Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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yes, that's true...he is hated world wide!
and those that don't hate him are laughing at him
and then there are the trumpies…….a small group of renegades....thinking the man will change the world
he has...…..he has shown us and everyone else just how corrupt our country has become...he is the epitome of American greed!
I couldn't agree with you more subhub174014! I spend 6-7 months a year travelling globally. It's my work and it's what I do. The current U.S. President is laughed at where ever I go. Those with whom I interact with, if not laughing, do despise him! Unfortunately both aspects has had the trickle down effect and reflects on the country itself! What I find so disturbing and unfortunate is that there is still such a huge segment of the U.S. electorate turning a blind eye and a deaf ear even to their Presidents meanest and foulest antics! This man is so immoral he shouldn't be able to qualify to work as a sewer cleaner, that would be an insult to those poor souls that do. And where the hell is the GOP! They were quick enough off the mark to commit to making Obama a one term President! Where's the jerk that made that statement? Probably in a closet jerking off! Where's his counterpart in the congress? Maybe they're enjoying a party for two jerking each other! While I'm in attack and pissed off mode, what about the financial mess they left Obama with! I predict that the mess they left for Obama to clean up will seem like a Sunday School Picnic to the mess the current administration will leave behind! Unfortunately the Wealthy will be much more wealthy and the Poor much much poorer!
Part of the problem is the left only looks at the negatives, Every little thing is blamed on Trump. I'm not sure which is worse, Government and their bullshit or the left and their bullshit.

(note some of them benefit minorities)

But I'm sure that is fake news also. There are business that closed and laid off under Obama as well - but no outcry form the left.
There are several reason for companies to close and lay off workers, I really doubt Trump is responsible for all of them. Toys R Us died because of its mounting debt over years of poor management, https://money.cnn.com/2018/03/15/news/companies/toys-r-us-closing-blame/index.html But it's more fun to blame Trump. Maybe Trump should have bailed them out do you think? It's not Trumps fault they didn't adjust their business model to meet the demands of today's k[ds.
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Nice idea but I'd want others involved like @hoping hubby, @TwoBiFour, any other conservative(s) of your choosing, and I'd want @DaphneD part of this too as a basic prerequisite for me to consider this wager. However @bigblackbull76 should be allowed to remain as he is a moderator as there are background activities he might need to do periodically possibly?

However as an after thought, maybe the penalty should be instead of temporary banishment for that time you would be encouraged to remain, but should the liberals lose you must post PRO-TRUMP propaganda and be supportive of Trump for a whole month? And if the conservative side lose we'd become your kindred anti-Trump spirits for that month? That would be more cruel than the hiatus would it not? Plus the obvious post of apology as well. Even over the Internet if I won and if you had to pretend to love Trump for a month your ******* pressure would skyrocket to such a point that out of reasons of compassion for your well-being you would have to renege before the month elapsed anyways. :bounce:

Shame we didn't establish this wager before Trump's initial victory as POTUS. :D

Let me tell you a story....

A man woke up on his 55th birthday and looked at the clock, 5:55am
He got up and readied himself for work. Leaving his apartment he realized his number was 55 and he lived on the 5th floor in a building on the corner of 55th and 5th street.
While waiting for the bus he checked his bank account on his phone and saw he had a grand total of $5,555.55 in his account.
He immediately hailed a taxi and ordered the driver to take him to the track, skipping work, The cab fair was $5.00
At the ticket both he bet all $5,555.55 on the 5th horse to win the 5th race with 55-1 odds.
"This is a sure thing!" he told the guy behind the counter.
The 5th race began and his horse was off to a great start!
Coming around the last turn neck and neck!!! the excitement was unbearable ...........
His house placed 5th.

There is no such thing as a sure thing, and although I take chances, I'm not a betting man as I only bet on a sure thing.
I'm not hopeful Trump wins a second term, but I am hopeful it's not the Democrats either. So no, I won't be engaging in playground antics of "you wanna bet????" - Sorry.

