Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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a big twist on events there....taking one statement on an issue and making it look like something else....but then naturally the right would make it into something it isn't

The Claim: CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash praised President Donald Trump’s message to Americans about the coronavirus
On the Tuesday panel on "CNN Right Now," CNN chief political Correspondent Dana Bash commended President Donald Trump for his message to the nation.

“If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable from the president of the United States,” Bash said of Trump's comments. “This is a nonpartisan, important thing to note and to applaud from an American standpoint and from a human standpoint. He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday. In tone, that people need and want and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty.”

Bash’s words were picked up by several outlets, including in a widely circulated Daily Wire article.
Just shows you how low trump has taken our standing in the world.....with the support of a lot of low life people in this country

but.....the country that lies the least gets the most praise.....so now china one of the worst for lies and cover ups gets credit for it's work on the virus....where as trump lies and full of ******* most of the time....gets the *******....and probably rightfully so.....but just shows how low we have sunk when China's standings in the world is higher than ours
in other words...killer at large....blkdalur and hottobe...insert your only intelligent comment below...your traditional red X

Trump administration has many task forces — but still no plan for beating covid-19

The Trump administration still has no clear plan for ending the coronavirus crisis, but it does have many task forces.

There is the official task ******* led by Vice President Pence that meets daily and is supposed to oversee the government’s sprawling response to the deadly pandemic that has cratered the economy and, as of Saturday, killed more than 19,000 in the United States alone. There is the “Opening Our Country Council,” an economic task ******* announced Friday focused on reopening portions of the economy as quickly as possible. There is the group that reports directly to President Trump’s *******-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, a cadre dismissively dubbed “the shadow task *******” that helps Kushner with his roving list of virus troubleshooting.

And there is also the “doctors group,” a previously unreported offshoot of the original task ******* that huddles daily to discuss medical and public health issues, created in part to push back against demands that the health experts view as too reckless.

In theory, the small flock of task forces are all working toward the same goal: defeating the novel coronavirus and getting the nation back to work — and life — as quickly as possible. But the reality is far more complicated: a bureaucratic nesting doll of groups with frequently competing aims and agendas.

As a result, an administration that has lagged behind at nearly every step of the pandemic still has no consensus plan for when or how to reopen parts of the economy, even as the president and many advisers push to do so as soon as May 1. There is still no concerted plan for getting vital medical supplies to states, which are left to fight among themselves or seek favors from Trump. There is also no developed plan for what happens if cases or deaths spike as people begin to return to work, or how to respond if the coronavirus surges again in the fall, as many public health experts and administration officials fear.

and why is it more people watch a Cuomo news conference over a trump news conference...….facts....knowledge of the situation.....and concern for his people...…...all things trump lacks...

Andrew Cuomo’s Daily Press Briefing Is Essential TV
Why New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is the best person to watch on television during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump slips into old habits during coronavirus press ...
Mar 19, 2020 · 'They're siding with China': Trump slips into old habits during coronavirus press conference. News Analysis: On economy, self-promotion …

Dr Anthony Fauci smirks at Trump during coronavirus press ...
Mar 21, 2020 · US hits new record for highest number of coronavirus deaths in a DAY: 1,890 fatalities are reported in 24 hours to bring death toll to 12,876 while infections surpass 398,000

Trump 'Furious And Frustrated' That Cuomo Is Getting More ...
Donald Trump cannot deal with anyone else getting more praise than him and hearing that Gov. Andrew Cuomo is getting praise for his daily press conferences is driving Trump mad.

Trump vs. Cuomo, Round 2 - FactCheck.org
Claim: "Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door? How do you go from 10,000 to 300,000?"
No Evidence
Fact checked by factcheck.org
In late September 2017, an exhaustive report by the Treasury Department's inspector general found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny, blunting claims that the issue had been an Obama-era partisan scandal.
So Obozo's IRS targeting of Tea Party groups is excused by you because you look prior to Obozo's administration and you find both liberal and conservative keywords on bolo lists. No actual evidence of targeting of liberal groups as there was conservative groups, but of course ignore that pesky little tidbit. Look back to the previous administration....more whataboutism hypocrisy from you.

Why did Lois Lerner invoke her 5th amendment right against self incrimination before Congress? Why did the IRS destroy her supposedly crashed hard drive AND the backup tapes despite them being under a legal preservation order? Oh yeah, no scandal there :rolleyes:...well not in Hypocriskippy land.

Wonder what would happen if I tell the IRS I accidentally destroyed the records which back up my return????
And after looking up the story behind the Choom Gang, it tells us that Obama and the Choom Gang were high schoolers! Again, this picture if from college, but he was in HIGH SCHOOL smoking. WTF does that have to do with him being a decent MAN, husband and *******? Like I said, someone you wouldn't mind your ******* looking up to.....

