Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So Obozo's IRS targeting of Tea Party groups is excused by you because you look prior to Obozo's administration and you find both liberal and conservative keywords on bolo lists. No actual evidence of targeting of liberal groups as there was conservative groups, but of course ignore that pesky little tidbit. Look back to the previous administration....more whataboutism hypocrisy from you.

Why did Lois Lerner invoke her 5th amendment right against self incrimination before Congress? Why did the IRS destroy her supposedly crashed hard drive AND the backup tapes despite them being under a legal preservation order? Oh yeah, no scandal there :rolleyes:...well not in Hypocriskippy land.

Wonder what would happen if I tell the IRS I accidentally destroyed the records which back up my return????

Ray was Obozo's ******* dealer...a guy Obozo so admired he gave special thanks for all the good times (or was that good tokes?) to him in his yearbook. Another quote from Marinass' book which you somehow neglected to cite: "Ray was the older guy who hung around the Choom Gang, selling them pot. A hippie ******* dealer made his [Obama's] acknowledgements; his mom did not."

Nope, what you stated was Obozo is someone I'd "want my children being like." Sorry Skippy, but I don't want my children being high school or pot heads who thank their ******* dealers but not their mom. Perhaps you do...have another roof hit dude!

Actually here in reality land, within an hour of the surprise attack Obozo's administration had our military FAST team playing multiple rounds of trying on dresses. Under Shrillary's "leadership" the State department kept waffling on whether the US military forces should show up in uniform or not. The FAST team commander testified: "So we were told multiple times to change what we were wearing, to change from cammies into civilian attire, civilian attire into cammies, cammies into civilian attire. " and "during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times."

That's leadership! I think I read that Shrillary initially liked the Marine FAST Team's look in their "blue dress" uniforms, but they all had some old crusty stain on them.

If you're Donald tRump, nothing will happen at all to you. Nothing.

You debate from a gray world of speculation and lies.

The IRS targeted both liberal and conservative non-profits who were operating tax free but crossing the line on that in their avocation. The conservative organizations cried foul about being targeted or mistreated. Now you want to continue to change your story. It's tiring. Stick to your original statements on something.

You don't want your children to grow up and be successful at everything they do? Graduate with honors from one of the best law schools on the planet, be compassionate enough to spend time helping less fortunate people find opportunities to reach their potential, be likable and trustworthy enough that people to be elected to local, statewide and nationwide office? One wife, reasonable time for children, seemingly well raised, no financial issues in the background, seems to love and respect his wife after all of these years.

Yep those high school days of smoking weed really defined his life. Such a derilect.

Again, this was about tRump's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. And as usual conservative cannot handle criticism, so they get into the whatabout Obama, or whatabout Hillary, or what about Pelosi?
You debate from a gray world of speculation and lies.
It isn't speculation that Lois Lerner pled the 5th. It isn't speculation the IRS destroyed her hard drive and the backup tapes, despite them being under a legal preservation order. Cite one lie I have made or admit you are lying.
The IRS targeted both liberal and conservative non-profits who were operating tax free but crossing the line on that in their avocation.
The Treasury report found "While most of the potentially political applications that the IRS set aside for heightened scrutiny were Tea Party and conservative groups, the IRS also flagged some left-leaning tax-exempt applicants for processing." So Obozo's IRS mostly attacked conservative groups but threw in a few left leaning groups as well to cover their ass.....and Democrat Party bubbleheads bobble right along with that.

Still waiting for an answer to: Why did Lois Lerner invoke her 5th amendment right against self incrimination before Congress? Why did the IRS destroy her supposedly crashed hard drive AND the backup tapes despite them being under a legal preservation order?
You don't want your children to grow up and be successful at everything they do?
Yet more strawman arguments. You're really about as piss poor at these as MacnLies....which is an incredibly low bar. I said I don't want my ******* being potheads who honor their ******* dealer but not their mom....If you feel otherwise, I feel sorry for your progeny.
so they get into the whatabout Obama, or whatabout Hillary, or what about Pelosi?
You've repeatedly been using whataboutisms....but dats ok cus orangeman bad....Obozo good, right Mr Hypocriskippy?

So what do you think...should Shrillary have chosen the civies or the stained blue dress uniforms for the FAST team?
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doubt that,,,been a senator.....a v.p.….and both sons served....but you just keep trying to convince people of your right wing bullshit...…..you forget….most on here are already what they are and not changing!

Biden was a longtime member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. In 1997, he became the ranking minority member and chaired the committee in January 2001 and from June 2001 to 2003. When Democrats retook control of the Senate after the 2006 elections, Biden again assumed the top spot on the committee.

