Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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AHAHAHAHAH oh god. twobi are you really that stupid you believe this *******!.

Here is your Kool-Aid


But of course, you will simply send insults instead of trying to debunk it. What was that you said about attacking the source instead of the content?
Here's the actual facts about the kennel and concentration comments.. READ , READ REALLY CAREFULLY!​

Taking a comment out of context is as bad as lying when its used to petuate a falsehood. No matter who started it!
Website claims baby immigrants kept in dog kennels, concentration camps. Here are the facts

By Amy Sherman on Friday, June 22nd, 2018 at 9:37 a.m.

The practice of President Donald Trump’s administration to detain immigrant children separately from their families prompted claims on social media that compare the facilities to concentration camps.
"Children in dog kennels, suicide -- inside Trump’s immigrant concentration camps," said a June 11 headline by ReverbPress, a website that largely builds upon other reports in the media.
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The clickbait headline requires a significant explanation.
Before we get to that, here’s the backstory: Attorney General Jeff Sessions in April announced a "zero-tolerance" policy, meaning every person caught crossing the border illegally would be referred for federal prosecution, including adults who were traveling with children. Officials said about 2,300 children had been separated from their parents at the border between May 5 and June 9.
After facing criticism including from his own party, Trump signed an executive order June 20 stating the administration will temporarily keep families together pending proceedings.
'Children in dog kennels'
The description of children being detained in "dog kennels" appeared to go viral after Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., visited a processing center in McAllen, Texas, on June 3. (He visited again June 17 as part of a media tour.)
In an interview on MSNBC’s All in With Chris Hayes on June 4, Merkley said part of the facility "had a series of cages that look a lot like dog kennels in which people had recently arrived and been put into them."
Merkley’s spokesman Ray Zaccaro, who accompanied Merkley on the tours, said Merkley wasn’t referring to a small one-******* kennel that one would have in their home. He said the fenced-in area that Merkley described as a kennel was probably about 30-by-30 feet, or about triple the size of this dog kennel enclosure sold by PetSmart.
Maria Hinojosa, executive producer of the NPR show Latino USA, said that immigrants use a word in Spanish that translates to "dog cage" to refer to these enclosures.
A Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman directed PolitiFact to a "myth vs facts" page that uses the word "barriers" rather than cages or dog kennels: "These short-term facilities do not employ the use of ‘cages’ to house minors. Certain facilities make use of barriers in order to separate minors of different genders and age groups — for the safety of those who are being held."
Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff also used the "dog-kennel" comparison and tweeted June 18 that "Border Patrol agents who work there call it ‘the dog kennel.’ Even migrants know it as ‘La Perrera.’"
Government handout images and a video of McAllen on *******’s Day show immigrants behind metal fencing.

