Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Every liberal gives me the same song and dance - "Oh we don't hate the people, we hate the narrative" As they sucker punch people, call them racist, burn their car, spit on them, and smash the windows. LOL. - yeah no hate there. (here is that narrow minded thing again) Ever stop to think that maybe we hate the liberal narrative, and not the person? How very open minded of you NOT to accept others opinions.
gif_yellowball-fainting.gifTwoBi ... you forgot to run this by your publisher for proof reading ....
For a liberal it's about control of others, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about self control as they run cars into crowds & stomp people at conventions.
For a liberal it's must be someone else responsibility, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal responsibility as they give themselves tax cuts and then cut services to the poorest Americans.
For a liberal it's about fault of others, while no fault of their own, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal liability as they apply Trickle Down Economics over and over and run up the Nat'l Debt & Spending.
For a liberal it's about what can the government do for ME!, for a conservative THEY SAY you reap what you sow as they get caught time and again with tax fraud and money laundering.
View attachment 2064078TwoBi ... you forgot to run this by your publisher for proof reading ....
For a liberal it's about control of others, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about self control as they run cars into crowds & stomp people at conventions.
For a liberal it's must be someone else responsibility, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal responsibility as they give themselves tax cuts and then cut services to the poorest Americans.
For a liberal it's about fault of others, while no fault of their own, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal liability as they apply Trickle Down Economics over and over and run up the Nat'l Debt & Spending.
For a liberal it's about what can the government do for ME!, for a conservative THEY SAY you reap what you sow as they get caught time and again with tax fraud and money laundering.

Say what you want Mac, there are always exceptions, doesn't make it the rule. But in my opinion, the liberal and left wing media has done more damage to this country than Trump ever could.
View attachment 2064078TwoBi ... you forgot to run this by your publisher for proof reading ....
For a liberal it's about control of others, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about self control as they run cars into crowds & stomp people at conventions.
For a liberal it's must be someone else responsibility, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal responsibility as they give themselves tax cuts and then cut services to the poorest Americans.
For a liberal it's about fault of others, while no fault of their own, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal liability as they apply Trickle Down Economics over and over and run up the Nat'l Debt & Spending.
For a liberal it's about what can the government do for ME!, for a conservative THEY SAY you reap what you sow as they get caught time and again with tax fraud and money laundering.

wasting your time Mac...he's brain dead!
Another "Txxxp University" Graduate no doubt! Sooo sad!
Hmmm, lets see....I post facts that can easily be verified from official government statistics and any of a thousand Dow Jones sources. Since you can't argue the facts, can't bear to admit Trump's average GDP growth is over 80% higher than the average over Obama's last 6 quarters, cant bear to admit the Dow has grown 44% under Trump while being flat over the last two years of Obama......lets see, how about an ad hominem attack instead. That really demonstrates a level of intellect!
Hmmm, lets see....I post facts that can easily be verified from official government statistics and any of a thousand Dow Jones sources. Since you can't argue the facts, can't bear to admit Trump's average GDP growth is over 80% higher than the average over Obama's last 6 quarters, cant bear to admit the Dow has grown 44% under Trump while being flat over the last two years of Obama......lets see, how about an ad hominem attack instead. That really demonstrates a level of intellect!

again you are full of *******!
even with economy doing as well as it has for the past 8 years....that has not risen much at all

just wanting someone else to look it up and prove you wrong
post your own fucking facts and then MAYBE someone might be interested in talking to you and debunking them
Student loan watchdog quits: Trump admin 'turned its back on young people'
Katie Krzaczek 6 hours ago

  • The U.S. government official overseeing the protection of student loan recipients from predatory lending practices resigned at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and wrote a scathing letter addressed to Mick Mulvaney, the bureau’s acting director.
    As first reported by NPR, who obtained the letter, Seth Frotman asserted that Mulvaney’s leadership led the bureau to “[abandon] the very consumers it is tasked by Congress with protecting.”
    The CFPB under Mulvaney’s leadership, Frotman wrote, “has turned its back on young people and their financial futures.”
    The CFPB oversees financial practices that could potentially harm consumers.
    “We protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law,” the bureau’s website reads.
    Part of their protection oversight includes the $1.5 trillion student loan industry. Frotman’s loud resignation brings into question how seriously the government takes its responsibility to protect student borrowers.
Student Loan Watchdog Quits, Saying Trump Administration Is Harming Students

A top federal official in charge of handling complaints about student loans stepped down on Monday, blasting the Trump administration for protecting predatory lenders at the expense of borrowers.
Seth Frotman, the student loan ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in his resignation letter that millions of borrowers had been harmed by “sweeping changes” at the bureau under Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s budget director, who became the bureau’s acting director in November. A copy of the letter was obtained by The New York Times.
“You have used the bureau to serve the wishes of the most powerful financial companies in America,” Mr. Frotman wrote to Mr. Mulvaney. “The current leadership of the bureau has abandoned its duty to fairly and robustly enforce the law.”