Joe Biden: Everything you need to know about the 2020 ...
Sep 12, 2019 · From 1973 to 2009, Biden served in the U.S. senate and was on two key committees as both ranking member and chairman: the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also served on the New Castle County Council after finishing law school.
I don't watch a lot of CNN.....do on Sundays because there are a couple good shows I like.....Fareed Zakaria....schmirconish….Jake tapper...…..anyway....came in from out side and turn tv on and it was on CNN from this morning......Don Lemon on....not my favorite.........but pretty obvious he really hates trump!....just from what little I have watched.....everything against trump......may be one of my favorite shows....does make a few good points though
It isn't speculation that Lois Lerner pled the 5th. It isn't speculation the IRS destroyed her hard drive and the backup tapes, despite them being under a legal preservation order. Cite one lie I have made or admit you are lying.
Nope, not at all. However, this is what you do. A few facts, then the speculation begins. Was the destruction a routine procedure, since it was done long before there was an issue? Coming before the Republicans she pled the Fifth. During the Obama years it was no secret that Darryl Issa and his oversight committee were turning over stone looking for dirt on Obama. And, at the end of this, what happened? Is Lois Lerner in prison???

The Treasury report found "While most of the potentially political applications that the IRS set aside for heightened scrutiny were Tea Party and conservative groups, the IRS also flagged some left-leaning tax-exempt applicants for processing." So Obozo's IRS mostly attacked conservative groups but threw in a few left leaning groups as well to cover their ass.....and Democrat Party bubbleheads bobble right along with that.
Here's the speculation and sensalization. Complete bullshit. You put out factual statements, then twist those into bad play. You ever stop to think, what was the big story of 2010? The rise of the Tea Party. Dozens of organizations and even churches suddenly in the nonprofit political game on the Right. So, maybe, just maybe, because there were more of these new groups on the Right, there are more organizations that are scrutinize than the Democratic side. Occupy Wall Street spun off some other groups but, the activism fervor was definitely on the Right in the years of this so called scandal.

Still waiting for an answer to: Why did Lois Lerner invoke her 5th amendment right against self incrimination before Congress? Why did the IRS destroy her supposedly crashed hard drive AND the backup tapes despite them being under a legal preservation order?
The Republicans had roasted her, in their attempt to pin a scandal on Obama, and were absolutely going to sacrifice her ass no matter what she said. Issa was clear on his thought that she was guilty. Pleading the 5th and keeping silent, not cooperating was the best thing for her. You present this like you know. If you are still waiting for an answer, that would be with your party. They backed off. They chose not to go after her with criminal charges. I'm sure they did it because they respect Obama so much.

Yet more strawman arguments. You're really about as piss poor at these as MacnLies....which is an incredibly low bar. I said I don't want my ******* being potheads who honor their ******* dealer but not their mom....If you feel otherwise, I feel sorry for your progeny.
Again, an insight in your selective comprehension. Regardless of politics, is Barack Obama a good family man and successful individual? That's what we want for our sons. You can't bend yourself enough to point out his flaws, by going back over 40 years to show as a minor, smoked weed. It's a good display of your poisonous perception of the world.
Don't feel sorry for my sons, they are everything we want our sons to be as young adults and teens. Aside from the fucking video game playing.

You've repeatedly been using whataboutisms....but dats ok cus orangeman bad....Obozo good, right Mr Hypocriskippy?
I use it because that's your style.
ME: Obama is a good man because he is a committed husband, ******* and successful career wise.
You: He's a pos because he smoked weed in high school
tRump is not a part of this conversation. This is highlighting your mental issues when it comes to critical speech of the current president.
Is that middle phrase your attempt at racism by framing the way I speak as ignorant. Shocking- not.

So what do you think...should Shrillary have chosen the civies or the stained blue dress uniforms for the FAST team?
Non-germane. Deflection attempt. Lame AF. In other words, typical.
doubt that,,,been a senator.....a v.p.….and both sons served....but you just keep trying to convince people of your right wing bullshit...…..you forget….most on here are already what they are and not changing!

Biden was a longtime member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. In 1997, he became the ranking minority member and chaired the committee in January 2001 and from June 2001 to 2003. When Democrats retook control of the Senate after the 2006 elections, Biden again assumed the top spot on the committee.

Joe Biden: Everything you need to know about the 2020 ...
Sep 12, 2019 · From 1973 to 2009, Biden served in the U.S. senate and was on two key committees as both ranking member and chairman: the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also served on the New Castle County Council after finishing law school.

