Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Lots of factors at play here. One is population density. You have forty times the landmass of the UK for example and only five times our population. It doesn't mean that death per thousand numbers won't end up similar, but it might mean it takes longer
who are you trying to bullshit....you go out for your biz....it is all about the money.....that is all a republican cares for

I do have a bench and a chair in front of my garage.....couple of the older neighbors come over a lot and offer...…?

I grew up working with these men you couldn't do my job without knowing how long the labor takes. We are like family. My wife is able to work from home and stay with ******* when we do our groceries we get a list from 3 elderly people that live near by and get there's as well and leave it on there porch.
Carter for Mondale against Reagan. 1984
Clinton for Kerry against Bush 2004
Ford for Dole against Clinton 1996
Bush for Dole again Clinton 1996

It's been a lot more rare on the Republican side because of death and straight up old school dislike for the person, they were way more gangster back then.
Reagan was too sick in 1996 to endorse Dole. Nancy spoke at the convention but did not endorse.
Eisenhower was dead when Nixon ran for re-election in 1972, and no former Democratic President was alive to endorse against him.
In 1976, Ronald Reagan came close to beating the sitting President Gerald Ford. That was a first.
By 1980, the living past presidents who could have endorse against the sitting Carter were Ford and Nixon. Well, Reagan and Ford went at it again and Ford lost this time. No endorsement. Nixon was well, Nixon. Watergate had cost the Republicans everything.
You should, hell, you're one of them. ...... View attachment 3289181

Oh come on now Mac - you can do better than that.

Considering that this comes from someone who does nothing on here but parrot the Fascist left ideology, is blind to the lies of any left politician. Lies more than Trump himself, and when called out on those lies, denies them and claims "I never said that" even though the quote shows that you did. Makes excuses for the left while condemning the right for the same actions, believes all women until one speaks out against his favorite, puts forth no thought of his own, and if anyone disagrees with you they are a Trumptard. :unsure: Second thought, maybe you can't put forth anything higher than a 5th grade level response. I guess that is the best you got.
Oh come on now Mac - you can do better than that.

Considering that this comes from someone who does nothing on here but parrot the Fascist left ideology, is blind to the lies of any left politician. Lies more than Trump himself, and when called out on those lies, denies them and claims "I never said that" even though the quote shows that you did. Makes excuses for the left while condemning the right for the same actions, believes all women until one speaks out against his favorite, puts forth no thought of his own, and if anyone disagrees with you they are a Trumptard. :unsure: Second thought, maybe you can't put forth anything higher than a 5th grade level response. I guess that is the best you got.
WTF is the fascist left ideology you've seen on here? Quote someone please. No one has. You got 650 pages to search through.
I grew up working with these men you couldn't do my job without knowing how long the labor takes. We are like family. My wife is able to work from home and stay with ******* when we do our groceries we get a list from 3 elderly people that live near by and get there's as well and leave it on there porch.

I think about anyone that can use a computer can do your job....you are on here 24/7....have to wonder just what your job entails...….searching right wing sites....bot training?...on here with crazy ******* all the time.....no way you can hold any kind of job
wtf.....another trump crony….speaking what we all know trump is doing

GOP Lawmaker Goes Full Death Cult: 'Always Choose' Economy ...
6 hours ago ·
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth says lawmakers have to "put on our big boy and big girl pants" and end the shutdowns. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-Ind.) became the latest

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth says letting more Americans die of ...
Apr 14, 2020 · An Indiana congressman said Tuesday that letting more Americans die from the novel coronavirus is the "lesser of two evils" compared with the economy cratering due …

GOP Lawmaker Goes Full Death Cult: 'Always Choose' Economy ...
6 hours ago ·
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth says lawmakers have to "put on our big boy and big girl pants" and end the shutdowns. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-Ind.) became the latest …
I think about anyone that can use a computer can do your job....you are on here 24/7....have to wonder just what your job entails...….searching right wing sites....bot training?...on here with crazy ******* all the time.....no way you can hold any kind of job
Funny that. Sure he said he was a shop fitter a few weeks back.
Holy *******, you cannot be this stupid can you???? Channeling Mr. Gleason, what we have here is a failure to cogitate! I was clear I was talking about the cuts Obozo requested. I even gave you a damn picture of the CDC budget justification where it clearly showed Obozo's requested cut in 2011 AND highlighted the line.

I then gave you links to the actual CDC budget justifications....but dumascrap party mentality won't let you read those....oh no, bubblehead your way to propublica to be told what to "think"

Let me try to bring it to a level even you and MacnLies might understand. From the 2011 CDC budget justification:

2010 Actual SNS funding = $595,749,000
2011 SNS funding requested by Obozo = $523,533,000
The difference between those is $72,216,000

So given this equation: $595M ? $72M = $523M

Put your thinking cap on little Skippy....should the question mark be a plus sign or a minus sign???? Come on Skippy, I know you can do this....

