Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ah, and here it is. Eventually I would draw it out of you. Another bumper sticker republican who defends the President with the whataboutism, never able to defend tRump on his OWN in our time without invoking Obama, the Democrats or the media. Then you you throw LOTS of speculation based on jack *******.
What's been "drawn out" is you deflecting and throwing strawmen arguments when you can't deal with the facts presented. But if it helps you to imagine otherwise....feel free to bobble that bubble head.
1. I don't copy and paste. I hit reply then remove the computer quote. Bold your statements and italics mine. It's easier to follow that way.
Funny how you didn't do that with previous replies....or with the replies surrounding your reply. In fact it is rather hard to "follow that way" since it isn't clear what you're writing and what you're quoting when you circumvent the site's reply functionality. It's also a lame trick to reply without generating any notice to other person in hopes they won't see it and call out your BS. Your BS may get lapped up by other liberal dolts....and the bubblehead keep bobbling along....
3. This was started over my comment that Obama has a scandal free presidency and is a decent husband and *******. Your hatred won't allow you to see, or even concede part of that. It's your small, hateful nature that forces you to change the subject and try to put something completely false out there to fuck up that narrative. Instead of saying, "fine, he didn't have any indictments while he was in office, doesn't seem to have cheated on his wife or beat his *******, but he was dead wrong when he signed off..." No. Your type cannot do that. All you see is red.
Of course I won't concede Obozo had a scandal free presidency....because I live here in reality land. When presented with proof of an Obozo scandal, you immediately deflected with whataboutism saying Bush also had a gunwalking operation....NO ******* Sherlock....but Bush's program wasn't a scandal, and despite your unwillingness to admit it, no agents died under Bush's gunwalking operation and no AGs were held in contempt of congress for withholding information under subpoena. Funny how "whataboutism" is OK for you....but you try to denigrate others for it. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat party!
And, a picture of him smoking a cigarette at 19 years old.
oh yeah...that's a cigarette....right!
You are a republican. You are blind to your people's shortcomings and taught to hate Democrats.
It's actually obvious: You are a Dumascrap. You are blind to your people's shortcomings and taught to hate Republicans. You've shown time and again an inability use critical thinking, rather blindly accept anything that denigrates....cus, you know "duh orange man bad". For example your blind parroting of the NY Times claim that Trump is pushing hydroxychloroquine because he has a financial interest in a French company that makes it. Of course here in reality land, the tiniest bit of critical thinking would have shown you how ridiculous such claims are given at most his stake in that company is < $1500 and hydroxychloroquine is barely a blip on the company's bottom line. Not to mention the FACT Trump has been pushing India to release their supplies of hydroxychloroquine to increase supply.

But never mind reality....cus....you know..."duh orangeman bad"

You're gonna love the unicorn dolphins Skippy...Have another Choom gang roof hit on me!
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We're on the bottom of list it seem your the one spreading propaganda I want things better you want worst

you do not want things better....you are supporting and trying to hide bad news from the man you support.....that is NOT trying to make things better…..just more lies to try and hide his fuck ups

your opinion of making things better is not what the majority of the country sees......and tell all those people who are dead because of the fuck ups your man has committed
What do you expect from the likes of CBS News....Remember their use of obviously fake documents to smear GW less than 2 months prior to the 2004 election? Unfortunately for CBS, the fakes were so obvious they were discredited within hours of the show airing. But much like today, there was no critical thinking from the liberal dolts. Just suck up the BS and accept is....cus GW and Orangeman bad....Obozo good.

you do not want things better....you are supporting and trying to hide bad news from the man you support.....that is NOT trying to make things better…..just more lies to try and hide his fuck ups

your opinion of making things better is not what the majority of the country sees......and tell all those people who are dead because of the fuck ups your man has committed

A naturally occurring disease killed all these people
and speaking of a fuck-up...…..he thought people would praise him for killing the Iranian general like they did Obama for getting bin laudin……….not quite the same...…….and now naturally compounding the problem our fuck-up created...he killed one that was questionable in what he did or was doing....but he created a martyr that is going to and is costing this country in lives and etc 10fold..... and now trying to buy their way out....not working....trump fucked up again costing this country....

US offers $10mn cash for information on Hezbollah boss
Apr 10, 2020 · Muhammad Kawtharani is a senior leader in the Lebanese Shiite movement, the US says (AFP Photo/ANWAR AMRO)

US offers $10m cash for information on Hezbollah boss ...
11 hours ago · The United States announced on Friday a 10 million-dollar reward for “any information on the activities, networks and associates” of Muhammad Kawtharani, a Lebanese Hezbollah commander accused …

US Offers $10 Million Cash for Information on Hezbollah Boss
Apr 11, 2020 · The United States announced on Friday a 10 million-dollar reward for "any information on the activities, networks and associates" of Muhammad Kawtharani, a Lebanese Hezbollah commander accused of playing a key role in coordinating pro-Iran groups in Iraq.
A naturally occurring disease killed all these people

true....but a lot of it was un-necessary had we been on top of it from the start....like we normally are...….he started his fuck-up with trying to build his monumental wall...then ignoring experts.....then sending needed supplies to china....costing more lives here

the guy is just a plain fuck up...always has been his whole life...….but fuck-ups like a fuck-up.....puts them in perspective....none of this nor this country ever meant anything to him....just like any other biz venture for him...….get what money you can and walk away!
true....but a lot of it was un-necessary had we been on top of it from the start....like we normally are...….he started his fuck-up with trying to build his monumental wall...then ignoring experts.....then sending needed supplies to china....costing more lives here

The wall is still being built, still on schedule. One thing has nothing to do with other. This will pass. Economy will bounce back .
What's been "drawn out" is you deflecting and throwing strawmen arguments when you can't deal with the facts presented. But if it helps you to imagine otherwise....feel free to bobble that bubble head.

