Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How much more do you republicans need to hear before you walk away from your disgusting president?

That Time Donald Trump Speculated About His 1-Year-Old *******’s Breasts On TV

Lee Moran
August 25, 2018


An old interview that Robin Leach conducted with Donald Trump is going viral

An old interview that Robin Leach conducted with Donald Trump is going viral once more, following the celebrity journalist’s death this week at the age of 76.

In the 1994 broadcast of Leach’s syndicated show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Trump responded to a question about what attributes his 1-year-old ******* Tiffany had inherited from himself and her mom, then-wife Marla Maples, by talking about the *******’s legs and breasts.
“Well, I think she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s a really beautiful baby,” said Trump, who was sat next to Maples. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump added, while cupping his hands to his chest to indicate breasts.
Why Donald Trump sexualizing his one-year-old ******* makes perfect sense. https://t.co/CmL7LoVXcApic.twitter.com/DWpNUj23PP
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) April 6, 2016
“The Daily Show” resurfaced the clip in April 2016, just seven months before Trump won the presidential election. Host Trevor Noah aired the footage, which he believed hadn’t been seen for more than two decades, and was left speechless.

“He could have said anything and he went with legs and possibly boobs,” said Noah, after finally gathering his thoughts. “We would have accepted pretty much any other body part.”

“We know for sure that there’s no female too small for Trump not to reduce her to her body parts,” Noah added. “I don’t even think that Trump was trying to be funny or provocative, it just clearly shows that it’s an impulse for him.”

Leach later defended Trump’s comments, telling Inside Edition in 2016 that the backlash was an “overreaction” and “just the piling on of those who dislike Donald.”

Trump has a history of objectifying his daughters. In 2006, he said on ABC’s “The View” that he’d “perhaps” date his eldest ******* Ivanka Trump if they weren’t related.
I just read that supposed list of businesses booming, and nothing in it says how it is benefiting American workers. Again Trump has proven over and over again, he is morally, and unethical to hold office. The tax cuts that the story touts are helping shareholders not the average worker and one of the story said poised for a 1.5 trillion infrastructure plan, one question where is the money coming from. No the sad truth is this, Trump said it best. "He could shoot some one in the middle town square and not lose one ounce of support from the likes of you. Own up to it, i own up to the fact that i hate Trump with every bit of my being. He is racist piece of crap, and any one with one ounce of integrity would see it, if their head was not up his ass. Personally i think you are just trolling here, and frankly i wish you would do it some where else.

Sometimes BBC4pussy, you gotta call it as it's written and for what they are! You hit the nail on the head!
This reminds me of a joke I once heard!
A contractor had men working on repairing the exterior of a convent! The nuns had a problem with the loose and foul language the men so frequently exchanged between themselves. Eventually mom Superior decided to call the Parish Priest and perhaps have him talk to the men about the inappropriateness of their language! The priest, recognizing the anxiety of the Nun, responded: "Well Sister, you know, especially when around casual labourers, they have a way of calling a spade a spade!" The Anxious Nun quickly responded: "Oh, No, *******! They're calling them fucking shoves!"

My point is, to emphasize your point in dealing with hopeless assholes, you gotta call them for what they are:
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There was NO BET taken ... to say I wouldn't fulfill my bet is a LIE you just generated. Now, leave me the FUCK ALONE you frk'n moron!
MacNfries, can I suggest you take the same action I've taken when dealing with IDIOTOTIC CLOSEMINDED IRRATIONAL ASSHOLES! "REFUSE TO RESPOND TO THEIR UNEDUCATED IRRATIONAL UNSUPPORTABLE SELF-GENERATED ALTERNATIVE FACTS!" Just let them go and deal with Kelly-Ann Conway!
She's a good listener if you can find that rare moment when her disgusting mouth is not in overdrive!
True, nothing coming out of the media is true ... fake news, isn't that what Trump says? Just ONE MORE story to confirm, and like you say, DNA tests are quite fast these days. Now that the life long accountant of Trump has been granted immunity, a lot of Trump Trash will be coming out fairly soon, and they haven't even scratched the surface on the Russian story ... What I've read, coming out of Russia, is Trump likes his ****** and prostitutes really young, and Russia readily provides that.

And the best is yet to be known!
There are many very influential, intelligent and knowledgeable people who anticipate, and have said so in private, that they would not be surprised if things rose to the level of treasonous acts against this clown!
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Don't be surprised that when this excuse for a president is ousted, either by impeachment or the voted out, and he can no longer attract the camera lights or get public attention, he does a repeat performance of Hitlers last act! It's a very common act for cowards and losers!

