Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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pretty much the same Russian ******* you continually post...just different source......again with you being Russian and unable to understand English that well....that is not the first time for the same article.....again just trying to do your Russian work and stir hate and discontent....something you and your country specialize in
Bullshit same subject different article
U.S. coronavirus death toll highest in the world
The United States now has the lead with the most deaths from the coronavirus outbreak of any nation worldwide with nearly 22,000 lives lost.

Meanwhile in Italy, previously the worst-hit country, officials on Monday were considering loosening lockdown measures after the lowest number of deaths in a single day since March 19.

There were at least 555,049 infected with COVID-19 in the U.S. as of 3:24 am ET, according to NBC News' tracking. New York remains the epicenter of the outbreak accounting for 9,385 of the 21,994 deaths.

Again figure in population

Agreed with the tRump sentiment. I don't think he see people dying, he sees his reelection dying. He has always been the type to never apologize, never admit a mistake or that he misspoke, and he is willing to fire anyone who doesn't show fealty. Notice how each person at these ******* shows of a press conference must praise him before giving an answer. As opposed to Governor Coumo who is actually engaged with his experts and can answer technical, numerical, or predictive questions. This carnival barker we have a president comes out reading his approval numbers and kicking democrats or WHO around. He cannot be a leader. He cannot speak to tragedy and comfort a nation. We don't trust him.
And, the man we do trust, he is talking about firing.

some missing my point....others would like to take it in that direction....I am not defending china...….I am saying trump has taken us down to their level......the only difference between the two....china keeps everything a secret...…...trump tries to but gets caught and then lies...and lies and lies
Back to the IRS discussion. Three years old news. As I stated yesterday, conservatives whined and cried and got an apology. Liberal groups let the process work out and didn't make themselves a victim. So when Sessions become the AG he quickly settles with cry babies that he was once a part of. How's his campaign coming along?
While the audit released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration doesn't discuss the political leanings of the additional groups it identified, the criteria used by the IRS to flag groups based on their names or policy positions included left-leaning organizations and causes like “ACORN Successors,” “Green Energy,” “Medical Marijuana,” and “Progressive.”
Democrats cited Thursday’s report as vindication of their earlier claims that liberal-leaning groups were also caught up in the IRS practice.
“While handled poorly, groups on both sides of the political spectrum were treated the same in their efforts to secure tax-exempt status," said Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).
Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said, "Democrats should be outraged."

"The IRS targeted Americans based on their political beliefs. Both parties. They targeted heavily on the conservative side, but the point being — the IRS not only had no protections for taxpayers, they actively targeted Americans based on buzzwords,” he told reporters.

"The IRS targeted Americans based on their political beliefs. Both parties. They targeted heavily on the conservative side, but the point being — the IRS not only had no protections for taxpayers, they actively targeted Americans based on buzzwords,” he told reporters.

Notice all of your “back up” which seems to have a lot of the same context and order, almost like they all came from the same source news article, use the word “target.”

Don’t see these "articles" address:

Who was approved.
Who was held up
Who had more protracted review process that ended with never getting approved.
Also most didn’t mention who started the new criteria. Didn't mention the lawsuit.

For the record, based on your source 'articles,' the targeting "Tea Party" was started in the IRS under Obama and had BOLO lists mostly targeting "Tea Party"

And to your quote:

"While the audit released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration doesn't discuss the political leanings of the additional groups it identified, the criteria used by the IRS to flag groups based on their names or policy positions included left-leaning organizations and causes like “ACORN Successors,” “Green Energy,” “Medical Marijuana,” and “Progressive.”

Note the 'IG did not note what the criteria was.' So this is a weak try at linkage by the source article. And Wow that was vague as vague gets except for the Acorn Successor, which had no chance of being approved with the optics after being a dem cartel for voter and election fraud for possible the very president in office at the time. And the criteria of why those groups were reviewed was not detailed, and therefore not vailed as challenge. One is automatically disqualified because it is a scheduled ******* and as mentioned one was remake of a Dem voter fraud cartel.

So, really this is Politico’s opinion trying to fit there counter PR Narrative to cover for professional government and a president with a phone and pen. And again, all of these articles are Democrat opinion being quoted by Democrats with the same opinion pushing the same propaganda:

Quoting: "Democrats cited Thursday’s report as vindication of their earlier claims that liberal-leaning groups were also caught up in the IRS practice.

“While handled poorly, groups on both sides of the political spectrum were treated the same in their efforts to secure tax-exempt status," said Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)."

You have one Republican saying they should be mad. What does that mean, how was he asked, did he read the report?

Other bits from your sources:
"December 23 204- The sixth report from the House Oversight Committee says that the IRS "systematically targeted" conservative groups, and places blame on Lerner and seven other IRS officials. According to the report, "The fact-finding is not yet complete." Another 30,000 emails to and from Lerner have been recently recovered which will also be looked at."

"October 26, 2017; The Justice Department announces that it has settled multiple lawsuits over the IRS targeting Scandal. In a statement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions says it was "clear" that the IRS was "using inappropriate criteria to screen applications" for tax-exempt status under the Obama administration from tea party or conservative groups."

Is this really the “counter proof” that shows “liberal” groups were targeted? Come on a 1st day laws student knows this has no chance.

And don't forget The Conservative Groups were the only groups sueing.
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Joe Biden is running against Donald Trump. He went into office in '72 with a civil rights record and agenda. Trump's family was trying to settle with the government in their Federal Discrimination case. Government sued them from discriminatory practices in leasing. They paid a hefty fine. For people who actually care about civil rights and equal opportunity, Trump is not an option. At all.

