Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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won't supply them for Dr.s and nurses...…….but gets them for his killer supporters...but then he has to keep the China economy going.....

personally I would rather see him and them do without......sacrifices have to be made you know.....isn't that what he is doing to the American people to get the economy back up and help his re-election.....planning on the Sweden type handling of things

Trump Campaign Orders Red, Trump-Branded Face Masks
15 hours ago · The president's re-election campaign has ordered red, Trump-branded face masks for supporters. Campaign officials have discussed giving away the masks at …

President's Campaign Reportedly Ordering 'Trump Branded ...
6 hours ago · President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is ordering redTrump branded” face masks, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Campaign organizers hope the masks, meant to guard against the spread of the coronavirus, will help Trump woo older voters who are particularly vulnerable to
something to hide....or he doesn't want out?

Donald Trump team blocks Anthony Fauci from testifying ...
Donald Trump team blocks Anthony Fauci from testifying before congressional committee The refusal comes less than two months after Dr. Anthony Fauci critiqued the nation's coronavirus testing...

White House blocks Fauci from testifying before Congress ...
8 hours ago · White House blocks Fauci from testifying before Congress ... administration official that the White House has blocked Dr. Fauci from testifying." ... denied that Trump planned to dismiss Fauci

White House Blocks Fauci From Testifying to Congressional ...
May 01, 2020 · White House Blocks Fauci From Testifying to Congressional Panel - Bloomberg The Trump administration has barred Anthony Fauci, the scientist who’s leading the U.S. response to …
Simply because of your ass-hole response, that's why.
So you didn't like my response when I read something that appeared to be racist? Instead of clarifying, you just let it boil? You let Hoping Hubby go much further than you ever did (and in a turn of events, he's appears to be the one justifying racist terms)? All to make a point?
Did you make it?
Why don't you Trumptards think this through just a tiny bit. Originally Tara's claim, back in 1993 (27 years ago) was a sexual harassment complaint. Suddenly, in 2020 she decides to bring it up again, but THIS time she claims it was sexual assault. Aren't you folks even the tiniest bit curious as to why she would suddenly give rise to a 1993 occurrence and decide to elevate her complaint to sexual assault? Don't you smell just a bit of "foul odor" left by devious ReThuglicans and the ORANGE President? You know there's a money trail some where; Trump always settles with money bribes, especially when he's in the wrong or in trouble. How many MORE lies are you Trumptards going to accept before you'll admit Trump's a dirty lying skunk with no principles, no morals, no integrity, with very few brain cells?

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Some how they either have a time machine or forward planning for corroborating witnesses from then
Pandemic could last two years: Study
15 hours ago · Pandemic could last two years: Study. by David Hogberg | May 01, 2020 11:52 AM Print this article. A new study claims that the coronavirus pandemic could last into 2022. "The length of the ...

New report shows coronavirus pandemic could last for two ...
May 01, 2020 · New report says coronavirus pandemic could last for two years – and may not subside until 70% of the population has immunity By Christopher Brito May 1, 2020 / 2:24 PM / CBS News
This is almost over nation wide vt had no new cases yesterday
This is almost over nation wide vt had no new cases yesterday

Government will drag this out as long as they can and the useful idiots will follow like blind sheep. This will be a HUGE win for Big Pharma and again the useful idiots will cry for the government to take care of them. "The new Normal" and "For your safety" is all you will hear from the media.
Why don't you Trumptards think this through just a tiny bit. Originally Tara's claim, back in 1993 (27 years ago) was a sexual harassment complaint. Suddenly, in 2020 she decides to bring it up again, but THIS time she claims it was sexual assault. Aren't you folks even the tiniest bit curious as to why she would suddenly give rise to a 1993 occurrence and decide to elevate her complaint to sexual assault? Don't you smell just a bit of "foul odor" left by devious ReThuglicans and the ORANGE President? You know there's a money trail some where; Trump always settles with money bribes, especially when he's in the wrong or in trouble. How many MORE lies are you Trumptards going to accept before you'll admit Trump's a dirty lying skunk with no principles, no morals, no integrity, with very few brain cells?

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But the Blasey Ford thing was ok - RIGHT ???

Cause it was pure Dem horseshite which you guys just lap up !!!!!

I think any woman coming forward after all those years going by is suspicious and REALLY sucks no matter what side they’re for or against.
Innocent of a now changed claim from harassment to assault? Nawwww, she's most assuredly changed her story with the encouragement of someone working with the Trump administration. A woman KNOWS the difference between being assaulted and being harassed, and the definitions are certainly different. Now she's claiming he stuck his fingers in her vagina ... and 27 years ago she calls THAT harassment? lol Get fucking real! Had she reported THAT, it most certainly would have drawn legal actions.
As far as Biden being "pure" ... lol Now where did I insinuate THAT? Another "assumption" which simply is your opinion? I've never known a politician YET that didn't have a few skeletons in his/her closet, BUT ... this ONE on Biden ... pure fabrication due to the election coming up. And again, I'm saying there's probably bribe money involved because that's the way TRUMP works; as cops say, that's Trump's MO. And by the looks of her, I bet she didn't even get "six figures" ... probably like $50,000.
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Knowing ole Uncle Joe she prolly got 6 fingers though ;)
no wonder trump was praising those Michigan protestors...…..they were armed...wearing MAGA hats.....and waving confederate flags.....everything he likes for his white supremacy positions

LUV the Dems showing their hand in Michigan and that AMERICANS won’t put up with it - hopefully that Governor is toast in the next election :}

Just can’t help with the propaganda blast can ya Sub - clear to me government overreach by a Dem Governor - can’t buy paint or grass seed - who the fuck does she think she is ?????

