Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Bang on sub. Why can't he think of anything to say! Weird. Just complaining about how people don't like trump.

Change the record for God's sake.

He can't it's all he has is a broken record....I did see him post something a couple days ago 3 or 4 sentences long....I was surprised.....naturally didn't agree with him...but at least it was an actual comment....instead of the usual whine
well no fucking *******.....but since when did the right care about that....if their leader can get away with killing people thy want to do it also

Texas Gov. Admits Dangers of Reopening State on Private Call With Lawmakers

During a private call on Friday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott admitted that “every scientific and medical report shows” state reopenings “ipso facto” lead to an increase in novel coronavirus cases, even as he publicly announced plans that same week to end an executive stay-at-home order in the state.

“How do we know reopening businesses won’t result in faster spread of more cases of COVID-19?” Abbott asked during a Friday afternoon phone call with members of the state legislature and Congress. “Listen, the fact of the matter is pretty much every scientific and medical report shows that whenever you have a reopening—whether you want to call it a reopening of businesses or of just a reopening of society—in the aftermath of something like this, it actually will lead to an increase and spread. It’s almost ipso facto.”

might be?....you fucking jerk!

Trump to ABC's Muir: 'It's possible there will be some' deaths as country reopens

President Donald Trump said in an exclusive interview with ABC "World News Tonight" Anchor and Managing Editor David Muir on Tuesday that "it's possible there will be some" deaths as states roll back restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus, acknowledging that it was the choice the country faces to reopen and jumpstart the economy.

Do you believe that's the reality we're facing that -- that lives will be lost to reopen the country?” Muir asked Trump during an interview in Phoenix, Arizona, on the president's first major trip in months since the virus outbreak worsened.

"It's possible there will be some because you won't be locked into an apartment or a house or whatever it is," Trump said. "But at the same time, we're going to practice social distancing, we're going to be washing hands, we're going to be doing a lot of the things that we've learned to do over the last period of time."

Trump attacks George Conway, 'RINO' strategists, publicizes their ******* 'Mourning in America' ad

President Trump called attention to the latest attack ad from a #NeverTrump Republican group in a series of tweets he posted very early Tuesday morning. "I guess we know what keeps the president of the United States up at night," responded George Conway, one of the Lincoln Project's founders and husband to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. "It isn’t the Americans who are dying once every 45 seconds of COVID-19."

A group of RINO Republicans who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer, 4 years ago, have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, 'Morning in America,' doing everything possible to get even for all of their many failures," Trump tweeted. The ad, released Monday, is called "Mourning in America."

"Their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to Honest Abe," Trump tweeted. "I don’t know what Kellyanne did to her deranged loser of a husband, Moonface, but it must have been really bad." He also attacked GOP strategists John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Even McMullen, Steve Schmidt, Reed Gavin, and Jennifer Horn. "They’re all LOSERS, but Abe Lincoln, Republican, is all smiles!" Trump tweeted.

Speaking of Lincoln, political ads, and smiles, former Vice President Joe Biden took Trump's latest self-comparison to the first Republican president — at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, in a Fox News town hall — threw in a little Justin Timberlake and let Trump write his own script.

Over 1 million cases of COVID-19. Almost 70,000 dead. What is upsetting President Trump? Tough questions from the press.

Cry me a river, Mr. President. pic.twitter.com/MbSZJ0UMel

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 4, 2020
Mmmm a little skulduggery going on in the GOP....say it ain't so...…...

Judge asks for investigation of McConnell's role in creating federal bench vacancy

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Just days before the Senate Judiciary Committee is set to consider the nomination of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s protégé to a federal appeals court, the court's chief judge requested an investigation of McConnell's role in creating the vacancy.

Demand Justice, a progressive judicial watchdog group, requested a postponement of Wednesday’s scheduled hearing before the Senate Judiciary on the nomination of Judge Justin Walker of Louisville to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The chief judge of that court issued a public order May 1 asking U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts to transfer to another circuit Demand Justice’s allegation that a judge on the court may have been persuaded to retire to allow another judge to take his seat.

The order, a copy of which The Courier Journal obtained Monday night, does not mention Walker by name.

However, on Monday, the New York Times reported that the court’s chief judge, Sri Srinivasan, has referred Demand Justice's request for an investigation to Roberts so it can be transferred to another circuit for review and disposition.