The author of this, Ryan Cooper, had me worried that I didn't know Joe. But, I/we know Joe. Joe's record on civil rights is very good. I mean as good as one can expect.
Cooper takes certain policies, like school bussing and the crime bill - both written with the intention of public good- desegregating schools and stemming the rising violent crime in relation to ******* and guns, and blame the outcome on Joe.
Uneven application has always been the albatross around the neck of good public policy. For instance, the previously discussed IRS 'scandal'. The IRS has a policy of using code words in applications to flag fraudulent groups. Badly applied, it can trigger the shitstorm that it did. School bussing was supposed to mixed classrooms but, it got local school districts to redraw line, many along race and economics and you have the same ******* you were trying to get away from, unequal resources.
He was a young liberal with good ideas but at the time, we just needed laws on the books, no one really examined outcomes until later. It's what the conservatives used to say- the government fucks things up, or a government trying to help is the most dangerous words in the English language. Or something like that. The school issue is still not resolved.
Joe has not only apologized for the outcomes of the crime bill, but has proposed further legislation to address that uneven application. That was not his whole story on civil rights. It's not even a tenth.

Oh look NAACP Honors a "Racist"

Trump won 1986 award, but not for helping black youths
Dec 03, 2018 · Trump won 1986 award, but not for helping black youths. CLAIM: Donald Trump, pictured with boxing legend Muhammad Ali and civil rights activist Rosa Parks, received the Ellis Island Award in 1986 for contributing to the conditions of inner city black youths.

Yes I know what this says, but still if he was such a "racist" why did the honor him with Rosa Parks? And give him what looks like the same medal?

Do you really know Joe? And you still support him?

There is press conference video, posted here, showing Biden himself saying he did nothing for Civil Rights.

Oh and that case you try to use. It was settled because it does no good to fight Democrat Professional Government agencies. You win and get bankrupt. It is best to pay the shake down to those "government, usually dem, criminals" and move on.

Lastly, Dems talked about it and sold it since the 2000s as proof Republicans are "racist" even if it was the Clintons, but Trump did it.

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration ...
Jul 19, 2019 · The announcement came at a news conference to discuss the Trump administration’s progress on putting into place the First Step Act, a criminal justice bill President Trump signed into law in December. Officials also announced they were redirecting $75 million in funding for fiscal 2019 to help with implementation of the act...

Trump Celebrates Prison Reform Victory over Clinton-Era ...
Trump Celebrates Prison Reform Victory over Clinton-Era Crime Laws. 97TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty ImagesCharlie Spiering1 Apr 2019. “The law rolls back provisions of the 1994 Clinton crime law that was so devastating to so many and that disproportionately impacted the African American community,” Trump said in a celebration speech at the White House.

“It’s an incredible thing when you see some of the people here — so conservative and then some so liberal,” he said. “And we just have a lot of great people that came together. They knew it had to be done.”- President Trump
His comments public record

and yet you are and have been willing to overlook all that trump has said and done....but more than willing to trash Biden over something he may or may not have said years ago....besides with the tactics of the right would not buy what you are pushing anyway

and again....you are not going to sway one persons opinion on here one way or the other....so digging up old dirt has no relevance on anything on here

would love to see that.....teach trump two can play that little game....I'm sure he is counting on Russia's help this time since he can't make it on his own......and the republicans now have made it ok to seek foreign help in an election....they did that when they overlooked the Ukrain thing.....and since the EU and Canada have no love for trump either maybe they can jump in also
would love to see that.....teach trump two can play that little game....I'm sure he is counting on Russia's help this time since he can't make it on his own......and the republicans now have made it ok to seek foreign help in an election....they did that when they overlooked the Ukrain thing.....and since the EU and Canada have no lover for trump maybe they can jump in also

and yet you are and have been willing to overlook all that trump has said and done....but more than willing to trash Biden over something he may or may not have said years ago....besides with the tactics of the right would not buy what you are pushing anyway

and again....you are not going to sway one persons opinion on here one way or the other....so digging up old dirt has no relevance on anything on here
All you ever post is what other people say about trump not his words and certainly not his actions. Ever talk to someone with dementia one minute present day joe next 1972 joe
Here's a new one

From the article:
In the quote, which appears to come from a congressional hearing related to anti-busing legislation, Biden emphasized wanting to "insure we do have orderly integration of society," adding he was "not just talking about education but all of society."
He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."
What you can't understand, or don't seem to care to examine, bussing was a failure. It was not even band-aid over the segregated school system. Biden was against the federal hand making policy because school districts are funded and controlled at the local level as he said. And, as he predicted, bussing led to over crowded classrooms, higher racial tensions, disproportionate funding, white flight, and the movement by conservative for school choice.
Again, he is running against Donald Trump.
Biden vs Trump is not even a close one.
Tell me whatever you want, and I'll tell you he will lose 70% of the Asian vote, 80% of the Hispanic vote and 90% of the African American vote. Oh, he can also kiss about 80% of the Indian vote with his constant Pocahontas comments and shitting on Indian Gaming. .
There is nothing that Joe has done or said that can change that. So what's the point of these articles?
Just like that sexual harassment allegation against Joe. That would be crushing any other time. However, he is running against Donald Trump. A man with a couple of dozen cases pending against him.
You have to make Joe look just as bad as Trump to have a chance. So far, not so good. Why? Because everyday, Trump is in front of the world, putting his incompetence for leadership and lying on display. You Trump supporters have not moved his needle higher yet.
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