I am glad Killary didn't win, but I'm not particularly happy that Trump is president.
I do agree with some of his economic policies and business decisions, (and that is what I defend, not Trump) but on a social level and public level, he's an idiot. I'm still hopeful for the libertarian party to get someone on the ticket, or anyone to win other than a Republican OR democrat, At this point I don't think the GOP has anyone that would be satisfactory for me to vote for. I have to agree that the mass biased media is far more damaging and dividing to this country than Trump will ever be.

Unlike the left, who think their ******* don't stick, I am awake to the fact that EVERYONE'S ******* stinks and right now the left smells just as bad as the right. The governments only interest is power, and re-election, Killary made that very clear. They give 2 shits about us. The main reason I agree with the right on economics is simple, The right gives us the tools we need and a chance to make our own way in the world. The harder we work the more we can achieve. The left only serves to take that opportunity away and wants to tell us our place in the world. Just like it tells the black community that they can not achieve on their own, they need the help of big government to get out of poverty. As a result, the hard working American gets the short of the stick while the rest of the world stands with their hand out wanting their free stuff promised by the left. (Ever see "The Giver"?)

If prof comes forward and condemns trump then I will agree that he needs to be impeached. If their is no prof and Trump makes it to the 2nd term the left will still cry fowl and claim he is hiding it! Their is no win in this situation. I still don't believe that any of the fucks charged now will see the inside of a jail cell, let alone Trump. Not because I think they are innocent, but because of the out of control corruption that is within our government and judicial system.
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Part of the problem is the left only looks at the negatives, Every little thing is blamed on Trump. I'm not sure which is worse, Government and their bullshit or the left and their bullshit.

(note some of them benefit minorities)

But I'm sure that is fake news also. There are business that closed and laid off under Obama as well - but no outcry form the left.
There are several reason for companies to close and lay off workers, I really doubt Trump is responsible for all of them. Toys R Us died because of its mounting debt over years of poor management, https://money.cnn.com/2018/03/15/news/companies/toys-r-us-closing-blame/index.html But it's more fun to blame Trump. Maybe Trump should have bailed them out do you think? It's not Trumps fault they didn't adjust their business model to meet the demands of today's k[ds.
I just read that supposed list of businesses booming, and nothing in it says how it is benefiting American workers. Again Trump has proven over and over again, he is morally, and unethical to hold office. The tax cuts that the story touts are helping shareholders not the average worker and one of the story said poised for a 1.5 trillion infrastructure plan, one question where is the money coming from. No the sad truth is this, Trump said it best. "He could shoot some one in the middle town square and not lose one ounce of support from the likes of you. Own up to it, i own up to the fact that i hate Trump with every bit of my being. He is racist piece of crap, and any one with one ounce of integrity would see it, if their head was not up his ass. Personally i think you are just trolling here, and frankly i wish you would do it some where else.
So, in the news TODAY, Trump had an illegitimate ******* with his maid in 2015 ... LOL! Paid $30,000 to his doorman to stay quiet. This is hilarious ... I wonder if Melania knew about it? I wonder what its going to take for her to leave President Scumbag?
There are NO producers, screen writers, etc who could EVER develop a story like the Trump's life. Wow! I imagine he even cheats at golf and has to pay to get people to play golf with him. :)
So, in the news TODAY, Trump had an illegitimate ******* with his maid in 2015 ... LOL! Paid $30,000 to his doorman to stay quiet. This is hilarious ... I wonder if Melania knew about it? I wonder what its going to take for her to leave President Scumbag?
There are NO producers, screen writers, etc who could EVER develop a story like the Trump's life. Wow! I imagine he even cheats at golf and has to pay to get people to play golf with him. :)
is this true and do you have a link to it?
I just read that supposed list of businesses booming, and nothing in it says how it is benefiting American workers.

That is because you don't understand how business works. The American worker work for these companies - that means they keep their job. A failing business will lay the American worker off and people will be out of a job.

