Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So says the master of insults - hypocrite.

wrong oh Trump lackey....you give just as many if not more...you just sneak them in.....where as I just call a turd a turd

Yes you are wrong - again demonstrating your ill knowledge of business. which explains why you are a follower

wrong?...don't think so...seems I hit the nail on the head or you wouldn't be so......wound up?
follower?.....not so...but even if I was I would rather be a follower than a ******* pusher!

No I didn't pay them to stand around - I laid them off

Aww yes....now we get to the point..it's all money for you...so now that your biz is 3 fold...they just get to work is that it?
isn't that the whole point of this conversation?

And by the way, we don't work over time. OT is a result of poor management

and with your work 3 fold you just push them harder to avoid any Ot or they get canned is that it?

Then don't believe it - I don't give a *******. I have nothing to prove to you

that's true you don't....but you already have!
LOL, a threat to democracy? no.
A ch[ld with too much power? yes.

This is exactly how CEO's act when they are about to loose a million dollar contract and they know there is nothing they can do about it.
However the left will blow this out of proportion. It does say a lot about the persons character that recorded a private meeting in confidence and then sold it to the highest bidder. There really won't be a hole lot Trump can do if he looses the house and Senate - no need to worry.

even more of your twisted logic and biased sentiments
Now we are back to fattening your wallet and not following the trickle down
goes back to you just being a pompous ass preaching one thing and doing another...again...just like your politics

Not how it works. Let me know once you have studied business 101. Not going to waste my breath any more on someone as ignorant as you.
You both didn't bother to watch this before posting it did you? LOL Thanks for agree with my position. You shouldn't base you opinion on head lines alone.


ROFLMAO. That coming from a man who never fact checks his own posts... Which is why I constantly prove you're wrong while exposing your lies, hypocrisy and BS. And its sooo easy to do!:mstickle:

Hard having your ass handed to you each time isn't it Two? But by now you should be used to it.:p
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ROFLMAO. That coming from a man who never fact checks his own posts... Which is why I constantly prove you're wrong while exposing your lies, hypocrisy and BS. And its sooo easy to do!:mstickle:

Hard having your ass handed to you each time isn't it Two? But by now you should be used to it.:p

LOL - I think I was the one handing out ass awards, You haven't proved any of my post a lie except in your own "open" mind.
You posted a video that SUPPORTS my position simply because it had a "bad title" and didn't bother to watch it - You posted a Meme that has been PROVEN FALSE, so who is not fact checking their own post? You post two other videos that are someones opinion on whats going on with the republican party, while I post videos from individuals telling their story why they personally walked away. No opinions involved. The sad part is you can't even fess up to it. It's very easy to see why the far left is so disillusioned. You better check with CNN and HuffPost to see how you should feel today. (Thats OK, Sub was caught doing the same thing not to long ago ;) )
Posted on Tue, Jul 22nd, 2014 by Hrafnkell Haraldsson
The Republicans Lie – About Everything

Republican dishonesty, not only about what they do and what they would like to do, but about the world we live in, are endemic. And the situation is getting steadily worse as Republicans daily seem more unhinged, leaving liberals and progressives shaking their heads in dismay.
Do you remember last year when Public Policy Polling revealed that more Louisiana Republicans blame President Obama for the mishandling of Katrina relief efforts than blame President Bush? It is a matter of public record that Barack Obama was only a freshman senator then, while Bush had been president for half a decade. Almost half of Louisiana Republicans didn’t know who to blame.
Of course, Republicans have also blamed Obama for the Iraq War and routinely pretend that there were no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil while Bush was president (9/11 anyone?). Not only that, but Fox News has excised any subsequent Bush-era terrorist attacks from public memory. Republicans have also conveniently forgotten that Bush presided over the economic collapse of 2008. Obama wasn’t elected until November 4 of that year and did not take office until the following January.
Of course, President Obama is currently being blamed for the immigration crisis at the border that Republicans are responsible for. Bush signed the law; Obama gets blamed.