MICHIGAN IS !!!!!!!!!
thanks trump.....trying weed down the population...….

US coronavirus death toll surpasses 60,000 and 100 bodies ...
Apr 30, 2020 · The U.S. reached another grim milestone Wednesday afternoon as the death toll climbed over 60,000. President Donald Trump last week cited 60,000 as a high-end estimate of how many people would die from the coronavirus. The president on Monday revised that estimate to 60,000 to 70,000, after the U.S. crossed a death toll of 55,000.

And, unfortunately as of April 30, 2020, the death toll in the U.S. stands at
65,416 and climbing! Trump's estimates are as as good as his "alternative facts"!
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thanks trump......working on keeping the death toll rising...…..

Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will not ...
Apr 29, 2020 · Associated Press Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will not be extended at the end of the month Published: April 29, 2020 at 6:51 p.m. ET

Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation
Social distancing helps limit contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces. Although the risk of severe illness may be different for everyone, anyone can get and spread COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community. Tips for social distancing

End of Trump’s social distancing rules spurs fears of virus rebound

The Trump administration’s “Stay at Home” guidelines will quietly expire Thursday with little fanfare — letting states decide what’s next.

But as President Donald Trump repeatedly declares that “we’re opening our country again,” the inconsistent patchwork of state, local and business decision-making is exactly what could drive a second wave of the coronavirus — or potentially prolong the current outbreak.

Instead of the national campaign to get people to stay home, the White House is leaving states with a set of CDC recommendations. They aren’t binding, and they aren’t all specific. That could lead to unexpected spikes across the country — sometimes in new places that didn’t see a bad outbreak, but also in cities that were recovering, only to suffer a setba

The U.S. death toll is still rising, often by 1,500 to 2,000 a day. It passed 60,000 on Wednesday, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker, a number that Trump had until recently predicted the country would not exceed.

Trump has to legitimatize passing blame onto others should there be an increase in Coronavirus cases & potential deaths when, and if, things go in that direction, and I pray to God that this won't happen, and who better to blame than those Govenors dumb enough to be led by their noses by their beloved "Don". Ugh!!
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I must admit there is an addiction to acquiring guns - but they are tools and each type has it’s own unique function and use.
There is nothing wrong with liking guns, or collecting them anymore then stamp collecting or old autos. In Maine the land is two thirds uninhabited so many here hunt. Many Out of state people come here, hire a guide to help them hunt.
I could agree if you are willing to agree the BS against Kavanaugh was also pure fabrication
Was it? You know that? Kavanaugh was under oath ... he lied on several points in his committee questionings. Kavanaugh shouldn't even be a SCOTUS; if I recall, it was Senator McDonald that held up Obama's choice for SCOTUS for almost an entire YEAR.
odd....…..nothing when he had his background checked when running with Obama.....now is it her favoring sanders...….or her love for P.utin…….or the money she is getting from the trump campaign

David Axelrod says Obama team's vetting of Biden didn't find misconduct claims

Democratic strategist David AxelrodDavid AxelrodStacey Abrams: Kemp not doing enough to protect low-income workers in GeorgiaTrump seeks to sell public on his coronavirus responsePolls show big bounce to Biden ahead of Super TuesdayMORE, a former top aide for President Obama's two White House campaigns, says that Obama's team didn't find claims of sexual misconduct when vetting former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenThe coronavirus has exposed deep inequalities in how Americans pay for health careBiden asks secretary of Senate to locate Tara Reade complaintThe Hill's Campaign Report: Biden addresses Tara Reade allegations: 'This never happened'MORE.

Axelrod, who serves as political commentator for CNN, wrote a piece for the network published Friday evening weighing in on a sexual assault allegation against Biden from Tara Reade, who claims that Biden sexually assaulted her when she was a Senate staffer in 1993.

The former Obama strategist wrote that while he was not directly involved in the campaign's vetting process for Biden, he was briefed on the findings and any potential issues that arose with those being considered for vice president.

“Dozens of women and men under consideration were reviewed,” Axelrod wrote. “Those who rose on the list of contenders were subject to a deep-dive investigation of their strengths, vulnerabilities and, of course, any disqualifying defects.”

"At the top of the list of those contenders was Senator Joseph R. Biden of Delaware," he added.

Axelrod said that the vetting process “certainly would have turned up any formal complaints filed against Biden during his 36-year career in the Senate. It did not.”

Axelrod: Tara Reade Complaint Against Biden Never Came Up in 2008 Vetting

Offering a defense of Biden, Axelrod acknowledged that society is finally "confronting" its long past of silencing women who were sexually assaulted — but Reade's allegations simply don't fit the credible criteria.

"It is striking that when an experienced vetting team put Biden under a microscope before he was chosen to be second-in-line for the presidency, neither [Reade's] allegations, nor anything resembling them in Biden's history, showed up," Axelrod wrote.

"Through that entire process, the name 'Tara Reade' never came up. No formal complaint. No informal chatter. Certainly, no intimation of sexual harassment or assault from her or anyone else. The team of investigators, expert in their work, would not have missed it," he continued.

While he said he was not on the vetting team, Axelrod wrote in the op-ed that "as senior strategist to the campaign, I was briefed on their work and potential problems

You can call us all stupid, The truth is you are obsessed with Donald Trump, you keep beating and beating situations that keep feeding your obsession. We are not the ones stupid here, close the barn door a horse has escaped, close it before you lose more horses.

do not include me in your dumb and dumber duo.....you hold the record for stupid statements....I could go on...but I will be nice to you

red thumbs down
goes here
...………………………………………………………...it is the only thing you can do without showing your......intelligence?
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