Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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All you ever post is what other people say about trump not his words and certainly not his actions. Ever talk to someone with dementia one minute present day joe next 1972 joe

again....you don't pay attention nor are you interested in anything against your god...…..you have made that same statement a couple times and I have answered...….but not what you want to hear so you just skip over and don't read.....which brings up another point you never read and yet expect others to...….you NEVER do
again....you don't pay attention nor are you interested in anything against your god...…..you have made that same statement a couple times and I have answered...….but not what you want to hear so you just skip over and don't read.....which brings up another point you never read and yet expect others to...….you NEVER do
I always read and chuckle how's your garage walls closing in yet
From the article:
In the quote, which appears to come from a congressional hearing related to anti-busing legislation, Biden emphasized wanting to "insure we do have orderly integration of society," adding he was "not just talking about education but all of society."
He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."
What you can't understand, or don't seem to care to examine, bussing was a failure. It was not even band-aid over the segregated school system. Biden was against the federal hand making policy because school districts are funded and controlled at the local level as he said. And, as he predicted, bussing led to over crowded classrooms, higher racial tensions, disproportionate funding, white flight, and the movement by conservative for school choice.
Again, he is running against Donald Trump.

Biden vs Trump is not even a close one.
Tell me whatever you want, and I'll tell you he will lose 70% of the Asian vote, 80% of the Hispanic vote and 90% of the African American vote. Oh, he can also kiss about 80% of the Indian vote with his constant Pocahontas comments and shitting on Indian Gaming. .
There is nothing that Joe has done or said that can change that. So what's the point of these articles?
Just like that sexual harassment allegation against Joe. That would be crushing any other time. However, he is running against Donald Trump. A man with a couple of dozen cases pending against him.
You have to make Joe look just as bad as Trump to have a chance. So far, not so good. Why? Because everyday, Trump is in front of the world, putting his incompetence for leadership and lying on display. You Trump supporters have not moved his needle higher yet.

Explain away

Explain away

I was going to debate you and even Cpl2010co, but I had to really think about this.
You will never ever ever ever, ever, convince a sizable minority of voters of color that Donald Trump is good for them.
His mouth has pissed away anything good he's done- if anything. People see and hear him. People hear and see the racial tensions now in this country. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Joe Biden's record doesn't matter. This is a referendum on the President.

However, as long as you are focused on appealing to minority voters, the Democrats can continually siphon off moderate republicans and suburban swing voters, like we did in 2018.
Same formula applies to women. Nothing Trump can do to win back a majority. Nothing.

Your best bet to win, voter suppression. Implement strategies that will make it more difficult for minorities to vote, and ignore the accurate calls of racial discrimination. Like having only 5 polling place to vote in a city of 300,000 voters, instead of the 180 that were available the previous election. That's what you're good at. Appealing to minority voters based on record, not so much
I was going to debate you and even Cpl2010co, but I had to really think about this.
You will never ever ever ever, ever, convince a sizable minority of voters of color that Donald Trump is good for them.
His mouth has pissed away anything good he's done- if anything. People see and hear him. People hear and see the racial tensions now in this country. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Joe Biden's record doesn't matter. This is a referendum on the President.

However, as long as you are focused on appealing to minority voters, the Democrats can continually siphon off moderate republicans and suburban swing voters, like we did in 2018.
Same formula applies to women. Nothing Trump can do to win back a majority. Nothing.

Your best bet to win, voter suppression. Implement strategies that will make it more difficult for minorities to vote, and ignore the accurate calls of racial discrimination. Like having only 5 polling place to vote in a city of 300,000 voters, instead of the 180 that were available the previous election. That's what you're good at. Appealing to minority voters based on record, not so much

I'm not trying to change your vote just understand who your voting for everything you claim wrong with trump he's done 10 fold
I always read and chuckle how's your garage walls closing in yet
bullshit I have posted things in the past with the answer and you make the same question over and over.....either you don't read or you have a lack of concentration ...or lack of comprehension problem...one of the 3 or your Russian translation book doesn't have everything
bullshit I have posted things in the past with the answer and you make the same question over and over.....either you don't read or you have a lack of concentration ...or lack of comprehension problem...one of the 3 or your Russian translation book doesn't have everything
Your just wrong you didn't post anything he said or did just other people's interpretation
I'm not trying to change your vote just understand who your voting for everything you claim wrong with trump he's done 10 fold
I know you know you can't change my vote. I am talking in general about voters. Trump will never ever win a sizable group of minorities. He has lost support since 2016. Joe's stuff is the past and its up against almost 50 years of a record, and the psychological imprint that people believe he is a decent guy. Old but decent. It's an obvious over reach to try and make him look like David Duke. People see through that. especially when David Duke, the Klan, and Neo Nazi organizations openly support Trump.

