Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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More "stifling" the news and keeping the truth out....now we know where 2bi gets his ideas from....anything that goes against what you want people to believeis fake news

Trump slams Google, says it prioritizes 'fake news' in searches

President Donald Trump attacked Google in Tuesday morning tweets that accused the company of prioritizing "fake news" in its search results.
The results are “rigged” against him and other conservatives, he wrote on Twitter.
Trump also alleged that 96 percent “of results on 'Trump News' are from National Left-Wing Media” but he did not identify a source. He appeared to be referring to a story published over the weekend by conservative media company PJ Media that reported “96 Percent of Google Search Results for 'Trump' News Are from Liberal Media Outlets.”


It's just the way of the right to try and brainwash others into their way of thinking....that and gerrymandering....and closing voting places in districts that don't vote the way they want

their greed and the need to keep that wealth takes priority over any freedoms this country might have
similar to 2bi's vids....does anyone even look at them...doubt it...but he keeps trying to mind fuck those that might click on
the difference between my meme's and your vids...….my meme's people can glance at in a second...agree with...laugh at or disagree with and move on...….no one is going to take the time to click on a right wing propaganda vid!....and that is pretty much all you post...bullshit right wing mind fucking
the difference between my meme's and your vids...….my meme's people can glance at in a second...agree with...laugh at or disagree with and move on...….no one is going to take the time to click on a right wing propaganda vid!....and that is pretty much all you post...bullshit right wing mind fucking

Spoken like a person that is afraid of anyone watching the videos and learning something. The trouble with your memes are they show half truth and often taken out of context, and don't tell the whole story (but of course, you wouldn't want that)

Truth of the matter is - and what I have been trying to get all you fucks to realize - is there is no single source that will give you the "complete story" or "all the Facts". The biased left will tug on your heart strings, play with words to make you feel sorry for the "victim" (which is really the perpetrator) and only tell you their side of the story, while the biased right will appeal to your common sense, but only give part of the facts.

The ones truly lost and unknowing are people like yourself that refuse to look at both sides to gain a bigger picture of what is really going on. No one says you must agree with both sides, but the more you know and the more you understand how the media shapes malleable minds, The better you will understand the bigger picture and makes it easier to spot "fake news" regardless of who's side it comes from.

But hay - seems you and your "open" mind has it all figured out. If you are so certain my vids are false, just ignore them. By the way, double speed and just listen while you work (nothing really to watch anyways) it don't take long to go threw a few. I also watch the left wing videos as well as all the debunking videos. There is a lot to learn in doing so. But hay - keep your "open mind". (it's so open I think your brain fell out).
poken like a person that is afraid of anyone watching the videos and learning something

learning what...your slanted viewpoints...…..not interested....doubt to many are...…

But hay - seems you and your "open" mind has it all figured out

no not at all.....just not interested in the ******* the right puts out...not interested in the Nazi *******...nor the KKK...all about the same *******...and just not interested...buy het....maybe someone might watch...HH maybe?

your tactics are similar to your hero's ...trump wants his message out and block all others
The ones truly lost and unknowing are people like yourself that refuse to look at both sides to gain a bigger picture of what is really going on

go on with your slight of hand insults...not working and not interested in your brain washing...I saw the first one you posted....several pages ago...and have no interest in whatever you post since
I'm sure you can find one with a different face everytime….but we all know the world is full of fools

you have been mind fucked and just refuse to see your stupidity...yet want to push your stupidity on others....just because the rest are not as stupid as you to fall for that *******......we all know better!
wake up before you sell yourself and the country out
you have been mind fucked and just refuse to see your stupidity...yet want to push your stupidity on others....just because the rest are not as stupid as you to fall for that *******......we all know better!
wake up before you sell yourself and the country out

Ditto - have some more Kool - aid.
you are trying to sell people on a party that has bad press in the news everyday
from trying to stifle the vote
stock manipulation
party over country
tax breaks for the wealthy
health care
well being of the country (water-pollution)
just plain corruption and it goes on and on

there is just nothing good about the right and you exemplify that
After some digging on Two's Malcolm X and Ali post it seems Two once again posts yet more of his half truths and as usual never mentions the whole story. In fact he should rename himself halfastorybi.

In the video Malcolm X stated a deep racist attitude towards Whites, liberals, as an extreme group, whites in general and for the segregation of blacks, he was a member of the extreme Islamic group 'The Nation of Islam'. Which he joined after he was given a ten year prison sentence. X was until 1964 an extreme Islamic radical with anti white racist manners, thoughts and actions. That all changed when he found the true Muslim faith.

