Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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need more of an investigation here...ā€¦.but rarely do you see someone killing the golden goose

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 Ā· How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. Republicans have sold their souls to Russia. And Trump isnā€™t the only reason why. James Kirchick, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, is author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age.
thanks TRUMP!....this is what he and his supporting are doing...ā€¦.without a thought nor a care in the world

'It's gone haywire': When COVID-19 arrived in rural America

DAWSON, Ga. (AP) ā€” The reverend approached the makeshift pulpit and asked the Lord to help him make sense of the scene before him: two caskets, side by side, in a small-town cemetery busier now than ever before.

Rev. Willard O. Weston had already eulogized other neighbors lost to COVID-19, and he would do more. But this one stood as a symbol to him of all they had lost. The matching caskets, one powder blue, one white and gold, contained a couple married 30 years who died two days apart, unaware of the otherā€™s fate.

As the worldā€™s attention was fixated on the horrors in Italy and New York City, the per capita death rates in counties in the impoverished southwest corner of Georgia quietly climbed to among the worst in the county. The devastation here is a cautionary tale of what happens when the virus seeps into communities on the losing end of the nationā€™s most intractable inequalities: these counties are rural, mostly African American and poor.

More than a quarter of people in Terrell County live in poverty, the local hospital shuttered decades ago, and businesses have been closing for years, sending many young and able fleeing for cities. Those left behind are sicker and more vulnerable, with more of the underlying health conditions that make coronavirus so deadly.

At least 21 people have died in this county, and dozens more in the neighboring rural communities. Of the 10 counties with the highest death rate per capita in America, half are in rural southwest Georgia.

By nearly every measure, coronavirus patients are faring worse in rural Georgia than almost anywhere else in America, according to researchers at Emory University in Atlanta. Rural people and African Americans are more likely to work in jobs not conducive to social distancing and have historically less access to health care. Georgia has lost seven rural hospitals in the last decade. Nine counties donā€™t have a doctor, according to the Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals. The same places have higher rates of chronic diseases: In the southwest region of Georgia, 16 percent have diabetes, twice as high as Atlanta

At first, Benjamin Tolbert just felt a malaise; he had no appetite. Within a couple days, he could barely stand. His *******, Desmond, took him to the hospital. Benjaminā€™s wife, Nellie Mae, who everyone called Pollye Ann, got sick the next day.
Everyone in town knew Benjamin, 58, as a hard worker. He had worked for 28 years at a Tyson Foods plant. He and his wife had been together 30 years.
He was mild-mannered, but she found a joke in everything. She was a minister, sang gospel and danced, wildly, joyfully. Benjamin would hang back, but Pollye Ann would pull him up and heā€™d dance along with her, said their niece Latasha Taylor.

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thanks TRUMP!....this is what he and his supporting are doing...ā€¦.without a thought nor a care in the world

'It's gone haywire': When COVID-19 arrived in rural America

DAWSON, Ga. (AP) ā€” The reverend approached the makeshift pulpit and asked the Lord to help him make sense of the scene before him: two caskets, side by side, in a small-town cemetery busier now than ever before.

Rev. Willard O. Weston had already eulogized other neighbors lost to COVID-19, and he would do more. But this one stood as a symbol to him of all they had lost. The matching caskets, one powder blue, one white and gold, contained a couple married 30 years who died two days apart, unaware of the otherā€™s fate.

As the worldā€™s attention was fixated on the horrors in Italy and New York City, the per capita death rates in counties in the impoverished southwest corner of Georgia quietly climbed to among the worst in the county. The devastation here is a cautionary tale of what happens when the virus seeps into communities on the losing end of the nationā€™s most intractable inequalities: these counties are rural, mostly African American and poor.

More than a quarter of people in Terrell County live in poverty, the local hospital shuttered decades ago, and businesses have been closing for years, sending many young and able fleeing for cities. Those left behind are sicker and more vulnerable, with more of the underlying health conditions that make coronavirus so deadly.

At least 21 people have died in this county, and dozens more in the neighboring rural communities. Of the 10 counties with the highest death rate per capita in America, half are in rural southwest Georgia.