Funny how you didn't do that with previous replies....or with the replies surrounding your reply. In fact it is rather hard to "follow that way" since it isn't clear what you're writing and what you're quoting when you circumvent the site's reply functionality. It's also a lame trick to reply without generating any notice to other person in hopes they won't see it and call out your BS. Your BS may get lapped up by other liberal dolts....and the bubblehead keep bobbling along....

Of course I won't concede Obozo had a scandal free presidency....because I live here in reality land. When presented with proof of an Obozo scandal, you immediately deflected with whataboutism saying Bush also had a gunwalking operation....NO ******* Sherlock....but Bush's program wasn't a scandal, and despite your unwillingness to admit it, no agents died under Bush's gunwalking operation and no AGs were held in contempt of congress for withholding information under subpoena. Funny how "whataboutism" is OK for you....but you try to denigrate others for it. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat party!

oh yeah...that's a cigarette....right!

It's actually obvious: You are a Dumascrap. You are blind to your people's shortcomings and taught to hate Republicans. You've shown time and again an inability use critical thinking, rather blindly accept anything that denigrates....cus, you know "duh orange man bad". For example your blind parroting of the NY Times claim that Trump is pushing hydroxychloroquine because he has a financial interest in a French company that makes it. Of course here in reality land, the tiniest bit of critical thinking would have shown you how ridiculous such claims are given at most his stake in that company is < $1500 and hydroxychloroquine is barely a blip on the company's bottom line. Not to mention the FACT Trump has been pushing India to release their supplies of hydroxychloroquine to increase supply.

But never mind reality....cus....you know..."duh orangeman bad"

You're gonna love the unicorn dolphins Skippy...Have another Choom gang roof hit on me!

So, to sum up your position:
1. I am afraid of your responses, so I hide mine. Or, make it 'hard for YOU to follow'.
2. Highlighting the question in bold, and the answer in italics is confusing to you, therefore I must be trying to hide it. On a discussion with 6 people.
3. Obama's scandal is Fast and Furious. The OIG finding that it did not rise past the ATF, and Obama wiping out that leadership that allowed it, is proof of the scandal.
4. Obama is not a good role model because you found a picture taken of him at 19 years old smoking a cigarette, which you are trying to pass of as weed, in spite of what the photographer, Lisa Jack, said herself.
5. You think tRump has done a good job handling the virus while 3rd world and financially broke countries found a way to contain it much better than us.
6. You can't use the term Democrat, or Obama correctly because you only see red when you post.

Got it.
What do you expect from the likes of CBS News....Remember their use of obviously fake documents to smear GW less than 2 months prior to the 2004 election? Unfortunately for CBS, the fakes were so obvious they were discredited within hours of the show airing. But much like today, there was no critical thinking from the liberal dolts. Just suck up the BS and accept is....cus GW and Orangeman bad....Obozo good.

Like the FBI announcing a bullshit investigation on Hillary Clinton in October- when at the SAME TIME they were investigating the tRump campaign too? But, said nothing.
Wah wah wah. Whatabout whatabout whatabout.
You right wingers are the biggest fucking victims in the world and nothing is fair. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
The wall is still being built, still on schedule. One thing has nothing to do with other. This will pass. Economy will bounce back .
Ha! This is why you cry foul. You don't start with the same reality. That 'wall' is not a schedule. Oh, and Mexico is not paying for *******. Our military is.

Sherikia Hawkins, who earlier this year received an award from the Democratic Party after being praised for using “unconventional methods to engage the community in voting,” is now facing six felony charges.

According to the Detroit News, Hawkins has been charged with forging records and falsely marking absentee ballots as invalid during the 2018 election.
Like the FBI announcing a bullshit investigation on Hillary Clinton in October- when at the SAME TIME they were investigating the tRump campaign too? But, said nothing.
Wah wah wah. Whatabout whatabout whatabout.
You right wingers are the biggest fucking victims in the world and nothing is fair. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Nothing says BS investigations and Hilary/Democrats are innocent like Hilary staffers smashing phones and devices with hammers. Or bleach bitting your computers.
What do you expect from the likes of CBS News....Remember their use of obviously fake documents to smear GW less than 2 months prior to the 2004 election? Unfortunately for CBS, the fakes were so obvious they were discredited within hours of the show airing. But much like today, there was no critical thinking from the liberal dolts. Just suck up the BS and accept is....cus GW and Orangeman bad....Obozo good.

Wow this panel was nice. I hope GW Bush sues them and bankrupts them. There should've been a fraud charge or two.
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