Again. this election is all about Trump. People know Joe. 45 year old stories won't change that. Trump was terrible then. 25 year old stories won't change that, Trump was terrible then, 5 year old stories won't change that, Trump was terrible. Cherry picking stories from his presidency won't work, because blacks, Mexicans, and Asians have heard the insults with their own ears.

Your articles only make current Trump supporters feel good. You guys pat yourself on your backs saying what a wonderful guy he is and his great record on civil rights, then you are angry and dismissive when his minority vote numbers are impotent.
I was going to debate you and even Cpl2010co, but I had to really think about this.
You will never ever ever ever, ever, convince a sizable minority of voters of color that Donald Trump is good for them.
His mouth has pissed away anything good he's done- if anything. People see and hear him. People hear and see the racial tensions now in this country. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Joe Biden's record doesn't matter. This is a referendum on the President.

However, as long as you are focused on appealing to minority voters, the Democrats can continually siphon off moderate republicans and suburban swing voters, like we did in 2018.
Same formula applies to women. Nothing Trump can do to win back a majority. Nothing.

Your best bet to win, voter suppression. Implement strategies that will make it more difficult for minorities to vote, and ignore the accurate calls of racial discrimination. Like having only 5 polling place to vote in a city of 300,000 voters, instead of the 180 that were available the previous election. That's what you're good at. Appealing to minority voters based on record, not so much

This is same stuff you keep running back to.
I was going to debate you and even Cpl2010co, but I had to really think about this.
You will never ever ever ever, ever, convince a sizable minority of voters of color that Donald Trump is good for them.
His mouth has pissed away anything good he's done- if anything. People see and hear him. People hear and see the racial tensions now in this country. There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Joe Biden's record doesn't matter. This is a referendum on the President.

However, as long as you are focused on appealing to minority voters, the Democrats can continually siphon off moderate republicans and suburban swing voters, like we did in 2018.
Same formula applies to women. Nothing Trump can do to win back a majority. Nothing.

Your best bet to win, voter suppression. Implement strategies that will make it more difficult for minorities to vote, and ignore the accurate calls of racial discrimination. Like having only 5 polling place to vote in a city of 300,000 voters, instead of the 180 that were available the previous election. That's what you're good at. Appealing to minority voters based on record, not so much

This is same stuff you keep running back to. It is almost like you are holding onto it in hopes it is true. Many of the elections you are holding onto had more to do with the individual candidate selected by the typical party seniority bs then the “mandate on Trump”.

The Democrats have several major issues. I won’t touch on them all, but the two biggest- Identity Politics with Victimhood and Stated Platforms.

Most people don’t give a ******* and the messaging of Orange Man bad, evil, racist, isn’t holding them. Yes the rage filled hard left and Media are holding onto it, but most see the pay checks and the jobs. Add in all the manufacturing and jobs in "new normal" dead spots. Not mention the numbers from the early primaries and corner stone states were not good.

You have a lot to over come and a lot of statements and pandering that will ******* you guys in the elections. And there will be a debate and then it will be over for Bidden. But realistically, you won’t have Bidden by the elections. Hence why a democrat released these letters. So then you will have a whole new set of problems.

I am still curious if Trump is the racist you say he is why did the NAACP honor him?

Why Did Jessie and Al complement him, do fundraisers with him, and have him at their NY events? Do they hang with racist?
I know you know you can't change my vote. I am talking in general about voters. Trump will never ever win a sizable group of minorities. He has lost support since 2016. Joe's stuff is the past and its up against almost 50 years of a record, and the psychological imprint that people believe he is a decent guy. Old but decent. It's an obvious over reach to try and make him look like David Duke. People see through that. especially when David Duke, the Klan, and Neo Nazi organizations openly support Trump.