The suicide mentioned in the headline refers to one ******* who killed himself after he was separated from his family.
Marco Antonio Muñoz crossed the Rio Grande with his wife and 3-year-old ******* on May 12 near the town of Granjeno, Texas.
After the family was taken into custody, they arrived at a processing station in nearby McAllen and said they wanted to apply for asylum. Border Patrol agents told the family they would be separated. The ******* became angry and combative, and agents had to use physical ******* to take the baby out of his hands.
Muñoz was detained at a local jail and found dead the next day. Customs and Border Protection are investigating his death which the Starr County Sheriff’s office referred to as a suicide.
'Trump’s immigrant concentration camps'
The ReverbPress story refers to "Trump’s immigrant concentration camps," but the story doesn’t elaborate on that label.
In a Facebook message, ReverbPress cited dictionary definitions of a concentration camp including "a camp where persons (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, or refugees) are detained or confined" and "a place where large numbers of people are kept as prisoners in extremely bad conditions, especially for political reasons."
"In our editorial determination, the facilities where immigrants are being detained, and their families are being separated, meets those definitions," ReverbPress said.
David Patterson, a chair in Holocaust Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas, said that if the headline was a reference to Nazi concentration camps, there is absolutely no comparison.
In the most notorious camps, "There were no children, because children were murdered with their mom upon arrival."
The inmates lost every possession they had including the fillings in their teeth. In order to receive their daily ration of food, they had to repeat the number tattooed on their arm in German.
"Prisoners were subjected to constant humiliation and dehumanization, as they were systematically starved to death, worked to death, and beaten to death," Patterson said.
In the morning, the inmates had to drag away dead bodies.
The horrid conditions in Nazi concentration camps and the genocide that occurred there are not comparable to the current immigration facilities in the U.S.
Debórah Dwork, Founding Director of the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University, said the term "concentration camp" is applicable if used more broadly and not specifically to the Nazis.
Dwork said a concentration camp is a place where civilians are held by government or an authority and those civilians have very little if any access to the normal privileges and protections of civil society.
Though many associate the term "concentration camps" with the Nazis, the term had been used prior to the Nazis, including those established by the British during the Boer War in South Africa.
In June, Wikipedia added the "separation for immigrant children" to its list of concentration camps and internment facilities. This led to much debate about whether the inclusion of the immigrant facilities was appropriate.
The Trump administration has disputed any comparisons to Nazi Germany and concentration camps.
Customs and Border Patrol Acting Deputy Commissioner Robert Vitiello described one facility for children as a place where: "They have play stations, pool tables. It’s far from a concentration camp and people should be more accurate when they describe what we’re trying to accomplish there."
Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Laura Ingraham on Fox News that the comparison to a concentration camp is an exaggeration.
Federal Agencies Lost Track of Nearly 1,500 Migrant Children Placed With Sponsors

Central American children at an immigrant respite center in McAllen, Tex., after their families were released by United States immigration officials in February.CreditCreditJohn Moore/Getty Images
By Ron Nixon
  • April 26, 2018

WASHINGTON — A top official with the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress on Thursday that the agency had lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children it placed with sponsors in the United States, raising concerns they could end up in the hands of human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives.
The official, Steven Wagner, the acting assistant secretary of the agency’s Administration for Children and Families, disclosed during testimony before a Senate homeland security subcommittee that the agency had learned of the missing children after placing calls to the people who took responsibility for them when they were released from government custody.
The children were taken into government care after they showed up alone at the Southwest border. Most of the children are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing ******* cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, government data shows.
From last October to the end of the year, officials at the agency’s Office of Refugee Resettlement tried to reach 7,635 children and their sponsors, Mr. Wagner testified. From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a nonsponsor.
But officials at the agency were unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 children, Mr. Wagner said.
The new details come as Congress is examining safeguards put in place by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security to make sure children who show up alone at the border are turned over to relatives, and not human traffickers.

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Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the subcommittee, said he was shocked that government officials did not know the whereabouts of hundreds of migrant children released from their care.
“H.H.S. has a responsibility to better track these children so they aren’t trafficked or abused, and so they show up to their court hearings,” he said.
Two years ago the subcommittee released a report detailing how health and human services officials placed eight children with human traffickers who ****** the minors to work on an egg farm in Marion, Ohio. The report found that department officials had failed to establish procedures to protect the unaccompanied minors, such as conducting sufficient background checks on potential sponsors and following up with sponsors. As a result, the children were turned over to the people who contracted them out to the egg farm.

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War Without End

To prevent similar episodes, the Homeland Security and Health and Human Services Departments signed a memorandum of understanding in 2016, and agreed to establish joint procedures within one year for dealing with unaccompanied migrant children.
More than a year after the new guidelines were due, the two agencies have not completed them, Mr. Portman said.
Children who show up at the border by themselves are usually apprehended by Border Patrol agents or turn themselves in to customs officers at the Department of Homeland Security. Once they are processed, they are turned over to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services’ refugee office. The office runs more than 100 shelters around the country where it houses children and provides care until they can be turned over to a sponsor while awaiting their immigration hearings.
The sponsors are usually parents or family members already residing in the United States. The sponsors are supposed to undergo a detailed background check.
After the children have been placed with sponsors, workers at the department follow up with calls to ensure that the minors continue to live with the sponsors, are enrolled in school and are aware of their court dates.
But several immigration advocates who work with unaccompanied children said the department did little follow-up. Allison E. Herre, a lawyer with Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio, said she had seen sponsors who ****** the children to work instead of attending school and who failed to ensure that the children attended their court proceedings.
Since 2016, health and human services officials said they have started calling sponsors to check on children 30 days after placement. But the agency said it was not legally responsible for children after they had been released from its refugee office.
Mr. Wagner said the agency was re-examining its interpretation of existing laws to make sure that migrant children were not turned over to smugglers or human traffickers.
US Admits It ‘Lost’ 1,500 Immigrant Children, Handed Many of Them Directly To Human Traffickers
Hundreds of immigrant children are unaccounted for in the U.S. and in some cases, the agency that was supposed to protect them sent them to live with human traffickers.
John Vibes
May 3, 2018