Republicans attack President Obama for taking too many vacation days. In reality, as Al Sharpton pointed out on August 9, 2013,
[Obama] has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in. How many did President (George W.) Bush take by the same point in his presidency? Three hundred and sixty seven. Yes, more than a full year of vacation.​
PolitiFact has rated this statement “mostly true” in that Bush spent some working vacation days at his Texas ranch. I remember Bush being on vacation all the time; Republicans don’t even remember Bush.
Republicans want to sue and impeach President Obama for signing executive orders, even though he has issued far fewer executive orders than President Bush, whose executive orders were not the object of Republican complaint.
For example, on September 25, 2012, FactCheck.org pointed out that “Obama has issued 139 executive orders as of Sept. 25 [2012]…Bush issued 160 executive orders through Sept. 20, 2004, a comparable amount of time.”
As of June 20, 2014, Obama had signed 182 executive orders. Bush signed 173 in his first term alone, and 291 during his entire presidency.
Again, if you want to count executive orders you can do so; it’s a matter of public record and the University of California Santa Barbara helpfully tracks them by year and president. Republicans prefer just making stuff up because the facts do not agree with the fantasies they want to push.

Republicans have claimed Obama is adding to the deficit (while they add to it themselves via tax breaks for their rich owners) when in fact he has been steadily reducing the deficit. In fact, last year, Obama shrank the deficit to a 5-year low. And as Paul Krugman points out, there was never a crisis in the first place. As with all their other scandals, it was manufactured by conservatives to advance their anti-Social Security and Medicare agenda.
Democrats like to believe that when they engage the Right in debate that they do so on more or less equal terms. Both sides are, after all, comprised of sentient human beings. But Republicans have given substance to the old childhood taunt, “I am rubber, you are glue, words bounce off me and stick to you.”
They are literally impervious to facts.
And not only is President Obama magically to blame for all Bush’s manifest misdeeds, he is somehow also to blame for every misdeed committed anywhere in the world.
Everything that happens is somehow Obama’s fault and John McCain has turned himself into Chuck Norris, able to strangle the butterfly that flapped its wings in Siberia to prevent a typhoon hitting the West Coast. Only John McCain, who voted for the Iraq War, could have stopped the Iraq War.
This must make sense only to Republicans, who nod their heads sagely.
If only they could do so in strait jackets, which is arguably where they belong.
Republicans live in a world where women’s bodies magically repel unwanted sperm and where some equally mysterious alchemy turns sperm in the anus into the AIDS virus, where such a thing as “legitimate *******” exists and global warming and evolution do not. This is a world where slavery really wasn’t so bad and anyway, whites were the real victims, apparently moping about and wishing they could be slaves too.
And what do you say to egregious and sustained Republican insistence that racism is a distant memory, or that women have attained equality of pay with men? Of all people, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has no right to call a Democrat delusional, not when the platform and ideology of his party is completely founded on delusion.
Tough to tell if any of those things are crazier than creationist Ken Ham calling for an end to the space program because any aliens we find are going to hell anyway, as though the Space Program was ever a proselytizing effort. In the end, how does one compare and rate samples of excrement? Ham’s real problem is that if the space program continues, we are almost certain to find life on another world – and sooner rather than later – thus bringing his creationist fantasy down around his ears.
This is a world where Kirk Cameron knows more than Stephen Hawking, where he and others can throw stones even while complaining they are being stoned. I could go on, but this article would never end, because, by myself, I can’t keep up with the fast and furious flow of Republican mendacity.
Far from creating a straw man, Republicans have created a straw country, one where nothing is as it seems, one that has no relationship – not even a passing resemblance – to the actual fact-based world in which we live. In short, Republicans lie. They lie about everything. They even lie about lying.
The world laughs. The Democrats – and the American people – are left holding the bag.
Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters


A Donald Trump supporter, left, plugs his ears while passing protesters waving signs and chanting against the Republican presidential nominee at a Trump rally in Denver. (Brennan Linsley/Associated Press)

By David Ignatius
August 4, 2016

How did Donald Trump win the Republican nomination, despite clear evidence that he had misrepresented or falsified key issues throughout the campaign? Social scientists have some intriguing explanations for why people persist in misjudgments despite strong contrary evidence.

Trump is a vivid and, to his critics, a frightening present-day illustration of this perception problem. But it has been studied carefully by researchers for more than 30 years. Basically, the studies show that attempts to refute false information often backfire and lead people to hold on to their misperceptions even more strongly.

This literature about misperception was lucidly summarized by Christopher Graves, the global chairman of Ogilvy Public Relations, in a February 2015 article in the Harvard Business Review, months before Trump surfaced as a candidate. Graves is now writing a book about his research at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center in Italy.