No the sad truth is this, Trump said it best. "He could shoot some one in the middle town square and not lose one ounce of support from the likes of you. Own up to it, i own up to the fact that i hate Trump with every bit of my being. He is racist piece of crap, and any one with one ounce of integrity would see it, if their head was not up his ass.

You are a hateful person - most on the left are very hateful, vindictive type people that only think about themselves. Like I've said many times, I don't like Trump personally for many of the reason you don't like Trump - but The numbers on wall street, unemployment, interest rates, ect don't lie. Facts don't care if you like the man or not. (it's been 2 years Subwoofer - so please spare me your Obama era BS).

Personally i think you are just trolling here, and frankly i wish you would do it some where else.
Spoken like a true liberal - silence those who don't agree.
That is because you don't understand how business works. The American worker work for these companies - that means they keep their job. A failing business will lay the American worker off and people will be out of a job.

You are a hateful person - most on the left are very hateful, vindictive type people that only think about themselves. Like I've said many times, I don't like Trump personally for many of the reason you don't like Trump - but The numbers on wall street, unemployment, interest rates, ect don't lie. Facts don't care if you like the man or not. (it's been 2 years Subwoofer - so please spare me your Obama era BS).

Spoken like a true liberal - silence those who don't agree.
yeah i am a Liberal progressive and i wear it with a badge. I am not silencing you, i am just telling you to fuck off, point blank. The man is a racist pig, and since i am a African American i cant get down with racist pigs and anyone who supports them. Doing so could be detrimental to me health and life.
Nice idea but I'd want others involved like @hoping hubby, @TwoBiFour, any other conservative(s) of your choosing, and I'd want @DaphneD part of this too as a basic prerequisite for me to consider this wager. However @bigblackbull76 should be allowed to remain as he is a moderator as there are background activities he might need to do periodically possibly?

However as an after thought, maybe the penalty should be instead of temporary banishment for that time you would be encouraged to remain, but should the liberals lose you must post PRO-TRUMP propaganda and be supportive of Trump for a whole month? And if the conservative side lose we'd become your kindred anti-Trump spirits for that month? That would be more cruel than the hiatus would it not? Plus the obvious post of apology as well. Even over the Internet if I won and if you had to pretend to love Trump for a month your ******* pressure would skyrocket to such a point that out of reasons of compassion for your well-being you would have to renege before the month elapsed anyways. :bounce:

Shame we didn't establish this wager before Trump's initial victory as POTUS. :D
Personally, I wouldn't waste my time with betting on here. Given history, its highly likely Mac wouldn't fulfill his end of the bargain when he lost. Mac committed to taking a full year off the political forums here after Trump won. His year lasted a whopping 17 days. I think at the time I suggested he go into politics....perfect profession given how fast he can break promises :)

So, as of today, I'm done with the political threads of B2W for an entire year. Enjoy the quietness of my absence.

Yep, you're so right, itis ... and although you or any of your minions had the testicles to take my wager and enjoy my loss, I'm going to reward you anyway .... I am withdrawing from the political forums for the next year ... as I said in another post a moment ago, I think it only fair to give Trump and his Trifecta in Washington the chance to show what he can do for the people and any comments over the next year simply wouldn't be fair to giving him the chance to show that. I personally don't think he can, but watching him build that wall, give everyone healthcare, make nato pay us, cut taxes to 15% for everyone ... and NOT crash the economy is going to be interesting if not sad to watch.

