Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You know what assume means right? That's your assumption

yes I know what assume means....and that is YOU assuming that I am assuming...which I'm not!

so once again you let your feelings get in the way

no ..I just know how you republicans are.....just posted an article on it above....you work strictly off greed

Just like it's your assumption I voeted republican.

again it's your assumption that I am assuming...I'm not...no one goes to such extremes to defend a party they don't support

Well you are wrong on both accounts as usual

don't think so...but I was wrong once back in 58..but later found out I wasn't wrong so I guess that makes me perfect!
as usual?...just because you rely on fox for your information and I use a search engine which is unbiased....that would be your third assumption

and you know what assuming means

you don't believe facts.
I do believe facts...just haven't known you to post any

Small biz as well. My business is up about 3 fold. Taxing and regulations on top of regulations strangle small businesses and incidentally only help big biz.
subhub does ask a logical question, there, TwoBi ... did you pass along any of that "business that's up 3 fold" along to your employees as raises? I mean, that IS the essence of the "trickle down" philosophy platform that Republicans have basically been preaching and the horse they've been riding for the past 35 years .... give the businesses a tax break and they'll create jobs and increase the wages of their hourly employees?!?!?!
So, you should maybe answer that question and tell us how wrong we've been about "trickle down" all along, and how you've utilized that extra business ... 5% raises, hiring more employees, increasing benefits, maybe a nice profit sharing or pension plan? Lay it on us!
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subhub does ask a logical question, there, TwoBi ... did you pass along any of that "business that's up 3 fold" along to your employees as raises? I mean, that IS the essence of the "trickle down" philosophy platform that Republicans have basically been preaching and the horse they've been riding for the past 35 years .... give the businesses a tax break and they'll create jobs and increase the wages of their hourly employees?!?!?!
So, you should maybe answer that question and tell us how wrong we've been about "trickle down" all along, and how you've utilized that extra business ... 5% raises, hiring more employees, increasing benefits, maybe a nice profit sharing or pension plan? Lay it on us!
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Subwoofer has already demonstrated he only believes his own disillusion, so no point in answering him. I sincerely doubt you will believe me either. However I'll indulge you - First off- you both demonstrate how ill informed you are about how business works. My business is up "3 fold" meaning I have about 3 times the amount of work. That does not mean I am making 3 times the profits. What that means is I am not laying off workers and standing around. We get to stay working and I can hire another, right now I only have 3 employees and looking for another. Their is profit sharing so they enjoy any bonus increase as profits increase. Had the company not gained some contracts, I probably would have laid 2 people of next month, indefinitely. My company relys on how well larger companies do, when they do good, we do good. My company isn't big enough to gain benefits directly from Trumps tax cuts. But because of all the social programs, having a job or not having a job seems to be of no consequences to you two - only how much they are being paid. You could care less if a company had to fire 10 employees just as long as they pay the other 5 more. And just for the record - because of the nature of my company I need experienced people, my pay starts at $28.50/hour + bonus. There are times they take home more than I do in a quarter.

The corporations that are greedy and aren't playing by the rules are the ones Like AT&T as they most recently demonstrated. This reflect on the corporation, not the legislation. Google and Apple are two others. Their profits are through the roof and nothing is given to the bottom employees. There is no incentive to do so. Raising taxes alone give no incentives, and tax cuts alone give no incentives, but tax cuts do keep people employed even if they get nothing more on their check. What I would like to see are incentives to corporations to pay their bottom employees better and benefits to part time worker. If neither one alone does any good, then lets do both. Go ahead and put the tax on corporations profits to 100%. For example, If a corporation past out X% in raises this year, they get X% tax credit. If the company invested in X% more health care for their employees they get another X% tax break. If the company spent X% in day care cost, they get X% credit. ect ect. Eventually a company could whittle that 100% tax down to say, 25%. (just in a nut shell) That way corporations that try to hold onto their profits get taxed the most.

But what do I know - I've only ran 3 successful small businesses, sold 1 and closed 1, and started a non-profit over the past 20 years. The fact that I am not stinking rich I think is a direct reflection on how well I treat my employees and customers. I could be greedy and charge a lot more and pay a lot less - but I don't.
After some digging on Two's Malcolm X and Ali post it seems Two once again posts yet more of his half truths and as usual never mentions the whole story. In fact he should rename himself halfastorybi.

