Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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we created that fucking mess.....American greed...now we are reliant on them for a lot of things.....and we have made them rich...….and with all the military secrets they have also stolen from us.....we don't really know just how strong they are...….but they seem to be pushing us around and getting away with it

China AND India...….we have given everything to them....luckily India has no military intentions
There are many other diseases that ******* more than that - where is your outrage?
I'm just curious, do you even know the definition of a "contagious disease", with emphasis on contagious? Because, from reading your muck it seems like you don't understand the dynamics of a disease that can go from a couple people one day, and in a weeks time contaminate another 2000-3000 people, with no cure to stop it, and the ability to wipe out 50% of the people ages 55 or older .... that's people YOUR AGE, TwoBi. If it was just you conservatives, I wouldn't give a rats ass if you decided to ******* yourselves, BUT ... my parents and my wife's parents are in their 60s & 70s, and I DO care about them. As far as this disease goes, YOUR LIBERTIES STOP WHERE MY FACE BEGINS. You have no right to go out and contaminate the people who listen to the scientists & doctors warnings & suggestions. Its totally disrespectful.
What's wrong with you people!? ... you don't understand the danger? If left unchecked, and treated as a common cold or summer flu, this virus could ******* a huge, huge number of people here in the USA. And I got news for you, old man, YOU'D be at the TOP of its LIST.
I really do wish I knew the logic of conservative "thinking". You folks make absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to important things, then you raise hell when you hear congress is considering stricter background checks on fucking guns. Geesh! You don't give a ******* about the environment or clean air and water, you don't give a ******* about contagious diseases, you don't give a ******* about fair health care or living wages, or global warming. All the important stuff you simply DON'T give a ******* ... its like conservatives are allergic to SCIENCE. But, by god, let someone mention changes to gun laws and your ears go up like a frik'n guard dog.
You people are WEIRD!
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I'm just curious, do you even know the definition of a "contagious disease", with emphasis on contagious? Because, from reading your muck it seems like you don't understand the dynamics of a disease that can go from a couple people one day, and in a weeks time contaminate another 2000-3000 people, with no cure to stop it, and the ability to wipe out 50% of the people ages 55 or older .... that's people YOUR AGE, TwoBi. If it was just you conservatives, I wouldn't give a rats ass if you decided to ******* yourselves, BUT ... my parents and my wife's parents are in their 60s & 70s, and I DO care about them. As far as this disease goes, YOUR LIBERTIES STOP WHERE MY FACE BEGINS. You have no right to go out and contaminate the people who listen to the scientists & doctors warnings & suggestions. Its totally disrespectful.
What's wrong with you people!? ... you don't understand the danger? If left unchecked, and treated as a common cold or summer flu, this virus could ******* a huge, huge number of people here in the USA. And I got news for you, old man, YOU'D be at the TOP of its LIST.
I really do wish I knew the logic of conservative "thinking". You folks make absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to important things, then you raise hell when you hear congress is considering stricter background checks on fucking guns. Geesh! You don't give a ******* about the environment or clean air and water, you don't give a ******* about contagious diseases, you don't give a ******* about fair health care or living wages, or global warming. All the important stuff you simply DON'T give a ******* ... its like conservatives are allergic to SCIENCE. But, by god, let someone mention changes to gun laws and your ears go up like a frik'n guard dog.
You people are WEIRD!
I had a good chat about my friend's guns on here the other day and I do understand the allure and interest in them. I even shoot Clays myself.
But I scratch my head when there's a school shooting or when I see the gun death figures and hear people's daft arguments to defend the gun laws.
I don't know how you are going to deal with this problem, because most of you don't seem to see it as a problem in the first place.
I'm just curious, do you even know the definition of a "contagious disease", with emphasis on contagious? Because, from reading your muck it seems like you don't understand the dynamics of a disease that can go from a couple people one day, and in a weeks time contaminate another 2000-3000 people, with no cure to stop it, and the ability to wipe out 50% of the people ages 55 or older .... that's people YOUR AGE, TwoBi. If it was just you conservatives, I wouldn't give a rats ass if you decided to ******* yourselves, BUT ... my parents and my wife's parents are in their 60s & 70s, and I DO care about them. As far as this disease goes, YOUR LIBERTIES STOP WHERE MY FACE BEGINS. You have no right to go out and contaminate the people who listen to the scientists & doctors warnings & suggestions. Its totally disrespectful.
What's wrong with you people!? ... you don't understand the danger? If left unchecked, and treated as a common cold or summer flu, this virus could ******* a huge, huge number of people here in the USA. And I got news for you, old man, YOU'D be at the TOP of its LIST.
I really do wish I knew the logic of conservative "thinking". You folks make absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to important things, then you raise hell when you hear congress is considering stricter background checks on fucking guns. Geesh! You don't give a ******* about the environment or clean air and water, you don't give a ******* about contagious diseases, you don't give a ******* about fair health care or living wages, or global warming. All the important stuff you simply DON'T give a ******* ... its like conservatives are allergic to SCIENCE. But, by god, let someone mention changes to gun laws and your ears go up like a frik'n guard dog.
You people are WEIRD!