A spokesman for the consumer bureau did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Mr. Frotman’s position was mandated by Congress eight years ago, when it created the bureau, to serve as a watchdog over the $1.5 trillion student loan market. The office fields about 23,000 complaints a year, covering problems with lenders, debt collectors and a growing number of companies selling “debt relief” services — a market often plagued with fraud. Mr. Frotman had held the job since 2016.

again you are full of *******!
even with economy doing as well as it has for the past 8 years....that has not risen much at all

just wanting someone else to look it up and prove you wrong
post your own fucking facts and then MAYBE someone might be interested in talking to you and debunking them


Average of last 6 quarters of Obama GDP growth 1.48%
Average of first 6 quarters of Trump GDP growth 2.7% (82% higher than Obama for those of you who struggle with 7th grade math)

Dow 2 years prior to Trump ~17,900. Dow at 2016 election time. ~17,900. ZERO growth for last two years of Obama

Dow less than 2 years into Trump's presidency, 26,049.....45% increase from election time.

And the liberals will throw out another logical fallacy in 3....2...1...


Average of last 6 quarters of Obama GDP growth 1.48%
Average of first 6 quarters of Trump GDP growth 2.7% (82% higher than Obama for those of you who struggle with 7th grade math)

View attachment 2064245
Dow 2 years prior to Trump ~17,900. Dow at 2016 election time. ~17,900. ZERO growth for last two years of Obama

Dow less than 2 years into Trump's presidency, 26,049.....45% increase from election time.

And the liberals will throw out another logical fallacy in 3....2...1...

well I will be fucked!
I was looking for the article about how wages have not kept up with inflation the other day and was sure I saw that GDP was surprisingly low
must have mis read......I will give you that one that's ONE!

Wages Aren’t Keeping Up with Economic Growth

Wage growth hasn’t kept pace with per capita gross domestic product (GDP) growth over the past few decades, according to a recent Economic Synopses essay.
Senior Economist YiLi Chien and Senior Research Associate Maria A. Arias compared GDP data from the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) with two hourly wage data series since 1972:

  • One from the Bureau of Labor Statistics establishment survey, which reports the average hourly wage for all nonsupervisory workers
  • One that divided the total wages and salaries reported in NIPA by the total hours worked from the establishment survey, which covered all workers including supervisory workers
They also converted the nominal data into real (inflation-adjusted) data using the personal consumption expenditures price index.
Chien and Arias found that the growth rate of hourly wages consistently lagged behind per capita GDP growth for the period studied. During this period, the real hourly wage rate increased only 17 percent for nonsupervisory workers and 46 percent for all workers, while per capita GDP nearly doubled. The authors pointed out that the difference between the two wage series indicated that wage growth was stronger for supervisory workers. They wrote, “This finding is consistent with the empirical finding that high-wage earners account for most of the wage growth.”
The authors gave two reasons that the wage growth rate lagged behind per capita GDP growth:
Growth Rates of Hours and Population
The average growth rates of total hours worked and the population in the sample period were 1.31 percent and 0.99 percent, respectively. The authors noted, “Therefore, the hourly wage growth is slower than per capita GDP growth.”
Growth Rates of Total GDP and Real Wages
Average total real GDP grew at a rate of 2.59 percent, while average total real wages grew at a rate of 2.21 percent. The authors noted, “Given that total GDP is divided between laborers and capital owners, this fact suggests that a higher share of income went to capital owners over time.”

Chien and Arias concluded that wages haven’t kept pace with economic growth. They wrote, “If this trend continues, strong real wage growth may not occur even if economic conditions improve.”

