Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If you can please try to relax until 2021 the American people will take care of this annoying issue. There's nothing PERMANENT about our politics. If the voters don't like what's going on, 4 years later we can change it back, which is most definitely the case with WHO. Trump's an asshole, we all know it ... and we expect him to CHEAT once again to hold his presidency, but he's losing some of his base now. I personally won't be happy until he's in prison and totally broke.
Nobody expected him to win first time
Well, for once AOC actually said something that makes sense. Of course even if the Democrat Party bothers to do anything it will be a whitewash, lip service investigation by their Mr. Magoo du jour....cuz duh orangeman bad....pervy dementia draft dodging Joe good

tell me....just what did trump do about all the accusations against him....threatened and intimidated most....some still sued....some given hush money and covered up......and he lied about that.....he bragged about grabbing the pussy....that was overlooked...…...made a pee tape.....Russia still holding that...but the facts out anyway.....should I keep going on comparisons......we haven't even got into Ivanka yet

KING: Donald Trump is a pervert - New York Daily News
Jun 22, 2016 · It appears Donald Trump may have known about Epstein's predilections. Years ago in an interview with New York Magazine Trump said, "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone.

Timeline of Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss ...
Oct 12, 2016 · Donald Trump walked out with his entourage and inspected us closer than any general ever inspected a platoon. He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.”

Donald Trump's '******* scandal' was filmed by cameras ...
Jan 11, 2017 · Donald Trump with Miss Venezuela and Miss Universe Gabriela Isler in Moscow in 2013 (Image: AFP). The memo, published in full by Buzzfeed, claims: "According to …

7 Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka – The ...
    1. Yes it’s wrong, Donald. “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own ******* than your …
    2. ‘If I weren’t her *******’ “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t …
    3. Take it easy, Julia. Journalist Julia Ioffe’s Politico contract was terminated during the presidential …
    4. She has the ‘best body’ — and I created her. “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the …
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It's the Congressional Justification budget. It does not show what the president requested
Bullshit. It DOES show what the president requested....here's a clue Skippy.....
2. The President signs off on it, but, only after both houses of Congress pass it. If the Congressional Majority is a different Party of the President, then they either debate until they come to a compromise in the middle, or, they get a supermajority and pass it anyway.
I made it abundantly clear for anyone who cares to cogitate....I was talking about Obozo's budget request, not the finalized budget agreed upon after negotiations. The ugly fact you refuse to admit is Obozo repeatedly requested budget CUTS for the Strategic National Supply....you'll obviously never let yourself admit that...cus duh orangeman bad....obozo good!

Still waiting for your answer....should the ? be a + or a -?????

2010 Actual SNS funding = $595,749,000
2011 SNS funding requested by Obozo = $523,533,000
The difference between those is $72,216,000

So given this equation: $595M ? $72M = $523M
WTF is the fascist left ideology you've seen on here? Quote someone please. No one has. You got 650 pages to search through.

Fascist, Communist, Socialist, it's all pretty much the same isn't it? Huge government that controls everything. "The Dictators Playbook Eps 3" on PBS is a very good documentary. I think you will find it relates much more the leftist Ideology than it does the right.
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At a glance from afar, exactly from the farthest place in the world I see that the empire of the USA is collapsing, the influence of the USA is getting smaller, its government is mocking and its ability to create, innovate and emerge is minimum. All empires fall USA is not the exception.
Fascist, Communist, Socialist, it's all pretty much the same isn't it? Huge government that controls everything. "The Dictators Playbook Eps 3" on PBS is a very good documentary. I think you will find it relates much more the leftist Ideology than it does the right.
Just as I thought. No it's not all the same. Not even on the same side of the political scale. Don't let that stop you.
At a glance from afar, exactly from the farthest place in the world I see that the empire of the USA is collapsing, the influence of the USA is getting smaller, its government is mocking and its ability to create, innovate and emerge is minimum. All empires fall USA is not the exception.
Unfortunately, the very people who should be paying attention to our standing in the world, don't give a damn. Hell, look at the last comment, 'fascist, socialists and communists' are all the same. Yet, thanking the President for a measly $1200 stimulus check. Trump hasn't broken it. He's exposed the problem population in the country. It's not the poor, or darker people. It's the comfortably ignorant who have no standards. They will follow their flawed leader off a cliff.
There are more of us, than them, so we will be injured but not dead. Sit tight, we're not done running ******* on this planet.
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Unfortunately, the very people who should be paying attention to our standing in the world, don't give a damn. Hell, look at the last comment, 'fascist, socialists and communists' are all the same. Yet, thanking the President for a measly $1200 stimulus check. Trump hasn't broken it. He's exposed the problem population in the country. It's not the poor, or darker people. It's the comfortably ignorant who have no standards. They will follow their flawed leader off a cliff.
They are more of us, than them, so we will be injured but not dead. Sit tight, we're not done running ******* on this planet.
A humble advice to the citizens of the USA. Study languages, Chinese and Hindi and Russian ideally
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