Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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To be fair, outside of the tax cut, and the ill thought out stimulus, Presidents have very little to do with growth. But I do agree with Obama's general direction being a deterrent to the private sector. I gave pay raises all during Obama's term, but took it in the shorts. There is no doubt that the small business (pass through) targeted tax cuts will have long term impact. Outside of JFK, marginally, no one has ever really tried this.

What is interesting is how the tax cuts are framed as a break for the rich. Oddly enough, a lot of Democrats supported the corporate tax cuts (c-corp), and then in a stunning change of direction, didn't support it. They were the most critical of the pass through portion. Which would comprise of some of their base. While Republicans aren't immune from hypocrisy, this hypocrisy from the left is stunning that they would screw their own base. And a good portion of low income, or moderate income liberals still don't get it. They just cut and paste sensational headlines on message boards, and can't figure out why they're not taking home more money. And a lot of them are taking home more money, and still don't get it.

Ah well, God helps people that help themselves, and my personal wealth isn't a sin. So everyone has made their own bed.
are you guys just posting ******* trying to get each others "likes" up?


Because you know, likes on a porn site are a sure way to measure self worth. ROFLMAO. I could care less about my likes but they sure do seem to stroke your ego. Talk about narrow mindedness LOL.
You know, those Obama "measures" that produced an average GDP growth of just 1.48% during the last year and a half of Obama's presidency. Those same "measures" that had the Dow Jones Industrial average at basically the same 17,900 point level on election day that it had been over the last 2 years of Obama's presidency.

The fact that under Trump's first 6 quarters, the GDP growth has averaged, 2.7% and that the Dow is up over 44% since Trump's election is clearly a continuation of Obama's "measures". Just ignore inflection point in the Dow chart. Also ignore that industrial recession we languished through for the last two years of Obummer.....the liberal media certainly did a yeoman's job of doing so.

Another "Txxxp University" Graduate no doubt! Sooo sad!
this guy is trashing our standing around the world!

EU security must no longer depend on US, says Macron
Katy Lee,AFP 2

Paris (AFP) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday called for Europe to stop relying on the United States for its military defence as he pushed for fresh EU integration in the face of rising nationalism around the continent.
Relaunching his diplomatic agenda after the summer break, the 40-year-old president said he would put forward new proposals in the coming months for the EU to boost defence cooperation, as well as talks with Russia on their security relationship -- an issue of concern for countries on Europe's eastern edge.
"Europe can no longer rely on the United States for its security. It is up to us to guarantee European security," Macron told an audience of some 250 diplomats, lawmakers and international relations experts.
His comments follow US President Donald Trump repeatedly distanced himself from the NATO military alliance, which groups the United States with most of Europe and has underpinned European security since World War II.
Macron's comments are likely to find support in EU powerhouse Germany after Foreign Minister Heiko Maas made a similar call for boosted military cooperation last week.
Writing in the Handelsblatt newspaper, Maas called for Europe to "take an equal share of the responsibility" and "form a counterweight" to Washington as Europe-US relations cool.
France and Germany have both backed the idea of a small joint European response ******* over the last year, and have announced plans to develop a fighter jet together.
- Swipes at Hungary and Italy -
Macron came to power last year vowing to overhaul the EU and has pushed for deep political reforms -- including a separate budget for the eurozone -- which have so far met with lukewarm support.
His agenda has been hit in particular by the rise of a new eurosceptic and nationalist government in Italy, as well as resistance from rightwing leaders in Poland and Hungary.
He admitted that "France seems sometimes to be on a solitary path".
But Macron lashed out at the rising tide of nationalism and called for countries to heal divisions which have widened over how to tackle the ongoing influx of migrants in particular.
France wants a Europe which protects, even as extremism has grown stronger and nationalism has awoken," he said.
"Divisions between north and south over economics, between east and west on migration, too often fracture our European Union," he added, urging a "humanist" approach to the changes brought by globalisation.
As for the solution, he insisted his approach would be to "give up nothing of the ambitions set out a year ago" when he came to office, which would mean creating a more integrated European Union with greater strategic autonomy.
"Do China and the United States think of Europe as a power with similar independence to their own? It is not the case," he said.
- 'Xenophobes bring no solutions' -
He also took at a swipe at ruling populists in Hungary and Italy, drily noting that their anti-EU rhetoric seemed to vanish when it came to accepting economic development aid from the EU.
"There is a clear approach of European opportunism while claiming to be nationalist," he said, calling out Hungary's Viktor Orban by name.
He did, however, acknowledge that a lack of European solidarity had played a role in prompting bitter disputes in recent months with Italy over migration.
"But does that excuse xenophobic comments?" he added in what appeared to be a veiled jab at Italy's far-right League.
"I don't think so, and I think these xenophobes bring no solutions to the problem they complain of."
In a typically expansive overview of his foreign policy, Macron called for Europe to build "strategic partnerships" with neighbours Turkey and Russia despite their differences.
Britain will also be in line for a "strategic partnership" after its departure from the EU scheduled next year -- but Macron warned that Brexit must not come at the cost of the unity of the rest of the EU.
Another "Txxxp University" Graduate no doubt! Sooo sad!