Graves’s article examined the puzzle of why nearly one-third of U.S. parents believe that childhood vaccines cause autism, despite overwhelming medical evidence that there’s no such link. In such cases, he noted, “arguing the facts doesn’t help — in fact, it makes the situation worse.” The reason is that people tend to accept arguments that confirm their views and discount facts that challenge what they believe.

This “confirmation bias” was outlined in a 1979 article by psychologist Charles Lord, cited by Graves. Lord found that his test subjects, when asked questions about capital punishment, responded with answers shaped by their prior beliefs. “Instead of changing their minds, most will dig in their heels and cling even more firmly to their originally held views,” Graves explained in summarizing the study.

Donald Trump's most outrageous Four-Pinocchio claims

The Post's Fact Checker took a look at Trump's five biggest whoppers. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)

Trying to correct misperceptions can actually reinforce them, according to a 2006 paper by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, also cited by Graves. They documented what they called a “backfire effect” by showing the persistence of the belief that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in 2005 and 2006, after the United States had publicly admitted that they didn’t exist. “The results show that direct factual contradictions can actually strengthen ideologically grounded factual belief,” they wrote.

Next Graves examined how attempts to debunk myths can reinforce them, simply by repeating the untruth. He cited a 2005 study in the Journal of Consumer Research on “How Warnings about False Claims Become Recommendations.” It seems that people remember the assertion and forget whether it’s a lie. The authors wrote: “The more often older adults were told that a given claim was false, the more likely they were to accept it as true after several days have passed.”

When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more. He cited a study by Nyhan and Reifler that examined why people misperceived three demonstrable facts: that violence in Iraq declined after President George W. Bush’s troop surge; that jobs have increased during President Obama’s tenure; and that global temperatures are rising.

The study showed two interesting things: People are more likely to accept information if it’s presented unemotionally, in graphs; and they’re even more accepting if the factual presentation is accompanied by “affirmation” that asks respondents to recall an experience that made them feel good about themselves.

Bottom line: Vilifying Trump voters — or, alternatively, parents who don’t want to have their children vaccinated — won’t convince them they’re wrong. Probably it will have the opposite effect.

The final point that emerged from Graves’s survey is that people will resist abandoning a false belief unless they have a compelling alternative explanation. That point was made in an article called “The Debunking Handbook,” by Australian researchers John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky. They wrote: “Unless great care is taken, any effort to debunk misinformation can inadvertently reinforce the very myths one seeks to correct.”

Trump’s campaign pushes buttons that social scientists understand. When the GOP nominee paints a dark picture of a violent, frightening America, he triggers the “fight or flight” response that’s hardwired in our brains. For the body politic, it can produce a kind of panic attack.

What Donald Trump is doing on the campaign trail


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The GOP presidential nominee is pressing his case ahead of Election Day.

Screaming back at Trump for these past 12 months may have been satisfying for his critics, but it hasn’t dented his support much. What seems to be hurting Trump in the polls now are self-destructive comments that trouble even his most passionate supporters. Attempts to aggressively “correct” his remaining fans may only deepen their attachment.
Tax cut fever: Republican trickle-down theory is lies

Bruce Bartlett Opinion contributor

Published 8:36 p.m. UTC Sep 27, 2017


Republican presidential candidate Jack Kemp, center, with George H.W. Bush, Pat Robertson and Bob Dole, Atlanta, Feb. 28, 1988.

Pool via AP

I know something about this subject. Forty years ago, while working for New York Rep. Jack Kemp, I helped originate the Republican obsession with slashing taxes that came to be called “supply-side economics.” While I believe this theory played a useful role in economic theory and policy in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it has long outlived its usefulness and is now nothing but dogma completely divorced from reality.

It will be hard for many to believe, but once upon a time, Republicans genuinely cared about the budget deficit. From Dwight Eisenhower to George H.W. Bush, many of them were actually willing to raise taxes and oppose tax cuts to reduce it. And that includes Ronald Reagan, who cut taxes in 1981 but then supported 11 tax increases to offset a ballooning deficit.

Jack Kemp believed that this attitude made the GOP “tax collectors for the welfare state.” Democrats, he thought, would raise spending when they were in power, thus creating deficits, and Republicans would raise taxes when they were in power to reduce them. Moreover, opposing tax cuts was the same thing as supporting a tax increase in an era in which inflation caused taxes to rise automatically. This is because workers were pushed into higher tax brackets when they got cost-of-living pay raises, and taxes on businesses rose as depreciation allowances failed to keep pace with the replacement cost of new machinery and equipment.