So what number of deaths are acceptable?
Whats the difference if it is contagious or not? Statistically, your parents have a better chance dying from a non-contagious diseases.
So you are admitting that this is not about the number of deaths, but rather the fact that it could directly affect YOU. talk about being selfish. You're not really concerned about how many die as long is it's not you or yours. The numbers really don't matter. The only time you scream is when something could directly impact you but everything else is non-critical.

You have no right to go out and contaminate the people who listen to the scientists & doctors warnings & suggestions. Its totally disrespectful.
What are you doing out if you are listening to the scientist and doctors? Not to mention this is YOUR ASSUMPTION. And no, I'm not going to touch your pathetic deflection.
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I had a good chat about my friend's guns on here the other day and I do understand the allure and interest in them. I even shoot Clays myself.
But I scratch my head when there's a school shooting or when I see the gun death figures and hear people's daft arguments to defend the gun laws.
I don't know how you are going to deal with this problem, because most of you don't seem to see it as a problem in the first place.

The guns aren't the problem - the mental health of the nation is - how ever it seems that the left only want to treat the symptoms instead of the problem. This is how big phamra and our medical system works as well - which is why the left loves them so much.

I also want to point out that I went to get supplies for the first time in about 6 weeks. The big box store looked like a 3rd world country. They were out of everything and the store only had about 30 people in it. So who is buying up all these items? Or maybe these shortages are being created on purpose. Fortunately I live in a area that the good ol mom and pop stores still exist. One trip there and I could get everything I needed, including TP.
They couldn't tell me why the big box store shelves are empty either, Trucks are still running, supplies are still being delivered. These big box stores are creating the shortage to feed into your fear.
I had a good chat about my friend's guns on here the other day and I do understand the allure and interest in them. I even shoot Clays myself.
But I scratch my head when there's a school shooting or when I see the gun death figures and hear people's daft arguments to defend the gun laws.
I don't know how you are going to deal with this problem, because most of you don't seem to see it as a problem in the first place.

money talks here.....and as you can see by the lives lost...….lives mean nothing to the right....they say it is about the second amendment.....but where in the second amendment does it say you need an automatic weapon to defend yourself.....judges in 5 states now have said you don't.....but the NRA ( a large group of gun manuf who pay the NRA) pays money to all these republicans to turn a blind eye to the killing of our children so they can increase sales
We have psychos too.

But they don't have guns.

we have a lot of them here.....they are called republicans and trump tards……...look at the Michigan court house the past few days...…..trumptards at the court house waving trump banners....and confederate (white supremist flags)…..and carrying guns to protest opening the state back up......shows you what kind of people we are dealing with here...….look at them on here and their undying support for the killer...………………..the only nice thing about that protest....they are all trumptards...hopefully a portion of them get the virus and DIE

they have already stated a bunch of trumps white supremist are going state to state doing these protests

Michigan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases up to 37,203; Death ...
Apr 25, 2020 · The number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan has risen to 37,203 as of Saturday, including 3,274 deaths, state officials report. Saturday’s update includes 562 new ...
As I understand it, the world was a different place when the second amendment was penned.

yes...for one we really had no military and the militia was important...………………………….who would have known it would have been a tool for gun manuf to use to sell more guns

I have about 30 guns myself...I like them and like to hunt and shoot...….but see no need for an assault rifle or an automatic being on the street....look at the type of people who have them......not real sharp...see them on here
Every time there's a school shooting I pray that THIS TIME PLEASE see sense America.

