Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Should the day come where Trump prematurely leaves office there won't be anywhere on Earth linked to any news press that won't reflect upon it.
I would rather use the word "when", not "should", and anyone not up on the Trump fiasco would think it was New Years when Trump gets his well deserved KARMA. I wish you knew how corrupt this man has been in the private sector. He brings nothing positive to the table of politics.
I would rather use the word "when", not "should", and anyone not up on the Trump fiasco would think it was New Years when Trump gets his well deserved KARMA. I wish you knew how corrupt this man has been in the private sector. He brings nothing positive to the table of politics.
Like what happened to Harvey Weinstein with the eruption of the #metoo movement, all the secrets would eventually spew out.
If Trump is guilty I'll eat crow, and if Trump is innocent or if he should successfully serve as POTUS to the end of his second term
I would think that you, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76, @DaphneD, and a massive array of others would eat lots of crow!

Frankly, I don't think the planet has that many crow to ******* to feed that many people critical of Trump? Maybe Trump's "spaceforce"
might be created to import crow from other distant galaxies and star systems with the purpose to send to White House chefs and
other volunteers to make healthy, nutritious and delicious meals for you to eat when that day does arrive? :eek:

After all when @bigblackbull76 initially created his poll there was an option that Trump would fail within his first year and that did not come to pass, so the possibility of Trump serving one full term and quite possibly two terms is out there would it not?
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If Trump is guilty I'll eat crow, and if Trump is innocent or if he should successfully serve as POTUS to the end of his second term
I would think that you, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76, @DaphneD, and a massive array of others would eat lots of crow!
Oh, if you wish to make some kind of "non-monetary wager" I think I can enrichen the pot for you, and I'll let the others decide if they care to wager the same with you ... and I'm sure you'll have a few conservative posters pulling specifically for YOU.
The bet is based upon whether Trump completes his first term in office. Whomever loses, not only posts a huge sign saying they lost the bet and the other person (by NAME) was right, the loser has to also take a one month sabbatical from this website, not to be heard from OR even sign in for 30 days.
How's that for a REAL wager, STIFF? Of course, if you take the same bet with everyone else, that's an additional MONTH for you, or you wipe out all your liberal posters for a month ... fulfillment of the bet begins the day the first person loses.
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Trump's "spaceforce"
gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Yet another one of Trump's fallacies .... surely you Trumpster followers don't believe this idiot has any intention of that ... hell, he can't even get a frik'n wall built. God, you folks believe EVERYTHING that dribbles from that man's mouth ... gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif
Oh, if you wish to make some kind of "non-monetary wager" I think I can enrichen the pot for you, and I'll let the others decide if they care to wager the same with you ...
The bet is based upon whether Trump completes his first in office. Whomever loses, not only posts a huge sign saying they lost the bet and the other person (by NAME) was right, the loser has to also take a one month sabbatical from this website, not to be heard from OR even sign in for 30 days.
How's that for a REAL wager, STIFF? Of course, if you take the same bet with everyone else, that's an additional MONTH for you, or you wipe out all your liberal posters for a month ... fulfillment of the bet begins the day the first person loses.
I'm a conservative minded guy so I don't suspect I have any liberal posters to wipe, but whether if the content was either liberal or conservative it should remain on the site for sake of historic reasons. But the sabbatical idea would be do-able plus the apology, but other things should be ironed out with involving other people like @subhub174014, and @bigblackbull76. From my perspective though I would not be able to detect if @DaphneD would adhere to this agreement as we blocked each other. And likewise I would imagine you might want other conservative minded individuals to sign off with this wager too? Should this all be ironed out where all parties agree I would be inclined to agree myself.
View attachment 2057856 Yet another one of Trump's fallacies .... surely you Trumpster followers don't believe this idiot has any intention of that ... hell, he can't even get a frik'n wall built. God, you folks believe EVERYTHING that dribbles from that man's mouth ... View attachment 2057855
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson disagrees with you...
Perhaps your education in that discipline exceeds his?
If that's the case feel free to publicly debate him.

Plus if there happened to be destructive meteor headed our way that could annihilate all life on Earth would it not be comforting to know that there were guys/gals out there to either vaporize it or to re-direct it's path from hitting our world?
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I would imagine you might want other conservative minded individuals to sign off with this wager too?
This friendly wager is strictly between you and me, STIFF ... as I said, its up to the others (conservative or liberal) desire to be involved, it'll be between them and one of us ... that cool? Just imagine you winning and subhub, bigblackbull, and I having to post a loser note AND take a month or a week off from the website because we lost.
We'll post the final rules when we both accept the bet ... you name the time away from the site ... at least a week.
I just like having a "real risk" in a bet ... no "funzie only" stuff.
This friendly wager is strictly between you and me, STIFF ... as I said, its up to the others (conservative or liberal) desire to be involved, it'll be between them and one of us ... that cool? Just imagine you winning and subhub, bigblackbull, and I having to post a loser note AND take a month or a week off from the website because we lost.
We'll post the final rules when we both accept the bet ... you name the time away from the site ... at least a week.
I just like having a "real risk" in a bet ... no "funzie only" stuff.
Nice idea but I'd want others involved like @hoping hubby, @TwoBiFour, any other conservative(s) of your choosing, and I'd want @DaphneD part of this too as a basic prerequisite for me to consider this wager. However @bigblackbull76 should be allowed to remain as he is a moderator as there are background activities he might need to do periodically possibly?