On April 13, 1964, Malcolm X left the United States on a personal and spiritual journey through the Middle East and West Africa. By the time he returned on May 21, he’d visited Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, and Algeria.

In Saudi Arabia, he’d experienced what amounted to his second life-changing epiphany as he accomplished the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, and discovered an authentic Islam of universal respect and brotherhood. The experience changed Malcolm’s worldview. Gone was the belief in whites as exclusively evil. Gone was the call for black separatism. His voyage to Mecca helped him discover the atoning power of Islam as a means to unity as well as self-respect: “In my thirty-nine years on this earth,” he would write in his autobiography, “the Holy City of Mecca had been the first time I had ever stood before the Creator of All and felt like a complete human being.”

It had been a long journey in a brief life.

Before Mecca: The Nation of Islam

Malcolm’s first epiphany occurred 12 years earlier when he converted to Islam while serving an eight-to-10-year prison sentence for robbery. But back then it was Islam according to Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam—an odd cult whose principles of racial hatred and separatism, and whose strange beliefs about whites being a genetically engineered race of “devils,” stood it in contrast with Islam’s more orthodox teachings.

Malcolm X bought in and rapidly rose in the ranks of the organization, which was more like a neighborhood guild, albeit a disciplined and enthusiastic one, than a “nation” when Malcolm arrived. Malcolm’s charisma and eventual celebrity built the Nation of Islam into the mass movement and political ******* it became in the early 1960s.

Disillusion and Independence

The Nation of Islam’s Elijah Muhammad turned out to be much less than the upstanding moral paragon he pretended to be. He was a hypocritical, serial womanizer who fathered numerous children out of wedlock with his secretaries, a jealous man who resented Malcolm’s stardom, and a violent man who never hesitated to silence or intimidate his critics (through thuggish emissaries). His knowledge of Islam was also relatively slight. “Imagine, being a Muslim minister, a leader in Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam,” Malcolm wrote, “and not knowing the prayer ritual.” Elijah Muhammad had never taught it.

It took Malcolm’s disillusionment with Muhammad and the Nation finally to break away from the organization and set out on his own, literally and metaphorically, to the authentic heart of Islam.

Malcolm X recanted his hatred for the white, believing that all men are equal under the eyes of his god. Ali stayed with the Nation of Islam and continued their racist attitude and actions. In short Ali was a racist. That is a confirmed fact!. Which is such a shame for one so revered. But then some years later Ali also recanted his views about whites. Something that shows the good heart in both men.

So as usual Two posts his half truths trying to show things in a bad light concerning anyone other than his beloved Republican party. Posts his half a story hoping that people won't take the time to check the actual facts of the material he posts. Not once did Two try to post an objective and unbiased video. Only as usual his attempt to show someone in a bad light such as Malcolm X mouthing off against 'liberals to show contempt for the white liberal section of society. *******SOMETHING MALCOLM X RECANTED*****

This isn't the first time Two attempts 'alt 'facts by using mis-information or deceitful means to attack 'liberals. Begs the question. For someone who claims not to have an agenda. How is it then, that the evidence shows he clearly does!

I for one are done with his lies, deceitful, pious and asinine posts which contain not even 50% of the real truth. And people wonder why Trump supporters are mistrusted!
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question is....did you pass any of that along to your employess? hell no!
just more money in your pocket giving you more time to spend on here promoting that agenda that got you the money

You know what assume means right? That's your assumption - so once again you let your feelings get in the way. Just like it's your assumption I voeted republican. Well you are wrong on both accounts as usual, but - you don't believe facts.
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After some digging on Two's Malcolm X and Ali post it seems Two once again posts yet more of his half truths and as usual never mentions the whole story. In fact he should rename himself halfastorybi.

In the video Malcolm X stated a deep racist attitude towards Whites, liberals, as an extreme group, whites in general and for the segregation of blacks, he was a member of the extreme Islamic group 'The Nation of Islam'. Which he joined after he was given a ten year prison sentence. X was until 1964 an extreme Islamic radical with anti white racist manners, thoughts and actions. That all changed when he found the true Muslim faith.

On April 13, 1964, Malcolm X left the United States on a personal and spiritual journey through the Middle East and West Africa. By the time he returned on May 21, he’d visited Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, and Algeria.

