Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Nope - you people - are so ludicrous - ALL you do is piss and moan and whine about all things related to President Trump CONSTANTLY and have since the election in 2016 and yet you have the unmitigated gall to accuse me of it.
You Dems are pathetic - I find you laughable :LOL:
I said I'd try to quit calling you folks stupid, so, here ya go, pick out the alternative word ...
unintelligent, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish. gullible, naive.
*******....you mean there is corruption in the trump administration and we are doing nothing about it......

Virus Whistle-Blower Says Trump Administration Steered Contracts to Cronies

WASHINGTON — A federal scientist who says he was ousted from his job amid a dispute over an unproven coronavirus treatment pushed by President Trump said Tuesday that top administration officials repeatedly pressured him to steer millions of dollars in contracts to the clients of a well-connected consultant.

Rick Bright, who was director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority until his removal in April, said in a formal whistle-blower complaint that he had been protesting “cronyism” and contract abuse since 2017.

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Bill De Blasio Bashes Trump, Calls Him Out For 'Stabbing ...
10 hours ago · New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio opened his press briefing on Tuesday by lambasting President Donald Trump, comparing him to former President Herbert Hoover and saying that Trump “seems to enjoy stabbing his hometown in the back.”

NYC Mayor de Blasio accuses Trump of 'stabbing his ...
12 hours ago · New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday called President Trump a “hypocrite” who “seems to enjoy stabbing his hometown in the back” after Trump
well now if the virus doesn't ******* the elderly...it will certainly bankrupt them....killer had this all planned out...it is always the poor and the needy!

States cut Medicaid as millions of jobless workers look to safety net

States facing sudden drops in tax revenue amid the pandemic are announcing deep cuts to their Medicaid programs just as millions of newly jobless Americans are surging onto the rolls.

And state officials are worried that they’ll have to slash benefits for patients and payments to health providers in the safety net insurance program for the poor unless they get more federal aid.

State Medicaid programs in the last economic crisis cut everything from dental services to podiatry care — and reduced payments to hospitals and doctors in order to balance out spending on other needs like roads, schools and prisons. Medicaid officials warn the gutting could be far worse this time, because program enrollment has swelled in recent years largely due to Obamacare’s expansion.

The looming crisis facing Medicaid programs “is going to be the ’09 recession on steroids,” said Matt Salo, the head of the National Association of Medicaid Directors. “It’s going to hit hard, and it’s going to hit fast.”

Medicaid programs, among the largest budget items in most states, provide health insurance to roughly 70 million poor adults, children and people who have disabilities or are pregnant. The federal government on average pays roughly 60 percent of program costs, with poorer states receiving a higher share. States have the latitude to adjust benefits, payments to health care providers and eligibility requirements with oversight by the federal government.

for some it is not about the job and the economy....it is about your life!...that's why for all trump's talk...people are not going to risk their lives if they don't have to

US meat workers are quitting as virus-ridden plants reopen

Bloomberg) -- America’s meat-processing plants are starting to reopen, but not all workers are showing up. Some still fear they’ll get sick after coronavirus outbreaks shut more than a dozen facilities last month. Employees are taking leave, paid and unpaid -- or just quitting.

At a JBS USA plant in Greeley, Colorado, absenteeism is running as high as 30%. Before the pandemic, it was about 13%. The company is paying about 10% of the workforce -- people deemed vulnerable -- to stay home. Others aren’t coming in because they are sick.

But some workers are staying home because they are “scared,” according to Kim Cordova, president of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 7 union, which represents workers at the plant. She couldn’t provide specific numbers but noted on a recent visit that production speeds at the plant were “really slow” because of the labor crunch.

Meat plants have been at the nexus of coronavirus hot spots across America’s rural heartland. The disease spread through plants in March and April as companies struggled to adapt their workplaces to new rules dictated by the pandemic. As absenteeism persists, the U.S. is at risk of continued meat shortages and higher prices, even after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to keep plants running.

Barr urges Trump administration to back off call to fully ...
As it stands now, the Trump administration's position seeks to invalidate the entire Affordable Care Act, signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 and commonly known as Obamacare. Barr and Health ...

Barr tries to soften Trump stand against Obamacare in ...
May 05, 2020 · Attorney General Bill Barr tries to soften Trump stand against Obamacare in lawsuit. By ... Barr reportedly pointed out that it would not be a great look to be arguing in favor of taking away ...
Irish return old favor by helping Native Americans ...
3 hours ago · The Irish are returning a 173-yeard-old favor to a Native American tribe. An online fundraiser collecting coronavirus relief for the Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation has been flooded with ...

Irish Make COVID-19 Donations to Navajo Nation in Thanks ...
16 hours ago · As COVID-19 takes its toll on Native Americans, the Irish are repaying a debt to Navajo Nation nearly two centuries later. By Charles P. Pierce May 5, 2020
wow...you mean killers not living up to their commitments.....
as an American I can understand...we have that right here

Mark Esper: Taliban not living up to their commitments ...
15 hours ago · US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Tuesday that the Taliban were not living up to their commitments under an agreement signed this year, amid signs the fragile deal is under strain by a...
[e, regardless of
Yep. Being decent humans isn't profitable, sadly.
Nope - you people - are so ludicrous - ALL you do is piss and moan and whine about all things related to President Trump CONSTANTLY and have since the election in 2016 and yet you have the unmitigated gall to accuse me of it.
You Dems are pathetic - I find you laughable :LOL:

Quoting your comment "You Dems are pathetic - I find you laughable .... "
I trust you won't mind if I don't refer to you as "pathetic" but I find your reference to "You Dems ..." is factually understandable .... it's a common emotional and irresponsible response of those who dwell in darkness and consequently unable to see the forest because of all the trees in their line of vision!" As a word of encouragement, don't feel bad or fret because a new day will dawn even for the most depraved and exasperated!
Please don't despair!
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