Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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ever hear that old 60's song...….'wishin and a hopen'.....cal Moscow and see what else they got...…..right now you got nothing.....and from what I saw...…..the only ones concerned are trumptards……...no one else gives a *******
fox news?...and look who gave it a like...…..need I say more?
ever hear that old 60's song...….'wishin and a hopen'.....cal Moscow and see what else they got...…..right now you got nothing.....and from what I saw...…..the only ones concerned are trumptards……...no one else gives a *******

Yeah - I remember singin that song when you guys were saying the Mueller Report was doom for President Trump :LOL:
Trump amid COVID-19 pandemic: With great power comes great irresponsibility.

Trump created a culture of impunity, buck-passing and blame-shifting in a party that once prided itself on personal responsibility.

The president’s job is to uphold the Constitution and to see that the laws are faithfully executed. It is the job of this president, as he sees it, to say he’s doing a wonderful job.

President Trump has responded to the coronavirus outbreak by (among other things) promising it would go away by itself, playing golf, blaming China, blaming the media, blaming Democrats, lying about it, attempting to bribe Germany’s vaccine industry and saying he’s responding to it perfectly.

Asked to grade his response on a scale of one to 10, Trump gave it a 10. Keep in mind, he once compared himself to “a supermodel, except, like, times 10.” His 10 is most people’s 0.01.

Two years ago, Trump graded his presidency. “I give myself an A+,” he said. “The only thing I’m doing bad in is the press doesn’t cover me fairly.”

This week, he said the same thing. “The only thing we haven’t done well is to get good press,” he said. “We’ve done a fantastic job, but it hasn’t been appreciated.” The only mistake Trump makes is not getting enough praise for never making mistakes.

Only GOP and Fox News praise him
Fortunately for him, Fox News exists. Host Jesse Watters said recently, “The guy is a germaphobe who’s tough on China and is a border hawk. He’s the perfect president to take on this virus.” Only on Fox News are germaphobia and xenophobia qualifications to be president.

At Trump’s behest, Republicans are blaming the coronavirus on China. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex, said, “China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the ******* to the people and that’s why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu.” Cornyn is a proud graduate of the Trump University School of Medicine.

What local governments should do:Get aggressive, governors and mayors. Show that the buck and coronavirus stop with you.

In his 1995 book “To Restore America”, Newt Gingrich wrote, “When confronted with a problem, a true American doesn’t ask, ‘Who can I blame this on?’” Yet on Monday Gingrich blamed the media for making conservatives not take the coronavirus seriously. He tweeted, “One of the dangerous consequences of having a totally dishonest left wing news media was that most Americans discounted their hysteria as phony.”

No one should trust anyone who is “totally dishonest,” but lots of people do. According to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, 37% of Americans have “a good amount or a great deal of trust in what they’re hearing from the president” about the coronavirus. More than a third of the country believes what a pathological liar says about an issue he knows almost nothing about.

Trump didn’t create this pandemic. What he created was a culture of impunity, buck-passing and blame-shifting in a party that once prided itself on personal responsibility.

His irresponsibility
“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Trump said about the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. He blames his predecessor. Earlier this month, he said,The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing.”

Trump takes the credit for good things he doesn’t do and none of the blame for the bad things he does, which is nearly everything he does.

After calling for unity and bipartisanship, he reprimanded Democratic governors
. “Cuomo of New York has to ‘do more,’” the president tweeted on Monday, offering no suggestions about what to do beyond “more” of it. “Failing Michigan Governor must work harder and be much more proactive,” he tweeted the next day. Trump works hard at telling other people to work harder.

The buck stops with everybody,” Trump said during the government shutdown last year. His failure to recite Harry Truman’s adage correctly was Obama’s fault.

Trump was Truman-esque in 2013, when he tweeted, “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”

Now that Trump is the leader, things are different. His new credo: With great power comes great irresponsibility.
Donald Trump’s gamble with American lives - The Boston Globe
Mar 30, 2020 · OPINION Donald Trump’s gamble with American lives Most of East Asia and Europe have taken much more drastic steps to contain COVID-19 than the US has yet taken.

