Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don’t live in a Republican state

Jonathan Chait notes that it’s been difficult to get Trump to take the virus seriously. He’s not the only one; Republicans elsewhere are brushing it off as a mere case of the sniffles.

Republican governors in several states have downplayed the virus, either refusing to enforce social-distancing measures or even overruling local officials who attempt to do so. A new study finds that the single factor that best explains the speed of state-level reaction is its governor’s partisan identity. “States with Republican governors and Republican electorates delayed each social distancing measure by an average of 2.70 days,” the authors find, “a far larger effect than any other factor, including state income per capita, the percentage of neighboring states with mandates, or even confirmed cases in state.”

Maybe that’s what attracts Republicans – the freedom to just make ******* up.

The skepticism has run up and down the food chain of right-wing discourse. The National Enquirer has hawked fake coronavirus cures. The Federalist published a column by a retired dermatologist urging readers to hold coronavirus parties to contract the disease intentionally, because it worked on chicken pox.

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If the US stops funding the WHO permanently, it will cease to become a member.
If you can please try to relax until 2021 the American people will take care of this annoying issue. There's nothing PERMANENT about our politics. If the voters don't like what's going on, 4 years later we can change it back, which is most definitely the case with WHO. Trump's an asshole, we all know it ... and we expect him to CHEAT once again to hold his presidency, but he's losing some of his base now. I personally won't be happy until he's in prison and totally broke.
I've been working m thru f and I'm still here
A foolish answer, and you know that. Hey, if you wish to take the chance, its YOUR choice for sure, BUT ... you becoming infected means OTHERS will probably become infected, and in my opinion that is a very selfish attitude to have.
"May the fleas of a million dogs find refuge in your home."
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