Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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'It's Devastatingly Worrisome.' Dr. Birx Criticizes Anti ...
May 03, 2020 · On Sunday, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task ******* coordinator, warned anti-lockdown protesters who are not adhering to federal guidelines that their actions are unsafe from a public health standpoint. Birx was asked by host …

Trump calls Michigan lockdown protesters are 'good people'
May 01, 2020 · President Trump says the protesters who stormed Michigan’s Capitol on Thursday — some of them armed with rifles — are “very good people” who are angry with the state’s restrictive ...
not to worry....trump will send them all of our supplies

Coronavirus: Russia's cases rise by 10,000 in one-day record
7 hours ago · Russia has recorded 10,633 new coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, the highest daily rise since the outbreak began in the country. The increase brings Russia's total number of coronavirus ...
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where is the love....all we see under the killer is hate and division...…….

Trump rips George W. Bush after he calls for unity amid coronavirus outbreak

President Trump on Sunday took aim at George W. Bush after the former Republican president issued a call to push partisanship aside amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise.

well go figure...…..every gov says the same thing....and white house says they are ALL wrong?

Kushner challenges Michigan governor's claim about state's coronavirus testing capability

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner on Sunday challenged an earlier assertion from Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that her state is having difficulty obtaining supplies needed to conduct crucial coronavirus tests.

"We have had several discussions with Michigan officials where they relayed the ambitious goal to perform 450,000 tests in May," Kushner said in an emailed statement to CNN. "(The Federal Emergency Management Agency) and (Department of Health and Human Services) have outlined a pathway to fully supply their request. We are rooting for Governor Whitmer to achieve the ambitious goal she has set and will work with her to get there."

Earlier Sunday, Whitmer was asked on CNN's "State of the Union" about comments Kushner recently made to The Washington Post that "the biggest thing holding us back is not supplies or capacity. It's the states' ability to collect more samples."

"That's not true in Michigan," Whitmer said, adding that many governors "are still looking to get swabs and reagents and additional test kits. And so we have never been able to get to full capacity because we are missing things in the supply chain."

"And that's part of why I think so many of us on both sides of the aisle have really called on more of a national strategy on these fronts," she said.

Whitmer added that the US "should be doing 1% to 2% of our population a week -- we are far short of that" and "the supply chain is one of those factors."

naturally...…..they are whit supremist….

Trump urges Michigan Gov. Whitmer to talk to protesters, whom he called 'very good people'

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump, who has called to "liberate" states currently in lockdown over the coronavirus, expressed support Friday for armed protesters who packed the Michigan statehouse this week.

The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire," Trump said in a reference to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. "These are very good people, but they are angry."

He added: "They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them."

Victory lap?...he is nowhere near his goal of killing 100,000 people!
just a little free campaigning on the side?

Trump to take pandemic victory lap in TV 'town hall'

Donald Trump will wrap himself in the mantle of America's arguably greatest president with a television extravaganza Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial meant to leave the coronavirus crisis behind and relaunch his election campaign.

The businessman Republican is doing poorly in most polls ahead of the November presidential contest with his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, who remains shuttered in his Delaware home.

Trump faces criticism for his bruising, divisive style during a time of national calamity, and is accused by some of having botched the early response to the COVID-19 virus.

Worse, the previously booming US economy, which was seen as a golden ticket to his second term, is now in dire straits due to the nationwide lockdown.

But with officials saying the viral spread has begun to taper, Trump is itching to declare victory and get back on the campaign trail.

That audacious shift begins Sunday at possibly the most hallowed monument in the country -- the statue of Abraham Lincoln, who led the country through civil war, urged reconciliation, and was assassinated in his moment of triumph.

Trump, who calls himself a "wartime president" and the coronavirus an "invisible enemy," will appear there for a two-hour Fox News "town hall," taking questions from the usually friendly network's hosts and from voters appearing by video.

The memorial is only just beyond the White House fences, but in the next few days, Trump will break months of self-quarantine with long-distance trips to the key electoral states of Arizona and Ohio.

