Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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A humble advice to the citizens of the USA. Study languages, Chinese and Hindi and Russian ideally
Thank you for a little advice. Allow me to retort Mr/Mrs Chilean, since Chile's democracy is only about 30 years old and we got you beat by 200 years.
The moment the United States pulls out, or 'falls' as you put it, Chile is toast. Peru and Bolivia will finish what was started decades ago. So, you may want to study up on a different dialect of Spanish and several of the Indian languages.
Thank you for a little advice. Allow me to retort Mr/Mrs Chilean, since Chile's democracy is only about 30 years old and we got you beat by 200 years.
The moment the United States pulls out, or 'falls' as you put it, Chile is toast. Peru and Bolivia will finish what was started decades ago. So, you may want to study up on a different dialect of Spanish and several of the Indian languages.
You make the typical Yankee mistake, in Chile we have known Mandarin, Russian and Hindi for a long time. only USA has not found out. Check the economic figures USA in South America does not exist.
Chilean democracy begins in 1810. It had an interruption between 1973 and 1989.
I imagine that like all Yankee you like parades. Learn!

1st in copper production
1st in astronomical observation
1st in salmon production
1st in women's rights
1st in wine production
1st in use and production of renewable energy
1st in recognition of minority rights
Underdeveloped Yankee GET INFORMED.

Our choice of authorities is direct. Whoever gets the most votes wins the election. Can your democracy say the same?
When they have a president that doesn't seem like a joke, let's talk
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You make the typical Yankee mistake, in Chile we have known Mandarin, Russian and Hindi for a long time. only USA has not found out. Check the economic figures USA in South America does not exist.
Chilean democracy begins in 1810. It had an interruption between 1973 and 1989.
Our choice of authorities is direct. Whoever gets the most votes wins the election. Can your democracy say the same?
Tell the whole story for the audience. For about $8million and three years, ONE U.S. Agency with a few dozen operatives crushed your government, and installed our guy. You have a democracy because we decided you were ready and the Communists infiltration were no longer a problem. Damn right you have Russians and Chinese language and culture there.
Once the US is not training your troops, and standing behind you as an ally, you think the phony handshakes between Chile, Peru and Bolivia will stand? You think the Russians and Chinese won't finish what they started?
So just say thank you and wish the best for us, before you're saying spasibo and wishing for our help.
Now clean up you water and air pollution in your cities and stop silencing the student protesters.
In other words, before you laugh at our asses, make sure yours isn't hanging out.
Fascist, Communist, Socialist, it's all pretty much the same isn't it? Huge government that controls everything.
Ultimately government DOES control everything, and you know that. In what government does it not?
But pasting all those titles on liberals is just incorrect ... of course you know that. You've been cooped up inside too long, old man.
Socialists, even communist, but fascist? I think that's a badge far-right ReTardlicans wear. Teflon Retards just can't accept any labeling. Simply look their own mom in the eyes and lie out their asses ... lie & deceive.
This is from 2013 and it's about investors and our bonds. The US Bonds are golden because we never defaulted and investors and countries around the globe invest in us. I'd say it's been a good investment. Still no default and the strongest currency in the world. Once again, you're welcome.
Bullshit. It DOES show what the president requested....here's a clue Skippy.....
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I made it abundantly clear for anyone who cares to cogitate....I was talking about Obozo's budget request, not the finalized budget agreed upon after negotiations. The ugly fact you refuse to admit is Obozo repeatedly requested budget CUTS for the Strategic National Supply....you'll obviously never let yourself admit that...cus duh orangeman bad....obozo good!

Still waiting for your answer....should the ? be a + or a -?????

2010 Actual SNS funding = $595,749,000
2011 SNS funding requested by Obozo = $523,533,000
The difference between those is $72,216,000

So given this equation: $595M ? $72M = $523M
Nope. Still relying on the ignorance of your fellow conservative to not remember history and the budget battles of Obama vs the Republican Congress.

After using up the swine flu emergency funds, the Obama administration tried to replenish the stockpile in 2011 by asking Congress to provide $655 million, up from the previous year’s budget of less than $600 million. Responding to swine flu, which the CDC estimated killed more than 12,000 people in the United States over the course of a year, had required the largest deployment in the stockpile’s history, including nearly 20 million pieces of personal protective equipment and more than 85 million N95 masks, according to a 2016 report published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

“We recognized the need for replenishment of the stockpile and budgeted about a 10% increase,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, who served as the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Obama administration. “That was rejected by the Republican House.”

Even in the aftermath of the swine flu pandemic, the stockpile wasn’t a priority for Republicans. Denny Rehberg (R-Montana) the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee responsible for overseeing the stockpile in 2011, introduced a bill that provided $522.5 million to the stockpile, about 12% less than the previous year and $132 million less than the Obama administration wanted. “Nobody got everything they wanted,” Rehberg said.

Republicans took over the House of Representatives in the 2010 midterms on the Tea Party wave of opposition to the landmark 2010 health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The new Republican House majority was intent on curbing government spending, especially at HHS, which administered Obamacare.