Again. this election is all about Trump. People know Joe. 45 year old stories won't change that. Trump was terrible then. 25 year old stories won't change that, Trump was terrible then, 5 year old stories won't change that, Trump was terrible. Cherry picking stories from his presidency won't work, because blacks, Mexicans, and Asians have heard the insults with their own ears.

Your articles only make current Trump supporters feel good. You guys pat yourself on your backs saying what a wonderful guy he is and his great record on civil rights, then you are angry and dismissive when his minority vote numbers are impotent.

The election should be about what's best for the country, and your it doesn't matter what Joe's done attitude shows that you don't have the countries welfare in mind. In your wildest dreams you would have a third of the info readily availble on trump that there is on biden
How are some of these journalists getting their jobs? Inside sources should be called, "Have You Heard..."
So basically, this article claims that Biden used asthma to get out of the draft. The article insinuates that it was a lie on the level of bone spurs because Biden was an athlete and appeared tall and strong.
Anyone with a kid with asthma or, have it themselves know it comes and goes and doesn't stop participation in sports. Just keep the nebulizer nearby in case they are short of breath.

Anyway, a review of Joe's health record from his time of being vetted to be Obama's running mate in 2008 tells the story:

The only other major procedure that popped up in Biden’s records was a colonoscopy in 1996 to remove a polyp found to be benign. He also has been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, for which he takes Flomax.
Biden has dealt with chronic asthma and allergies since childhood. He is prescribed Claritin-D and Flonase for the allergies, and he has scheduled sinus surgery in April to help alleviate some of his discomfort.
Biden’s most recent physical came in July as he was being vetted to be Obama’s running mate. The physical showed “no information that would impact the senator’s future health,” Parker said.

Even if you think the doctor wrongly prescribed him medication to keep a 40 year old lie going, which I'm sure as conservatives you do, the sinus surgery should be proof enough.
Now this was about comparing his draft dodging to Trumps. Is there any record of surgery or medication for Trump's bone spurs? I mean, that was the point right? To compare and contrast.
The election should be about what's best for the country, and your it doesn't matter what Joe's done attitude shows that you don't have the countries welfare in mind. In your wildest dreams you would have a third of the info readily availble on trump that there is on biden
Subhub has been posting for weeks on it. So the word and we will fill the next two pages full of it. As I said, Trump's racist views, actions and words are well known. Only you supporters try to defend him. It's the same ******* I heard when I was new to all of this about Pat Buchanan. Just say the word, I'll make some lunch and come back and go to work.
How are some of these journalists getting their jobs? Inside sources should be called, "Have You Heard..."
So basically, this article claims that Biden used asthma to get out of the draft. The article insinuates that it was a lie on the level of bone spurs because Biden was an athlete and appeared tall and strong.
Anyone with a kid with asthma or, have it themselves know it comes and goes and doesn't stop participation in sports. Just keep the nebulizer nearby in case they are short of breath.

Anyway, a review of Joe's health record from his time of being vetted to be Obama's running mate in 2008 tells the story:

The only other major procedure that popped up in Biden’s records was a colonoscopy in 1996 to remove a polyp found to be benign. He also has been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, for which he takes Flomax.
Biden has dealt with chronic asthma and allergies since childhood. He is prescribed Claritin-D and Flonase for the allergies, and he has scheduled sinus surgery in April to help alleviate some of his discomfort.
Biden’s most recent physical came in July as he was being vetted to be Obama’s running mate. The physical showed “no information that would impact the senator’s future health,” Parker said.

Even if you think the doctor wrongly prescribed him medication to keep a 40 year old lie going, which I'm sure as conservatives you do, the sinus surgery should be proof enough.
Now this was about comparing his draft dodging to Trumps. Is there any record of surgery or medication for Trump's bone spurs? I mean, that was the point right? To compare and contrast.
Sinus is not asthma related it is fair to call biden a draft dodger
Subhub has been posting for weeks on it. So the word and we will fill the next two pages full of it. As I said, Trump's racist views, actions and words are well known. Only you supporters try to defend him. It's the same ******* I heard when I was new to all of this about Pat Buchanan. Just say the word, I'll make some lunch and come back and go to work.

Can't wait
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