So enjoy my absence for the next YEAR, fellow ... ;)

The problem with fossil fuel energy is the same as with nuclear fuel energy, we are left with "waste" which we still have to deal with. Eventually we'll have to deal with the waste, either by choice or because we have no where left to put our waste. Right now we choose, as you obviously do, to simply bury our heads in the ground and deny this; in the meantime, our environment continues to decay. In Texas, they're fracking below one of the primary aquifers that feeds the food belt, while at the same time burying their nuclear waste above it. Not only that, but some of the nuclear waste sites are handling levels of nuclear waste that the sites were not designed to handle. Once the aquifers are poisoned, and they will eventually become poisoned, our costs to grow eatable foods to feed the country will quickly diminish.
yeah i am a Liberal progressive and i wear it with a badge. I am not silencing you, i am just telling you to fuck off, point blank. The man is a racist pig, and since i am a African American i cant get down with racist pigs and anyone who supports them. Doing so could be detrimental to me health and life.

Repeated like a good puppet you are-
What has he done that is racist? Name ONE law - just ONE that gives preferential treatment to one race over another. Name one piece of legislation that giver rights to one race but denies another - I'll wait.
none that you can see - you won't see a positive until the government taxes are 80% and the country is run by a socialist.
The top marginal tax rate in 1960 was 91%, which applied to income over $200,000 (for single filers) or $400,000 (for married filers) – thresholds which correspond to approximately $1.5 million and $3 million, respectively, in today's dollars. Approximately 0.00235% of households had income taxed at the top rate.

Seem to me that the tax rate was 91%, and the country was doing damn good built the strongest middle class.
The top marginal tax rate in 1960 was 91%, which applied to income over $200,000 (for single filers) or $400,000 (for married filers) – thresholds which correspond to approximately $1.5 million and $3 million, respectively, in today's dollars. Approximately 0.00235% of households had income taxed at the top rate.

Seem to me that the tax rate was 91%, and the country was doing damn good built the strongest middle class.

I think you need to read up more -

In 1958, an 81% marginal tax rate applied to incomes above $140,000, and the 91% rate kicked in at $400,000 for couples. These figures are in unadjusted 1958 dollars and correspond today to nominal income levels that are about eight times higher. That year, according to Internal Revenue Service records, about 10,000 of the nation's 45.6 million tax filers had income that was taxed at 81% or higher. The number is an estimate and is inexact because the IRS tables list the number of tax filers by income ranges, not precisely by the number who paid at the 81% rate.

Now I will agree that mega-corperations need to be taxed more unless a large portion of their profits are paid back to employees at the bottom.
Given history, its highly likely Mac wouldn't fulfill his end of the bargain when he lost. Mac committed to taking a full year off the political forums here after Trump won. His year lasted a whopping 17 days.
Of course you don't recall that NO ONE would take the bet, you frik'n fool! so....
Repeated like a good puppet you are-
What has he done that is racist? Name ONE law - just ONE that gives preferential treatment to one race over another. Name one piece of legislation that giver rights to one race but denies another - I'll wait.
Lets see, you want a list off them okay.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems.…They’re bringing *******. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

“Look at my African American over here. Look at him.”

Trump said the Mexican ancestry of a federal judge born in Indiana should disqualify him from presiding over a fraud lawsuit against Trump because of his proposed border wall.
After he called U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel “a member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican,” a reporter asked Trump whether he would also feel that a Muslim could not treat him fairly because of his proposed Muslim ban. “It’s possible, yes,” Trump said.

Trump defended his posting on Twitter of a six-pointed star, a pile of cash and an image of Hillary Clinton with the caption, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” Widespread denunciations of the tweet as anti-Semitic led an aide to delete it, but Trump said it should have stayed up.
“Just leave it up and say, no, that’s not a star of David, that’s just a star,” he said. It “could have been a sheriff’s star,” he said.

“Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.”

Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS” and Nigerian immigrants will never “go back to their huts” in Africa.

“I think there is blame on both sides.…You also had people that were very fine people on both sides.…Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

“They’re trying to take away our culture. They’re trying to take away our history. And our weak leaders, they do it overnight. These things have been there for 150 years, for a hundred years. You go back to a university and it's gone. Weak, weak people.”

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that ******* of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’”
on this one, not once has he gone after a white person, even when Emenem blasted him, still not once did he say anything about that.

those are just since he has been president, i can list many more.
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