Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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]A valid reason? OK. You're the arbitrator of that? A guy that follows the most prolific liar to sit in the White House is going to verify validity. Oh boy :ROFLMAO:
Sure looks that way and you haven't explained any valid reason why you handled those quotes differently from the quotes in your surrounding posts. Sorry you got caught and called out on it (well not really)

Nope, never said it was confusing. I said it makes it not clear what is a quote and what is your words since you are purposely circumventing the site's quote system. Strawmen arguments will work with libtard dolts....not with me.
No, the really dumb thing was to try and tell others what someone's intention or thoughts are. As you can see, Ive gone back to the lazy way here. I don't want you to miss a fucking word.

Nope, I listed Fast and Furious as just one scandal. There were plenty others I didn't bother to mention....like using the IRS to target conservative groups, letting our ambassador get killed in Benghazi, etc. etc. But you won't care about those cus duh orangeman bad...Obozo good!
None of that led to the President. None of that was found to be a fault of the President or he was even involved. Some of it was found to not even be true by the REPUBLICANS themselves in spite of their never ending effort:
In late September 2017, an exhaustive report by the Treasury Department's inspector general found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny, blunting claims that the issue had been an Obama-era partisan scandal.

That was tRump's administration at that time. The IRS targeted both liberals and conservatives groups for audits. Of course the conservatives cried the loudest about being persecuted, when in reality, these 'non-profits' were being looked at across the board.
How did Obama let Ambassador Stevens get killed? Within an hour of the surprise attack we were mobilizing troops and special forces from all nearby areas. Please explain how this is a scandal and I'll show where Republicans failed to show in 8 different hearings. No scandal. Just more manufactured outrage.

yeah, a cigarette, right. Just can't bring yourself to admit he was pothead in the Choom Gang huh Skippy?
Don't take y word for it. Read from the photographer herself, Lisa Jack. And after looking up the story behind the Choom Gang, it tells us that Obama and the Choom Gang were high schoolers! Again, this picture if from college, but he was in HIGH SCHOOL smoking. WTF does that have to do with him being a decent MAN, husband and *******? Like I said, someone you wouldn't mind your ******* looking up to.
From David Marinass's book on Obama and the Choom Gang:
"In fact, most members of the Choom Gang were decent students and athletes who went on to successful and productive lawyers, writers and businessmen," Maraniss writes. One notable exception was Ray, the group's pot dealer who, known for his ability "to score quality bud," would years later be killed by a scorned gay lover armed with a ball-peen hammer.
Ray was not so lucky. Just a good group of ******* acting out. Big deal.

I use the term Democrat and Dumascrap just fine. You just don't like it...awww too bad. I also am quite capable of using Obama's name correctly, but choose to call him Obozo or Obummer since I find that more fitting....just as you constantly screw up the capitalization of Trump's name....but you want to call me out on Obozo because....Hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat Party....and duh orangeman bad....Obozo good!
It works for me. However, it says a shitload more about you, than whomever you're speaking with.

You're gonna love shaking flippers....Here's a tip....watch out for the horn!
From the article:
"The government is also exploring partnering with private sector companies to monitor the spread of the virus. Apple and Google are currently partnering for a contact-tracing program that will use Bluetooth data from people's smartphones to gauge whether they've come in contact with someone exposed to coronavirus.
CDC Director Robert Redfield told NPR on Thursday that "very aggressive" measures including contact tracing will be necessary for the US to return to normal..."

Wait, what??!! The Libertarians were right!
Am I completely off but this is about as anti-freedom/American/Constitutional as you can get.?
If I can see this, surely some of you Conservatives can see it. Let me help, imagine Hillary Clinton being President and being able to have data about everywhere you go, and everyone you come in contact with?
Shitting your pants yet? Good. Tell the administration this is a very very bad idea.
I sh
From the article:
"The government is also exploring partnering with private sector companies to monitor the spread of the virus. Apple and Google are currently partnering for a contact-tracing program that will use Bluetooth data from people's smartphones to gauge whether they've come in contact with someone exposed to coronavirus.
CDC Director Robert Redfield told NPR on Thursday that "very aggressive" measures including contact tracing will be necessary for the US to return to normal..."

Wait, what??!! The Libertarians were right!
Am I completely off but this is about as anti-freedom/American/Constitutional as you can get.?
If I can see this, surely some of you Conservatives can see it. Let me help, imagine Hillary Clinton being President and being able to have data about everywhere you go, and everyone you come in contact with?
Shitting your pants yet? Good. Tell the administration this is a very very bad idea.