It's hard to explain the importance of experience to people that wanted to make Sarah Palin president and are talking about Ivanka tRump being the next star. We got someone with no experience. He turned the federal government into the biggest entity of patronage in the world- outside of Russia. We will lose thousands of American lives because he has no idea on how to take real leadership.
We need someone with experience, respect and established relationships in this world. Plus a lot of Secretaries to undo the harm from the last four years. And a Senate to begin impeaching federal judges and one SCOTUS justice. Maybe two (I'm looking at you Thomas, your wife is a problem).
It's hard to explain the importance of experience to people that wanted to make Sarah Palin president and are talking about Ivanka tRump being the next star. We got someone with no experience. He turned the federal government into the biggest entity of patronage in the world- outside of Russia. We will lose thousands of American lives because he has no idea on how to take real leadership.
We need someone with experience, respect and established relationships in this world. Plus a lot of Secretaries to undo the harm from the last four years. And a Senate to begin impeaching federal judges and one SCOTUS justice. Maybe two (I'm looking at you Thomas, your wife is a problem).

I think once trump's time is up....and he can not block all those from talking and hide so many documents.... and barr not there to cover for him....the ******* will come out and people see just how bad he really was and his corruption.....senators and congress men speak up because they don't fear his twitter tirade.....he will be *******.....and Ivanka won't be able to show her face in Washington.....cuckner may even be in trouble for some of the ******* he has pulled...….used the office to pull some sweet deals with the Saudi's....there could be more than one face charges in his administration...….nothing happen to him...to big a fish to fry......but his reputation will be toast!

I worry about Joes age a lot....but I think he can work on restoring some of our world integrity and standing again.....and it will take a while for him to undo a lot of the ******* trump has changed....trump has spent 3 years undoing everything Obama has done...obvious his racisms coming into play there....plus I think he hates that Obama so popular and he will never achieve that
It's hard to explain the importance of experience to people that wanted to make Sarah Palin president and are talking about Ivanka tRump being the next star. We got someone with no experience. He turned the federal government into the biggest entity of patronage in the world- outside of Russia. We will lose thousands of American lives because he has no idea on how to take real leadership.
We need someone with experience, respect and established relationships in this world. Plus a lot of Secretaries to undo the harm from the last four years. And a Senate to begin impeaching federal judges and one SCOTUS justice. Maybe two (I'm looking at you Thomas, your wife is a problem).

Too bad ole Uncle Joe can’t remember his experience.

Yup that’s just what this country needs a senile career politician ;}
a big twist on events there....taking one statement on an issue and making it look like something else....but then naturally the right would make it into something it isn't

The Claim: CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash praised President Donald Trump’s message to Americans about the coronavirus
On the Tuesday panel on "CNN Right Now," CNN chief political Correspondent Dana Bash commended President Donald Trump for his message to the nation.

“If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable from the president of the United States,” Bash said of Trump's comments. “This is a nonpartisan, important thing to note and to applaud from an American standpoint and from a human standpoint. He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday. In tone, that people need and want and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty.”

Bash’s words were picked up by several outlets, including in a widely circulated Daily Wire article.

You also forgot the paragraph in front

“If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable from the president of the United States,” Bash said following the briefing. “This is a nonpartisan, this is an important thing to note and to applaud from an American standpoint, from a human standpoint.”

Sounds like something many have told you your sources do.

Also the article said:

"Trump on Tuesday said his focus is saving "the maximum number of lives" while declaring the economy will come "roaring back."

“We are looking to save the maximum number of lives,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Everything else is going to come back. A life is never going to come back. Our economy is going to come roaring back.”

The president also reiterated that Americans should avoid gatherings of 10 or more people, and urged people to work from home and avoid discretionary travel."
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Wonder how long Fauci will be in a job, now he's admitted advising a shut down in late February? Trumps won't like that.

well the chump has a problem...…..the nation trusts and listens to Fauci….firing him will not go well.....but trump hates people telling on him or going against what he has said...…..he tried to do away with him a few weeks ago and took heat...…..he wasn't on the press conference just one day.....and a lot of questions....so trump ****** to have him back...….and now with these 2 different NY Times articles and another all outlining his "Failures" in handling this from the start...….you know he is pissed and wanting to lash out.....question is who will get the lash
I don't watch a lot of CNN.....do on Sundays because there are a couple good shows I like.....Fareed Zakaria....schmirconish….Jake tapper...…..anyway....came in from out side and turn tv on and it was on CNN from this morning......Don Lemon on....not my favorite.........but pretty obvious he really hates trump!....just from what little I have watched.....everything against trump......may be one of my favorite shows....does make a few good points though
Smerconish is the worst. He bends over backwards to stake out space in the middle. That's taking news and twisting it for his brand. Sometimes, there is just right and wrong. The other two are pretty good.
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