In the video Malcolm X stated a deep racist attitude towards Whites, liberals, as an extreme group, whites in general and for the segregation of blacks, he was a member of the extreme Islamic group 'The Nation of Islam'. Which he joined after he was given a ten year prison sentence. X was until 1964 an extreme Islamic radical with anti white racist manners, thoughts and actions. That all changed when he found the true Muslim faith.

On April 13, 1964, Malcolm X left the United States on a personal and spiritual journey through the Middle East and West Africa. By the time he returned on May 21, he’d visited Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, and Algeria.

In Saudi Arabia, he’d experienced what amounted to his second life-changing epiphany as he accomplished the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, and discovered an authentic Islam of universal respect and brotherhood. The experience changed Malcolm’s worldview. Gone was the belief in whites as exclusively evil. Gone was the call for black separatism. His voyage to Mecca helped him discover the atoning power of Islam as a means to unity as well as self-respect: “In my thirty-nine years on this earth,” he would write in his autobiography, “the Holy City of Mecca had been the first time I had ever stood before the Creator of All and felt like a complete human being.”

It had been a long journey in a brief life.

Before Mecca: The Nation of Islam

Malcolm’s first epiphany occurred 12 years earlier when he converted to Islam while serving an eight-to-10-year prison sentence for robbery. But back then it was Islam according to Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam—an odd cult whose principles of racial hatred and separatism, and whose strange beliefs about whites being a genetically engineered race of “devils,” stood it in contrast with Islam’s more orthodox teachings.

Malcolm X bought in and rapidly rose in the ranks of the organization, which was more like a neighborhood guild, albeit a disciplined and enthusiastic one, than a “nation” when Malcolm arrived. Malcolm’s charisma and eventual celebrity built the Nation of Islam into the mass movement and political ******* it became in the early 1960s.

Disillusion and Independence

The Nation of Islam’s Elijah Muhammad turned out to be much less than the upstanding moral paragon he pretended to be. He was a hypocritical, serial womanizer who fathered numerous children out of wedlock with his secretaries, a jealous man who resented Malcolm’s stardom, and a violent man who never hesitated to silence or intimidate his critics (through thuggish emissaries). His knowledge of Islam was also relatively slight. “Imagine, being a Muslim minister, a leader in Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam,” Malcolm wrote, “and not knowing the prayer ritual.” Elijah Muhammad had never taught it.

It took Malcolm’s disillusionment with Muhammad and the Nation finally to break away from the organization and set out on his own, literally and metaphorically, to the authentic heart of Islam.

Malcolm X recanted his hatred for the white, believing that all men are equal under the eyes of his god. Ali stayed with the Nation of Islam and continued their racist attitude and actions. In short Ali was a racist. That is a confirmed fact!. Which is such a shame for one so revered. But then some years later Ali also recanted his views about whites. Something that shows the good heart in both men.

So as usual Two posts his half truths trying to show things in a bad light concerning anyone other than his beloved Republican party. Posts his half a story hoping that people won't take the time to check the actual facts of the material he posts. Not once did Two try to post an objective and unbiased video. Only as usual his attempt to show someone in a bad light such as Malcolm X mouthing off against 'liberals to show contempt for the white liberal section of society. *******SOMETHING MALCOLM X RECANTED*****

This isn't the first time Two attempts 'alt 'facts by using mis-information or deceitful means to attack 'liberals. Begs the question. For someone who claims not to have an agenda. How is it then, that the evidence shows he clearly does!

I for one are done with his lies, deceitful, pious and asinine posts which contain not even 50% of the real truth. And people wonder why Trump supporters are mistrusted!
Daphne is really worried about half truths and lies....except when she starts a whole thread "just to annoy replublicans" and begins with the very first post being a meme that's been resoundingly debunked, having been called false even by the left leaning Snopes....and already called out on this site as bullshit.


Even CNN said "It's not a thing. Stop sharing it."
Subwoofer has already demonstrated he only believes his own disillusion

damn starting off with the name calling already...but then a cornered dog usually does get mean....

I sincerely doubt you will believe me either

you have yet to demonstrate any reason why anyone should believe anything you say...everything is pretty much a "Trumpism"

First off- you both demonstrate how ill informed you are about how business works. My business is up "3 fold" meaning I have about 3 times the amount of work.

more just lying your way out of your earlier statement....excuse me if i'm wrong...but if you have 3 times the work...doesn't that mean 3 times the money...and with 3 times the work thus the need for more employees...but go ahead with your lies...this is getting good!

