Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ha! This is why you cry foul. You don't start with the same reality. That 'wall' is not a schedule. Oh, and Mexico is not paying for *******. Our military is.

Detroit Dem says Trump's touting of hydroxychloroquine helped save her life
The wall is still being built, still on schedule. One thing has nothing to do with other. This will pass. Economy will bounce back .

the wall IS NOT being built....right now they are just making scheduled repairs....and trump is trying to stretch those repairs into his wall....the majority of the money spent so far was allocated for repairs...….but you know how the gov is.....very slow....they MAY have got into new territory with his wall....but most of it still a line of trump bullshit....if his wall was being done he would be there showing it off...right now..talk and money and etc...but work being done is just scheduled repairs
the wall IS NOT being built....right now they are just making scheduled repairs....and trump is trying to stretch those repairs into his wall....the majority of the money spent so far was allocated for repairs...….but you know how the gov is.....very slow....they MAY have got into new territory with his wall....but most of it still a line of trump bullshit....if his wall was being done he would be there showing it off...right now..talk and money and etc...but work being done is just scheduled repairs

Chicago mayor defends hairstylist visit amid coronavirus outbreak

The stylist was wearing a mask and gloves, the mayor said in defense of her haircut during a press conference earlier this week. "I'm the public face of this city. I'm on national media and I'm out in the public eye."

The mayor added that the public is more concerned with other issues. "I think what really people want to talk about is, we're talking about people dying here. We're talking about significant health disparities. I think that's what people care most about," Lightfoot said.

Her explanation drew criticism from Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, a democratic socialist.
"She is under no obligation to look good on national TV. She is under no obligation to book national interviews," Ramirez-Rosa, a frequent critic of Lightfoot, tweeted. "But she is under an obligation to follow and promote social distance in order to save lives."

"This is a bad example for our city."

Oh look a Dem who thinks the plebs need to listen, but not her. "This unconstitutional law is good for thee not for me."
Oh look:

Dianne Feinstein had dinner meeting with Iranian minister ...
May 23, 2019 · Sen. Dianne Feinstein met with the Iranian foreign minister for dinner even as the Trump administration sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the region to respond to the Islamic Republic's ...

Then, less then a year later? During a Crisis

Feinstein urges Trump to reverse plan to block Iran ...
3 hours ago · Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has written to President Trump urging him to reverse a reported plan to block an Iranian request to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for …

Why is a Democrat Senator meeting with Foreign Ministers
Why is that same US Dem Senator publicly going against the President in a Crisis? In favor of an enemy she has tried to help before?
Why is the Dem Senator trying to get International Aid for an enemy while holding up aid to the American People?

Why would a Dem leader be doing this?
well as one fuck-up defending another fuck-up...…..anything you call me is a compliment

you have shown us you have no standards when you support the killer

Why are you calling yourself and your party fuck ups?

Oh Look who was making cuts to stockpile back in 2011

Obama administration sought to cut PPE stockpile, but Biden team points to GOP-led 'budget squeeze'

In its fiscal 2011 budget, submitted in early 2010, the Obama administration explicitly sought a reduction in the SNS: "CDC requests $523,533,000 for the Strategic National Stockpile in FY 2011, a decrease of $72,216,000 below the FY 2010 Omnibus," the budget request reads.

The document went on to make clear that $68,515,000 would separately be transferred to the SNS from the fiscal 2009 appropriation for an H1N1-related fund, meaning that overall, the strategic stockpile would receive $592,048,000 -- a reduction of only a few million dollars from the previous year.

And what is this?

Obama admin repeatedly sought millions in CDC funding cuts, despite Biden's attacks on Trump preparedness

The Obama administration repeatedly sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), yearly budget requests show -- seemingly undercutting former Vice President Joe Biden's repeated attacks on the Trump White House for its pandemic preparedness.

Oh man that sucks,

but let me guess ed4mwf and subhub- It is fox so it is not real. I know it does not use unnamed official "says so" or some other version that really means "I am liberal and I making this ******* up" as a source. But you can still whine about it.
Why are you calling yourself and your party fuck ups?