I have come to the conclusion they are just a bunch of childish assholes with nothing to do but post lies and bullshit to see if we will answer.
they just do not post anything factual and never have...always a lie... and want us to prove them wrong reasonable discussion with any of them is a waste of time
they get their facts and ideas from some right wing source......no normal person would even visit!...kind of like their main source Fox....it's not news nor is it facts...only to them
Wake up liberals!

LOL. Poor Twobi. Resorting to digging up you-tube vid's by friends and supporters of Trumps to bolster their narrative of a failing president. Notice how he, and the chuckles all try to discredit the liberals and Dem's while ignoring their own parties dangerous and sad state of affairs running the US.

Way to go two. Your hypocrisy and blindness isn't surprising any more. It's just really sad!
trump has shown our word on a deal is no good!

Iran's Rouhani asks Europe for guarantees on banking channels and oil sales

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Monday urged the remaining signatories to its 2015 nuclear agreement to act to save the pact, though France's leader called again for broader talks on Tehran's missile program and its role in the Middle East region.
In a phone call to French President Emmanuel Macron, Rouhani said Iran wanted the Europeans to give guarantees on banking channels and oil sales as well as in the field of insurance and transportation, according to the state-run Iranian news agency IRNA.
"Iran has acted upon all its promises in the nuclear agreement and, with attention to the one-sided withdrawal of America ... expects the remaining partners to operate their programs more quickly and transparently," Rouhani was quoted as saying.
Rouhani was speaking in the light of U.S. sanctions re-imposed by Washington after President Donald Trump pulled out of a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in May.
Macron reiterated France's commitment to maintaining the accord, a remark aimed at soothing Tehran.
Yet more.....

The Republican Party Is Now America's Largest Hate Group

The difference you fail to see - yours is nothing but hyper boil and easy to see through. I must have struck a nerve - truth sucks when it's in you face doesn't it? It's funny how you clam to point out haters - while being a hater your self. I really feel sorry for the younger generation - they have no clue what they are headed for and worse, no clue how they got there. I also find if funny how you liberals will only view your own narrative and then tell anyone that don't agree "narrow minded" -- ignorance at it's best.