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States Where the Virus Is Growing the Fastest Right Now ...
Apr 29, 2020 · On April 28, the number of recorded cases of COVID-19 in the United States surpassed 1 million. Even as the exponential spread of the virus has begun to slow somewhat, the virus continues to ...

Health experts worry COVID-19 cases could still rise ...
Apr 21, 2020 · ATLANTA — Numbers from the Georgia Dept. of Public Health show the number of new COVID-19 cases being reported per day could be on the decline. But Dr. Harry Heiman with Georgia State University ...
34 days of pandemic: Inside Trump’s desperate attempts to reopen America

The epidemiological models under review in the White House Situation Room in late March were bracing. In a best-case scenario, they showed the novel coronavirus was likely to ******* between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans. President Trump was apprehensive about so much carnage on his watch, yet also impatient to reopen the economy — and he wanted data to justify doing so.

So the White House considered its own analysis. A small team led by Kevin Hassett — a former chairman of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers with no background in infectious diseases — quietly built an econometric model to guide response operation

Many White House aides interpreted the analysis as predicting that the daily death count would peak in mid-April before dropping off substantially, and that there would be far fewer fatalities than initially foreseen, according to six people briefed on it.

Although Hassett denied that he ever projected the number of dead, other senior administration officials said his presentations characterized the count as lower than commonly forecast — and that it was embraced inside the West Wing by the president’s *******-in-law, Jared Kushner, and other powerful aides helping to oversee the government’s pandemic response. It affirmed their own skepticism about the severity of the virus and bolstered their case to shift the focus to the economy, which they firmly believed would determine whether Trump wins a second term.

Naturally....would not expect anything less from those that can not think for themselves

Trump says blame China. His supporters are listening.

The strategy to blame China for the coronavirus outbreak began weeks ago in Washington, D.C. Now it’s spread to the rest of the country.

In Wisconsin, a state senator introduced a bill criticizing “the negligence and hostile actions” of the Chinese government. In Virginia, a conservative talk radio host debated ways the Trump administration could punish China for inflicting a pandemic on the world. And in Colorado, an activist protesting stay-at-home orders confronted a health care worker on a busy street. “Go to China if you want communism!" she yelled. "Go to China."

President Donald Trump’s decision to focus his coronavirus anger on China, America’s top economic rival, is part of a pivot for Trump’s reelection team as it scrambles to revise a campaign message that had been focused on financial prosperity. Now, with the economy in a coronavirus-induced coma, Trump’s team is working to instead make the 2020 race a referendum on who will be tougher on China — Trump or Joe Biden. In recent days, Trump’s campaign has even dubbed the president’s likely Democrat opponent “Beijing Biden."

The message appears to be resonating. John Fredericks, the Virginia talk radio host and Trump supporter, said his callers, many out of work in rural areas, trust Trump to retaliate against China.

“My callers know what China has done,” he said. “There’s ******* on their hands.”

But while Republican pollster Frank Luntz predicted China will be the biggest issue in the presidential campaign, second only to the coronavirus itself, he said it’s not clear the issue will benefit Trump.

“The question pollsters can't answer right now is whether this helps Trump or Biden,” Luntz said “More precisely, both candidates will be criticized for past and current comments they've made. It's not clear which candidate will be hurt more by China.”

Indeed, both the Trump and Biden camps seem to think they have a winning hand on China.

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should not listen to Dr Frankentrump!....his goal is the death count.....and that is just one city!

Surge in calls to NYC Poison Control even larger than thought after Trump’s ‘disinfectant’ comments

New York City health authorities fielded 86 calls from people fearing they had ingested household cleaners in the 30-hour span that followed President Trump’s dangerous suggestion that injecting disinfectants could cure coronavirus — a remarkably high number even as compared to an overall uptick amid the pandemic, the Daily News has learned.

The barrage of calls about disinfectant exposure — nearly three every hour on average — came into the city Health Department’s Poison Control Center between 6 p.m. on April 23 and midnight on April 24, according to data provided by the agency.

Fearing Political Peril, Republicans Edge Away From Trump on Pandemic Response

WASHINGTON — Every evening from his kitchen table in southwestern Michigan, Representative Fred Upton, a moderate Republican running for his 18th term in office, posts a coronavirus dispatch for his constituents, highlighting his own efforts to respond to the crisis and the news from Washington, often with cameos from Democrats.