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According to a Senate subcommittee testimony last week, nearly 1,500 immigrant children were lost in government arranged foster homes last year, with the suspicion that many of them were kidnapped by human traffickers.
During the hearing, Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota told baby protection representatives with the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) that they were “the worst foster parents in the world.”
“You are the worst foster parents in the world. You don’t even know where they are. We are failing. I don’t think there is any doubt about it. And when we fail ******* that makes me angry,” Heitkamp said.
Many of the children are still unaccounted for, but some of them who have been found were held captive by human traffickers in terrible conditions.
Subcommittee Chairman Senator Rob Portman said that an investigation into the lost children began after the HHS put eight children from Guatemala into the custody of human traffickers, who ****** them to work on a farm for 12 hours a day without pay.
“It is intolerable that human trafficking — modern-day slavery — could occur in our own backyard. What makes the Marion cases even more alarming is that a U.S. government agency was responsible for delivering some of the victims into the hands of their abusers,” Portman said after learning of the case.
“Whatever your views on immigration policy, everyone can agree that the administration has a responsibility to ensure the safety of the migrant ******* that have entered government custody until their immigration court date,” Portman said.
Since that incident came to light, HHS and The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) promised to check up on the unaccompanied immigrant children who passed through their care. After these checkups, it was revealed that many more children were slipping through the cracks than anyone anticipated.
Acting assistant secretary at HHS, Steven Wagner, told the committee that between October and December of 2017, HHS called 7,635 children that the agency placed with sponsors and they were only able to track down 6,075 of them. At least 28 of them had reportedly run away, five others were deported, 52 were living with someone else and 1,475 were missing.
The number of children in danger could be much larger, considering that since 2013, more than 180,000 unaccompanied immigrant children passed into America, and very few of them had family in the states who they could stay with, so many of them were placed in the care of random foster families who did not have to go through the same types of background checks and scrutiny that foster families usually do.
The agencies blame their neglect of these children on low budgets, but they seem to have billions to spend on fighting the ******* war and creating a police state at the border.
Of those 180,000 children that were placed in new homes, it is hard to imagine how many are currently missing, since so many of the 7,635 children who were actually followed up on could not be found.
In 2016, an AP investigation found that more than two dozen children had been sent to homes where they were sexually assaulted, starved or ****** to work for little or no pay.
baby welfare lawyers from Ohio who testified at the hearing said that increased persecution from immigration enforcers has made family members of unaccompanied children who enter the US afraid or unable to take custody.
One of these attorneys, Jessica A. Ramos, suggested that the children be appointed lawyers, in addition to having the opportunity to reunite with family members in the US without fear of deportation.
“Prioritization of enforcement over humanity is endangering children. My clients, despite having been born in another country and not speaking English, are still, above all things, children. Children who deserve to be safe from harm. Children who deserve a chance, just like our own children,” Ramos said.
There have been similar concerns in Europe as well—in 2016, it was reported that more than 10,000 immigrant children may have disappeared after arriving in Europe over a two-year time period.
“It’s not unreasonable to say that we’re looking at 10,000-plus children. Not all of them will be criminally exploited; some might have been passed on to family members. We just don’t know where they are, what they’re doing or whom they are with,” Europol’s chief of staff told the Observer newspaper.
While it is possible that some of these children are intentionally staying under the radar because they fear deportation, there have been enough cases of human trafficking in these circumstances to show that this is a widespread problem.
Along with immigrants and refugees, Native Americans have an especially high risk of becoming victims of human traffickers. As The Free Thought Project reported last year, Native American women and children are disappearing from areas near oil fields, where thousands of workers from around the country live in “man camps.” Investigations have revealed human trafficking to be a factor in many of these instances, but police in native tribes do not have jurisdiction to arrest non-natives, making it difficult to prosecute the human traffickers who are preying on their community.
Sadly, whether they are immigrants, natives, orphans, or just poor, children who are in vulnerable positions become easy targets for predators, and they are often ignored by the law as well, since these are already groups who are not treated with the dignity that they deserve by the systems that they live under.