Trump is playing Russian roulette with Americans’ lives ...
Mar 24, 2020 · Trump’s anti-scientific assertions and encouragement to disregard scientific advice threaten the lives of thousands if not millions of Americans. But perhaps the problem is that the president ..

Trump downplayed dire warnings from top advisers gambling ...
Apr 12, 2020 · Washington DC: An investigation by a leading American newspaper has found that President Donald Trump may have gambled thousands of lives away as he downplayed warnings from intelligence, national security aides and the health department on the seriousness of coronavirus pandemic. The report comes as the US becomes the worst-affected country on …

Trump’s Pandemic Response Signals That American Lives Are ...
May 01, 2020 · Trump’s Pandemic Response Signals That American Lives Are More Disposable Than Ever With Covid-19, the assassin in chief in distant lands has transformed himself into a stone-cold killer here at ...
this has Trumps fingers all over it......either trump or a trump crazy.....trump does not like anyone going against what he says

Fauci says calls for his dismissal are 'part of the game'

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House coronavirus task *******, said Monday evening that calls for his dismissal are "part of the game" as he continues to urge Americans to practice social distancing

Fauci has been targeted by critics online who are unhappy with his recommendations to continue social distancing in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus. President Donald Trump breathed life into these complaints when he retweeted an individual who used the hashtag "#FireFauci" in a tweet last month, though the President emphasized that he had no plans to dismiss the nation's top infectious disease expert from the coronavirus task *******.

"There are people that are going to be disagreeing with me. Some of them, rather violently in many respects, you know, telling me that I am crazy, fire Fauci, do this, do that. That is part of the game," Fauci told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "PrimeTime."

"I am just going to keep giving you the information that I feel is necessary to make that decisions that I think are prudent decisions."

His comments come as more states loosen their stay-at-home orders, prompting researchers to predict a sharp increase in the virus's death toll this summer. Public health experts, including Fauci, have repeatedly stressed the dangers of relaxing social distancing measures too early.

"I feel I have a moral obligation to give the kind of information that I am giving," he said Monday. "People are going to make their own choices, I cannot -- nor anybody -- ******* people under every circumstance, to do what you'd think is best."

Fauci has garnered sustained criticism from the President's allies in conservative media for his willingness to directly refute Trump and counter his more optimistic rhetoric about the pandemic. Among them was the conservative who called for Fauci to be fired after he said in a CNN interview more could have been done to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Trump retweeted it but later pushed back on the idea that he might fire Fauci.
trump likes to push criticism off on someone or something else.....keeps the eyes elsewhere rather than on him

CNN sends Trump campaign cease-and-desist letter for misleading ad

A lawyer for CNN's parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump's re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad.

WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that's "false, misleading and deceptive."

The Trump campaign had no immediate response to a request for comment from CNN Business.

The ad, titled "American Comeback," was introduced on Sunday night. The campaign says it is spending "mid-seven figures," at least several million dollars, to run the ad on cable and broadcast channels.

The ad takes a segment from CNN's "The Situation Room" out of context. On March 30, anchor Wolf Blitzer asked Dr. Sanjay Gupta, "Well, is it accurate that if these steps had not been put in place, the stay at home orders, the social distancing orders, as the President said yesterday, it could have been 2 million people down here in the United States?"

Gupta responded, "I mean, you know, these are all models, Wolf. It's a little tough to say, but, you know, if you talk about something that is spreading, you know, very robustly throughout a community. You know, two to three times more contagious than flu, and up to 10 times, perhaps even more than that, more deadly than flu, then yes."

Blitzer's question was about "stay at home orders" and social distancing,
but in the campaign ad, that portion of his question was omitted. After Blitzer and Gupta are shown on screen, the ad cuts to taped video that invokes Trump's restrictions on travel from China, like an airport screen showing cancelled flights.