Ray was not so lucky. Just a good group of ******* acting out. Big deal.
Ray was Obozo's ******* dealer...a guy Obozo so admired he gave special thanks for all the good times (or was that good tokes?) to him in his yearbook. Another quote from Marinass' book which you somehow neglected to cite: "Ray was the older guy who hung around the Choom Gang, selling them pot. A hippie ******* dealer made his [Obama's] acknowledgements; his mom did not."

Nope, what you stated was Obozo is someone I'd "want my children being like." Sorry Skippy, but I don't want my children being high school pot heads who thank their ******* dealers but not their mom. Perhaps you do...have another roof hit dude!
How did Obama let Ambassador Stevens get killed? Within an hour of the surprise attack we were mobilizing troops and special forces from all nearby areas. Please explain how this is a scandal and I'll show where Republicans failed to show in 8 different hearings. No scandal. Just more manufactured outrage.
Actually here in reality land, within an hour of the surprise attack Obozo's administration had our military FAST team playing multiple rounds of trying on dresses. Under Shrillary's "leadership" the State department kept waffling on whether the US military forces should show up in uniform or not. The FAST team commander testified: "So we were told multiple times to change what we were wearing, to change from cammies into civilian attire, civilian attire into cammies, cammies into civilian attire. " and "during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times."

That's leadership! I think I read that Shrillary initially liked the Marine FAST Team's look in their "blue dress" uniforms, but they all had some old crusty stain on them.

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So Obozo's IRS targeting of Tea Party groups is excused by you because you look prior to Obozo's administration and you find both liberal and conservative keywords on bolo lists. No actual evidence of targeting of liberal groups as there was conservative groups, but of course ignore that pesky little tidbit. Look back to the previous administration....more whataboutism hypocrisy from you.

Why did Lois Lerner invoke her 5th amendment right against self incrimination before Congress? Why did the IRS destroy her supposedly crashed hard drive AND the backup tapes despite them being under a legal preservation order? Oh yeah, no scandal there :rolleyes:...well not in Hypocriskippy land.

Wonder what would happen if I tell the IRS I accidentally destroyed the records which back up my return????

Ray was Obozo's ******* dealer...a guy Obozo so admired he gave special thanks for all the good times (or was that good tokes?) to him in his yearbook. Another quote from Marinass' book which you somehow neglected to cite: "Ray was the older guy who hung around the Choom Gang, selling them pot. A hippie ******* dealer made his [Obama's] acknowledgements; his mom did not."

Nope, what you stated was Obozo is someone I'd "want my children being like." Sorry Skippy, but I don't want my children being high school or pot heads who thank their ******* dealers but not their mom. Perhaps you do...have another roof hit dude!

Actually here in reality land, within an hour of the surprise attack Obozo's administration had our military FAST team playing multiple rounds of trying on dresses. Under Shrillary's "leadership" the State department kept waffling on whether the US military forces should show up in uniform or not. The FAST team commander testified: "So we were told multiple times to change what we were wearing, to change from cammies into civilian attire, civilian attire into cammies, cammies into civilian attire. " and "during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times."

That's leadership! I think I read that Shrillary initially liked the Marine FAST Team's look in their "blue dress" uniforms, but they all had some old crusty stain on them.

oh that right wing slant...…………………

Bush Used the IRS, FBI, CIA and Secret Service to Go After ...
May 14, 2013 · Bush’s use of the IRS was but one part of that larger assault. As my Salon colleague Alex Seitz-Wald notes today in greater detail, in 2005, Bush’s IRS began what became an extensive two-year investigation into a Pasadena church after an orator dared to speak out against President Bush
The People vs. Donald J. Trump
He is demonstrably unfit for office. What are we waiting for?

The presidential oath of office contains 35 words and one core promise: to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Since virtually the moment Donald J. Trump took that oath two years ago, he has been violating it.

He has repeatedly put his own interests above those of the country. He has used the presidency to promote his businesses. He has accepted financial gifts from foreign countries. He has lied to the American people about his relationship with a hostile foreign government. He has tolerated cabinet officials who use their position to enrich themselves.

To shield himself from accountability for all of this — and for his unscrupulous presidential campaign — he has set out to undermine the American system of checks and balances. He has called for the prosecution of his political enemies and the protection of his allies. He has attempted to obstruct justice. He has tried to shake the public’s confidence in one democratic institution after another, including the press, federal law enforcement and the federal judiciary.

The unrelenting chaos that Trump creates can sometimes obscure the big picture. But the big picture is simple: The United States has never had a president as demonstrably unfit for the office as Trump. And it’s becoming clear that 2019 is likely to be dominated by a single question: What are we going to do about it?
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