Showing your narrow narrative as a pile of biased ******* spreading is too easy. ******* your kool aid two...Its the only thing your good at!

Since you only accept your agenda, I guess is showing your narrow narrative as a pile of biased ******* also. CNN, no better than Fox, the free thought project? seriously - what about the HuffPost? All play on words to tug at your feelings. What no word on the Obama erra picture that was talked about in the vid?? guess that was a lie too right?

So I'll ask you, would YOU accept some of these k[ds into your home to get them out of these "dog cages" (I like how it went from "cages" to "Dog Cages" LOL) Still no answer from the last two I asked. (three actually but the first was a long time ago) What is YOUR solution?

(by the way - all you did was post the EXACT articles the video debunked)
just for you stiffbbc

This week in Trumponomics: Markets don’t really need Trump anymore

This week in Trumponomics: Markets don’t really need Trump anymore

What have you done for me lately?
That could be financial markets’ response to President Trump, who seems to think he’s the indispensable man. He’s not.

Trump suggested this week that the economy would collapse if he found himself in legal and political jeopardy. “If I ever got impeached,” he told Fox News, “I think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking, you would see numbers that you wouldn’t believe.”

It’s not clear what “thinking” or which “numbers” he’s referring to, but Trump is basically taking complete credit for an economic recovery and a bull market that began more than seven years before he took office. We get it—just a little hyperbole, all the politicians do it. But it still demonstrates a cavalier misunderstanding of economic fundamentals. For this reason, this week’s Trump-o-meter reads WEAK, our third-lowest rating.
(by the way - all you did was post the EXACT articles the video debunked)

Then I suggest you actually re-read them. As those are some of the CONFIRMED FACTUAL REPORTS with evidence. But hey you ignored that as you always do Two. And No, the video didn't debunk anything. She rambled on ignoring the very important facts of the reports being verified and the Trump admin admitting to the loss of the children. But what she tried to do as all Reps do is shift the blame onto someone else.... Deflection and misrepresentation of facts is what you trump supporters do well.. In fact its all you can do.

Since you only accept your agenda, I guess is showing your narrow narrative as a pile of biased ******* also. CNN, no better than Fox, the free thought project? seriously - what about the HuffPost? All play on words to tug at your feelings. What no word on the Obama erra picture that was talked about in the vid?? guess that was a lie too right?

Aww now now snowflake. I don't have an agenda. You see I don't really care about who is in office. Any one but the Trump would be better for the US and the world as a whole. What I do have is an objection to the trump slaves such as yourself posting your lobsided mass of half truths propaganda and lies. Now before you go all snowflake on here, a lot of the ******* you posted has been between the twilight zone and down right lies in-between some that have some truth. You stick to trumps word like its some bible when he's been clearly shown as a dangerous idiot.

As for the tug at your feeling comment. Nope as hubby deals with this ******* daily so i have a better insight than you can ever imagine.

Obama pic. Nope seeing as your the best at ignoring things I'm going to ignore that as its not really relevant to trumps actions... But you go ahead and make it that it does.

So I'll ask you, would YOU accept some of these k[ds into your home to get them out of these "dog cages" (I like how it went from "cages" to "Dog Cages" LOL) Still no answer from the last two I asked. (three actually but the first was a long time ago) What is YOUR solution?