Oh Look who was making cuts to stockpile back in 2011

Obama administration sought to cut PPE stockpile, but Biden team points to GOP-led 'budget squeeze'

In its fiscal 2011 budget, submitted in early 2010, the Obama administration explicitly sought a reduction in the SNS: "CDC requests $523,533,000 for the Strategic National Stockpile in FY 2011, a decrease of $72,216,000 below the FY 2010 Omnibus," the budget request reads.

The document went on to make clear that $68,515,000 would separately be transferred to the SNS from the fiscal 2009 appropriation for an H1N1-related fund, meaning that overall, the strategic stockpile would receive $592,048,000 -- a reduction of only a few million dollars from the previous year.

And what is this?

Obama admin repeatedly sought millions in CDC funding cuts, despite Biden's attacks on Trump preparedness

The Obama administration repeatedly sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), yearly budget requests show -- seemingly undercutting former Vice President Joe Biden's repeated attacks on the Trump White House for its pandemic preparedness.

Oh man that sucks,

but let me guess ed4mwf and subhub- It is fox so it is not real. I know it does not use unnamed official "says so" or some other version that really means "I am liberal and I making this ******* up" as a source. But you can still whine about it.
Excellent find! Since the bubbleheads will never bother to read the 399 pages of the 2011 Obozo CDC budget, here it is from the table on page 281:

So after Obozo raided the Stategic National Stockpile of 75% of its N95 respirators....he requested CUTS to the funding for the stockpile.

But never mind facts and reality....duh orangeman bad....Obozo good!

But then Why would CNN do this?

"Democrats block GOP-led funding boost for small business aid program," read the first headline published at 10:36 a.m., while the second headline read, "Senate at stalemate over more COVID-19 aid after Republicans and Democrats block competing proposals," which was updated 11:15 am.
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Like the FBI announcing a bullshit investigation on Hillary Clinton in October- when at the SAME TIME they were investigating the tRump campaign too? But, said nothing.
Wah wah wah. Whatabout whatabout whatabout.
You right wingers are the biggest fucking victims in the world and nothing is fair. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
So Twobi post an example of CBS using a fake video, I post a similar example of CBS using fake documents in 2004, and your "response" is exactly the kind of whataboutism you mention to try to discredit others....and of all things, your whataboutism is....Obozo's FBI announcing an investigation of Shrillary.
Wow, trying to reply to my post while burying your reply in the middle of several other posts from you AND not using the site's reply feature so it wouldn't flag in my feed as having been replied to...that's seriously lame Skippy!
So now I'm part of the conspiracy and it's to you? Like you're at some level that should concern you? I just ignore assholes who want to lie and argue. Ask Cpl2010co at your next Know-Nothing Party meetings.

Sorry...Border Patrol agent, not FBI that was killed by the gun Obozo let walk. Border Patrol agent lives are SO less valuable than FBI agents. You follow that with a copy & paste that never addresses the questions: How many US FBI Border Patrol agents were killed by guns allowed to walk under Bush's Operation Wide Receiver? How many other US attorney generals were found in contempt of congress for withholding gun walking documents under subpoena?
Are you going to insult me, and argue a point, or just insult me?
If you know all you proport, then you are aware that this was a program while yielding some results on gun runners, was corrupt and dirty. Rogue agents apparently tipping off cartels to raids. That Border Agent was not one. His ******* led to the investigation which broke it up, led to 16 people losing their jobs including the Director of the ATF (brief mentor of mine took over to clean up). The IG investigation found the AG was not knowledgeable of the project. He was found in contempt in a 100% political case. He testified, turned over all papers that weren't classified as EP. Congress tried to go after Obama, but had nothing, and took it out on the AG. The DOJ finally dropped the case last year. They had nothing on Holder, except him being close to Obama.
tRump is an impeached President over his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. tRump is a President. Eric Holder was an Attorney General. Contempt is not Obstruction. I think you're playing fast and furious with facts and emotionally charged words.