In Saudi Arabia, he’d experienced what amounted to his second life-changing epiphany as he accomplished the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, and discovered an authentic Islam of universal respect and brotherhood. The experience changed Malcolm’s worldview. Gone was the belief in whites as exclusively evil. Gone was the call for black separatism. His voyage to Mecca helped him discover the atoning power of Islam as a means to unity as well as self-respect: “In my thirty-nine years on this earth,” he would write in his autobiography, “the Holy City of Mecca had been the first time I had ever stood before the Creator of All and felt like a complete human being.”

It had been a long journey in a brief life.

Before Mecca: The Nation of Islam

Malcolm’s first epiphany occurred 12 years earlier when he converted to Islam while serving an eight-to-10-year prison sentence for robbery. But back then it was Islam according to Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam—an odd cult whose principles of racial hatred and separatism, and whose strange beliefs about whites being a genetically engineered race of “devils,” stood it in contrast with Islam’s more orthodox teachings.

Malcolm X bought in and rapidly rose in the ranks of the organization, which was more like a neighborhood guild, albeit a disciplined and enthusiastic one, than a “nation” when Malcolm arrived. Malcolm’s charisma and eventual celebrity built the Nation of Islam into the mass movement and political ******* it became in the early 1960s.

Disillusion and Independence

The Nation of Islam’s Elijah Muhammad turned out to be much less than the upstanding moral paragon he pretended to be. He was a hypocritical, serial womanizer who fathered numerous children out of wedlock with his secretaries, a jealous man who resented Malcolm’s stardom, and a violent man who never hesitated to silence or intimidate his critics (through thuggish emissaries). His knowledge of Islam was also relatively slight. “Imagine, being a Muslim minister, a leader in Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam,” Malcolm wrote, “and not knowing the prayer ritual.” Elijah Muhammad had never taught it.

It took Malcolm’s disillusionment with Muhammad and the Nation finally to break away from the organization and set out on his own, literally and metaphorically, to the authentic heart of Islam.

Malcolm X recanted his hatred for the white, believing that all men are equal under the eyes of his god. Ali stayed with the Nation of Islam and continued their racist attitude and actions. In short Ali was a racist. That is a confirmed fact!. Which is such a shame for one so revered. But then some years later Ali also recanted his views about whites. Something that shows the good heart in both men.

So as usual Two posts his half truths trying to show things in a bad light concerning anyone other than his beloved Republican party. Posts his half a story hoping that people won't take the time to check the actual facts of the material he posts. Not once did Two try to post an objective and unbiased video. Only as usual his attempt to show someone in a bad light such as Malcolm X mouthing off against 'liberals to show contempt for the white liberal section of society. *******SOMETHING MALCOLM X RECANTED*****

This isn't the first time Two attempts 'alt 'facts by using mis-information or deceitful means to attack 'liberals. Begs the question. For someone who claims not to have an agenda. How is it then, that the evidence shows he clearly does!

I for one are done with his lies, deceitful, pious and asinine posts which contain not even 50% of the real truth. And people wonder why Trump supporters are mistrusted!

I'm glad to see you actually did a bit of research. I could have told you all that had you simply asked. BUT - WHO and WHAT Malcolm X is wasn't the point. The focus of the video was the truth about the liberal left, and it's still true today. Yes he recanted blaming the white man, but he didn't recant his thoughts on liberals in general. He dropped his radical views but he also started to encourage others to not rely on the Democratic party, or government in general, to help them.

This isn't the first time Two attempts 'alt 'facts by using mis-information or deceitful means to attack 'liberals. Begs the question. For someone who claims not to have an agenda. How is it then, that the evidence shows he clearly does!

Your left media - especially the huff post does EXACTLY the same thing - but I guess your too "open minded" to see it.

People are starting to wake up to the lies and deceit the media is propagating. More and more people are fact checking and are becoming aware that sources like CNN, FOX, HUFFPOST, NYT, etc are only reporting half the story.

Not once did Two try to post an objective and unbiased video
And you have? LOL

The subject is the progressive liberal party - lets stay on track.
No research the 18th and 19th Liberal, Libertarian, and the 20th and 21st century Liberal.
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typical of just what is wrong with this country!

'They're liquidating us': AT&T continues layoffs and outsourcing despite profits

The communications giant is expecting a windfall of $20bn in savings from Trump’s tax reforms, but has closed 44 call centers since 2011

Cindy Liddick had worked at the AT&T call center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for 12 years before it closed earlier this month.
The former customer support specialist is among the more than 16,000 people in the United States who have lost their jobs at the communications giant since 2011, as it continues to shut down call centers to consolidate facilities within the US, or in favor of offshore alternatives in countries such as India, the Philippines and Mexico.

