Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wonder how this PPE from S.K. is going to work....trump been shitting on them for a couple years now...(nothing new he shits on all our allies) trump been pushing for them to pay for security like some cheap mobster trying to extortion....now S.K. offering a bunch of supplies......will trump take them and say fuck you again...….will he say he will buy and then stiff them on the bill....you know he doesn't care about the American lives in the meantime so interesting to see how he will handle.....a German country offered him some kits way back in late Jan.....and told them he didn't need them...later they were no longer available...they went to Italy....interesting to see if he will accept the help or offer...….or be his usual asshole self and tell them we will get by without them
Smerconish is the worst. He bends over backwards to stake out space in the middle. That's taking news and twisting it for his brand. Sometimes, there is just right and wrong. The other two are pretty good.

he does go overboard to stay in the "middle"....but I like his "questions" and then the responses from his twitter or what ever.....tells you what most are thinking......
If you're Donald tRump, nothing will happen at all to you. Nothing.

You debate from a gray world of speculation and lies.

The IRS targeted both liberal and conservative non-profits who were operating tax free but crossing the line on that in their avocation. The conservative organizations cried foul about being targeted or mistreated. Now you want to continue to change your story. It's tiring. Stick to your original statements on something.

You don't want your children to grow up and be successful at everything they do? Graduate with honors from one of the best law schools on the planet, be compassionate enough to spend time helping less fortunate people find opportunities to reach their potential, be likable and trustworthy enough that people to be elected to local, statewide and nationwide office? One wife, reasonable time for children, seemingly well raised, no financial issues in the background, seems to love and respect his wife after all of these years.

Yep those high school days of smoking weed really defined his life. Such a derilect.

Again, this was about tRump's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. And as usual conservative cannot handle criticism, so they get into the whatabout Obama, or whatabout Hillary, or what about Pelosi?

IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups
Oct 27, 2017 · IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced settlements in two long-running cases against the IRS, saying, "There's no excuse" for the agency's treatment of the groups, which sought tax-exempt status.

'The consent order says the IRS admits it wrongly used "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays" and demanded unnecessary information as it reviewed applications for tax-exempt status. The order says, "For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology."

So in your fantasy world, why didn't "liberal" groups, who were never targeted, join the lawsuit?

What law school was that? I want make sure to send my ******* to a different "top law school" that actually teaches law and ensures the application of logic.

Bringing up history, which you do and like to cherry pick from, to show you the hypocracy of you and the democrats. And like democrats always do, instead of fixing your issues you try to destroy and punish everyone else.

Again- Trump did much of the same stuff Obama did with aid. And Trump still shut down the border while democrats were saying keep it open and Trump is a Xenophobe.
Wonder how long Fauci will be in a job, now he's admitted advising a shut down in late February? Trumps won't like that.
Not long...
IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups
Oct 27, 2017 · IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced settlements in two long-running cases against the IRS, saying, "There's no excuse" for the agency's treatment of the groups, which sought tax-exempt status.

'The consent order says the IRS admits it wrongly used "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays" and demanded unnecessary information as it reviewed applications for tax-exempt status. The order says, "For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology."

So in your fantasy world, why didn't "liberal" groups, who were never targeted, join the lawsuit?

What law school was that? I want make sure to send my ******* to a different "top law school" that actually teaches law and ensures the application of logic.

Bringing up history, which you do and like to cherry pick from, to show you the hypocracy of you and the democrats. And like democrats always do, instead of fixing your issues you try to destroy and punish everyone else.