I think that is why he still has his campaign rallies...….the fools and suck-ups still want to listen...and he eats that up......but for a guy who likes being on the front page...it hasn't been the way he wanted this week and that has to be pissing him off....and the real blow now......mccains funeral...a lot of congress liked him....McCain has asked past pres to be a part of his eulogy....and banned trump......his one chance to be in the spotlight not highlighting his crookedness and he is banned....and then to hear that he wanted OBAMA of all people to make a speech....got to be a kick in the nuts

The man is finally getting his just due after a lifetime of fucking people
I think that is why he still has his campaign rallies...….the fools and suck-ups still want to listen...and he eats that up......but for a guy who likes being on the front page...it hasn't been the way he wanted this week and that has to be pissing him off....and the real blow now......mccains funeral...a lot of congress liked him....McCain has asked past pres to be a part of his eulogy....and banned trump......his one chance to be in the spotlight not highlighting his crookedness and he is banned....and then to hear that he wanted OBAMA of all people to make a speech....got to be a kick in the nuts

The man is finally getting his just due after a lifetime of fucking people

but then who knows with this low life....he might be celebrating McCain's death....got all of his bad press out of the news for a few days
where is wages up, i got a raise and it was only 3 cents, wow a whole three cents, maybe if i save it for a year i will be able to buy a happy meal.

they like to push the false ******* they get off fake news....but when you post the real facts they get pissed
but that seems to be the way the trumpies are on here....push the lies and bullshit and then call them on it they get pissed
the current tax law has been all over every news station for a while now......all stating the middle class took it in the shorts...and yet a few on here still try to convince us of a fucking lie!
and can't understand why we don't believe them!

but see what he is trying to push and only a half truth...….wages are up...a little over 2%...….but the cost of living has risen more than a little over 3% if I remember right...….and actually the middle class is losing!

wages are not keeping up with the cost of living....and being a republican he only points out what he wants you to know.....just another mind fuck!

I posted an article on that on this board a week or so ago....but I'm sure being from the right it didn't interest him so he didn't read it
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MacNfries, can I suggest you take the same action I've taken when dealing with IDIOTOTIC CLOSEMINDED IRRATIONAL ASSHOLES! "REFUSE TO RESPOND TO THEIR UNEDUCATED IRRATIONAL UNSUPPORTABLE SELF-GENERATED ALTERNATIVE FACTS!" Just let them go and deal with Kelly-Ann Conway!
She's a good listener if you can find that rare moment when her disgusting mouth is not in overdrive!
That's good advice Mac. It is probably much easier to enjoy your version of reality if you ignore people who burst your bubbles and call you out on your inacuracies.

For example, Drillher early on in this thread posted a link to a story about the negative impact of Trump's tariffs on US companies. It was terribly mean of me to point out that if one bothered to read more than than the headline they would see the company owner Drillher specifically suggested we contact for verification actually was quoted in the article saying Obama's 266% steel tariffs in March 2016 were "The greatest damage". It was clearly "closeminded" of me to actually read the article. I was also obviously an "irrational asshole" for enlightening everyone about what the article actually said beyond the headline, not to mention providing a link with further evidence of the Obummer tariffs.

I was surprised to find Drillher wasn't on here complaining about the damaging impact of Obummer's 266% tariff's 2016. I now realize he was probably too busy in his bubble making up fantasies of his wife & "Edwin".
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For example, Drillher early on in this thread posted a link to a story about the negative impact of Trump's tariffs on US companies

as it should be...….in your usual twisted fucking rehoric...you should have read and paid more attention before shooting off your mouth!

yes Obama did raise the tariffs as did bush...… and it didn't really work either time.....well it did help the struggling US Steel ind....but hurt a lot of others...…..so WTF makes you think that Trumps will do any better?
The tariffs hurt before and hurting even more now...….but just like your leader you don't pay attn to past mistakes!


It was clearly "closeminded" of me to actually read the article.

close minded YES....in not catching the point and just trying to twist it that it's Obama's fault ******* again.....If you read the article Bush did it also...it didn't work either time to help the economy...it did help US Steel...….so what does your man hope to changes

cut that piece of wood 3 times...and it's still to short!
yes Obama did raise the tariffs as did bush...… and it didn't really work either time.....well it did help the struggling US Steel ind....but hurt a lot of others...…..so WTF makes you think that Trumps will do any better?
The tariffs hurt before and hurting even more now...….but just like your leader you don't pay attn to past mistakes!
I didn't say Trump's tariffs will work. I'm personally for free trade. You're no better at strawman arguments than Mac. Did you intentionally try to make a strawman argument and do poorly at it, or was it simply that "you should have read and paid more attention before shooting off your mouth!"?

Bonus points for you if you can name the logical fallacy I just used ;)
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