The 1978 passage of California 's Proposition 13, which slashed the state’s property taxes, was critical in convincing Republicans that tax-cutting was more popular than deficit reduction. But to maintain some semblance of consistency, Republican intellectuals such as Irving Kristol and Alan Greenspan developed a theory called “starve-the-beast,” which says that spending will only be cut when tax cuts increase the deficit so much that there is no alternative.

Thus Republicans have long argued out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they assert, without any evidence, that tax cuts pay for themselves by greatly expanding the economy, and that tax cuts will starve the beast and reduce spending. Thus in Kansas, the state hired Arthur Laffer, one of the original supply-siders, to say that tax cuts would pay for themselves. When taxes were slashed and revenues collapsed, the Republican governor and legislature sharply cut spending. It is Republican dogma that all deficits result from excessive spending, never from tax cuts.

Republicans believe that statutory rates of taxation are all-powerful, even though almost no one pays them; deductions, credits and exclusions reduce the effective tax rate (taxes divided by income) in many cases to zero. But the historical experience tells us this theory is nonsense. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 reduced the top personal income tax rate to just 28% from 50%, and the corporate tax rate to 34% from 46%. Yet there was no increase in the rate of economic growth in subsequent years and by 1990 the economy was in a deep recession.

Strenuous efforts by economists to find a growth effect from the 1986 act have failed to find any. There were accounting effects as income was shuffled around to take advantage of tax changes, but no rise in investment or any significant effect on labor supply. "The aggregate values of labor supply and saving apparently responded very little," economists Alan Auerbach and Joel Slemrod concluded in an authoritative study.

Virtually everything Republicans say about taxes today is a lie. Tax cuts and tax rate reductions will not pay for themselves; they never have. Republicans don’t even believe they will, they are just excuses to slash spending for the poor when revenues collapse and deficits rise. There is no evidence that tax reform raises growth, although it may improve fairness and tax administration. And the Republican idea that tax increases always crash the economy is belied by the experiences after Bill Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and Barack Obama did the same in 2013. The economy grew nicely and the stock market boomed in both cases.

Having helped open the Pandora’s Box of Republican tax cutting, I have tried for many years to close it again. I am trying again now.
I think I was the one handing out ass awards
yes...but you kept them for yourself....you ARE more deserving....

You posted a Meme that has been PROVEN FALSE,

proven by HH and that is not quite a reputable source for anything

You post two other videos that are someones opinion on whats going on with the republican party, while I post videos from individuals telling their story why they personally walked away

someone's opinion...and another as to why he walked away.again isn't that his opinion....you seem to have a distorted view of things there

It's very easy to see why the far left is so disillusioned

looking through those "rose" colored glasses you got compliments of the trump campaign I can see where you might draw that conclusion...you need to get out more and learn a few things.....trump is just pounding sand in your ass while you have your head buried

don't know what it is about you trumpies...but every time you post you are such as easy target....you simply have no idea of what facts are
they said most trump supports lack education...and you are proof of that
subhub does ask a logical question, there, TwoBi ... did you pass along any of that "business that's up 3 fold" along to your employees as raises? I mean, that IS the essence of the "trickle down" philosophy platform that Republicans have basically been preaching and the horse they've been riding for the past 35 years .... give the businesses a tax break and they'll create jobs and increase the wages of their hourly employees?!?!?!
So, you should maybe answer that question and tell us how wrong we've been about "trickle down" all along, and how you've utilized that extra business ... 5% raises, hiring more employees, increasing benefits, maybe a nice profit sharing or pension plan? Lay it on us!
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well Mac...sad to say...… but after two pages and I don't know how many posts of lies and double talk.....it looks like not only did the employees get nothing from the trickle down.....he just let them keep their jobs

and not only that...with his work 3 fold...….not even any overtime...because he knows how to manage!
talk about a real asswipe!

guess we didn't take biz 101 and learn how to get those right wing tax breaks......and NOT have to follow the trickle down either
where as you and I would feel guilty not sharing some with the people who are responsible for getting that work done.....asswipe just looks at like it is their duty and owes them nothing
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LOL, a threat to democracy? no.
A ch[ld with too much power? yes.