Yes and why not. Cannot be any worse than the Trump administration admitting to losing 1500 ******* then blaming everyone else than themselves. And ******* are *******. They carry no responsibility of their parents. No matter how you republicans say they do.

My solution to the children is quite simple. No cages, no barbed wire, no people with weapons and threats. Instead of caging you house them. There are enough ex military bases that can be converted into temp accommodation and include facilities such as schools,medical, and entertainment. Instead of isolating and damaging young minds try actually engaging them on their level. Police the facilities as a measure of protection for all. But not as a punishment for being nothing more than a baby.
just for you stiffbbc

This week in Trumponomics: Markets don’t really need Trump anymore

This week in Trumponomics: Markets don’t really need Trump anymore

What have you done for me lately?
That could be financial markets’ response to President Trump, who seems to think he’s the indispensable man. He’s not.

Trump suggested this week that the economy would collapse if he found himself in legal and political jeopardy. “If I ever got impeached,” he told Fox News, “I think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking, you would see numbers that you wouldn’t believe.”

It’s not clear what “thinking” or which “numbers” he’s referring to, but Trump is basically taking complete credit for an economic recovery and a bull market that began more than seven years before he took office. We get it—just a little hyperbole, all the politicians do it. But it still demonstrates a cavalier misunderstanding of economic fundamentals. For this reason, this week’s Trump-o-meter reads WEAK, our third-lowest rating.
Time will tell and I know your negative opinion of the man, however as POTUS that changes things. When something happens to the president ANY president that moves the market. At some point in time in the future where Trump is no longer president should anything negative happen to him it would just be a byline in the news and undoubtedly you'd cheer.
Just a tiny problem with your last meme @subhub174014 as I suspect there might be a grammar error?
Would it not be better stated, "There's no opinion I value less THAN a Trump supporter"? ;)
Actually, Mr English teacher ... "There's no one's opinion I value less than a Trump supporter!"

Nice you caught the misuse of the word then, and, changed it to than, however, the sentence is a basic statement, not a question. Also, the sentence implies a person, not a thing, thus the words no opinion should be no one's. It doesn't make the sentence wrong, just more clear.

This has been a public service announcement ... carry on with the real topic, please. GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
ok fine I will agree with you on that!
China and Russia are a threat that is not being taken seriously
but right now the right is so infatuated with filling their pockets they don't care to see it

but you will have to visit this country here soon....as I'm sure the trump hanging won't be on television there
We hear just about everything with what happens in America. Should the day come where Trump prematurely leaves office there won't be anywhere on Earth linked to any news press that won't reflect upon it.
Actually, Mr English teacher ... "There's no one's opinion I value less than a Trump supporter!"

Nice you caught the misuse of the word then, and, changed it to than, however, the sentence is a basic statement, not a question. Also, the sentence implies a person, not a thing, thus the words no opinion should be no one's. It doesn't make the sentence wrong, just more clear.

This has been a public service announcement ... carry on with the real topic, please. View attachment 2057685
Granted @MacNfries but I was always taught never to be too verbose. If you can get the point across with less words do it.
You might be familliar with the phrase that "Brevity is the soul of wit." (William Shakespeare) :D
We hear just about everything with what happens in America. Should the day come where Trump prematurely leaves office there won't be anywhere on Earth linked to any news press that won't reflect upon it.
It has become quite serious for Trump now ... his life-long accountant has turned on him. He's in his 70s and looking at 10-20 years in prison for any cover-up corruptions he was involved in with Trump, so, he knew it would be a life sentence for him. NOW we get to see Trump's tax returns for the past 10 years and there's not a thing Trump can do to stop it.
It has become quite serious for Trump now ... his life-long accountant has turned on him. He's in his 70s and looking at 10-20 years in prison for any cover-up corruptions he was involved in with Trump, so, he knew it would be a life sentence for him. NOW we get to see Trump's tax returns for the past 10 years and there's not a thing Trump can do to stop it.
As you said earlier somewhere we will just have to stay tuned to see what transpires.
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