I'm just exposing the Liberal for what they are - If Malcolm X and Ali saw it long ago, it should be fairly obvious today. But it's easier to become a serf than a citizen - is it not? (I'll save the best for last)
I was in a bar the other day in San Jose. The guy who owns the place is a Brit. He had copied an anti Trump picture; a picture of Trump with a red circle and line through it taped to his shirt. Not gonna lie it pissed me off and thought here we go again another liberal who can't accept what happened in 2016 and also thought "how childish." I overheard the cocktail waitress say the people at table 52 did not appreciate your sign. So he asked the bartender to get his sign since after he took it off his shirt he posted it on the employee bulletin board. I don't know what happened after that. Since he didn't engage me I kept quiet unlike what happens to people who wear a MAGA hat or a member of his administration just trying to enjoy a night out. I told the guy sitting next to me "that kind of pisses me off too." He said "I don't like Trump either." I asked why. He said "because of the way he talks and the way treats other world leaders." "He makes us look like fools." I said "I agree 100%." The dude should stay off Twitter and he should tone down some of his rhetoric."I thought that's it!! I then asked him the same question I have asked on this site. "So tell me how your life has changed since Trump got elected." He said "it hasn't at all." I asked him "what would you suggest we do about immigration?" He said "I don't know but I wouldn't build a wall because they have the technology to go under it." "So you're saying we do nothing like the past presidents?" "Do you think we should have open borders?" He said "No." I said "at least he's doing something." I asked him if he thought Hillary would have been a better president than Trump, good for our country?" He said "NO. She would have been worse." He voted for Sanders. Thank God that didn't happen. On that note I'd take the criminal Hillary over Sanders any day. I enjoyed my conversation with him. He's been a liberal Democrat all of his life and admitted Trump is doing a lot of good things. He just doesn't like him as a person. I said "you don't have to like the president." "Accept he's our president and since 1788 we the people decide who represents this great country." I don't give a ******* about electoral college vs popular votes. Our system is our system until it changes. So in 2020 if you don't like the job the current president is doing cast your vote. As I said before I pray it's not some socialist left winged liberal but if it turns out that way I'll accept it and continue to do what I've been doing all my life. It's going to be OK.
The difference you fail to see - yours is nothing but hyper boil and easy to see through.

ROFLMAO. Nice try Two. Your comments and posts are nothing but a reflection of your own short comings and insecurities. Your post confirm your biased narrative and the fact you try to deflect at every opportunity whenever you get caught out using your narrow minded BS and half truths. Funny how my hyper boil are backed up by actual fact...You should try it sometime...Oh wait you won't, as it doesn't favour your narrow mindedness and falsehoods.

I must have struck a nerve - truth sucks when it's in you face doesn't it?

When you actually start posting the truth then I may start paying attention. So no you haven't struck a nerve in any sense of the word. In fact you seem to like mentioning that when the facts prove you wrong and you then fail in your attempt to deflect or to dismiss them. Unlike you Two facts are something I deal with when ever I post.. You should try it as you may actually educate yourself!

It's funny how you clam to point out haters - while being a hater your self.

Here's the difference Two. I don't hate anyone. Not even you. What I do hate is you and your ilke spreading the falsehoods and lies of others to promote their vision. Hate the person? Nope. Hate the false message ? You betcha. There's the difference. But seeing as you are as closed minded as trump himself its no surprise you make a ridiculous claim.

I really feel sorry for the younger generation - they have no clue what they are headed for and worse, no clue how they got there.

Really Two. Are you that bloody stupid? Listen to yourself. People like you propagating the falsehoods and lies to support a leader or cause that is doing great harm and you wonder how the younger generation get it wrong!. It's the likes of you who confuse, propagandanise, and alter the facts. that causes the greatest confusion. Then you dare to stand on the soap box and declare you feel sorry for them when you're the biggest problem they have.

[QUOTE I also find if funny how you liberals will only view your own narrative and then tell anyone that don't agree "narrow minded" -- ignorance at it's best.][/QUOTE]

Well done for admitting your ignorance.

What I find funny is how you claim everyone is a liberal when they point out and prove you're wrong. Ignorance is bliss in your self enclosed world eh Two. Yes you are narrow minded. You claim not to be a republican . Yet you defend Trump and the GOP like their your dying breath. You ignore what you don't like or doesn't agree with your views, you're constantly attacking the message bearer and not the message. You post half truths and BS like its going out of fashion. Then you have the balls to call out others . Reality check Two...YOU'RE NARROW MINDED!

[QUOTEI'm just exposing the Liberal for what they are - If Malcolm X and Ali saw it long ago, it should be fairly obvious today. But it's easier to become a serf than a citizen - is it not? (I'll save the best for last)][/QUOTE]

Yet another deflection Two. You really are something. hiding behind the claim you're trying to expose liberals for what they are. So whats your excuse for the BS, Propaganda and falsehoods most of your posts contain?..Protecting lesser mortals from the truth perhaps? Or you didn't know that at the time? Your computer was hacked and it wasn't you?