I shut all outgoing stuff on phone off cloud maps cookies
I think the American public will be shocked to find how many of the products we use in our daily lives come from China. We want cheap prices for gas, food and products over principles. Amazon is not about bricks and mortar so divesting from China, easy.
I'm not fan of WalMart but its the number 1 retailer in the world and has over 400 stores in China. Should they all close? Walmart's supply chain includes some 30,000 Chinese factories, which produce an estimated 70 percent of all of the goods it sells world wide.
How do you undo that?
Again, I don't like WalMart's policies or politics. I don't shop there. However, many Americans do, and you will be asking them to change their lifestyles.
On tRumps on website there are 227 products for sale, only 41 are made in the US as of 2018.
I sh

I shut all outgoing stuff on phone off cloud maps cookies
Does that justify the government's attempt? So you become a virtual Unibomber, what about people around you who do not. Are you a conservative just for yourself or view your values are better for the country overall? Then the answer has to be in the actions and accountability of the government.
I think the American public will be shocked to find how many of the products we use in our daily lives come from China. We want cheap prices for gas, food and products over principles. Amazon is not about bricks and mortar so divesting from China, easy.
I'm not fan of WalMart but its the number 1 retailer in the world and has over 400 stores in China. Should they all close? Walmart's supply chain includes some 30,000 Chinese factories, which produce an estimated 70 percent of all of the goods it sells world wide.
How do you undo that?
Again, I don't like WalMart's policies or politics. I don't shop there. However, many Americans do, and you will be asking them to change their lifestyles.
On tRumps on website there are 227 products for sale, only 41 are made in the US as of 2018.
At least they should know up front where products come from when ordering on Amazon
Does that justify the government's attempt? So you become a virtual Unibomber, what about people around you who do not. Are you a conservative just for yourself or view your values are better for the country overall? Then the answer has to be in the actions and accountability of the government.
What's worse is your giving up DNA for test they already have mine from Iraq
What's worse is your giving up DNA for test they already have mine from Iraq
Both cross a privacy line. I just saw FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION flashing in my head when I read the part of them tracking where you go and who you interact with. They are going to ******* me to reinvest in phone booths and dial up service. And, under a national security order, it may not be lawful for you to turn off your phone or disable gps ability.
WTF does Trump's length of term, equipment preparedness, Impeachment, etc. have to do with CBS using fake videos and fake documents or your whataboutism? Oh yeah....deflection as usual.

Comey was Obozo's FBI head. He was appointed to that role by Obozo in 2013....Deal with it.

You're sounding exasperated...better have another roof hit Skippy.

would this be what is called a shift in direction?
Both cross a privacy line. I just saw FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION flashing in my head when I read the part of them tracking where you go and who you interact with. They are going to ******* me to reinvest in phone booths and dial up service. And, under a national security order, it may not be lawful for you to turn off your phone or disable gps ability.
Get another burner phone
Not really I do read your ******* links but if you want to act like a baby . no worries go to your room no computer

just stating facts again...…..you make your silly assed right wing statements......I post links showing you are wrong...a few days later you make the same silly assed statement again...…...call your fucking Russian bot and see what to do now

and no you don't read them....or else you lack comprehension...because in your reply post sometimes an even dumber statement....when the facts was in my link....which you never read and want to argue about....so I consider most of your links just something mom Russia wants you to put out....or they are from some right wing biased site....if it is a decent link from a reputable source...good chance I will read it...other wise...not a chance

little late for that....we should have done it 20 years ago when we still had manufacturing and etc here.....we are no longer self reliant...….wonder who created that situation...….it sure wasn't middle America...……...it sure wasn't middle America that WANTED to be ****** to buy from china because under their current wages it is all they can afford

we have funded Chinese economy...factories....and worst of all...their military.....all because of American greed......the downfall of this country
just stating facts again...…..you make your silly assed right wing statements......I post links showing you are wrong...a few days later you make the same silly assed statement again...…...call your fucking Russian bot and see what to do now

and no you don't read them....or else you lack comprehension...because in your reply post sometimes an even dumber statement....when the facts was in my link....which you never read and want to argue about....so I consider most of your links just something mom Russia wants you to put out....or they are from some right wing biased site....if it is a decent link from a reputable source...good chance I will read it...other wise...not a chance

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