That does not mean I am making 3 times the profits. What that means is I am not laying off workers and standing around.
how does everything else triple...except your profits?
and you expect us to believe you paid workers in the past to stand around?....really doubt that....but since you have already admitted to not hiring more workers...….I'm just sure you are working them overtime and paying them accordingly......well probably not...greed doesn't do that does it?

Their is profit sharing so they enjoy any bonus increase as profits increase.

kind of hard to believe with all the other ******* you have shoveled out so far

My company isn't big enough to gain benefits directly from Trumps tax cuts
wait a minute...…..you stated earlier that your biz was up 3 fold because of all this......now which is it?

But because of all the social programs, having a job or not having a job seems to be of no consequences to you two

what bearing does that have to do with following trickle down....they already had the job.....your biz went up 3 fold....and you are allowing them to keep that job...does that about sum it up?

because of the nature of my company I need experienced people
and just no one out there huh??
didn't I just read a while back about how you hired someone from this board and bragging about it
or is that just more of your trying to impress someone on a porn site?

There are times they take home more than I do in a quarter.

hard to swallow with your biz up 3 fold...and you are not sharing it with your employees

The corporations that are greedy and aren't playing by the rules are the ones Like AT&T as they most recently demonstrated. This reflect on the corporation, not the legislation. Google and Apple are two others. Their profits are through the roof and nothing is given to the bottom employees. There is no incentive to do so. Raising taxes alone give no incentives, and tax cuts alone give no incentives, but tax cuts do keep people employed even if they get nothing more on their check. What I would like to see are incentives to corporations to pay their bottom employees better and benefits to part time worker. I

trying to white wash your way out of this?
a skunk can not change the smell it has already put out!

But what do I know
your only truthful statement so far...everything else lies and bullshit excuses
Daphne is really worried about half truths and lies....except when she starts a whole thread "just to annoy replublicans

nice of you to at least try and open a closed mind!

post being a meme that's been resoundingly debunked, having been called false even by the left leaning Snopes....and already called out on this site as bullshit.

to my knowledge it was just you that debunked it...and that is not very credible now is it
damn starting off with the name calling already...but then a cornered dog usually does get mean....

So says the master of insults - hypocrite.

more just lying your way out of your earlier statement....excuse me if i'm wrong...but if you have 3 times the work...doesn't that mean 3 times the money...and with 3 times the work thus the need for more employees...but go ahead with your lies...this is getting good!

Yes you are wrong - again demonstrating your ill knowledge of business. which explains why you are a follower.

how does everything else triple...except your profits?
and you expect us to believe you paid workers in the past to stand around?....really doubt that....but since you have already admitted to not hiring more workers...….I'm just sure you are working them overtime and paying them accordingly......well probably not...greed doesn't do that does it?

No I didn't pay them to stand around - I laid them off - That's my point moron.
And by the way, we don't work over time. OT is a result of poor management.

kind of hard to believe with all the other ******* you have shoveled out so far

Then don't believe it - I don't give a *******. I have nothing to prove to you.

what bearing does that have to do with following trickle down....they already had the job.....your biz went up 3 fold....and you are allowing them to keep that job...does that about sum it up?

Right, because without the added work, they would get laid off.

and just no one out there huh??
didn't I just read a while back about how you hired someone from this board and bragging about it
or is that just more of your trying to impress someone on a porn site?
Never made that claim - I challenge you to post a link to it - but you won't. just more of you dishonesty.
I wouldn't hire anyone from this board.

I think I hear your mom calling you - time for your Kool-Aid.
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Be interesting to see if anyone on here can justify Trump's warning of unrest if the dems win the mid-terms. Anybody see this as anything else but a dangerous and irresponsible threat to democracy?

LOL, a threat to democracy? no.
A ch[ld with too much power? yes.

This is exactly how CEO's act when they are about to loose a million dollar contract and they know there is nothing they can do about it.
However the left will blow this out of proportion. It does say a lot about the persons character that recorded a private meeting in confidence and then sold it to the highest bidder. There really won't be a hole lot Trump can do if he looses the house and Senate - no need to worry.
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