Please, you're more intelligent than to try to run that bullshit past people on here..

If Malcolm X and Ali saw it long ago, it should be fairly obvious today. But it's easier to become a serf than a citizen - is it not?

Malcolm X was talking about WHITE liberalism. Really Two . Do you ever fucking watch anything you post? Malcolm X spent a great deal of time in both his book and interviews explaining al of this. You should actually do some research on it instead of posting what you think ill be a able to get a rise out of Dem's.

As for your last serf comment. Laughable at best two. You really need a holiday as your ass is doing the better thinking for you.
I was in a bar the other day in San Jose. The guy who owns the place is a Brit. He had copied an anti Trump picture; a picture of Trump with a red circle and line through it taped to his shirt. Not gonna lie it pissed me off and thought here we go again another liberal who can't accept what happened in 2016 and also thought "how childish." I overheard the cocktail waitress say the people at table 52 did not appreciate your sign. So he asked the bartender to get his sign since after he took it off his shirt he posted it on the employee bulletin board. I don't know what happened after that. Since he didn't engage me I kept quiet unlike what happens to people who wear a MAGA hat or a member of his administration just trying to enjoy a night out. I told the guy sitting next to me "that kind of pisses me off too." He said "I don't like Trump either." I asked why. He said "because of the way he talks and the way treats other world leaders." "He makes us look like fools." I said "I agree 100%." The dude should stay off Twitter and he should tone down some of his rhetoric."I thought that's it!! I then asked him the same question I have asked on this site. "So tell me how your life has changed since Trump got elected." He said "it hasn't at all." I asked him "what would you suggest we do about immigration?" He said "I don't know but I wouldn't build a wall because they have the technology to go under it." "So you're saying we do nothing like the past presidents?" "Do you think we should have open borders?" He said "No." I said "at least he's doing something." I asked him if he thought Hillary would have been a better president than Trump, good for our country?" He said "NO. She would have been worse." He voted for Sanders. Thank God that didn't happen. On that note I'd take the criminal Hillary over Sanders any day. I enjoyed my conversation with him. He's been a liberal Democrat all of his life and admitted Trump is doing a lot of good things. He just doesn't like him as a person. I said "you don't have to like the president." "Accept he's our president and since 1788 we the people decide who represents this great country." I don't give a ******* about electoral college vs popular votes. Our system is our system until it changes. So in 2020 if you don't like the job the current president is doing cast your vote. As I said before I pray it's not some socialist left winged liberal but if it turns out that way I'll accept it and continue to do what I've been doing all my life. It's going to be OK.

Yes of course that happened... LOL sorry don't believe it for a minute.
ROFLMAO. Nice try Two. Your comments and posts are nothing but a reflection of your own short comings and insecurities. Your post confirm your biased narrative and the fact you try to deflect at every opportunity whenever you get caught out using your narrow minded BS and half truths. Funny how my hyper boil are backed up by actual fact...You should try it sometime...Oh wait you won't, as it doesn't favour your narrow mindedness and falsehoods.

When you actually start posting the truth then I may start paying attention. So no you haven't struck a nerve in any sense of the word. In fact you seem to like mentioning that when the facts prove you wrong and you then fail in your attempt to deflect or to dismiss them. Unlike you Two facts are something I deal with when ever I post.. You should try it as you may actually educate yourself!

Here's the difference Two. I don't hate anyone. Not even you. What I do hate is you and your ilke spreading the falsehoods and lies of others to promote their vision. Hate the person? Nope. Hate the false message ? You betcha. There's the difference. But seeing as you are as closed minded as trump himself its no surprise you make a ridiculous claim.

Really Two. Are you that bloody stupid? Listen to yourself. People like you propagating the falsehoods and lies to support a leader or cause that is doing great harm and you wonder how the younger generation get it wrong!. It's the likes of you who confuse, propagandanise, and alter the facts. that causes the greatest confusion. Then you dare to stand on the soap box and declare you feel sorry for them when you're the biggest problem they have.