Blitzer is heard asking, "Is it accurate that if these steps had not been put in place ... it could've been 2 million people dead here in the United States?" And Gupta is heard saying, "yes."

Rick D. McMurtry, associate general counsel for WarnerMedia, wrote in a letter to Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, that "the advertisement purposely and deceptively edits the clip to imply that Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were crediting the President's travel ban policy issued in January for saving millions of American lives, when in fact Mr. Blitzer and Dr. Gupta were discussing recently implemented social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders issued by state and local governments."

"CNN hereby demands that you discontinue airing the advertisement with the CNN clip that has been distorted in such a way as to mislead the public," McMurtry wrote.

The news organization learned about the ad last Friday when it was submitted as part of a Trump campaign ad buy. Television networks routinely review ads ahead of time for objectionable content.

According to McMurtry's letter, CNN contacted the Trump campaign's ad agency, Harris Sikes Media, to demand the ad "be edited to remove or correct the misuse."

"CNN was willing to accept the advertisement if the misuse had been corrected. Despite this notice, you refused to correct the advertisement and knowingly proceeded with distributing the advertisement as is with the misleading claim," McMurtry wrote.

Trump's ad makers have repeatedly used CNN footage over the years, despite the President's frequent broadsides against the network.

Separately, the Trump campaign is suing a TV station in Wisconsin for airing a commercial from Democratic super PAC Priorities USA that, it says, uses clips of President Trump speaking in a way that is misleading. The station, WJFW, has not commented on the lawsuit, but the station's owner has retained a high-profile law firm as representation. Numerous other station owners and media advocacy groups have expressed support for the station.
******* them to work with no compensation or protection....and if they get sick....to bad.....it is the republican way.....fuck the worker if they die....they don't care

Liability Shield Is Next Coronavirus Aid Battle

WASHINGTON—Senate Republicans’ efforts to shield companies from liability during the coronavirus pandemic sets the stage for a showdown with Democrats, as allies of businesses and labor fight over the terms under which the economy will emerge from its partial shutdown.

Senate lawmakers returned to Washington on Monday to tackle confirmations of judges and officials and to start working out the next round of relief for households and businesses, on top of almost $3 trillion approved so far. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), who will control the shape of much of the next stimulus package, has called liability protections a must-have “red line” for Republicans, saying he won’t support Democrats’ calls for further state and local aid without it.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said the Republicans’ focus on confirmations in the first week back and their stance on liability highlighted a difference in priorities with Democrats.

“Judicial nominees, legal immunity for big corporations. In all due respect…these are not the nation’s most urgent problems right now,” Mr. Schumer said on the Senate floor Monday, saying aid for states and health-care providers as well as more testing should be at the top of list.

U.S. businesses fear a wave of litigation as workers in meat-processing facilities, grocery stores and other locations get sick or die from the Covid-19 illness caused by the new coronavirus. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has said the risk of class-action claims and other suits could deter businesses from reopening, even if they are acting in good faith to operate safely. The trade group has endorsed shielding companies that follow federal and state health authorities’ guidelines for curbing the spread of infections

Neil Bradley, the group’s chief policy officer, said it has spoken with both the White House and lawmakers about a liability shield and supports legislation to establish “a broader but very temporary, very targeted protection for companies.”
Npothing new here....just more of trump being an asshole...…..like his fucked up tariffs and what it did to the economy when he could have went to the WTO and reamed up against China.....but I don't think he really wanted to hurt china and his income sources....so he trashed a lot of our economy...…...now this......the r4est of the world....worried about the world....except trump

World leaders pledge €7.4bn to research Covid-19 vaccine

World leaders, with the notable exception of Donald Trump, stumped up nearly €7.4bn (£6.5bn) to research Covid-19 vaccines and therapies at a virtual event convened by the EU, pledging the money will also be used to distribute any vaccine to poor countries on time and equitably.

