Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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offends you Russian bot posting does it...….you can't come up with enough lies and fake bullshit to cover this traitorous killers ass....dig deep ...call mom Russia...anything you want...there is no defense for this killer.....who is now willing to ******* a large amount of the population in a gamble the economy will come back and he can say how great he is....lives mean nothing....just a political gamble
Show me a fake post. You are a liar post fake ******* constantly
Show me a fake post. You are a liar post fake ******* constantly

you do not post anything that is not questionable...to say the least and that is being nice......most just trash posts to stir hate and discontent....…….something you Russian bots are trained to do...…...just about everything you post is a fucking lie...…..very little for discussion...….look at all the Biden *******....you know it is bullshit...and still catches the attention of the wreak minded on here.....they lack the ability to think on their own so you pump them full of ******* and they buy it....isn't that your whole purpose?

what I post....is on any home page you want to go to...yahoo....Bing....and others.....just news....not news that flatters a killer...but news

goes back to the original question that has been going on for 2 years or better now.....and yet you trumptards have yet to answer......what has he done for the worker or middle America.....name one thing....you can't and haven't

unless you want to count killing all the elderly to save on social security payments....that would be a plus you right wingers would probably bring up
you do not post anything that is not questionable...to say the least and that is being nice......most just trash posts to stir hate and discontent....…….something you Russian bots are trained to do...…...just about everything you post is a fucking lie...…..very little for discussion...….look at all the Biden *******....you know it is bullshit...and still catches the attention of the wreak minded on here.....they lack the ability to think on their own so you pump them full of ******* and they buy it....isn't that your whole purpose?

what I post....is on any home page you want to go to...yahoo....Bing....and others.....just news....not news that flatters a killer...but news

goes back to the original question that has been going on for 2 years or better now.....and yet you trumptards have yet to answer......what has he done for the worker or middle America.....name one thing....you can't and haven't

unless you want to count killing all the elderly to save on social security payments....that would be a plus you right wingers would probably bring up
I use Google and posted three time that article retracted as false and you keep posting it along with your other talking points
The article retracted was owes Chinese bank
if that was true......why is there 10 or 15 different articles saying the opposite...….you are just pushing your Russian fake news to protect the killer....and how many different licenses was he and Ivanka given AFTER he became pres when he nor her could get them before....there is no defense for a man who has no country....only money
you missed one hottobe and blkdlaur….you two can not think of any reasonable response...or lack the proper guidance as to what to say....that is why they put that red thumbs down...…..for people who can't think on their own
if that was true......why is there 10 or 15 different articles saying the opposite...….you are just pushing your Russian fake news to protect the killer....and how many different licenses was he and Ivanka given AFTER he became pres when he nor her could get them before....there is no defense for a man who has no country....only money
Look at date I'll post refraction again

This is the article others ran with
Trump Asking for Dirt on Biden Was Almost Certainly ...
Sep 25, 2019 · “There’s very clear evidence, as reflected in the memo of the call, that President Trump specifically asked the president of Ukraine to help in the process of digging up dirt on Joe Biden

Nunes dodges questions about allegations he sought dirt on ...
Nov 24, 2019 · Trump's efforts to have Ukraine investigate the Bidens are at the center of the ongoing impeachment inquiry. As the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Nunes plays a …

Amid impeachment drive, the pro-Trump search for dirt on ...


Nov 04, 2019 · Amid impeachment drive, the pro-Trump search for dirt on Ukraine and the Bidens goes on Those working in common cause with the president's and Giuliani's campaign to get Ukraine to

Giuliani admits he’s still trying to find dirt on Biden ...
Giuliani admits he’s still trying to find dirt on Biden: Trump ‘hasn’t told me not to do it’ ... "President Bill Clinton had been impeached by the House and tried in the Senate in a …

Trump's 2020 attack strategy: Smear Biden over mental ...
Apr 30, 2020 · President Donald Trump and his allies have zeroed-in on an attack against Joe Biden, going after the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's mental …

Trump's smears of Biden have only started: Can the former ...
Feb 02, 2020 · These dimensions alone make Trump's smear against Biden into something a bit more serious than the normal run of GOP dirty tricks, even without accounting for impeachment. Republican

Trump couldn't get Ukraine to smear Joe Biden, so Senate ...
Rick Scott actually paid to run an anti-Biden ad in Iowa about it. And at least 13 other Republican Senators have openly validated the smear campaign either on camera or through questions.