Though AT&T is earning record profits, spending billions on stock buybacks and is expecting an estimated windfall of $20bn in savings from Donald Trump’s tax reforms, it has continued to lay off workers and outsource jobs.

“My husband is very ill, I’m about to lose my health insurance and starting over in the job market at my age is going to be tough,” Liddick said.
In the last seven years, AT&T has closed 44 call centers, according to the Communications Workers of America labor union. Four closures, including the facility in Harrisburg took place this year.
While some workers are able to relocate to other call centers in the US, many are left jobless. For some, their jobs are sent offshore, where workers can be paid less than $2 an hour.

My center closed in 2011. It was a shock to all of us. At the time we had an area manager telling us we had plenty of work to sustain our office,” said Laleelah Hunter, an AT&T call representative in Cleveland for 19 years.
Hunter was offered an option to stay and find a job elsewhere in the company in Cleveland, while most of her colleagues were laid off or given the option to relocate to Detroit, a two-hour drive away.
Liddick said only two employees out of nearly 100 workers accepted an offer from AT&T to relocate to Kentucky. She was not one of them.
“It’s hitting me really hard financially,” she said. “I could lose my house.”
An AT&T spokesperson said the lease on the Harrisburg center had expired, “and to increase efficiency we’re consolidating some call center work currently done in Harrisburg into our other US facilities.”
In the first six months of 2018, AT&T reported nearly $10bn in profit as the company seeks to finalize an $85bn merger with Time Warner. AT&T has spent $16.45bn on stock buybacks since 2013, including $419m in the second quarter of 2018, the most its spent on buybacks since 2014.

Offshoring call center jobs often saves money in the short term,” said Virginia Doellgast, Chair of International & Comparative Labor at Cornell University. “It is more difficult to calculate the longer-term costs of offshoring, but they can be significant.”
On the shoulders of all its employees, we've made the company extremely profitable​
Betsy LaFontaine, AT&T call center employee​
Several AT&T employees explained they were hired with the impression their positions would provide the opportunity to begin a career with job security.
Betsy LaFontaine, who has worked at an AT&T call center in Appleton, Wisconsin, for 30 years as a service representative said that over the past decade, her call center was downsized from 500 employees to fewer than 30 today.
“They’re liquidating us,” said “This is not a poor company. On the shoulders of all its employees, we’ve made the company extremely profitable.”
In a December 2017 news release advocating in favor of Trump’s tax cuts, AT&T promised bonuses of $1,000 to 200,000 employees over the next year. The news release omitted that unions had already previously negotiated those bonuses with AT&T before the tax cut bill was passed.

AT&T also claimed it would invest $1bn into the United States, noting that on average a $1bn investment in the telecom industry creates 7,000 jobs. AT&T’s CEO, Randall Stephenson, reportedly promised to create those 7,000 “hard hat jobs that make $70,000 to $80,000 per year” with the $1bn investment in anticipation of the tax cuts.
Instead, AT&T has laid off an estimated 7,000 workers since that announcement was issued, according to the Communication Workers of America union. AT&T disputed this number, arguing they have hired 8,000 employees in the United States so far this year and 87,000 over the past three years.
Job security for current AT&T employees is a highly contentious issue between AT&T and the CWA.
In April 2018, the CWA voted to authorize a strike for the 14,000 workers in the midwest and national workers in AT&T’s Legacy Unit as the union’s negotiations for contract renewals remain at a standstill. But a union spokesperson said no timeline or strike date has been set.
Unions also filed an unfair labor practice claim with the National Labor Relations Board against AT&T in May 2018 for the company failing to disclose its plans to use savings from the Trump tax cut plan to reinvest in its workforce. That claim is still pending.

“We’re on edge, not really knowing what’s going to happen to us in the next month or two,” said Hunter. “We don’t feel confident in what AT&T tells us about what lies ahead in our future.”
In a statement, AT&T said: “We’re proud to be one of the country’s largest union employers. And we continue to invest in good middle-class careers in areas where we’re seeing increasing customer demand for our products and services. Since 2011 … we’ve chosen to hire nearly 188,000 people in the US.
“At the same time, technology improvements are driving higher efficiencies and there are some areas where demand for our legacy services continues to decline, and we must sometimes adjust our workforce in some of those areas.
“Most of our union-represented employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they are offered another job with the company if their current job is eliminated, and when that happens many wind up staying on our payroll.”
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