Again- Trump did much of the same stuff Obama did with aid. And Trump still shut down the border while democrats were saying keep it open and Trump is a Xenophobe.
You're still here?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, fuck China.

they seem to be a little racist toward everyone that is not Chinese....and even some Chinese...a few months ago targeting Muslims….
they have been opening cities again...…..and now it seems the virus is poping back up again.....they have not told everything from the start...but that is china...…..only wants people to know what they want you to know...…….although look at what we have...….a liar n thief...unwilling to let the facts out... and will lie to cover

our intelligence did have it all pretty much pegged....but his "gut feeling" was willing to override what they and other experts told him

not speaking for china...….just saying not much in the way of difference in what we have....maybe that is why he praises so many dictators...

hard to believe that china and Russia have had their status in the world elevated lately …..while ours has gone down...….Mmmm wonder how that happened
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they seem to be a little racist toward everyone that is not Chinese....and even some Chinese...a few months ago targeting Muslims….
they have been opening cities again...…..and now it seems the virus is poping back up again.....they have not told everything from the start...but that is china...…..only wants people to know what they want you to know...…….although look at what we have...….a liar n thief...unwilling to let the facts out... and will lie to cover

our intelligence did have it all pretty much pegged....but his "gut feeling" was willing to override what they and other experts told him

not speaking for china...….just saying not much in the way of difference in what we have....maybe that is why he praises so many dictators...

hard to believe that china and Russia have had their status in the world elevated lately …..while ours has gone down...….Mmmm wonder how that happened
Nope. Nope. Nope. Big difference is that here in the states, the government has not unleashed the police and closed the courts to the victims.

In China, due to their misinformation campaign that somehow immigrants brought the virus with them, blacks are being wrongfully evicted by the police. Forceable thrown out of their homes. Their personal property is being taken. They are being beaten. They are ****** to beg on the streets for survival. The courts are not open for them. Literally, the police come in and throw them out. You want to give me an example of that here?

Oh, most importantly, blacks didn't bring the virus to them, THEY, CHINA, sent it out to the world. Fuck China.
well the chump has a problem...…..the nation trusts and listens to Fauci….firing him will not go well.....but trump hates people telling on him or going against what he has said...…..he tried to do away with him a few weeks ago and took heat...…..he wasn't on the press conference just one day.....and a lot of questions....so trump ****** to have him back...….and now with these 2 different NY Times articles and another all outlining his "Failures" in handling this from the start...….you know he is pissed and wanting to lash out.....question is who will get the lash

That is funny....." trump hates people telling on him or going against what he has said." ……. SO do you.
Back to the IRS discussion. Three years old news. As I stated yesterday, conservatives whined and cried and got an apology. Liberal groups let the process work out and didn't make themselves a victim. So when Sessions become the AG he quickly settles with cry babies that he was once a part of. How's his campaign coming along?
While the audit released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration doesn't discuss the political leanings of the additional groups it identified, the criteria used by the IRS to flag groups based on their names or policy positions included left-leaning organizations and causes like “ACORN Successors,” “Green Energy,” “Medical Marijuana,” and “Progressive.”
Democrats cited Thursday’s report as vindication of their earlier claims that liberal-leaning groups were also caught up in the IRS practice.
“While handled poorly, groups on both sides of the political spectrum were treated the same in their efforts to secure tax-exempt status," said Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).
Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said, "Democrats should be outraged."

"The IRS targeted Americans based on their political beliefs. Both parties. They targeted heavily on the conservative side, but the point being — the IRS not only had no protections for taxpayers, they actively targeted Americans based on buzzwords,” he told reporters.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Big difference is that here in the states, the government has not unleashed the police and closed the courts to the victims.

In China, due to their misinformation campaign that somehow immigrants brought the virus with them, blacks are being wrongfully evicted by the police. Forceable thrown out of their homes. Their personal property is being taken. They are being beaten. They are ****** to beg on the streets for survival. The courts are not open for them. Literally, the police come in and throw them out. You want to give me an example of that here?