Srinivasan was appointed by President Barack Obama.

No surprise here....just someone finally admitting it

Whistleblower: US failed to prepare, sought quick virus fix

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration failed to prepare for the onslaught of the coronavirus, then sought a quick fix by trying to rush an unproven ******* to patients, a senior government scientist alleged in a whistleblower complaint Tuesday.

Dr. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, alleges he was reassigned to a lesser role because he resisted political pressure to allow widespread use of hydroxychloroquine, a malaria ******* pushed by President Donald Trump. He said the Trump administration wanted to “flood” hot spots in New York and New Jersey with the *******

I witnessed government leadership rushing blindly into a potentially dangerous situation by bringing in a non-FDA approved chloroquine from Pakistan and India, from facilities that had never been approved by the FDA,” Bright said Tuesday on a call with reporters. “Their eagerness to push blindly forward without sufficient data to put this ******* into the hands of Americans was alarming to me and my fellow scientists.”

Bright filed the complaint with the Office of Special Counsel, a government agency that investigates retaliation against federal employees who uncover problems. He wants his job back and a full investigation. Bright’s lawyers said he would testify before a House panel on May 14.

The Department of Health and Human Services had no immediate comment. Zachary Kurz, a spokesman for the Office of Special Counsel, said the office could not comment or confirm the status of open investigations.

His complaint comes as the Trump administration faces criticism over its response to the pandemic, including testing and supplies of ventilators, masks and other equipment to try to stem the spread. To date, there have been nearly 1.2 million confirmed cases in the United States and more than 70,000 deaths.

Bright said his superiors repeatedly rejected his warnings that the virus would spread in the U.S., missing an early opportunity to stock up on protective masks for first responders. He said he “acted with urgency” to address the growing spread of COVID-19 — the disease the virus causes — after the World Health Organization issued a warning in January.

Bright said he “encountered resistance from HHS leadership, including Health and Human Services Secretary (Alex) Azar, who appeared intent on downplaying this catastrophic event.”

During a Feb. 23 meeting, Azar, as well as Bright's boss, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Robert Kadlec, “responded with surprise at (Bright’s) dire predictions and urgency, and asserted that the United States would be able to contain the virus and keep it out,” the whistleblower complaint said.

Bright said White House trade adviser Peter Navarro was a rare exception among administration officials, extremely concerned about the potential consequences of an outbreak here. He described working with Navarro to break a bureaucratic logjam and set up military transport from Italy for swabs needed in the U.S.
Navarro was the author of several urgent memos within the White House. Bright said Navarro asked for his help, saying the trade adviser told him the memos were needed to “save lives.”

Navarro’s memos to top officials raised alarms even as Trump was publicly assuring Americans that the outbreak was under control.

Bright's allegation that he was removed over his resistance to widespread use of the malaria ******* was already public, but his whistleblower complaint added details from emails and internal communications while bringing to light his attempts to acquire N95 respirator masks early on, which he said were ignored by superiors.

In late January, Bright said he was contacted by an official of a leading mask manufacturer about ramping up production. It was estimated that as many as 3.5 billion would be needed, while the national stockpile had about 300 million.

The complaint said that when Bright tried to press the issue about masks with superiors at HHS, he was ignored or rebuffed. “HHS publicly represented not only that COVID-19 was not an imminent threat, but also that HHS already had all the masks it would need,” the complaint said.

As the epidemic spread in the U.S. and engulfed the New York metropolitan area, Bright alleges that political appointees at HHS tried to promote hydroxychloroquine “as a panacea.” The officials also “demanded that New York and New Jersey be ‘flooded’ with these *******, which were imported from factories in Pakistan and India that had not been inspected by the FDA,” the complaint says.

Last month, the U.S. Food and ******* Administration warned doctors against prescribing the ******* except in hospitals and research studies. In an alert, regulators flagged reports of sometimes fatal heart side effects among coronavirus patients taking hydroxychloroquine or the related ******* chloroquine.

Bright felt officials had “refused to listen or take appropriate action to accurately inform the public” and spoke to a reporter about the *******. He said he had to tell the public about the lack of science backing up its use, despite the ******* being pushed by the president at press briefings.

“As the death toll mounted exponentially each day, Dr. Bright concluded that he had a moral obligation to the American public, including those vulnerable as a result of illness from COVID-19, to protect it from ******* which he believed constituted a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety,” the complaint says.