GDP Is Growing,
but Workers’ Wages Aren’t
By Michael Madowitz and Seth Hanlon July 2018

President Donald Trump recently said that the U.S. economy is “stronger than ever
before” and points to his tax plan as one of the major reasons why.1 But the fact is
that workers are not geting ahead in the Trump economy. Ofcial data released in
recent weeks have shown that workers’ wages are fat or even slightly down, in real
terms, over the last year.2 Tese data fy in the face of many tax plan boosters who have
claimed that the bill’s passage has already been a boon to middle-class workers.
Tis Friday, the U.S. Department of Commerce will release its frst estimate of the
nation’s economic output in the second quarter of 2018. For a number of reasons,
second-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to be relatively
strong. But one quarter’s GDP estimates hardly indicate that the economy is experiencing the sustained, broad-based growth that tax cut proponents promised would
happen. Indeed, as the wage data show, the economy’s gains have not trickled down to
regular workers. In fact, President Trump’s policies have only made it harder for them
to get ahead.

GDP growth is the biggest-picture view of the economy; it’s important for macroeconomists who focus on long-term shifs in what the U.S. economy produces. GDP,
however, is only one measure of economic progress, so its efectiveness at measuring
workers’ well-being is limited. In the modern economy, benefts are shared unequally.
As economic benefts have gone increasingly to those at the top, overall economic
growth tells us less than it once did about how the living standards of all Americans
are changing. To be sure, economic growth is an important goal, but it’s naïve to
ignore the growing disconnect between changes in economic output and living standards for the vast majority of workers—especially when there are much more applicable measures of how workers are faring.


although...again your argument is a little twisted....if you read both articles....the only people faring well in all this is big biz!
Small biz as well. My business is up about 3 fold. Taxing and regulations on top of regulations strangle small businesses and incidentally only help big biz.

point is....it is nothing to brag about....except for biz......not helping the middle class or the worker at all...….their wages...even though they are growing...have less spending power than they ever have had...well in a long time anyway
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View attachment 2064078TwoBi ... you forgot to run this by your publisher for proof reading ....
For a liberal it's about control of others, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about self control as they run cars into crowds & stomp people at conventions.
For a liberal it's must be someone else responsibility, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal responsibility as they give themselves tax cuts and then cut services to the poorest Americans.
For a liberal it's about fault of others, while no fault of their own, for a conservative THEY SAY it's about personal liability as they apply Trickle Down Economics over and over and run up the Nat'l Debt & Spending.
For a liberal it's about what can the government do for ME!, for a conservative THEY SAY you reap what you sow as they get caught time and again with tax fraud and money laundering.

Not to mention the one BIG difference you left out - When the left does this *******, the Left always gets a hall pass, the right gets skewered.
Not to mention the one BIG difference you left out - When the left does this *******, the Left always gets a hall pass, the right gets skewered.

GOP is party of soaring deficits, not fiscal responsibility

Leading up to the 2016 presidential caucuses, Iowans cared about fiscal responsibility in Washington. A 2015 Des Moines Register Iowa Poll of likely caucusgoers found 94 percent of Republicans wanted candidates to “spend a lot of time” talking about the federal budget deficit.
Presumably they also expected winning candidates to act on the issue if elected.
Well, President Donald Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress certainly acted on federal spending, deficits and the national debt — by driving up all three.
The federal budget deficit, which is the annual amount by which government expenses exceed revenues, will climb to $1 trillion in 2020 with yawning deficits to follow in subsequent years, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The national debt, which is the accumulation of those annual deficits, will hit $25 trillion by 2027.
“At that level, debt held by the public would be the largest since 1947,” according to the CBO. That followed the United States financing World War II.
Iowa voters should remember this when casting ballots in the upcoming November election. They should remember it every time Sen. Chuck Grassley, Rep. David Young or other members of our Washington delegation talk about their dedication to “fiscal responsibility.”
That dedication simply does not exist. The campaign rhetoric is a bunch of malarkey. Their actions, namely supporting government-starving tax cuts, are ushering the country toward economic pain that may be felt for generations to come.
The CBO notes “laws enacted since June 2017,” including the GOP-crafted tax cut in December and spending bills, “are estimated to make deficits $2.7 trillion larger than previously projected between 2018 and 2027, an effect that results from reducing revenues by $1.7 trillion (or 4 percent) and increasing outlays by $1.0 trillion (or 2 percent).”

