Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think you need to read up more -


Now I will agree that mega-corperations need to be taxed more unless a large portion of their profits are paid back to employees at the bottom.

it does not matter when the rate was hire or anything else the point is, it was higher than it is now. and if we adjusted for inflation pay should be a lot higher. as it stands now, people working today are making (adjusted for inflation) the same pay they made in in 70s.
Lets see, you want a list off them okay.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems.…They’re bringing *******. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

“Look at my African American over here. Look at him.”

Trump said the Mexican ancestry of a federal judge born in Indiana should disqualify him from presiding over a fraud lawsuit against Trump because of his proposed border wall.
After he called U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel “a member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican,” a reporter asked Trump whether he would also feel that a Muslim could not treat him fairly because of his proposed Muslim ban. “It’s possible, yes,” Trump said.

Trump defended his posting on Twitter of a six-pointed star, a pile of cash and an image of Hillary Clinton with the caption, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” Widespread denunciations of the tweet as anti-Semitic led an aide to delete it, but Trump said it should have stayed up.
“Just leave it up and say, no, that’s not a star of David, that’s just a star,” he said. It “could have been a sheriff’s star,” he said.

“Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.”

Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS” and Nigerian immigrants will never “go back to their huts” in Africa.

“I think there is blame on both sides.…You also had people that were very fine people on both sides.…Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

“They’re trying to take away our culture. They’re trying to take away our history. And our weak leaders, they do it overnight. These things have been there for 150 years, for a hundred years. You go back to a university and it's gone. Weak, weak people.”

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that ******* of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’”
on this one, not once has he gone after a white person, even when Emenem blasted him, still not once did he say anything about that.

those are just since he has been president, i can list many more.

Those are opinions and words, taken out of context they can mean anything. Yes he is stereo typing, but those attitudes have not reached any legislation - huge difference, again the left is reacting to their feelings instead of facts. Trump has not made any move to legislate a racist act.
Of course you don't recall that NO ONE would take the bet, you frik'n fool!
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You on your own committed to a year off of the political forums. I know reading comprehension can be a struggle, but surely you can comprehend your own words can't you????

I can laugh with you guys on this ... as sad and scary as it is, BUT ... I'm still going to fulfill MY END of the bet that NO ONE would take ... I feel Trump & the Republican trifecta deserve the chance to show the country that THEY can do better than BUSH when he had it, and make the USA a better place for us ALL ... so, with that said, I'm kicking myself out of the political forums for the entire YEAR ... let's see what Trump can do. Let's see if he can provide you contractors better health coverage, build that WALL, kick out all the Hispanic illegals, ******* NATO to pay us for our support, build true alliances, grow the economy at 6%, shrink the national debt ... while cutting taxes for EVERYONE including corporations. Personally, I think he's going to finish off the economy, but hell, I've been wrong about him thus far. So, let's see ....

So, as of today, I'm done with the political threads of B2W for an entire year. Enjoy the quietness of my absence.
don't think that is to far off!

as far as I'm concerned if he really wants to MAGA.....suicide would be his best option

Just to keep this on the thread. FWIW, things posted on the internet are forever. In addition to being dishonest, you are of low moral character, as evidenced by this post.
I'm not going to dispute that it's true or not - wouldn't surprise me, but seriously Mac, National Enquirer??? :bounce:
Gee, you haven't been keeping up with the news, have you? National Enquirer has been buying up all the Trump affairs news, etc and putting them in a safe. They wouldn't have any reason to lie, here .... the safe is now OPEN ... the owner has turned on Trump now.
it does not matter when the rate was hire or anything else the point is, it was higher than it is now. and if we adjusted for inflation pay should be a lot higher. as it stands now, people working today are making (adjusted for inflation) the same pay they made in in 70s.

And I would agree with that - however, I believe that you catch more bees with honey than you do with *******. Wouldn't it be more productive to give corperation insentives to pay their employees more rather than trying to ******* them to? Raise min wage, guess what? Inflation goes up. Raise taxes, inflation goes up. It's an endless cycle.
Gee, you haven't been keeping up with the news, have you? National Enquirer has been buying up all the Trump affairs news, etc and putting them in a safe. They wouldn't have any reason to lie, here .... the safe is now OPEN ... the owner has turned on Trump now.

Well then , I guess Prince Harry really is the anti-Christ and is going to take over the world!

Regardless - lol I would still take anything they say with a grain of salt. lol. There has got to be a better source than that.
There was NO BET taken ... to say I wouldn't fulfill my bet is a LIE you just generated. Now, leave me the FUCK ALONE you frk'n moron!
I didn't say there was a bet taken. Once again, you will fail every time you try to get your strawmen arguments past me.

I said you committed to taking a year off...which you did. I also said you broke that promise...which you did. It's in black and white for all to see.

You can apologize for claiming I lied.....but I won't hold my breath.
True, nothing coming out of the media is true ... fake news, isn't that what Trump says? Just ONE MORE story to confirm, and like you say, DNA tests are quite fast these days. Now that the life long accountant of Trump has been granted immunity, a lot of Trump Trash will be coming out fairly soon, and they haven't even scratched the surface on the Russian story ... What I've read, coming out of Russia, is Trump likes his ****** and prostitutes really young, and Russia readily provides that.
None of them want to go to jail...and that's what they are looking at by lying for him....and just adds more dirt to trump's grave...probably the only one he can trust right now is Melania and I don't think she likes him!