On Jan. 20, according to the complaint, the WHO held an emergency call to discuss the novel coronavirus. It was attended by many HHS officials, and WHO officials advised that “the outbreak is a big problem.”

Trump has accused the U.N. agency of mismanaging and covering up the spread of the virus after it emerged in China. He has also said he wants to cut the WHO's funding.

Bright’s agency works to guard against pandemics and emergent infectious diseases and is working to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.

Top officials also pressured him to steer contracts to a client of a lobbyist, he reported.

"Time after time I was pressured to ignore or dismiss expert scientific recommendations and instead to award lucrative contracts based on political connections,” Bright said in the call with reporters. “In other words, I was pressured to let politics and cronyism drive decisions over the opinions of the best scientists we have in government.”

Hell I wouldn't want to work for a killer either

Very difficult and emotional’: Pandemic expert leaves Trump administration

A disaster response official who previously led a global health directorate disbanded by the Trump administration is leaving the government.

Timothy Ziemer’s departure robs the Trump administration of another expert as it tries to battle the coronavirus pandemic. The former Navy rear admiral is highly regarded and has decades of government service, although he has been somewhat sidelined during the ongoing crisis.

Ziemer landed at the U.S. Agency for International Development after his directorate at the National Security Council was dismantled by then-national security adviser John Bolton in 2018. He informed colleagues Tuesday of his decision to leave, which he said will take effect June 5.

doesn't like them telling the facts/truth...….prefers his "version" of how things are...Fauici almost 20 point higher in approval than trump

White House plots breakup of coronavirus task *******

The Trump White House is planning to wind down its coronavirus task ******* in the coming weeks and instead ask agencies to take control of the response efforts.

“We’re having a conversation about that and about what the proper time is for the task ******* to complete its work,” Vice President Mike Pence said at a briefing for reporters on Tuesday. At that point, he added, the work would be moved to agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

We’ve already begun to talk about a transition plan with FEMA,” Pence said.

The undoing of the coronavirus task ******* comes as the president has turned his attention almost entirely toward reopening the economy as more than a dozen states allow people to slowly return to businesses like hair salons and restaurants. By the end of the week, Trump’s top economic officials are expected to unveil new ideas for tax policy and regulatory changes to bolster the U.S. economy in the third and fourth quarters of the year — even as the death toll from the coronavirus continues to rise and the virus spreads to new areas of the country.

“I believe we can be in a very different place in late May or early June,” Pence said. “We’re going to start to look at the Memorial Day window to transition back to having our agencies manage our response in a more traditional manner.”

Guess we all knew this....expect nothing less from a killer

Trump gives up on virus fight to focus on economic recovery – and re-election

Donald Trump is effectively abandoning a public health strategy for the coronavirus pandemic and showing “clear willingness to trade lives for the Dow Jones”, critics say.

Related: Will Americans ever forgive Trump for his heartless lack of compassion? | Francine Prose

A leaked internal White House report predicts the daily death toll from the virus will reach about 3,000 on 1 June, almost double the current tally of about 1,750, the New York Times revealed on Monday.

Yet at the same time, Trump has scrapped daily coronavirus task ******* briefings and marginalized his medical experts in favour of economic officials flooding the airwaves to urge states to reopen for business – even amid rising infection rates.

On Tuesday morning, before boarding Air ******* One to visit a medical mask-making facility in Arizona for his first long trip since late March when the outbreak escalated in the US, Trump weighed a predicted surge in deaths against economic revival.

There is no great win, one way or the other, but I will tell you where there is a win, we are going to build a country, I did it once, two months ago we had the best economy in the history of the world, but we are going to do it again and that’s what we’re starting … it’s going to happen pretty fast.”

The top US public health expert on the White House coronavirus task *******, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned in a CNN interview the previous evening that there will be a “rebound” of new coronavirus cases in the US if the country rushes towards a “premature” reopening of society and business.

“How many deaths and how much suffering are you willing to accept to get back to what you want to be some form of normality sooner rather than later?” he asked.

And on Tuesday morning New York governor Andrew Cuomo warned against what he called a life or death “trade-off” when planning how and when to lift restrictions.

“The faster we reopen the lower the economic costs, but the higher the human costs because the more lives lost. That, my friends, is the decision we are really making,” Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

Story continues

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