. ... I'm going to shoot you in the f***ing head later today, at 4 o'clock."​
El Caudillo Del Mar-A-Lago is having another of his organized wankfests on Thursday night, this one in Indiana. On Thursday afternoon, of course, the first of several memorial services for the late John McCain was held. Former VP Joe Biden spoke and, though he was rambling in that Joe Biden way, the ending, as it was, punctuated by a pounding on the podium, was worth following the speech all the way through.

think John's legacy is going to continue to inspire and challenge generations of leaders as they step forward. And John McCain’s impact on America is not over. It's not hyperbole. It is not over. I don't think it's even close close...

Now John is going to take his rightful place in a long line of extraordinary leaders in this nation's history. Who in their time and in their way stood for freedom and stood for liberty and have made the American story the most improbable and the most hopeful and the most enduring story on earth. I know John said he hoped he played a small part in that story. John, you did much more than that, my friend. To paraphrase Shakespeare, we shall not see his like again.

After that, of course, the national stage got surrendered back to the current president* of the United States to rant and to rave in his own mad way and all that came to me were the words of Robert Chain, now in federal custody in California.
You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to ******* every fcking one of you.​
It's working. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Trump unprepared for impeachment and Democrats taking the House in 2018, says report
Chris Riotta,The Independent


Donald Trump's impeachment could arrive sooner than the president seems to think, with aides worried that the president and his team are ill-prepared for a potential crisis.
His aides have repeatedly discussed the possibility of impeachment proceedings arriving next year — along with an onslaught of subpoenas and congressional investigations — should the Democratic Party takeover the House in the upcoming 2018 midterm elections, according to the Washington Post.
"We’ve talked a lot about impeachment at different times," Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, confirmed in the report. "It’s the only thing that hangs out there. They can’t [criminally] charge him."

The paper spoke with 26 White House officials, presidential advisers and strategists close to Mr Trump’s White House throughout the week, to gain a better understanding of how the administration is preparing for a "potential crisis" in the months ahead.
What they reportedly found was a White House in conflict: those "within Trump’s orbit" do not believe his legal team is currently prepared to "navigate an onslaught of congressional demands," which could include impeachment charges or other political scandals.
Meanwhile, the president has not advised his legal teams or political advisers to begin preparing action plans in the event of his impeachment, "leaving allies to fret that the president does not appreciate the magnitude of what could be in store next year."

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