However as an after thought, maybe the penalty should be instead of temporary banishment for that time you would be encouraged to remain, but should the liberals lose you must post PRO-TRUMP propaganda and be supportive of Trump for a whole month? And if the conservative side lose we'd become your kindred anti-Trump spirits for that month? That would be more cruel than the hiatus would it not? Plus the obvious post of apology as well. Even over the Internet if I won and if you had to pretend to love Trump for a month your ******* pressure would skyrocket to such a point that out of reasons of compassion for your well-being you would have to renege before the month elapsed anyways. :bounce:

Shame we didn't establish this wager before Trump's initial victory as POTUS. :D
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Moreover the criteria must be crystal clear where Trump must be extracated from the White House and forbidden a chance at even participating in a re-election campaign for 2020. That is where you would win.

My side would win if Trump can make it even to campaign as he survived that waiting period even to campaign for 2020 with his name on the ticket for the Republican Party once more. Of course when he wins again our victory would be much sweeter but at the moment I cannot think of any other non-monetary, fair, yet humiliating punishment for you when Trump does so where you can maintain your anonymity? Perhaps @TwoBiFour, @nongolfer or @hoping hubby could provide some input here?
Time will tell and I know your negative opinion of the man, however as POTUS that changes things. When something happens to the president ANY president that moves the market. At some point in time in the future where Trump is no longer president should anything negative happen to him it would just be a byline in the news and undoubtedly you'd cheer.

well he inherited a growing economy...had been growing for 7 years straight....so to give him credit for that is undue
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson disagrees with you...
Perhaps your education in that discipline exceeds his?
If that's the case feel free to publicly debate him.

Plus if there happened to be destructive meteor headed our way that could annihilate all life on Earth would it not be comforting to know that there were guys/gals out there to either vaporize it or to re-direct it's path from hitting our world?

I agree with trump doing all that...it's time we started preparing ourselves for what's out there and what could be used against us and etc.
Iowa ******* suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser
RYAN J. FOLEY,Associated

A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday.

Nicole Schlinger has long been a key fundraiser and campaign contractor for GOP politicians in Iowa and beyond, including this cycle for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart.

Schlinger is the president of Campaign Headquarters, a call center that makes fundraising calls, identifies supporters and helps turn out voters for conservative candidates and groups. Her business is one of the largest in Brooklyn, the central Iowa town where Tibbetts disappeared while out for a run on July 18.

Schlinger is married to Eric Lang, the president of the family-owned dairy that has acknowledged providing employment and housing for the last four years to Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the man charged with ******* in Tibbetts' death.


say they want to be tough on immigration and yet are part of a group that hires/houses/gives them jobs...…..strange world we live in....and so typical of the right...….do as I say not as I do
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Mueller Probe Intensifying to Breakneck Pace, Ex-Deputy Asst. AG Litman Says
Bloomberg Video

Aug.24 -- Harry Litman, former deputy assistant attorney general, reacts to federal prosecutors giving immunity to Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization's chief financial officer. He speaks with Bloomberg's Kevin Cirilli on "Bloomberg Markets."

We hear just about everything with what happens in America. Should the day come where Trump prematurely leaves office there won't be anywhere on Earth linked to any news press that won't reflect upon it.

yes, that's true...he is hated world wide!
and those that don't hate him are laughing at him
and then there are the trumpies…….a small group of renegades....thinking the man will change the world
he has...…..he has shown us and everyone else just how corrupt our country has become...he is the epitome of American greed!
Time will tell and I know your negative opinion of the man, however as POTUS that changes things. When something happens to the president ANY president that moves the market. At some point in time in the future where Trump is no longer president should anything negative happen to him it would just be a byline in the news and undoubtedly you'd cheer.

pretty sure I won't be the only one
Frankly, I don't think the planet has that many crow to ******* to feed that many people critical of Trump?

and you don't think there is a reason for that?
there isn't one thing to do with American life or life on the planet or protections others have installed to protect this country from????that he hasn't erased or nullified...…...land set aside for protection he has given to big oil.....doing away with clean energy…...trying to bring back coal when the rest of the world is trying to away with it....clean air....clean water....on and on
the man is a world menace.and for the life of me I can not understand anyone supporting him
except for the wealthy....and for them it is pure greed over anything else
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