By nearly every measure, coronavirus patients are faring worse in rural Georgia than almost anywhere else in America, according to researchers at Emory University in Atlanta. Rural people and African Americans are more likely to work in jobs not conducive to social distancing and have historically less access to health care. Georgia has lost seven rural hospitals in the last decade. Nine counties donā€™t have a doctor, according to the Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals. The same places have higher rates of chronic diseases: In the southwest region of Georgia, 16 percent have diabetes, twice as high as Atlanta

At first, Benjamin Tolbert just felt a malaise; he had no appetite. Within a couple days, he could barely stand. His *******, Desmond, took him to the hospital. Benjaminā€™s wife, Nellie Mae, who everyone called Pollye Ann, got sick the next day.
Everyone in town knew Benjamin, 58, as a hard worker. He had worked for 28 years at a Tyson Foods plant. He and his wife had been together 30 years. He was mild-mannered, but she found a joke in everything. She was a minister, sang gospel and danced, wildly, joyfully. Benjamin would hang back, but Pollye Ann would pull him up and heā€™d dance along with her, said their niece Latasha Taylor.

Let's hope they pass their peak soon.
Let's hope they pass their peak soon.

we are watching the destruction of what was once a great country...ā€¦..turning into a fucking mess most of the world wants nothing to do with......and a large part of this country has no problem seeing a large majority of the country die....we are being destroyed from within...by an incompetent and a man in it only for self gain....while people supporting him think they will receive some sort of reward for themselves

how much lower can we sink?

I guess with trump and company we are going to find out
we are watching the destruction of what was once a great country...ā€¦..turning into a fucking mess most of the world wants nothing to do with......and a large part of this country has no problem seeing a large majority of the country die....we are being destroyed from within...by an incompetent and a man in it only for self gain....while people supporting him think they will receive some sort of reward for themselves

how much lower can we sink?

I guess with trump and company we are going to find out
It's clear the people he had around him are scared of him. They'll be telling him what he wants to hear. Far from ideal.
It's clear the people he had around him are scared of him. They'll be telling him what he wants to hear. Far from ideal.

That is how it has been and keeps continuing to grow.....he does not want anyone smarter than he is....so they are all idiots...ā€¦.the people who do know the job he has fired or they have quit.....so it is nothing but insanity supported by stupidity

as readily seen by what is on here....ever see anyone of these trumptards even question anything he has done.....steal...lie....*******...ā€¦.all ok to them....and they go out of their way to defend him
I said I'd try to quit calling you folks stupid, so, here ya go, pick out the alternative word ...
unintelligent, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish. gullible, naive.
These words describe us much more accurately.
clever Ā· bright Ā· brilliant Ā· sharp Ā· quick Ā· quick-witted Ā· quick on the uptake Ā· smart Ā· canny Ā· astute Ā· intuitive Ā· thinking Ā· acute Ā· alert Ā· keen Ā· insightful Ā· perceptive Ā· perspicacious Ā· penetrating Ā· discerning Ā· ingenious Ā· inventive Ā· knowledgeable Ā· apt Ā· able Ā· gifted Ā· talented Ā· brainy Ā· genius Ā· have a good head on one's shoulders Ā· there are no flies on ā€¦ Ā· know how many beans make five Ā· whip-smart Ā· rational Ā· capable of thought Ā· higher-order
These words describe us much more accurately.
clever Ā· bright Ā· brilliant Ā· sharp Ā· quick Ā· quick-witted Ā· quick on the uptake Ā· smart Ā· canny Ā· astute Ā· intuitive Ā· thinking Ā· acute Ā· alert Ā· keen Ā· insightful Ā· perceptive Ā· perspicacious Ā· penetrating Ā· discerning Ā· ingenious Ā· inventive Ā· knowledgeable Ā· apt Ā· able Ā· gifted Ā· talented Ā· brainy Ā· genius Ā· have a good head on one's shoulders Ā· there are no flies on ā€¦ Ā· know how many beans make five Ā· whip-smart Ā· rational Ā· capable of thought Ā· higher-order

those are all something you are lacking and trying to achieve...right?
Am I the only one that thinks it odd...ā€¦ā€¦...this guy pushing to get the country open and people back to work right away...ā€¦...don't people remember this is the same guy that told us to ******* Clorox and use dish soap internally...ā€¦..anyone that is dumb enough to follow him can't be to sharp....and we have a bunch of governors doing just that
Damn.....you mean there are people in the country who do not like killer trump?