But the problem is intractable I fear.

gun manuf control our gov.....so lives mean nothing...…..matter of fact the NRA likes the school shootings...…….sales go up after everyone....nothing like supporting the killing of a few k.ids to sell your product

Why Do Gun Sales In the US Spike After Mass Shootings?
This is thought to be because of investors betting on an increase in gun sales after the shooting. The rise in gun sales, therefore, is what translates into a rise in stock

to the right lives are expendable...….look at how they are handling the virus....giving money to the corps while the people do without......open the country knowing it will increase the death rate...…...they have shown lives mean nothing time and again
it's all about re-election

34 days of pandemic: Inside Trump’s desperate attempts to reopen America

The epidemiological models under review in the White House Situation Room in late March were bracing. In a best-case scenario, they showed the novel coronavirus was likely to ******* between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans. President Trump was apprehensive about so much carnage on his watch, yet also impatient to reopen the economy — and he wanted data to justify doing so.

So the White House considered its own analysis. A small team led by Kevin Hassett — a former chairman of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers with no background in infectious diseases — quietly built an econometric model to guide response operations.

Many White House aides interpreted the analysis as predicting that the daily death count would peak in mid-April before dropping off substantially, and that there would be far fewer fatalities than initially foreseen, according to six people briefed on it.

Although Hassett denied that he ever projected the number of dead, other senior administration officials said his presentations characterized the count as lower than commonly forecast — and that it was embraced inside the West Wing by the president’s *******-in-law, Jared Kushner, and other powerful aides helping to oversee the government’s pandemic response. It affirmed their own skepticism about the severity of the virus and bolstered their case to shift the focus to the economy, which they firmly believed would determine whether Trump wins a second term.

A referendum election in November? Trump allies see risks

WASHINGTON (AP) — Six months from Election Day, President Donald Trump’s prospects for winning a second term have been jolted by a historic pandemic and a cratering economy, rattling some of his Republican allies and upending the playbook his campaign had hoped to be using by now against Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump’s standing has slumped as the nation’s focus on him has intensified during the coronavirus outbreak, revealing an erratic and often self-absorbed approach to the crisis. The result: He’s losing ground in some battleground states with key constituencies, including senior citizens and college-educated men — all without his Democratic challenger having devoted much energy or money to denting the president.

“It’s Donald J. Trump versus the coronavirus and the recovery,” said Scott Reed, the senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Biden is a sideshow.”

For some Republicans, the prospect of an election that is almost wholly a referendum on Trump is unnerving. Though the president’s base remains loyal, a significant portion of GOP voters view him skeptically on a range of personal qualities. He pulled many of those voters to his side in the 2016 election by drawing an aggressive contrast with Democrat Hillary Clinton. He planned to do the same in 2020 with Biden, with the added tailwind of a surging American economy.

Now, that economy is crumbling around Trump. A staggering 30 million Americans have lost their jobs in the past six weeks as businesses have shuttered due to stay-at-home restrictions aimed at containing the pandemic. One of the president’s own economic advisers predicted nationwide unemployment could reach 20% by June.

When his back is against the wall, Trump often responds by lashing out at a political opponent, hoping to expose flaws that detract from his own. But with Americans consumed by the pandemic and economic uncertainty, Republicans close to the president and his campaign say Trump’s team will struggle to break through with any attacks on Biden for some time. Instead, the public’s focus remains squarely on Trump and his handling of the health and economic crises.

I'm just curious, do you even know the definition of a "contagious disease", with emphasis on contagious? Because, from reading your muck it seems like you don't understand the dynamics of a disease that can go from a couple people one day, and in a weeks time contaminate another 2000-3000 people, with no cure to stop it, and the ability to wipe out 50% of the people ages 55 or older .... that's people YOUR AGE, TwoBi. If it was just you conservatives, I wouldn't give a rats ass if you decided to ******* yourselves, BUT ... my parents and my wife's parents are in their 60s & 70s, and I DO care about them. As far as this disease goes, YOUR LIBERTIES STOP WHERE MY FACE BEGINS. You have no right to go out and contaminate the people who listen to the scientists & doctors warnings & suggestions. Its totally disrespectful.
What's wrong with you people!? ... you don't understand the danger? If left unchecked, and treated as a common cold or summer flu, this virus could ******* a huge, huge number of people here in the USA. And I got news for you, old man, YOU'D be at the TOP of its LIST.
I really do wish I knew the logic of conservative "thinking". You folks make absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to important things, then you raise hell when you hear congress is considering stricter background checks on fucking guns. Geesh! You don't give a ******* about the environment or clean air and water, you don't give a ******* about contagious diseases, you don't give a ******* about fair health care or living wages, or global warming. All the important stuff you simply DON'T give a ******* ... its like conservatives are allergic to SCIENCE. But, by god, let someone mention changes to gun laws and your ears go up like a frik'n guard dog.
You people are WEIRD!
So quartine the vunerable
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