Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh hell no corruption here....just another day in the life of a corrupt republican low life!

On the Same Day Sen. Richard Burr Dumped Stock, So Did His Brother-in-Law. Then the Market Crashed.

Sen. Richard Burr was not the only member of his family to sell off a significant portion of his stock holdings in February, ahead of the market crash spurred by coronavirus fears. On the same day Burr sold, his brother-in-law also dumped tens of thousands of dollars worth of shares. The market fell by more than 30% in the subsequent month.

Burr’s brother-in-law, Gerald Fauth, who has a post on the National Mediation Board, sold between $97,000 and $280,000 worth of shares in six companies — including several that have been hit particularly hard in the market swoon and economic downturn.

A person who picked up Fauth’s phone on Wednesday hung up when asked if Fauth and Burr had discussed the sales in advance.

trump and comp worked hard to all this stopped...didn't get it completely done..and even this has been "altered"..let Mueller finish!...explains Lindsay Grahams loyalty...plus hiding the fact he is gay

DOJ releases Mueller's marching orders

The Department of Justice has released a redacted copy of the memo laying out the scope of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) after the Judiciary Committee chairman requested it.

The memo, “The Scope of Investigation and Definition of Authority,” was sent on Aug. 2, 2017, to Mueller by Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general at the time

The unredacted bullet points include four names, beginning with former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. It tasks Mueller with determining whether Page committed a crime by “colluding with Russian government officials” as they interfered in the 2016 election.

Mueller was also tasked with investigating whether former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort likewise colluded with the Russian government, whether he committed crimes related to his work in Ukraine, and whether he committed a crime by taking loans from a bank CEO who was pursuing a job in the Trump administration.

The memo makes the same collusion allegation regarding former Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopolous, and also asks Mueller to look into whether he was an unregistered agent of the government of Israel.

The memo asks Mueller to probe four questions regarding Michael Flynn, the former Trump national security adviser who was fired less than a month into the job: whether he committed crimes by talking to Russian government officials during the Trump transition, whether he lied to the FBI about contacts he had with the Russian government, whether he failed to report foreign contacts and income on his background investigation application and whether he did not properly register as an agent for the Turkish government.

A section of the memo is completely blacked out. A DOJ spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment when asked what was redacted.

President Donald Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill have long sought the memo, which until now has remained classified, arguing it will show that Mueller exceeded his authority.

well would trump lie?....if he says there are plenty of masks...there must be because he has a wall to paint.....doesn't she know she risks exacution questioning trump

Trump Contradicts Nurse Who Reports Shortages of Protective Gear

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump contradicted a nurse who said during a meeting with him at the White House Wednesday that some parts of the country are still experiencing shortages of protective medical gear, insisting the U.S. supply is “tremendous.”

The exchange happened during an Oval Office event to recognize National Nurses Day. A reporter asked Luke Adams, whom the White House identified as a “volunteer nurse” from New York state, whether he had sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment, or PPE. He said yes.

But another participant, Sophia Thomas, president of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners, then said that there were pockets of the country without good protective equipment. She works at the Daughters of Charity Health System in the New Orleans area.

She said she had been wearing the same N95 face mask for “a few weeks” and called the supply of PPE at her health system “sporadic” but “manageable.” She said she and her colleagues do what they have to do.

Trump interrupted. “Sporadic for you” but not for a lot of other people, he said.

Thomas agreed.

Trump insisted the country is “now loaded up” and added: “I’ve heard we have tremendous supply to almost all places.”

Maria Arvonio, a nursing supervisor at a community hospital in Willingboro, New Jersey, said she had not heard of any gear shortages in her area, even though it is considered a “hot zone” of infections.

“I really appreciate you saying that. It’s so nice that you stepped up because they’re fake news,” Trump said, referring to members of the news media who asked about protective equipment.

fake news because they said they are short on equipment....it's the trump way and the trumptards all buy into it....people working to save our lives...trump doesn't care and his supporters believe anything he says
we don't need health care....we have trump......still operating out of pure racist hate for Obama

Trump will urge Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his administration will urge the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare, maintaining its all-out legal assault on the health care law amid a pandemic that will drive millions of more Americans to depend on its coverage.

The administration appears to be doubling down on its legal strategy, even after Attorney General Bill Barr this week warned top Trump officials about the political ramifications of undermining the health care safety net during the coronavirus emergency

Democrats two years ago took back the House of Representatives and statehouses across the country by promising to defend Obamacare, in particular its insurance protections that prevent sick people from being denied coverage or charged more because of a health condition. The issue may prove to be even more salient in November amid the Covid-19 outbreak that health experts believe will persist through the fall.

OMG - has it been a couple days since I posted? crap! I know this is sooooo important, sorry guys just lost track of time with real life. See the rest of the NPCs are here.

Anyways, I found this little vid clip interesting, I find Jordan Peterson to be a very interesting person.