Republicans Kowtow to Trump and Kremlin Script Writer ...
Dec 12, 2019 · Win At All Costs. Now, thanks to the perfidy of Capitol Hill Republicans, win at all costs is the de facto policy of our government. Putin, who has declared that democratic self-government is a joke, is smiling. Not only does he have an invaluable asset in the Oval Office, he now has the whole of the Republican Party in Congress helping his cause.

Republican priorities - win at all costs - Democratic ...
Feb 11, 2016 · Republican priorities - win at all costs. ... Making a claim that sadly seems plausible on the surface, an Iranian official accused Republicans of asking Tehran to delay the recent prisoner exchange until after the presidential election. The problem for Republicans is that this claim, which might well be false bravado, actually sounds ...

Republicans Are Now Conceding Their Core Values to Trump ...
Jul 27, 2018 · A movement that once insisted that “character matters,” has now internalized Trump’s own moral vacuity, accepting a win-at-all costs ethic, even when the costs are all they said they ..

what do you have......guess's and false accusations...something the right has done for 30 years

here are the facts
Did you come across any false post while going back and disliking every post just curious your a riot

didn't look just trying to keep up with hottobe and blkdlaur….it is all they know....guess I am sinking to their level

go back and look at any of my posts....it is all those two retards know what to do...it's all they got

luckily I get more likes in one day than they can give dislikes
Subby - guns are part of our heritage. Our country was founded with guns. I have been shooting since I was 10 years old - younger if you count BB and pellet guns. Americans love freedom - thank God for the 2nd Amendment!!!!!
Guns are part of every colonized land that were 'discovered' with people living there. Every single one in the last 400 years. It's stupid propaganda that has embedded itself in the American psyche.
It would be like England worshipping the sword as their heritage, or Germany/Poland/Czech R./Lithuania worshipping the arrow or the better yet, the spear. It was a tool, that grew into an obsession.
We got more people yelling about the 2nd Amendment that couldn't tell you jack ******* about the 1st or 3rd.
I bet your grandfather - who most likely experienced REAL racism is rolling over in his grave right about now.
And your grandfather would climb out of his grave and shoot you if he knew what you were up here 🤣 .

Gonna leave my grandfathers out of this. One grandfather was born in 1913, the other in 1925. The level of racism they faced, was different than today of course. Just like their fathers faced a different kind of racism during the post Reconstruction era. And way different than my ******* faced. Point is, you don't look back and say well, it can be worse. You look forward to how it can be better, and work in that direction. Usually you understand that after you have children.

I understand "boy" can be used as a derogatory remark, but it's NOT racist. you don't get to own a word simply because it offends you. It wasn't used in a heated debate - you made it heated that after the fact. It wasn't used in a derogatory manner either - you prefer to take it that way. I've already explained all this once to you, not doing it again, go back and read. You have already made up your mind so this back and forth is pointless, I know I'm not racist, I could care less if you believe that or not.
Here we go. You don't get to erase the history of the use of word (especially when I went overkill in trying to explain) and parse it up for your convenience. Thing about racism, it's not just about individual slights, it's something that has both historical context and aimed at a member of that group. I showed how "boy" fits in that context. If you would have called me a 'bitch' or a 'shitpacking troglodyte' , those would be derogatory remarks, but not racist. Calling a black man 'boy', has a strong racist history behind it.

Your first reaction to the post after the moderators deleted it, was it was just fine. Two days later after HH spent that time defending the use of it, you give us all context. Two days. Not immediately. You didn't say, "my bad, that wasn't meant to...", nope. Why? because your first objective is to win an argument so you and HH argued it's fine. Then you wrote out a justification of why you used, and blamed me for taking it out of context. Fuck that. You were comfortable with it as you no doubt are now. So, don't get pissed when your comfort of racist terms are brought to light by me every now and then. This is not the 1940s.

However, if you would like to admit your own hypocrisy and racism, or at least admit you over reacted, then we can talk. Until then, please refrain from replying to my post and I will do the same.
OK, you're right. I apologize for bringing out your racism. I should have known better than to make you uncomfortable for using such terms. :rolleyes:
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