Congressional Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate and House Speaker John Boehner, leveraged the debt ceiling — a limit on the government’s borrowing ability that had to be raised — to insist that the Obama administration accept federal spending curbs. The compromise, codified in the 2011 Budget Control Act, required a bipartisan to find additional ways to reduce the deficit, or else it would trigger automatic across-the-board cuts known as “sequestration.

This is the kind of dicks republicans can be. They threw a hissy fit over Congress legally passing Obamacare (still crying about it), and passed laws to try and tie the Presidents ability to do line item vetos and used the sequestration and threats of a shut down to get their way. They didn't and don't care about lives, unless it's a fetus. Even now, they are willing to ignore science and do whatever it takes to make Trump look good. You are exactly what's wrong in America and thank goodness the people have been voting against Trump since 2017.

https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/3070/text (the Republican bill with cuts)
And every year Obama tried to get more dollars to address the stokpile issue- every year republicans rejected it:
This is from 2013 and it's about investors and our bonds. The US Bonds are golden because we never defaulted and investors and countries around the globe invest in us. I'd say it's been a good investment. Still no default and the strongest currency in the world. Once again, you're welcome.
There is an old song that says: Take chocolate pay what you owe
You make the typical Yankee mistake, in Chile we have known Mandarin, Russian and Hindi for a long time. only USA has not found out. Check the economic figures USA in South America does not exist.
Chilean democracy begins in 1810. It had an interruption between 1973 and 1989.

1st in copper production
1st in astronomical observation
1st in salmon production
1st in women's rights
1st in wine production
1st in use and production of renewable energy
1st in recognition of minority rights
Underdeveloped Yankee GET INFORMED.

Our choice of authorities is direct. Whoever gets the most votes wins the election. Can your democracy say the same?
1st in copper production
1st in astronomical observation
1st in salmon production
1st in women's rights
1st in wine production
1st in use and production of renewable energy
1st in recognition of minority rights
Underdeveloped Yankee GET INFORMED.

Our choice of authorities is direct. Whoever gets the most votes wins the election. Can your democracy say the same?
Where did you get this list??? This is some cray cray-banana stuff.
Chile is fine with me, especially when compared to other Central and South American countries, but you're inflating and creating your rankings.
Should I be insulted you called me a yankee? I'm a Cubs fan.

Copper Production?
You do lead the world here.

Astronomical Observations?
I assume you mean best for stargazing because you have 300 days of clear skies over the Atacama Desert? Sure. Let me know when that pays. I personally find NORAD a lot more comforting. Besides, with those open skies, you'll be the first target of the Death Star.

Salmon Production?
Nope. That would be Norway who produced almost twice the metric tons as Chile.

Women's Rights?
You are so far off here, I had to link a list so you don't anti-Yankee on me:
Chile does not rank in the top 21 countries at all! And, Columbia has hotter women.

1st in wine production
WTF? Not even close. Not even in South America. Every knows the French and Italians produce wine like we produce bullets.
(Volume in thousands of hectoliters; e.g., global production is around 263 million hl)

Country20152016201720182019 est
United States21,70023,70023,30023,90023,600
South Africa11,20010,50010,8009,5009,700
New Zealand2,3003,1002,9003,0003,000
Rest of World26,00023,50027,20029,10027,600
Source: OIV, November 2019

Renewable Energy?
Not even in the top 12. Not even in #1 in South America. Kenya does more than Chile!

Minority rights?
Hell No!
Significant human rights issues included reports of arbitrary or unlawful killings; ******* by law enforcement officers; violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex persons; and violence against indigenous persons
Your government labeled the Mapuche (biggest Indigenous minority there) a terrorist group and had your national police go after them. They are "allowed" a voice in government, unless they disagree then the government, not the people, can have them removed.
What about the Afro-Chileans or Koreans? Population too small for you to give a damn about? They have voiced their concerns about representation.
What about the neo-nazis that terrorize the nice size jewish population?
If you mean the German Immigrants (not just the settlers of the 1940's), then maybe OK. They enjoy a nice life in Chile.

Finally, I like Chile. It's got a lot going for itself.
You called me an undeveloped Yankee? I want to thank you for the opportunity to develop my knowledge on Chile. Mighty kind of you. And so you know just cause I debate and can't stand some of my countrymen, I still stand up for my country in this world, unapologetically. As most of us "Yankees" will. Don't fuck with us and don't take it personally.
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all hail the king

Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to get his nominees but likely would be impeded by Senate rules

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At a glance from afar, exactly from the farthest place in the world I see that the empire of the USA is collapsing, the influence of the USA is getting smaller, its government is mocking and its ability to create, innovate and emerge is minimum. All empires fall USA is not the exception.
What's ironic is that this is being accelerated by the man who claims to be making America great again.
Unfortunately, the very people who should be paying attention to our standing in the world, don't give a damn. Hell, look at the last comment, 'fascist, socialists and communists' are all the same. Yet, thanking the President for a measly $1200 stimulus check. Trump hasn't broken it. He's exposed the problem population in the country. It's not the poor, or darker people. It's the comfortably ignorant who have no standards. They will follow their flawed leader off a cliff.
They are more of us, than them, so we will be injured but not dead. Sit tight, we're not done running ******* on this planet.
Whoever takes over from trump has a hell of a job on his (or her) hands repairing the damage.
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