In other words, that major tax cut the GOP insisted would pay for itself actually worsens, not improves, the federal government’s economic future. This is hardly a surprise. A government, just like a household, faces repercussions when it significantly reduces its income and increases its spending.

Americans will feel these repercussions going forward. They will feel it when money that could be used for education, veterans or infrastructure is instead used to pay interest on debts; when the country’s credit rating is jeopardized; when there is an economic downturn and the federal government has little money to pump it up; when taxes are raised to maintain federal programs people rely on or, worse, when taxes are not raised and the programs are cut.
Amid all this, Washington Republicans continue to offer up more ideas to spend more money, whether for a wall at the Mexican border or on federal subsidies to reimburse farmers who will be hurt by tariffs proposed by Trump.
These politicians don’t talk about where the money for these ideas, or meeting basic federal responsibilities, is going to come from. They don’t talk about how their anti-immigration sentiment and worker shortage damage companies and hinder economic growth, which can also reduce government revenue.
Instead they prattle on about balancing the federal budget. Perhaps this will be the year Iowa voters hold them accountable for their hypocrisy.

Definitely a Republican Newspaper!

determined to keep control!

Federal Court Strikes Down North Carolina Congressional Map Again
Sam Levine,HuffPost

A federal court in North Carolina ruled for the second time this year that the state’s congressional map was drawn to so severely benefit Republicans that it violates the Constitution.
The court held on Monday that North Carolina’s congressional map violates Article I, the First Amendment and the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
A three-judge panel reached an identical conclusion in January, but after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in two separate partisan gerrymandering cases, it sent the North Carolina case back to the lower court for further consideration.
In June the Supreme Court said in Gill v. Whitford that plaintiffs in partisan gerrymandering cases must show they suffered an injury in the districts where they live. It asked the North Carolina court to consider whether the plaintiffs in the case met those conditions, and on Monday the court said that it did.
“We conclude that, under the test set forth in Gill, at least one Plaintiff registered to vote in each of the thirteen districts in the 2016 Plan has standing to assert an Equal Protection challenge to each of those districts,” Judge James Wynn, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit wrote in an opinion that was joined by Senior U.S. District Judge William Earl Britt. “In particular, such Plaintiffs introduced evidence establishing that each of their districts is ‘packed or cracked’ and, as a result, that their votes ‘carry less weight than [they] would carry in another, hypothetical district.’”
“We further conclude that Gill did not call into question — and, if anything, supported — this Court’s previous determination that Plaintiffs have standing to assert partisan gerrymandering claims under Article I and the First Amendment,” Wynn continued.
The court said the map violated the 14th Amendment because it treated voters differently, depending on their political preferences. The panel also said the map violated the First Amendment because it made it more difficult for politically engaged groups and voters with certain political beliefs to elect their preferred candidates. The map runs afoul of a provision of Article I of the Constitution, the court said, because it gives the North Carolina legislature too much power in choosing who sits in the U.S. House. Article I says that the members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen by “the people.”
The decision is significant because North Carolina is one of the most severely gerrymandered states in the country, with Republicans consistently controlling 10 of the state’s 13 congressional seats since 2012. Gerrymandering reform advocates believe the case presents one of the best opportunities for the U.S. Supreme Court to place a limit on partisan gerrymandering because the evidence of Republicans’ intent to gerrymander is so clear. A key Republican involved in drawing the congressional map in 2012 said he wanted a 10-3 GOP delegation because he did not think it was possible to draw one that was 11-2 in favor of Republicans.
“Although North Carolina’s loud and proud admission that legislators drew districts for partisan advantage is unusual, the practice is universal when politicians are in charge,” Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director at Common Cause, which brought the suit on behalf of the North Carolina voters, said in a statement. “Until we prohibit partisan gerrymandering, a true representative democracy will remain out of reach and the voices of all Americans will continue to be silent.”
The court highlighted that the current North Carolina congressional map has been in place for six years and notably left open the possibility of implementing a new congressional map for this year’s midterm elections. Noting that North Carolina Republicans have dragged their feet in drawing previous court-ordered fixes to the map, the court declined to say whether it would afford lawmakers the opportunity this time around but said it would give lawmakers until Sept. 17.
Republicans are expected to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. With Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, there is a 4-4 split between conservative and liberal justices, meaning the lower court’s ruling could remain in place, wrote Rick Hasen, an election law expert and a professor at the University of California, Irvine.
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