That's not the CDC budget. And, it's not Obama's request. It's the Congressional Justification budget. It does not show what the president requested and negotiated with Congress. This is some FoxNews level clever lying. Definitely not your work. I'm thinking Cpl2010.
You're punching above your weight class here. Not gonna end well for you. You should have read the attachment I sent, or the clips I highlighted before shooting off your mouth. Once again:

1. You do not know that budgets are presented and passed in Congress. Read the Constitution before you try to debate politics. It's kinda helpful.
2. The President signs off on it, but, only after both houses of Congress pass it. If the Congressional Majority is a different Party of the President, then they either debate until they come to a compromise in the middle, or, they get a supermajority and pass it anyway.
3. That lovely budget you point to in 2010 was when there was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the Congress and Obama in the Presidency. Of course it was great.
4. By 2011, the TeaParty was running the House and Senate, and immediately passed the Budget Control Act- mandating a bipartisan committee to find ways to cut discretionary spending or else trigger across-the-board cuts known as sequestration -- it became law in August 2011 and heavily influenced those cuts. Facts bro. They are helpful for perspective.
5. After using up the swine flu emergency funds, Obama tried to replenish the stockpile in 2011 and asked Congress for $655 million, much more than the previous year ask of $596 million.
Below is a copy of the budget requests Obama made. Its the official HHS submission to Congress reflecting that repuest:
https://wayback.archive-it.org/3920...www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2012/fy2012bib.pdf (page 31)
6. Congress proposed a lot less, and what was passed and signed is somewhere in the middle. Here is a copy of the bill:
7. So, in review, Obama proposed more money each year to the CDC and the Republicans pushed for cuts every years, to get anything done avoiding sequestration and extended shut downs Obama presented more than the Republicans wanted but less than the previous budget allotted.​
I saw last night on the "needle dick n thumper" comedy hour....he changed his tune a bit on being solely in charge of America.....funny how he backtracked and pretty obvious to anyone who was not a trumptard

although he did turn it in to one giant promotional hour for every corp that has given him money
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That's not the CDC budget. And, it's not Obama's request. It's the Congressional Justification budget. It does not show what the president requested and negotiated with Congress. This is some FoxNews level clever lying. Definitely not your work. I'm thinking Cpl2010.
You're punching above your weight class here. Not gonna end well for you. You should have read the attachment I sent, or the clips I highlighted before shooting off your mouth. Once again:

1. You do not know that budgets are presented and passed in Congress. Read the Constitution before you try to debate politics. It's kinda helpful.
2. The President signs off on it, but, only after both houses of Congress pass it. If the Congressional Majority is a different Party of the President, then they either debate until they come to a compromise in the middle, or, they get a supermajority and pass it anyway.
3. That lovely budget you point to in 2010 was when there was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the Congress and Obama in the Presidency. Of course it was great.
4. By 2011, the TeaParty was running the House and Senate, and immediately passed the Budget Control Act- mandating a bipartisan committee to find ways to cut discretionary spending or else trigger across-the-board cuts known as sequestration -- it became law in August 2011 and heavily influenced those cuts. Facts bro. They are helpful for perspective.
5. After using up the swine flu emergency funds, Obama tried to replenish the stockpile in 2011 and asked Congress for $655 million, much more than the previous year ask of $596 million.
Below is a copy of the budget requests Obama made. Its the official HHS submission to Congress reflecting that repuest:
https://wayback.archive-it.org/3920...www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2012/fy2012bib.pdf (page 31)
6. Congress proposed a lot less, and what was passed and signed is somewhere in the middle. Here is a copy of the bill:
7. So, in review, Obama proposed more money each year to the CDC and the Republicans pushed for cuts every years, to get anything done avoiding sequestration and extended shut downs Obama presented more than the Republicans wanted but less than the previous budget allotted.​

you have discovered his play book ….smoke and mirrors and lies and deception
... hopefully just SIGNS of even greater results later this year. View attachment 3289179
It's a continuation of every year Trump has been in office, his endorsement has been a kiss of death, except in the reddest of red states- wait, that's not true. Kansas, Alabama Senate, Louisiana and Kentucky were flipped After his endorsement and Georgia, Florida and- Mississippi, were closer than they should have been. He's got no coat tails. Republicans in the House learned this, and the Senate is scared. Republicans have 23 seats to defend and Democrats have 12 with ALL of the 6 toss up seats being held by Republicans (states that we will win like Colorado, Maine, North Carolina). Only one seat is a definite flip and that's the Alabama seat. Trump endorsed a baby predator last time and he BARELY lost to an honorable man.
Well, for once AOC actually said something that makes sense. Of course even if the Democrat Party bothers to do anything it will be a whitewash, lip service investigation by their Mr. Magoo du jour....cuz duh orangeman bad....pervy dementia draft dodging Joe good
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