Also, maybe Subby can shed some light on this one
Sheets and hoods all washed?
You ready to apologize? if not, don't reply. I'll take any reply as an apology and admittance you over reacted.
You write the racist *******, get called out, get mad because you may not have meant it that way, then want the people/person offended to apologize to you????
You grew up getting participation trophies didn't you? Everybody is a winner and nobody feels bad, right?
You're a stain.
You write the racist *******, get called out, get mad because you may not have meant it that way, then want the people/person offended to apologize to you????
You grew up getting participation trophies didn't you? Everybody is a winner and nobody feels bad, right?
You're a stain.

Guess I was wrong - Your not very bright.

But thanks for acknowledge you over reacted, and I accept your apology. :lips:
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God can only do so much against stupidity,,,,see it on here all the time

GOP Lawmaker Opposes Coronavirus Face Masks Because They ...
1 day ago · Nino Vitale says he won't wear a mask, and doesn't want others to wear one either, because the face is the "image and likeness of God." By Ed Mazza A Republican state lawmaker in Ohio says he won’t wear a mask during the coronavirus pandemic because it covers the face, which is the “likeness of God.”
I think even God would have dificulty with this kind of logic!
P.S. Or should that have had read "Lack Of Logic?!"
I am starting to think I have trump all figured out...….

pretend you do not like immigrants....although keep it a secret you have a lot in your employ
let this Virus just run it's course...…...the wealthy will just sit at home and have stuff delivered by people who have to work....work from home...etc.....so they are safe...they have money and can afford to just stay home..

meanwhile you let the middle class and those that can not survive without some kind of help...….you let them die so you NEVER have to pay them any benefits...allow that much more for the wealthy...no pension...social security...retirement....no unemployment…..they die...….no big deal to a republican

and now that we are short on workers...he lets the immigrants in...pay nothing...no gov benefits.....killer at large!

wonder if I could sell that theory to fox news.....I think there are a couple of biz owners on here that think that would be a great idea
I am starting to think I have trump all figured out...….

pretend you do not like immigrants....although keep it a secret you have a lot in your employ
let this Virus just run it's course...…...the wealthy will just sit at home and have stuff delivered by people who have to work....work from home...etc.....so they are safe...they have money and can afford to just stay home..

meanwhile you let the middle class and those that can not survive without some kind of help...….you let them die so you NEVER have to pay them any benefits...allow that much more for the wealthy...no pension...social security...retirement....no unemployment…..they die...….no big deal to a republican

and now that we are short on workers...he lets the immigrants in...pay nothing...no gov benefits.....killer at large!

wonder if I could sell that theory to fox news.....I think there are a couple of biz owners on here that think that would be a great idea
His grandfather was an immigrant.
His mom was an immigrant.
Two of his three wives are immigrants.
His products are made by immigrants.
His business was brought to life for the sixth time by immigrant loans.
His biggest foil for his supporters are immigrants.
He lies, he cheats, he divides, he bullies, he hates.

The republicans took about 155 years to go from giving us one of the best presidents in our history to shoving the absolute worst down our throats.
Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 9.12.09 PM.png
Where to begin?
Shouting with zero results is not winning or kicking ass. Old men shout at clouds and ******* on their lawn. No one fears that.

The FBI and DOJ indicted, arrested and imprisoned his buddies.
Comey and McCabe are FBI, you mentioned them. Mueller and Rosentien are DOJ, you mentioned them too.
Hillary is not in office or under investigation, and she's been owning his ass on Twitter.
Media has been factual exposing his incompetence, counting his lies, and ****** him to run and hide from them.
Mueller's investigation under the Rosenstein and DOJ, ****** Trump to lie and obstruct justice, now he is one of three IMPEACHED presidents. Ultimate failure throughout history.
Iran is closer to nuclear weaponry than before he went into office.
Russia's ass is getting a rash from him kissing it so much.
North Korea played him to get international recognition, for what? Just last week they were doing missile testing over South Korea's waters.
China owns his ass, and his *******. The Trumps even bought voting machines from China. He's financially tied in deep with them.
Illegal aliens have successfully infiltrated his businesses and family.
Sanctuary Cities are still that.
The DNC nominated Joe Biden over his hard attempts to get Bernie Sanders the nomination.

He's the same loser he always was and the only ass that keeps getting kicked is his.
Damn....who would have thought...he is not going to let any Dr.s and scientist spoil his killing spree

AP Exclusive: Admin shelves CDC guide to reopening country

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A set of detailed documents created by the nation's top disease investigators meant to give step-by-step advice to local leaders deciding when and how to reopen public places such as mass transit, day care centers and restaurants during the still-raging pandemic has been shelved by the Trump administration.

The 17-page report by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,” was researched and written to help faith leaders, business owners, educators and state and local officials as they begin to reopen.

It was supposed to be published last Friday, but agency scientists were told the guidance “would never see the light of day,” according to a CDC official. The official was not authorized to talk to reporters and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The AP obtained a copy from a second federal official who was not authorized to release it. The guidance was described in AP stories last week, prior to the White House decision to shelve it.

The Trump administration has been closely controlling the release of guidance and information during the pandemic spurred by a new coronavirus that scientists are still trying to understand, with the president himself leading freewheeling daily briefings until last week.

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