Oh, most importantly, blacks didn't bring the virus to them, THEY, CHINA, sent it out to the world. Fuck China.

well agree with all of that …… just not real happy with how things are being handled here...…. trump seems more than willing to let people die...and lie about things.....so for me....that is just china doing things they have always done.... and because of our liar n thief....their standing in the world has been elevated...…...but I am more concerned with things here and the deaths here...china just china...and nothing going to change that...unless we go to war....and that is starting to look a lot more realistic

anyway I do pay attention to other countries...that's why I like fareed on sunday mornings...….but my concern is where we have allowed our selves to go and how low we have sunk
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how many times you going to repost your Russian bot postings this is at least twice for this one..........already told you there is no one here to sell your Russian propaganda to ….everyone here has already pretty much committed to what they are....sell you fake ******* someplace else....the right wing whackos do not need the propaganda...and the left are not going to even click on it
Joe Biden is running against Donald Trump. He went into office in '72 with a civil rights record and agenda. Trump's family was trying to settle with the government in their Federal Discrimination case. Government sued them from discriminatory practices in leasing. They paid a hefty fine. For people who actually care about civil rights and equal opportunity, Trump is not an option. At all.

The author of this, Ryan Cooper, had me worried that I didn't know Joe. But, I/we know Joe. Joe's record on civil rights is very good. I mean as good as one can expect.
Cooper takes certain policies, like school bussing and the crime bill - both written with the intention of public good- desegregating schools and stemming the rising violent crime in relation to ******* and guns, and blame the outcome on Joe.
Uneven application has always been the albatross around the neck of good public policy. For instance, the previously discussed IRS 'scandal'. The IRS has a policy of using code words in applications to flag fraudulent groups. Badly applied, it can trigger the shitstorm that it did. School bussing was supposed to mixed classrooms but, it got local school districts to redraw line, many along race and economics and you have the same ******* you were trying to get away from, unequal resources.
He was a young liberal with good ideas but at the time, we just needed laws on the books, no one really examined outcomes until later. It's what the conservatives used to say- the government fucks things up, or a government trying to help is the most dangerous words in the English language. Or something like that. The school issue is still not resolved.
Joe has not only apologized for the outcomes of the crime bill, but has proposed further legislation to address that uneven application. That was not his whole story on civil rights. It's not even a tenth.
how many times you going to repost your Russian bot postings this is at least twice for this one..........already told you there is no one here to sell your Russian propaganda to ….everyone here has already pretty much committed to what they are....sell you fake ******* someplace else....the right wing whackos do not need the propaganda...and the left are not going to even click on it
Sell your Chinese ******* elsewhere those have all been separate articles. Fuck you and wuhan joe too
well agree with all of that …… just not real happy with how things are being handled here...…. trump seems more than willing to let people die...and lie about things.....so for me....that is just china doing things they have always done.... I am more concerned with things here and the deaths here
Agreed with the tRump sentiment. I don't think he see people dying, he sees his reelection dying. He has always been the type to never apologize, never admit a mistake or that he misspoke, and he is willing to fire anyone who doesn't show fealty. Notice how each person at these ******* shows of a press conference must praise him before giving an answer. As opposed to Governor Coumo who is actually engaged with his experts and can answer technical, numerical, or predictive questions. This carnival barker we have a president comes out reading his approval numbers and kicking democrats or WHO around. He cannot be a leader. He cannot speak to tragedy and comfort a nation. We don't trust him.
And, the man we do trust, he is talking about firing.
Sell your Chinese ******* elsewhere those have all been separate articles

pretty much the same Russian ******* you continually post...just different source......again with you being Russian and unable to understand English that well....that is not the first time for the same article.....again just trying to do your Russian work and stir hate and discontent....something you and your country specialize in
U.S. coronavirus death toll highest in the world
The United States now has the lead with the most deaths from the coronavirus outbreak of any nation worldwide with nearly 22,000 lives lost.

Meanwhile in Italy, previously the worst-hit country, officials on Monday were considering loosening lockdown measures after the lowest number of deaths in a single day since March 19.

There were at least 555,049 infected with COVID-19 in the U.S. as of 3:24 am ET, according to NBC News' tracking. New York remains the epicenter of the outbreak accounting for 9,385 of the 21,994 deaths.

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