Absent from his Facebook updates are any mentions of President Trump, whose response to the pandemic has raised questions that threaten to drag down Republicans’ electoral prospects this fall, or of the president’s provocative news briefings, which have become a forum for partisan attacks on Democrats and dubious claims about the virus.

“You have to sort of thread the needle,” Mr. Upton said in an interview, explaining how he has tried to navigate Mr. Trump’s performance during the crisis. “I’ve been careful. I said, ‘Let’s look to the future,’ versus ‘Why didn’t we do this a few months ago?’ I’m not interested in pointing the finger of blame. I want to correct the issues.”

It is a tricky task for lawmakers like Mr. Upton in centrist districts throughout the country, who understand that their re-election prospects — and any hope their party might have of taking back the House of Representatives — could rise or fall based on how they address the pandemic. Already considered a politically endangered species before the novel coronavirus began ravaging the United States, these moderates are now working to counter the risk that their electoral fates could become tied to Mr. Trump’s response at a time when the independent voters whose support they need are increasingly unhappy with his performance.

The president’s combative news conferences, which his own political advisers have counseled him to curtail, have made the challenge all the steeper.

“It does make it difficult at times,” Representative John Katko, Republican of New York, said in an interview. He said he hoped his constituents would evaluate him not based on Mr. Trump’s record, but on his own.

“I’m hanging on — not hanging on, flourishing — in a district I should probably not have as a Republican,” said Mr. Katko, one of only two House Republicans running for re-election in a district Hillary Clinton won in 2016. Voters “are going to judge me on what I did or did not do, and that’s all I can ask.”

I turned on CNN wanting to watch the Jake Tapper special about Trump and the Virus...…...Don lemon on right now...usually don't watch him because...not sure...but anyway he is on now....and he does not hide his hate for trump.....and you guys thought I was bad...…..he calls it all out funny to watch him slamm trump on one issue after another
Your ignoring the warnings & protocols for getting RID of this virus diminishes its success

Wait, I think I see the problem. You think the purpose of the shelter in place order will "get rid" of the virus?
You DO KNOW its entire purpose is to SLOW it's spread so the medical industry can get ahead of it. The only way to "get rid" of it is to lock EVERYONE in their home for a month. Now that's not really possible is it.

If the government was going to pay everyone's way and give them supplies for the next 30 days I would be happy to support an extended shelter period - but they aren't offering that are they? You are so concerned about yourself you are forgetting about thousands that can not survive without income.
I turned on CNN wanting to watch the Jake Tapper special about Trump and the Virus...…...Don lemon on right now...usually don't watch him because...not sure...but anyway he is on now....and he does not hide his hate for trump.....and you guys thought I was bad...…..he calls it all out funny to watch him slamm trump on one issue after another
You are so concerned about yourself you are forgetting about thousands that can not survive without income.
Income becomes quite er-relevant when there's no one to harvest the fields, or build those homes and cars, ect, now IS THERE? Imagine what the price of a home or a carton of milk or eggs would go to when there is no one left to do the manual work to bring them to market?
And once again, you charge me with only caring for myself & mine ... I have no understanding where you come up with that. If I've mentioned it once, I've mentioned it a dozen or more times since being a member here, my family & I live by the Golden Rule of Life in all things we do.
We do what the scientist & doctors tell us to do, we might not have to deal with this AGAIN in the Fall of this year, along with the other flu viruses.
One of the reasons we even have this problem at the magnitude it is now is because of Trump and his administration.
On May 6th Anthony Fauci was to meet with the House Appropriations Committee; guess what ... White House has barred him from meeting with them. All the White House would confirm is "Dr Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases will not be appearing."
Now, WHY would Trump & the White House Administration bar Dr Fauci from meeting with that committee? THINK?????????
Why don't you go play in heavy traffic, Hottobe? You couldn't put two full, coherent sentences together if you tried.
Try the porn section of this website ... the topics might be more in line with what you may be able to comprehend.
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yes....I see dumb and dumber here...nothing to say....maybe can't read....but for me I get the red thumb on every post
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