This is exactly how CEO's act when they are about to loose a million dollar contract and they know there is nothing they can do about it.
However the left will blow this out of proportion. It does say a lot about the persons character that recorded a private meeting in confidence and then sold it to the highest bidder. There really won't be a hole lot Trump can do if he looses the house and Senate - no need to worry.

Lol, 'a baby with too much power'? You do understand that this is your president don't you? Is that Ok, to have a baby there? Crickey.

You don't think he is trying to scare people into voting republican by suggesting there will be violence if the dems win? You think that is the way a modern democracy works? It absolutely is an irresponsible way to lead a country - sewing division and hatred.

Look, you keep banging on about being an employer and having your own business, as if that somehow gives you some licence to wax lyrical on all things political. Well it doesn't ok. In fact, as your Lord and master trump has proved, being a businessman and being a statesman are two entirely different things. He's an imbecile. As now he's trying to summon up the Christian right - those sky fairy worshippers, who spout their evil hypocrisy and hate.

I've noticed you defending him less and less and all the time ridiculing democrats and putting your simpleton videos up. Well grow the f up and smell the coffee. Your president is an embarrassment to your country and the sooner you get the halfwit out and get a statesman in power the better.
oh no...no another trump lawyer leaving...plus 2 more informants getting a pass from Mueller.....not looking good for 2bi or trump today

White House counsel Don McGahn to leave administration

White House counsel Don McGahn will be leaving the White House amid a flurry of ongoing investigations into the president's associates. Mr. Trump tweeted on Wednesday news of McGahn's departure, which is set to take place sometime this fall.
You don't think he is trying to scare people into voting republican by suggesting there will be violence if the dems win? You think that is the way a modern democracy works? It absolutely is an irresponsible way to lead a country - sewing division and hatred.

Yeah I thought you probably miss understood the article. I think you need to actually read it instead of making assumptions based on the title. Trump isn't threatening violence, he is claiming that the left will "violently revers his policies" and attack freedom of religion (i.e the dems will take it away.) But like I said, it's just empty threats. The media is simply playing your feelings again. and no - I don't agree with this at all. Your simply wanting to pick a fight.

Look, you keep banging on about being an employer and having your own business, as if that somehow gives you some licence to wax lyrical on all things political. Well it doesn't ok.

Ok, ... so what gives you the right?

In fact, as your Lord and master trump has proved, being a businessman and being a statesman are two entirely different things. He's an imbecile. As now he's trying to summon up the Christian right - those sky fairy worshippers, who spout their evil hypocrisy and hate.

I know all to well the hypocrisy of the far right Christian. but what your "open mind" is preventing you from seeing is that not all Christians are far right. I don't consider myself christian, and I know several far left who are christian, so where does that leave us?

I've noticed you defending him less and less and all the time ridiculing democrats and putting your simpleton videos up. Well grow the f up and smell the coffee. Your president is an embarrassment to your country and the sooner you get the halfwit out and get a statesman in power the better.

A "Statesman" ? as in A King perhaps?

I don't defend Trump, never have, never will. You are simply parroting what others claim - I defend some of his policies, the ones I agree with. I have defended several democratic policies as well, like gay marriage, non-district voting, I'm even for socialized medicine, but I want it done right. Not this ******* we have now.

The difference is, I hold the government as a whole to blame, it's not a left or right thing for me. They all lie, they all cheat the American tax payer and they all have one thing in mind - reelection. But no one whats to discuss that. if everyone does not comply to your narative then they are just a "Trumpy" and a "Hater". Your mind is so "open" you can only see one side, yours. So when I'm attacked personally, I strike back. If you want to try and tear down my character I will do the same. The videos I post simply show the left isn't so sweet and innocent either. The only reason everyone is getting so upset about it is because the Truth hurts, and the left don't want to see it, and they definitely don't want those who don't research on their own to see them. Their is enough hypocrisy and lies from both sides to chock a sperm whale and I'm sure we could go tit-for-tat all day long. But if you really are paying attention - I haven't called the videos about the Republicans lies. I don't trust the Republican party anymore than I trust the Democrats. I don't think the far right is any better than the far left but for some reason the only group that thinks they have a right to speak is the left.

Quite frankly, you and others on here trying to stiff arm me and ******* me to comply, shut up, or go away, is really no different than the stunt Trump just pulled - wrap your open mind around that.
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