Well done for admitting your ignorance.

What I find funny is how you claim everyone is a liberal when they point out and prove you're wrong. Ignorance is bliss in your self enclosed world eh Two. Yes you are narrow minded. You claim not to be a republican . Yet you defend Trump and the GOP like their your dying breath. You ignore what you don't like or doesn't agree with your views, you're constantly attacking the message bearer and not the message. You post half truths and BS like its going out of fashion. Then you have the balls to call out others . Reality check Two...YOU'RE NARROW MINDED!

Yet another deflection Two. You really are something. hiding behind the claim you're trying to expose liberals for what they are. So whats your excuse for the BS, Propaganda and falsehoods most of your posts contain?..Protecting lesser mortals from the truth perhaps? Or you didn't know that at the time? Your computer was hacked and it wasn't you?

Please, you're more intelligent than to try to run that bullshit past people on here..

Malcolm X was talking about WHITE liberalism. Really Two . Do you ever fucking watch anything you post? Malcolm X spent a great deal of time in both his book and interviews explaining al of this. You should actually do some research on it instead of posting what you think ill be a able to get a rise out of Dem's.

As for your last serf comment. Laughable at best two. You really need a holiday as your ass is doing the better thinking for you.

Yeah, sorry your so upset.

Every liberal gives me the same song and dance - "Oh we don't hate the people, we hate the narrative" As they sucker punch people, call them racist, burn their car, spit on them, and smash the windows. LOL. - yeah no hate there. (here is that narrow minded thing again) Ever stop to think that maybe we hate the liberal narrative, and not the person? How very open minded of you NOT to accept others opinions.

For a liberal it's about control of others, for a conservative it's about self control.
For a liberal it's must be someone else responsibility, for a conservative it's about personal responsibility.
For a liberal it's about fault of others, while no fault of their own, for a conservative it's about personal liability.
For a liberal it's about what can the government do for ME!, for a conservative you reap what you sow.

I could go on, but you boar me. If you were old school liberal we might have something to talk about. You keep on thinking with your feelings and I will continue to investigate to find the facts.
well how long before they demand we move our middle east air base out of their country?
thanks trump....just giving the world to Russia while the right sits back and lets it happen

In familiar dance, Turkey warms to Russia as US ties unravel


ISTANBUL (AP) — Relations between Turkey and Russia are cozy, prompting worries in the West of a potentially critical rift in the NATO alliance. But Turkey's president may be engaged in a balancing act, tactically turning to Russia as ties with the United States further deteriorate over the detention of an American pastor.

President Donald Trump tweeted this month that U.S.-Turkey relations "are not good at this time!" and announced tariff hikes on the NATO ally, precipitating a nosedive in the Turkish currency. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was on the phone with Russia's Vladimir Putin that same afternoon, when they promised more cooperation in the areas of defense, energy and trade.

(unlike other countries...he doubled the tariffs to Turkey)

Switching partners is becoming a familiar dance for Turkey, which is strategically situated between Asia and Europe and often caught in the geopolitical push and pull of the turbulent Mideast region. Despite his country's economic vulnerability, Erdogan seemed to be signaling that it had alternatives to the traditional alliances that date from its Cold War role as a regional bulwark against Soviet power.

In Turkey's view, "the U.S. has become even more threatening than Russia" due to strains over critical issues, Sener Akturk, an associate professor of international relations at Koc University in Istanbul, said. The perceived threat makes the U.S. "an ally that has to be paradoxically kept at arm's length and even balanced against with Russian cooperation."

Points of contention between the U.S. and Turkey include American military support for Kurdish fighters in Syria who are considered terrorists by Turkey; Turkish appeals to the U.S. to extradite Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric Turkey accuses of plotting a failed 2016 coup; and American pastor Andrew Brunson, who is being prosecuted in Turkey on terror-related charges.

A lever in Turkey's diplomatic maneuvering is its pledge to buy a Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile defense system, with deliveries starting next year. U.S. and NATO officials say the Russian system conflicts with NATO equipment and would lead to security breaches.
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