'Live and Let Die' blasts as Trump visits mask factory
21 hours ago Ā· As President Trump toured an N95 mask manufacturing plant in Phoenix on Tuesday, his visit through the facility was accompanied by a head-scratching musical soundtrack: the Paul McCartney-penned...

Trump tours coronavirus mask factory to 'Live and Let Die ...
President Donald Trump had an arresting soundtrack on a visit Tuesday to a mask factory, during which the Guns N' Roses version of "Live and Let Die" played out. The president toured a Honeywell...
we are watching the destruction of what was once a great country...ā€¦..turning into a fucking mess most of the world wants nothing to do with......and a large part of this country has no problem seeing a large majority of the country die....we are being destroyed from within...by an incompetent and a man in it only for self gain....while people supporting him think they will receive some sort of reward for themselves

how much lower can we sink?

I guess with trump and company we are going to find out
"SUBHUB", your comments above reflect precisely what my thoughts were when I opened this thread on July 18/2018, unfortunately that was many months ago and things have only gotten much worse, much, much worse! I can only hope and pray that someday, someway, somehow, people will wake up and take time out, set all biases aside, and assess the current political situation that the current President (pardon the pun) of the United States is In! The United States has an acrimonious relationship with its previous closest allies, and has caused even greater acrimony amongst those who might otherwise been closer allies, and that's only the tip of the iceberg! Anyway, it's evident that even within the U.S., surely evidenced via this thread, the "divisionest president" has managed to drive his acrimonious political agenda to what might be otherwise considered unbelievable levels amongst every level of American society! Surely this type of political persuasion has no place in American society, or any other society for that matter! People should remember "as you sow, so shall you reap!"
and yet he refuses to pay for ppe equipment.....kind of like him ignoring it from the start...he doesn't care who or how many he kills

Report: Trump Wants Border Wall Painted Black To Make It ...
6 hours ago Ā· President Donald Trump still wants to paint the U.S.-Mexico border wall black to make the barrier look more menacing and hot to the touch during the summer months, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. During a White House meeting in April about the border wall, ...

Trump wants border wall painted black, with spikes on top
May 17, 2019 Ā· President Donald Trump has a very specific vision for his proposed border wall with Mexico ā€” paint it black, and put sharp spikes on the top, according to a new report. The ā€œwallā€ will in ...
she doesn't have to worry about ******* so why should she care......they tried to ******* her they wouldn't know which wrinkle to fuck

DeVos issues rules for sexual misconduct investigations in ...
6 hours ago Ā· On Wednesday Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued final rules on how all schools will address allegations of sexual misconduct, securing new ā€¦

Students accused of sexual misconduct get stronger ...
7 hours ago Ā· Education Secretary Betsy DeVos unveiled sweeping changes Wednesday to campus sexual misconduct rules that would bolster the rights of the accused and give colleges more flexibility in
OMG - has it been a couple days since I posted? crap! I know this is sooooo important, sorry guys just lost track of time with real life. See the rest of the NPCs are here.

Anyways, I found this little vid clip interesting, I find Jordan Peterson to be a very interesting person.

Also, maybe Subby can shed some light on this one
God can only do so much against stupidity,,,,see it on here all the time

GOP Lawmaker Opposes Coronavirus Face Masks Because They ...
1 day ago Ā· Nino Vitale says he won't wear a mask, and doesn't want others to wear one either, because the face is the "image and likeness of God." By Ed Mazza A Republican state lawmaker in Ohio says he wonā€™t wear a mask during the coronavirus pandemic because it covers the face, which is the ā€œlikeness of God.ā€
OMG - has it been a couple days since I posted? crap! I know this is sooooo important, sorry guys just lost track of time with real life.

Anyways, I found this little vid clip interesting, I find Jordan Peterson to be a very interesting person.

Also, maybe Subby can shed some light on this one

you turned the politics thread into a movie channel so bad most don't go there anymore....and now you want to do the same here....you want to watch a movie turn on the tv

most of us came here for discussion....not someone paid to say something someone else wants
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