But in a sign of the fractured state of global health diplomacy, the event was not addressed by India, Russia or the US. After a weekend of persuasion, China was represented by its ambassador to the EU.

A separate Covid-19 summit was staged earlier in the day and addressed by the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, and other world leaders including the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani.

The EU-convened virtual summit was addressed in person by the leaders of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Israel, South Africa and the EU, and took the form of a pledging marathon.

But the US state department released a statement welcoming what it described as “the pledging conference in Europe”, even though the fundraising summit had always been envisaged as a global, rather than strictly European effort.

The US also highlighted its “vaccine partnership to prioritise ******* candidates and streamline clinical trials”. Trump has suggested a vaccine will be ready by the end of the year but many scientists are sceptical that even with global cooperation such a timetable can be met.

The money is largely designed to speed up the process by raising guaranteed funds to coordinate research and incentivise pharmaceutical companies to distribute any vaccines and therapies to poorer countries, something that did not happen in the 2009 swine flu outbreak.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, said any distributed vaccine “won’t belong to anybody

Those who invent it of course will be fairly paid, but access will be given to people across the globe by the organisation we chose,” he said.

World leaders pledge $8 billion to fight COVID-19 but U.S ...
May 04, 2020 · World leaders and organisations pledged $8 billion to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19 …
Npothing new here....just more of trump being an asshole...…..like his fucked up tariffs and what it did to the economy when he could have went to the WTO and reamed up against China.....but I don't think he really wanted to hurt china and his income sources....so he trashed a lot of our economy...…...now this......the r4est of the world....worried about the world....except trump

World leaders pledge €7.4bn to research Covid-19 vaccine

World leaders, with the notable exception of Donald Trump, stumped up nearly €7.4bn (£6.5bn) to research Covid-19 vaccines and therapies at a virtual event convened by the EU, pledging the money will also be used to distribute any vaccine to poor countries on time and equitably.

But in a sign of the fractured state of global health diplomacy, the event was not addressed by India, Russia or the US. After a weekend of persuasion, China was represented by its ambassador to the EU.

A separate Covid-19 summit was staged earlier in the day and addressed by the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, and other world leaders including the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani.

The EU-convened virtual summit was addressed in person by the leaders of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Israel, South Africa and the EU, and took the form of a pledging marathon.

But the US state department released a statement welcoming what it described as “the pledging conference in Europe”, even though the fundraising summit had always been envisaged as a global, rather than strictly European effort.

The US also highlighted its “vaccine partnership to prioritise ******* candidates and streamline clinical trials”. Trump has suggested a vaccine will be ready by the end of the year but many scientists are sceptical that even with global cooperation such a timetable can be met.

The money is largely designed to speed up the process by raising guaranteed funds to coordinate research and incentivise pharmaceutical companies to distribute any vaccines and therapies to poorer countries, something that did not happen in the 2009 swine flu outbreak.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, said any distributed vaccine “won’t belong to anybody

Those who invent it of course will be fairly paid, but access will be given to people across the globe by the organisation we chose,” he said.

World leaders pledge $8 billion to fight COVID-19 but U.S ...
May 04, 2020 · World leaders and organisations pledged $8 billion to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19 …
Yep. Being decent humans isn't profitable, sadly.
Yep. Being decent humans isn't profitable, sadly.

I'm guessing he wants to say...IF we get one before others...he will want to gloat about it....and make some money off it....it is the trump way......making money even off death

absolutely no reason to not pool our resources and work together to try and beat this thing...….but for him lives are expendable.....shown that many times....killer trump
You’re input is totally ineffectual and yet expected.

Who whines in here is brutally obvious.
You come on here and just complain about others and rarely, RARELY offer anything of substance. All you do is moan about people not liking trump. 'Stop being so horrible to my hero trumpy! You horrible Dems!'

Boring! Sad! So sad!

Try to think of something constructive. Tell us about a time when Trumpy told the truth or something.
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