Lots more deflection as usual. The Fast & Furious operation ended in Jan 2011 per the OIG report. Holder wasn't held in contempt of congress until a year and a half later.
I asked when did you consider it over. What you haven't explained is why is the timeline relevant to the contempt charge? And, just for the record, the OIG found that AG Holder had no knowledge of the program. It was a group of rogue ATF agents (GOP favorite), who worked to keep it contained within a group. BP Agent Terry was going to blow the whistle on the program's corruptness, and ended up dead in a shootout the day before, That's where the investigation should have been.

Funny how Obozo's withholding of documents from Congress was OK then but is somehow an impeachable offense when the Democrat Party has control of the House.
NO ONE was charged with withholding documents. Obama was not under investigation- why do you keep bringing him up? It was the Attorney General. Obama used executive privilege for a few papers related to identity and tactical strategy- why? Because he was advised that informants and their families would be put in danger, and exposing tactics would endanger future and ongoing operations that have nothing to do with Fast and Furious. Obama did not stop Holder from testifying or anyone else, and had him fire over dozen employees.
Holder turned over 40,000 pages of documents. Still held in contempt. tRump abused the power of the presidency and obstructed congress. Effectively giving him King status.

If you can't see the difference and danger to the republic between an out of control Attorney General and an out of control President, then you are a lost cause.

Yep, Obozo flew pallets of cash to Iran and bought hostages freedom.....glad you admit that. You can imagine we just HAD to give that money back to them if it makes you feel better...or if such babble makes your head bobble better.

Timing matters:
Hague Tribunals ended.
Hostages promised to be released.
Nuclear deal met.
Money release agreed to.
Obama stepped in and froze the money release, until the hostages were on a plane and in the air.
Maybe you prefer a good old fashioned Republican exchange of hostages for arms?

Oh yeah....that's a cigarette....not one of his doobies from the choom gang. I've got a nice bridge I'll throw in with the oceanfront property....you'll love being able to walk out and shake flippers with the unicorn dolphins!
So, I state that Obama was a good president, is a good husband and good *******. A decent man that you wouldn't mine your ******* looking up to. You show me a picture of him smoking when he was 20? What is it with you Republicans and selective history when we talk about the here and now? You're lost in your own absurd stupidity and entertained by your own dullness.

You're not ignoring me. You are running from me because I handed you your ass countless times.

2 Points-
Gun Runner programs- were shut down by Bush because they quickly realized it was a cluster fuck ATF came up with. Then Obama and Holder restarted them, including fast and furious, knowing it was a cluster fuck with the intention of using the gun deaths in Mexico to get gun control in America. Hence all the Obama press about stopping the flow of guns into Mexico to stop the Cartels by gun control in US. Also all the Susan Watts fake stories about American straw purchases. Only a dim ******* democrat would believe that story. And the guns Holder did let walk killed several people in Mexico. Homicide by Gross Negligence should be the charges Holder and Obama stand for, but they won't. Good Ole Plausible deniability.

Second- Obama made a deal knowing the nuclear plants and money were meant for nuclear weapons, but he still made the deal giving them huge opening to nuclearize weapons. Also you notice Iran isn't capturing American Sailors. Wanna bet they know Trump didn't pussy the military and tells them to shoot not cower like BO ordered.

And never forget he bowed to a Saudi King. A US "President" bowed to a Saudi King and praised him in proper Islamic submissive language.
“We continue to build miles of the wall every day,” he said. “We see a lot of benefits from the border wall system … and we’re still well on track to meet 400, 450 miles by the end of the calendar year.

Copied from article because you won't read

you have been mind fucked as to what is going on....as for reading your article...just returning the favor
The Dems are blind to anything that doesn’t support their agenda of Orange Man Bad - they only see the biased left wing media’s propaganda supporting that - sad but true :{

you would like to believe that because that is what the fox opinion network tells you....you might try thinking for yourself instead of buying all those fox opinions....but then they know they have a captive audience of weak minded people....and if you are not rich and voting republican....you are weak minded
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