Trump's bad week: A growing list of allies turn against him

On one of the worst days of his presidency, Donald Trump was chatting aboard Air ******* One when the conversation took a detour into gallows humor.
Trump was returning from a rally in West Virginia just hours after two former members of his inner circle were found or pleaded guilty, when one passenger quipped that a news story would surely soon be breaking about the president fuming onboard. Everyone laughed, including the president.
Despite the momentary levity, though, Trump is increasingly frustrated and isolated as the investigations that have long dogged his White House plunge into the personal territory he once declared off-limits.
One by one, the president's men have turned against him.
It was a bruising week for Trump, with a trio of men who are intimately familiar with his secrets and business dealings now cooperating with prosecutors. First, Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, implicated him in testimony about hush money payments to two women who allege affairs with him. On the same day, his former campaign chairman was found guilty on a slew of financial charges. At least Paul Manafort had nothing to say about Trump or his campaign.
But then came revelations that his longtime friend, David Pecker, the CEO of National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc., had been granted immunity from prosecution to provide information, followed by news that Trump Organization finance chief Allen Weisselberg, who had once worked for Trump's *******, was cooperating as well.
There is no indication their cooperation extends beyond the scope of the Cohen probe. But for Trump — who has long demanded loyalty from those around him — the revelations have only added to long-simmering fury about the investigations that began with questions about Russian election meddling but have broadened from there.
Allies wonder what Trump might do if the pressure continues to increase.
"This is a bridge too far. They are trying to undo this president," said former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg.
As the president exited Washington for a day trip to Ohio on Friday, a White House official said Trump was unhappy with what he perceived as disloyalty but far from melting down. Another person with knowledge of Trump's thinking said the president continues to direct much of his ire at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who infuriated Trump by withdrawing from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. Both people, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss private discussions.
"Jeff Sessions said he wouldn't allow politics to influence him only because he doesn't understand what is happening underneath his command position. Highly conflicted Bob Mueller and his gang of 17 Angry Dems are having a field day as real corruption goes untouched," Trump said in a tweet Saturday.
Trump biographer Michael D'Antonio says the president may be surprised that he can't exert more control from the West Wing over his former friends and employees.
"He's less powerful in these relationships now than he was before he became president. That must just amaze him," said D'Antonio, author of "Never Enough, Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success." ''He's sitting behind the Resolute Desk and he can push a button and get a Coke but he can't control Michael Cohen."
Within the West Wing, aides have grown increasingly numb to the drumbeat of bad news, though the revelation of Cohen's plea and the immunity deals took some by surprise.
Cohen pleaded guilty this week in federal court in Manhattan to campaign finance violations alleging he coordinated with Trump on a hush-money scheme to buy the silence of a porn actress and a Playboy model who alleged affairs. It was later reported that, as part of the probe into Cohen, immunity was granted to Weisselberg and Pecker.
The probe into Cohen was triggered in part by a referral from Mueller, who separately is looking into possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, has said Cohen has information "that would be of interest" to the special counsel.
The White House official insisted that West Wing staffers continue to keep their heads down and do their jobs. On Thursday evening, the person said, dozens of staffers gathered on chief of staff John Kelly's porch to celebrate the recent birthdays of a trio of staffers: press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller and chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow.
While they snacked on homemade cakes and chatted, the staffers welcomed a surprise visit from the president, who delivered a speech and made jokes, acting like nothing was wrong and winning cheers from aides as he left.
Still, the week's developments brought the investigations up to the doorstep of Trump Tower — a place that Trump has warned Mueller is a no-go.
Weisselberg, the 71-year-old Trump Organization CFO, is intimately familiar with Trump's business dealings, having overseen his corporate ledgers through his rise in the New York real estate world and his international dealings in the years before he launched his presidential bid.
The chief financial officer has worked for Trump companies since he joined the president's *******, Fred Trump, in the 1970s as an accountant, and is a rich repository of knowledge of the family company. The possibility of him answering questions from investigators poses a new danger for the president as federal prosecutors in Washington and Manhattan dig deeper into Trump's business affairs.
A year ago, Trump told The New York Times that Mueller would be crossing a "red line" if he began to look at Trump's and his family's finances unrelated to Russia.
Asked if he would fire Mueller if that were to happen, Trump responded, "I can't, I can't answer that question because I don't think it's going to happen."
As the negative news mounted throughout the past week, allies also expressed frustration with the lack of a coordinated pushback effort. The White House said it's up to Trump's outside lawyers to deal with much of the news. They argued that the president was not directly implicated, even though Cohen said in court that he and Trump had coordinated.
The top marginal tax rate in 1960 was 91%, which applied to income over $200,000 (for single filers) or $400,000 (for married filers) – thresholds which correspond to approximately $1.5 million and $3 million, respectively, in today's dollars. Approximately 0.00235% of households had income taxed at the top rate.

Seem to me that the tax rate was 91%, and the country was doing damn good built the strongest middle class.
Those are opinions and words, taken out of context they can mean anything. Yes he is stereo typing, but those attitudes have not reached any legislation - huge difference, again the left is reacting to their feelings instead of facts. Trump has not made any move to legislate a racist act.
those are racist quotes, and there is more.
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